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Ideas, concepts, and other mind-media.

sprite TokoWH

I’d be willing to help in any way I can, even though, as said, I don’t know much about coding at the moment. I generally have a good amount of free time on my hands and an open schedule.

sprite omegapixel

I’ve been toying with the idea of making a Unity project that comes with a lot of the code, systems, scenes and prefabs necessary to making a Mother-Style game. I don’t know if I’m going to put the time in or not, but it does seem like something that could build up a bit more activity at FG&P and give people a better starting point for Mother fangames.

But to me, Unity would be the place to build it in. Unity has a free version that allows people to create, distribute, and play the games without having to pay a penny. Unity is a powerful engine in its own right and allows for limitless flexibility and custom systems, and C# is great to use. Having all the building blocks in place and then using them to build out something new would be pretty cool. Just imagine having the components already there (like with PKHack) but not having any of the limitations, basically. Might be worth putting together, but again, I haven’t figured out if I can put in the time.

Actually I have a similar idea I’ve already started on, it’s called “Openbound” (oxymoron on purpose) and it’s on GitHub but I haven’t committed anything yet. It’s going to be an open-source Earthbound engine in C++. It would have all the features built-in to the engine: movement and collision, npcs, text/scripts, inventory, shops, battles etc. and come with useful programs such as a map editor and a script editor (which I’ve already made). And, I’ve had experience making a C++ game engine from scratch before, which I used to make a multiplayer game. I just hope if I actually get far enough into it to actually commit it on GitHub and post it here, that at least some amount of people here could make use of it or contribute to it.


Brazil M3 Guy

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You should create a private bitbucket repo and commit all your stuff there. Then, if you want to put it up on GitHub when it’s matured enough for people to start looking at you could just do a mirror push there and include all your history.

sprite Pinabutter

Should I use mother 3’s spriting style in my game, or one reminiscent of mother 4? Mother 3’s is easy to do and looks pretty good aesthetically, but Mother 4’s style looks a lot cleaner, and a lot better than mother 3’s, but takes a long time to make.

I’m basically only here for game development. I guess i=I can look at other stuff though.

The Fool With Stars in Her Eyes

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Better idea: Use your own.

Dont try to copy or remake someone elses style/work for your own project.

sprite Pinabutter

Maybe I shold’ve been more specific. This is a fan game, not an original work. If thats what you’re thinking.

I’m basically only here for game development. I guess i=I can look at other stuff though.

The Fool With Stars in Her Eyes

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I’m aware that it’s a fangame, that’s why I’m saying make your own style.

The style made for MOTHER 4 was made through the teams many trial and errors, all their work and attempts is what makes it what it is now. It’s their style for their project. You should make your own style for your own project so it can be distinguished as your own and not some cheap knockoff.

sprite Pinabutter

If you want a better idea of what I’m talking about, here are some pictures


I’m basically only here for game development. I guess i=I can look at other stuff though.

sprite Fishbit

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Honestly there, Mother 3 style looks a lot better imo

sprite Pinabutter

I’m taking a liking to the mother 3 style and I’m using that one. Thanks for the help

I’m basically only here for game development. I guess i=I can look at other stuff though.

sprite Ezrius

I was joking with someone about an idea. You know how all these games involve saving a princess? What happens if you save the princess and shes really a soul sucking demon and she kills you after you save her. Like the cliche` path in the game is the bad ending path that will get you killed. The actual good ending and right path to take is to help the ones who kidnapped the princess, you know, the “bad” guys. Of course from the inception of the game if you choose not to save the princess you’ll get no weapons as no townsfolk will want to deal with you. You will have to just avoid enemies rather than fight them. You actually go through towns avoiding angry townsfolk loyal to the princess and pissed you’re a “traitor”. So you get all the items you need to in the towns without killing anyone because obviously you have no weapons and you give all magic artifacts to the “villains”. So then you come to the primary “antagonist” holding the princess captive. He says well done and the villains reveal themselves to be the good guys. Then someone else rescues the princess while you are preoccupied and she turns into a hideous beast. And theres the final boss. Of course you manage to beat the beast and then its forced to leave the world defeated. But if you actually pick the cliche` path to save the princess she just sucks out your soul, you die, and the world comes to an end. Even though you believe going through dungeons, fighting off the enemies and bosses of dungeons is the “right thing to do”.

