sprite00844.png sprite Brainstorm Central

Ideas, concepts, and other mind-media.

sprite J-MACHine

  • hfdecay09

@ bbodine61: I’d be more then happy to help with this project, as it’s… acctually very similar to an idea i had of my own. Right down to the Time-Paradox element. XD I can help out with Music, and maybe a little bit of Dialouge/Scripting here and there. I’d say i could help in the way of art, but i’m really not all that good in the art department. As the attatchments in my previous post ought to demonstrate, heh.

sprite bbodine61

Don’t worry, I have the art. I’m somewhat of an artist and have already drawn character design art for each. All I’m missing for that is a darn scanner lol. Glad to see interest in my project. I logged in just now to post a thread for the project now that I’m sure I have a good enough idea to try to get this started and I find your post, funny how that works. lol

sprite bbodine61

Basically, this is a crossover game of all the Mother series. All I have at the moment is my mind, my art, and my hopes. So to make this work I ask you to join too! =D

The type of game is a fighter with major RPG elements. I’ll go into further detail shortly.

The way the game plays basically goes like this. Your character walks about the map like you’d expect in an EarthBound game. A foe spots you and runs towards you like you’d expect in an EarthBound game. The screen goes black as the encounter diddy plays then… bam, you are suddenly in a fighting game, but the rules of EarthBound still apply. No, this isn’t just a Street Fighter with EarthBound characters.

First off, the stage you fight in is like in EarthBound. Just a kalidoscope of colors in the background. Your health and PP is displayed on the bottom left corner of the screen(And is the classic health and PP meter in EarthBound). To the right of it is the command list, usually the options here are Bash, PSI, Goods, Run. How does this work? Okay, your controling your character with the directional buttons so it’s preoccupied. Theres a “select” button that automatically changes the selected option to the one below it(You have Bash selected, hit the “select” button then you have PSI selected).

Bash- Keeping Bash selected means that everytime you hit the(oh we’ll just call it the A button) A button, you’ll perform a physical attack… like in a regular fighting game. You will perform combos and the such.

PSI- Selecting PSI and pressin A will quickly open a small menu. Here you’ll choose which PSI ability to perform. Hit the select button till the PSI move you wish to perform is selected, then hit A to perform it. B is used to exit out of the PSI menu.

Goods- Like the PSI command, Goods opens a menu up of the goods you brought into battle(I’ll explain that later) Select an item and hit A to use it.

Run- In over your head? Or is this battle just not worth your time? Then run away. Select the Run option to bring up a small meter. The more you hit A the faster the meter fills. When full, you succesfully cancel the battle and return to the map screen. You wont be able to move while filling the meter and will be open to attack. If hit with a powerful enough attack, the meter will dissapear and you will be forced to return to battle or try again.

Prebattle arrangment- When you encounter an enemy a menu will come up that will allow to set up certain things for the battle. You have a large inventory to put things you find on your journey in, but only 4 items are allowed in your Goods command in a battle. 4 per character I should say. Choose wisely. If you have more than 4 characters in your party, you’ll also have to choose which 4 characters join the fight.

Tag Team- EarthBound isn’t EarthBound without friends joining the battle. This game will run on a 4-man tag team system. Switch out your characters to which you’ll think is more suited for the foe you face. Everyone gets a peice of the experiance points when you fell an enemy, but the more action a character sees the more experiance they get.

Announcment box- To keep an EarthBound feeling to it, though I think it has been keeping it well so far in my mind, the top of the screen has a text box saying whats going on. When someone lands an attack it says how much damage has been dealt, ect.

Offensive PSI attacks- Using PK thunder doesn’t let you control a bolt of psyco-kenetic lightning I’m afraid. Of coarse theres allways the elemental damage to think about, and different type attacks do different amounts of damage depending on who your facing, but how they differ the most is how to dodge them, this is a fighting game after all.
*PK Fire- Character shoot forward a ball of fire. Opposing character can jump over it or duck under it to dodge it.
*PK Thunder- A bolt of lightning comes down from above where the target is standing. They’ll have to quickly step right or left to avoid being hit.
*PK Freeze- Sharp ice juts out from the ground under the enemy. Jumping or moving to the right or left alone wont help since thy’ll just land right back onto it if they just jump, and would still get hit by it if they move to the right or left since it is somewhat wide. They’ll have to jump over to another spot quickly if they don’t like the cold.

Status PSI- Since this is a fighting game too, I figure it wouldn’t be right if you could effect your enemys’ status, like lowering their defense or offense. So the status PSI is only for self use, increasing your offense for only a little while, etc.

Equiping- Like in most RPGs, you can equip weapons and gear to characters to raise there offense, defense, and other things.

That’s the jist of it. For obvious reasons I didn’t touch up on anything story wise. If you’d like to work on this project just message me.

sprite EBZero2008

Not a bad Idea buddy…
It’s pretty interesting, but I don’t know how you will be able to pull this off.
Game Maker might be a better choice than the RPG Maker Programs…

It’s the duty of the comedian to know where the line is drawn… and cross it deliberately!

sprite bbodine61

What ever works best is fine with me lol. I’m willing to settle with minor changes to make things easy/possible.


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This sounds like a mixture of Earthbound, Kingdom Hearts and Street Fighter.

I know that when this is done that I am gonna love this!

sprite bbodine61

Glad to see enthusiasm for this project. I’ll make sure when I actually get a team going we wont slack in any way!


  • fanvatar3

if it is a Dissidia, you better get a great balance of heroes and villains.

Roll Call:

  • Ninten (should be fairly different from Ness)/Giegue
  • Ness (should be fairly different from Ninten)/Pokey
  • Paula/ManiMani
  • Kumatora/Fassad
  • Lucas/Masked Boy
  • Poo/Starman DeLuxe

etc, etc, etc.


sprite bbodine61

Oh you won’t have to worry about that. Dissidia: EarthBound will have a balance alright, and characters out the wa-zoo!

sprite shafersaysmeh

The way to select psi and such seems a bit out of place for an rpg fighter. perhaps just quick select buttons would work better, kinda like the mini menu in kingdom hearts. Also, agreeing that game maker should be used so that the fighting would actually work well.

sprite Fox4729

    I really like the idea, but I’m a bit skeptical.

    it would take a really good team and even then you have some issues like…

    First off would it be 3-D or sprited?

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

    sprite bbodine61

    Thanks for the comments guys. Your input is appreciated.

    To shafersaysmeh: I agree that the quick select buttons for the PSI menu and Goods menu would be easier, I’ll have to look into that.

    To Fox4729: It will be sprited fully. Personally I think 3-D would be awesome, but that would take a lot of work and time to make a game that could be equally as fun as a 2-D game.

    sprite Fox4729

      So what do you need in terms of staff?

      Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

      sprite bbodine61

      Like I said at the beginning, all I have now is my mind, my art. and my hopes. I’m basically trying to come up with the story on my own but could use help with diolouge and the sort. J-MACHine offered to help with music so I need anything beyond that. When I get a scanner(soon) I’ll post some of the character art for both heroes and villians.

      I’m pretty good when it comes to deep, complex stories which I hope to show in this project. If you find yourself to be good with that sort of thing aswell then feel free to ask if I need help on the story at any time. Two minds are better than one after all and if anybody has any ideas story-wise I wont be too proud to not change it around a little. Anything that makes this project better is alright in my book!

      Capn Muffin

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      Your other “idea topic” got moved here… didn’t you learn from that?

      As cool as this idea might be it’s still just an idea and until it’s becoming a game it’s against the rules to warrant a topic of its own.

      sprite bbodine61

      But Muffin, zzzzzzzproject progression is underway! It will only be a short time till we can really get to work on this thing! =D

      sprite bbodine61

      (my edit button wont work and I don’t know how that line of Zs got there)

      sprite Fox4729

        I don’t even see why Muffin said anything, we where just discussing the game.

        Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

        sprite Phones

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        There are certain guidelines for a thread.
        As for not editing bbodine61, I like the z’s there. It gives it a French accent.