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I have an idea for a game. So it’s a kind of sequel to the classic cliché adventure, where a hero saves the world. That’s happened and now, years have been and gone. This hero’s tale has become nothing more than a legend. Out of the ashes of this tale, a golden age of invention has arrived. In less than 50 years, humanity has advanced to the point where space travel has become commonplace and there are colonies on Mars. There are resource links between planets and human augmentation is a commercial thing, although it’s a bit of a hot button issue. Robots live among humans and everything is a bit sci-fi really. You are a pilot on a spice freighter that links Earth to Mars, who is working one day when the ship is raided by a gang, who are looking for a shipment of portanium, a radioactive and illegal crystal. You are taken hostage until another crew member reveals the location of the portanium. The pirates take the portanium and take their leave. As they do, you hear a bang and see a blight flash. The next thing you know you awake and see the crew member who was involved with the portanium tending to your wounds. He tells you that he was the one who smuggled the portanium on, unbeknownst to the rest of the crew. He also mentions that the portanium must’ve reacted to something on the ship and exploded. He said the ship crashed on the Moon and that you and him are the only surviving crew members. This begins this next great adventure.

The game’s name is Once Upon A Time and so far, I have the intro and main menu done!

it’s bread.

sprite SebastianSaturn

I’ve been using RPG Maker for three years and I want to do something with the knowledge of it I have.
I got RPG Maker MV a few days ago and I already love it. My game revolves around two humans who you can choose to control, from there, you can choose to fight or befriend that human. I’ve had the idea for it but I still don’t have a name for it.

My name is Sebastian and I like video games.

sprite Coolnerd89

I got a weird idea for a game after playing undertale….
I’ve always been a fan of rail shooters, you know the type, get a ship or a plane or something and shoot and scroll. All day long.
I also like RPG games. Sadly, you don’t see a lot of decent mixing between the two genres. Here’s where my idea came into play.
Have the game start out as a rail shooter, play like normal, picking up items as the story progresses, but depending on how you play and what you do, pick up different items. At one point in the game, the game will switch from a top view rail shooter to a side view, showing a path down into the earth. Since you’re in a motor vehicle of some sort, you can go down. If you have a specific item obtained earlier in the game, instead of going down, you can use it and hover over the entrance and just get to the other side and continue above ground. This is where it gets wacky.
After doing that, you stop playing it as a rail shooter. You get out of the vehicle and your crew of non playable characters from before now become your fighting teammates in a RPG style adventure, reminiscent of the original Star Ocean or Tales of games.
New paths and gameplay open up depending on what you did during the rail shooter portion.
You can still play the rail shooter for a full game, but you don’t experience the true fun until you get creative.

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You actually go through towns avoiding angry townsfolk loyal to the princess and pissed you’re a “traitor”.


Don’t mind me, I really like your idea. I don’t think I have ever seen this kind of plot before, specially in a game, it feels like there’s plenty to exploit in there.

I melted away one warm winter day. But I’ll always remain in your memory.

sprite Coolnerd89

You actually go through towns avoiding angry townsfolk loyal to the princess and pissed you’re a “traitor”.


Don’t mind me, I really like your idea. I don’t think I have ever seen this kind of plot before, specially in a game, it feels like there’s plenty to exploit in there.

That was my first thought too. WHIPTYWHIPTYWHIPTY

sprite Medium-RareAkuma

    Has anyone tried making versus mode for Mother or Undertale?

    sprite DurradonXylles

    I got a game idea that’s been in my head for a while, and considering how niche the subject matter is, I wouldn’t be surprised if I would be the only one here who would go through with this project. I already posted this on the PK Hack Brainstorming thread, but considering this doesn’t need to be tied to a ROM hack, I decided to edit the original post to add it here as well.

    Phantasm: Road to Ruin is my JRPG fangame idea based off of the cult followed Phantasm film series that would be a Mother/Earthbound themed RPG since the first couple entries in each respective series share enough themes to make it appropriate. In this game, you play as Mikey and Reggie from the Phantasm films, in an alternate timeline to the events of Phantasm II through IV. Road to Ruin’s plot begins right where the original film leaves off in 1980, with a 13-year-old Mike Pearson explaining his dream of the Tall Man, and Reggie telling him it never happened. Reggie then tells Mike to pack for a road trip so they can have a “change of scenery”. As Mike begins to pack, he sees the tall figure from his dreams stand behind him, and gets ambushed by the Tall Man’s dwarven minions.

    Reggie successfully dispatches of the dwarves and rescues Mike by blowing up the house using his gas range, barely eluding the Tall Man in the process. Due to the jump from the second story, and Mike already sustaining injuries from the ambush, Mike is left in a comatose state. Once the Tall Man leaves in his hearse, Reggie brings Mike to the hospital and waits for his recovery. During this time, Reg reluctantly accepts the Tall Man’s existence and decides that he will focus on bringing an end to him once and for all.