        -Phones (fancy cursive font)

        sprite bbodine61

        Thank you Phones, it makes me feel better about the typo. =D

        And I thought that it would be a valid new topic since I’m basically saying, “Hey, the project is underway, sure we don’t have any pixels in the game but I have a few hours of script writting and character drawing put into this project so far, so yeah the project is underway!”

        sprite bbodine61

        Whew, I’m noticing that Brainstorm central is sort of an unintentional “Idea graveyard.” lol

        Still accepting messages from anybody willing to help out with my project! =D

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        Glad as i am to be accepted as the composer, i just need to ask a question.

        Is it possible i could have a list of the cast? So i know which characters i should acctually be making themes for.

        I feel it should be worth pointing out here and now that i’m going to try and shoot for a Tekken-Esque soundtrack. Moreso the later ones. Mostly because i feel, as far as fighting games go, the Tekken Series tends to have the best music. At least, in my opinion. As well as mixing it with a little Mother-flair. I’m merely saying that now, so that when the first peices of music start showing up, it comes as no suprise.

        sprite bbodine61

        I sent a PM to you, let me know if you get it.

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        Yep, i got it. Replied to it, too!

        Got straight to work pretty much after replying, too. Working on something for our favorite grey, lullaby-hating alien pretty much as i type.

        sprite bbodine61

        Looking forward to it! =D

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        Heh. I’ll make sure to record any and all progress made on the work i do today, and have a few demo’s or previews up for you by the end of the day. Just to tantalize your taste buds.

        sprite bbodine61

        That sounds great! I’ll make sure to check up on them later. Another PM sent, just a few details on music that isn’t theme songs or battle music. Level BGM, that sort of thing. Not much detail though, I’d hate to smother lol

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        Decided to erase the work i’d done for Giegue already, as i wasn’t to pleased with it. I’ll try another attempt another time.
        But, i do have at least something to tantalize you with. A unfinished peice called “Hothead”, which i’m working on for Kumatora.
        My interpritation of Kumatora has always been that she’s something of a rocker. None of that modern “Heavy Metal” or ‘Emo’ rubbish, mind. I tried to craft a rock-ish song that wouldn’t sound TOO out of place mixed in with AC/DC or Deep Purple. Not quite sure if i nailed that perfectly, but i like what i’ve got so far. As for why it sounds so melencholy? To be honest, i have no idea… It just ended up comming out like that, i suppose. I feel it somewhat makes it fit a bit better.
        Still need to work out some volume balance issues, but for the most part, this is pretty much good to go. I just need to, obviously, make it longer. I plan on adding a few more horns down the line, too.

        DJ Claus is in the house, bring your friends, bring you spouse~

        sprite bbodine61

        I’m downloading it now.

        My internet is being somewhat stubborn today so it’ll take longer than usual, but I’ll give my feedback as soon as I can!

        sprite bbodine61

        Amazing, I love it! Somewhat melencholy yes, but also somewhat serious, and it fits her well!

        Keep it up J-MACHine, I think I have an idea for when you get a few more pieces finised!

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        Ok, update time! Managed to get Hothead finished (and reletivly quick, too!). It’s not all that grand, but, hey, it’s still got the desired effect. I also switched the drumloops in one of the sections around, having the softer loop playing for fully organ section, and the heavier loop playing for the guitar/ organ chrods combo.

        I also finished the song for Final Starman, ‘Father of the Stars’, which is partially inspired by the “Battle Against a Machine” song in Earthbound, as some parts more obviously display then others. The idea i was going for was for something that sounded eerie, but not overly eerie, nor downright disturbing, as well as sounding very futuristic, or otherwordly. I toyed around with slight rhythm changes here and there, alongside the constant sound of the drums changing. Took at stab at creating melody that sounded almost machine like. And i couldn’t resist the slightly cheesy sounding “Creepy” synth effect.
        And, because the vocal clip is acctually SUPPOSED to sound barely intelligable, i’ll tell you what it says. It’s not my voice, by the by; It’s a vocal clip that was in the program i use’s library, and i HAD to use it:
        “We come from a different place. [long pause] A place were time. [shorter pause] Is irrelivant.”

        If you’re wondering why both just cut off suddenly, it’s because they’re supposed to loop at that point. I just figured i’d clarify, in case that confused anyone. All of the music will be cut like this, rather then having me loop the song in the program itself.

        In any case, Enjoy!

        DJ Claus is in the house, bring your friends, bring you spouse~

        sprite bbodine61

        Both very outstanding tracks! I’m impressed yet again, J-MACHine. You’re very talented when it comes to music!

        All this great music needs a game! I seem to have trouble finding help for that though, if you know of anybody be sure to ask them if they’d be interested in my project, if you don’t mind. =)

        Also, theres vital info I keep forgetting to tell you. I’ll send the PM after I read my inbox.

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        I’m glad that you think highly of both songs! Hopefully i’ll have some new material finished for you by tomorow.

        I’ll see what i can do, but i’m not making any promises on that one. I’ll get back to you on it.

        DJ Claus is in the house, bring your friends, bring you spouse~

        sprite bbodine61

        That’s fine. No rush at all. Untill we get someone to help with the game, we have all the time in the world!

        sprite J-MACHine

        • hfdecay09

        In some ways. that could be a good thing. The fact that we have time to design, write and compose for the game before the engine is being developed. I dunno, if i was making a game (And god knows i’ve got idea’s), i’d more then likely do it like that. Something about it is just easier to me.

        And i’d like to try and get as much of the Dissidia: Earthbound stuff out of the way first, ‘cus i’m still technicly a composer for Earthbound 3. Seeing as i still need to practice a bit on what exactly EBZero2008 wants out of me, it’s a bit easier to work on this, as i have a bit more creative freedom. Not that i’m complaining, mind.
        I also find that i tend to compose more for projects that i feel more “connected” too, if you get me.

        DJ Claus is in the house, bring your friends, bring you spouse~

        sprite bbodine61

        I get ya. Back in highschool, being one of the few artist in school people would allways ask me to draw something. Usually unless it sounded like something I’m familiar with or was highly interested in seeing drawn out, I’d be a little unimpressed with my own work, most of the time anyways. The ones that didn’t ask for much and gave me room to do my own thing usually would wind up getting the better drawing. I didn’t intend for that, I’d put hard work in each drawing, but that’s just how it turned out.

        sprite nessgeek

          I had this idea of an EarthBound game. It would be for the original GameBoy with monochrome colors and graphics and the main character would be a boy named Jacob. He lives in the Mediterranean coast of Posh`e and he lives the life of a chef and he cooks food for people. He’s happily serving everyone until one day a strange cloaked person came in and he orders a pasta and he puts strange ingredients in it. The person eats it and he goes crazy and he blames it on Jacob and then Jacob lost his job as a chief after that event leaving him jobless. The cloaked person then takes over the restaurant and makes it his base. Several days later Jacob wakes up to find aliens and robots causing ruckus over the city and he gets dressed and takes his prized knife with him for safety. His girlfriend Kristen stops him from proceeding any further and tells him whats going on and Jacob insists her that he must investigate what is going on and she eventually let him pass.

          That would be the beginning of the game. The characters he would eventually meet up with are two girls and one boy. Tina who was trained as a ninja by her grandparents and is determined to use her skills for good of humankind, Lily the singer who is part of a band called C.B.T.S (Calm before the Storm) but got separated from them in a certain incident and is on a journey to get back to them, and Westley the prophet who excels in magic and has been training in the arts of PSI ever since the Trauma he experienced as a little boy, He lost his family by a mysterious person who also used PSI.

          sprite J-MACHine

          • hfdecay09

          Got another track for you, bbodine61. This time, for the Mani Mani statue.