    A year passes, and Mike (now 14) awakens from his coma to find Reggie there waiting. They talk about everything that has happened up to this point, with Reggie explaining that their lanky, grave-robbing adversary had gone east to desecrate more cemeteries and towns to build his army. Mike then tells Reg about these dreamlike visions he’s been getting. They’re focused around the Tall Man, himself and a mysterious girl his age by the name of Elizabeth. Once Reggie gets Mike released from the hospital, the two decide to outfit themselves with equipment from the hardware and gun shops in town during the night and follow the trail of empty graves east in the Hemicuda.

    The game follows Mike and Reggie as they follow the path of destruction laid out by the Tall Man. Along the way, familiar allies from the films join your cause including Elizabeth (Phantasm II) and Rocky (Phantasm III), as well as new compatriots who join you in your campaign to stop the mysterious and seemingly immortal Tall Man and his army of minions, living or otherwise.

    Mike and Elizabeth would be the Ness/Ninten and Paula/Ana analogues due to them also having PSI powers. Reggie would be the Jeff/Lloyd of the party due to his inventive nature (Reggie created the monster slaying 4-barreled shotgun in Phantasm 2), and Rocky would be the Poo/Teddy of the party due to her army training and self-defense skills. The party’s main arsenal of weapons would include 9mm handguns, 4-barreled shotguns, flamethrowers and nun-chucks (yes, all from the films).

    Most of the enemies you’d face in the game would be the monsters from the films: the aforementioned dwarves, the silver and golden spheres, the gravers, the morticians, the zombies and the body horror monstrosities that made sparse appearances throughout all four films released thus far. The big baddie you’ll be facing off at the top will be the Lord of the Dead himself, the Tall Man. In order to keep the enemy types a bit fresher, some human and animal enemies will be added on top of that since strife isn’t exclusive to the protagonists and antagonists.

    I have some plot points for the game already thought out, including some scenes from later on in the game and potentially the last scene after the final boss. Considering the last Phantasm film, Ravager, is supposed to be released later on this year, this is a project I’m hoping someone who’s as big of a “Phan” of this series as myself has some interest in taking on.

    sprite thatomic

    I have a idea for a EarthBound ROM Hack. It’s called: The Story of a Boy and his Dog (but not really). I have no idea what it will about and haven’t thought up anything else about it except for the title.

    Oh by the way. I’m Ace, nice to meet you.

    sprite TheOneTheOnlyNess

    I’ve got a game I’m working on in RPG Maker VX Ace that takes place a good amount after EarthBound, but WAAAY before Mother 3. I’ve got character designs, character names, place names, and the name of the game. But other than that, I’ve got Items, PSI abilities, and weapon names down. I just started working on the game. I’ll reveal the name of it once I’m done with
    the first town+boss.
    Edit: Forgot to mention I’ve got Enemy names down. Now I just gotta think up a plot.

    {color:lime} What is the deal with lemmings? Don’t they know not to fall off of cliffs?
    Oh, Also, I had pizza for breakfast yesterday.

    sprite Shiftrex

    I was searching the forum and I noticed that the last person to actually try and make a TCG or a CCG for the Mother series hadn’t posted in seven years which is kinda sad. I’ve got experience making homemade games, card games and some minor pen and paper stuff. I actually have a rusty system sitting around with card designs, rules and a basic card list.

    I’m thinking about brushing it off the dust from my ideas and putting it back into development alongside my current TCG project. Though, a Mother based one would obviously be for fun.

    It was a resource system based cardgame, similar to Magic or Force of Will if you are familiar with either of those.

    Card Types:

    Characters (Main people like Ness, Paula, Lucas and Bosses)
    PSI Potential (These come in the flavors of Attack, Defense and Support… these are your resource cards… Think PP)
    Baddies (Basically like your monster cards, runaway dog, mean crow and stuff like that)
    PSI ______ (PSI Fire, Ice, Rockin’ and all the PSI powers from the series that we love)
    Sanctuary/Melody (These function like a background terrain or effect that stay in play until it is destroyed or replaced)
    Food (Minor item cards that you can munch… they have effects like drawing cards, minor healing, you use them instantly)
    Equipment (All the cool equipable equipment from the series and the stuff like Shield Generator and things like that)

    Purpose of the Game:
    Defeat the other team’s Character cards. Each player starts with four like a traditional part. You can try to overwhelm them with Baddies, batter them with PSI or make their deck run out of cards. Each Character Card has their own HP and their own set of PSI that they can use, along with a unique ability that makes their character relevant.

    You play PSI Potential cards (PP) and those cards allow you to play other cards when you temporarily expend them to pay the cost of another card. This resource renews on your next turn.

    I’ve got the templates sitting around and the ability to make a game like this… the system is simple enough that I’ve used it for other games before and will probably use it again in the future. I don’t have an Artist.

    sprite Medium-RareAkuma

      ^That sounds like something I would buy!