          With this one, “The Darkness in your Mind”, i tried crafting a song based on the music i’d imagine i’d fight my own worst nightmare too. The result was… Suprising. Mixing dark sounds with trippy ones, set to a fairly fast Tempo (137 bpm), i think it gives off a kind of “desperate” vibe, as if whomever is fighting the Mani Mani statue is having to put everything they’ve got into beating it. Which, i assume, you’d probebly have to.
          … And, i’m not going to lie, this image totally helped my insperation: http://gonmon.deviantart.com/art/A-Boy-and-His-Nightmare-9370421

          EDIT: Hmmm. I appear to be having some trouble attatching the file. I’ll upload it to my Last.fm when i get back (i’m heading out to dinner in about 5 minutes) and supply the link. Watch this space in the meantime…

          2nd EDIT: Here we go.

          DJ Claus is in the house, bring your friends, bring you spouse~

          sprite bbodine61

          It wouldn’t play on the site, so I’m downloading the mp3 now. I’ll be giving my feedback shortly

          sprite bbodine61

          Couldn’t get on for a while, but great job once again J-MACHine!

          sprite J-MACHine

          • hfdecay09

          Sorry; Been ill for the last couple of days, so i haven’t been able to do much.

          Glad to hear you think so. I was worried that i’d strayed to far from music that fit EB characters, heh. ^^;

          DJ Claus is in the house, bring your friends, bring you spouse~

          sprite AntonioMejia

          Do I have to make a Earthbound fan game? I had other ideas, actual original ones.

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          Nope! Contrary to popular belief, you aren’t limited to Earthbound fangames here. You can make any game you like.

          The name of the forum really means “games and programs made by Earthbound fans” but that doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as nicely.

          sprite AntonioMejia

          Where do I get team helpers then? I need urgent help!

          • Logographer
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          You may ask for help in the Work for Hire topic.

          sprite bbodine61

          Haven’t been able to get on for a while, but just wanted to clarify that I haven’t given up.

          sprite Mrjupiter

          Okay, so like many others on this site, I’ve had ideas for a MOTHER 4. I’d love to make them into a fangame, but I don’t have RPG maker, cannot make music, cannot sprite that well, pretty much can’t do anything at all. So if you’d really like to help (which I doubt you’ll want to :p) I’m just throwing that out there (which probably wasn’t a good idea) but I’ll still try.

          This game uses the Chapter system like M3 but there are less limits on where you can go. The game starts off with the prologue, which stars a family- Mom, Dad, Tyler (A nine year old boy, the game’s hero), Eric (A 12yo boy, Tyler’s brother), Anne (A 4yo girl, brother of Tyler) and Henry (not seen in the prologue, but mentioned. He’s in his twenties and is in college, and obviously not at home). It’s the middle of the night and suddenly there’s a lot of whirring/beeping sounds and some green flashes, then some strange noises from behind the house of Tyler’s family, which is some woods. Eric (and a reluctant Tyler) go exploring to see what happened. They finally see a strange alien-like capsule and a Secret Service Agent-like guy talking to someone on a weird cell phone. He mentions things like “covering it up” and “the humans won’t know”. The SSA and the brothers fight, and just as the brothers look like it’s the end for them, a mysterious black figure comes by and throws something at the SSA, killing him. He bleeds green blood. The boys go away, and just as the SSA said, it’s covered up and no one believes them so they shut up about it for four years, until something strange happens sending them on an adventure of a lifetime.

          Each major playable character would have ther own chapter (including the dog). After Chapter 1, there’s a 4 year timeskip, where you play as Eric. Tyler is the last to get his own chapter. The story would be dark but still have some MOTHEResque humor you all know and love.

          If you want me to go on about what happens next (I won’t reveal too much), then I will. I unfortunatley don’t have the character’s art from lack of a scanner but I’ll try and take some pictures with my phone. And if this doesn’t take off then it’ll probably become a fanfic.

          Do the monkey with me!

          sprite Hyper Hominid

          Hi there, I was hoping to see if I can gather a team to help me make a Earthbound remake as long as if someone can tell me if the orignal Earthbound remake project is dead or is on pause, so far on I’m on planning by coming up with new modes, a new adventure after completing the classic adventure, a hard and intense mode of the classic adventure, boss rush, new PSI Moves, concept art, and more. You can find concept art on my Deviantart

          My Deviant

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          err… that link links to “http.com”

          sprite Hyper Hominid