      I’m not amazing at drawing so I could only offer support as a last resort.

      But if you do get this moving then I’d like to see Giegue or Giygas, because it could be one of those really hard cards to get out on the field, and there is suspense when you realize someone is trying to play him.

      sprite Shiftrex

      Haha yeah it’s a nice idea.

      Giegue or Gigas would probably be characters or… follow a similar mechanic that the Eldrazi followed in Magic the Gathering. Shouldn’t be too hard now that I think about it. I’d just need to poke around and find someone that likes doing Mother art.

      sprite LukerGamerz

      Okay, so I was thinking about Mothertale, a Mother 3/Undertale crossover, when a thought came to me.
      “What if we made Undertale more like Earthbound?”
      Since then, I’ve been working on ideas for an Undertale redesign.
      What I have come up with:

      • the game’s name
      • what the battle system will look like (displayed in the concept art)
      • the names and personalities of two new characters added to the story (displayed in the concept art)
      • why each character will join Frisk’s party
      • how each party member will play (Frisk is Ness, Serena is Paula, Joey is Jeff, Monster Kid is Poo)
      • some of the weapons each character gets
      • the morality system (Pacifist and neutral have become good and bad endings, Genocide has been removed due to the inability to kill characters)
      • most of the changes in story that would be needed to make the plot run smooth (LV, EXP, & MAGIC = Level, experience points(xp.), and PSI; Giygas’ influence over monsters causing the war; etc.)

      What I’m still thinking about:

      • the locations of the returning ‘Your Sanctuaries’
      • the location of the ‘guard’ command during battles
      • whether you can kill bosses or not (some characters are willing to die in battle, and would continue fighting past their “was tamed” messages)

      So, what do you guys think? Would an Undertale redesign be interesting to you?

      EDIT: I love how I just got ignored xD


      “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

      sprite Spirwind

        I’ve been thinking of game mechanics because I’ve also been considering making one of my stories a game (which is probably never going to happen since I lack any skill in programming/coding other than some simple html stuff)

        One of them went like this:

        So, you’re at a boss, and you strike them so that they’re at a sliver of their health. Then a thing pops up that says “Strike the finishing blow?”. You have the choice of killing the boss(es) by saying yes, or keeping them alive if you say no. Depending on which bosses you keep alive, different events happen within the game. Some bosses might not be redeemable though… It really depends on how many enemies you’ve killed in their area. I was thinking every boss had their own branch of loyal minions. So if you kill enemies in, let’s say the first area of the game, it wouldn’t affect the boss in the second area, and so forth.

        Oh yeah, the story I thought of making with it has to do with a human and three/four other beings from other planets. Since space travel in the future of this story had become available to almost everyone in the galaxy, they could use public teleporting devices to go to different places. I actually have designs for the human and the three beings, but I don’t have one for the fourth. It’d be a pretty big story, so there’s definitely no chance of me making a game with it anytime soon, haha.

        hooray for the new year!


        sprite LukerGamerz

        I’ve been thinking of game mechanics because I’ve also been considering making one of my stories a game (which is probably never going to happen since I lack any skill in programming/coding other than some simple html stuff)

        One of them went like this:

        So, you’re at a boss, and you strike them so that they’re at a sliver of their health. Then a thing pops up that says “Strike the finishing blow?”. You have the choice of killing the boss(es) by saying yes, or keeping them alive if you say no. Depending on which bosses you keep alive, different events happen within the game. Some bosses might not be redeemable though… It really depends on how many enemies you’ve killed in their area. I was thinking every boss had their own branch of loyal minions. So if you kill enemies in, let’s say the first area of the game, it wouldn’t affect the boss in the second area, and so forth.

        This sounds pretty cool. Would love to see this evolve into something big!

        “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

        I'm building a fire, I add more Fuel

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        I have thought of an idea for an Earthbound Fangame:

        Title: Parched

        You play as a teenage boy named Amir. He lives in a rural (currently unnamed) country near Scaraba that is suffering from a severe drought. People are dying in his country, his family is on their way out.
        On this quest Amir must find the Miracle Water Spring that is will bring the power of water to anyone that drinks it. He quickly learns how to use the power of the sun to blister opponents and perform healing mantras. He must travel across the world and meet some friends from different countries along the way.
        Along the way he must battle people and corporations that want to use the water for selfish and evil reasons.
        The final boss (at least now) wants to threaten the world with floods so he can enslave and make them subordinate to him.


        sprite Spirwind

          This sounds pretty cool. Would love to see this evolve into something big!

          Thanks! Maybe if I get a game maker, someday this could be a real thing. For now I’d have to stick with making comics and such, haha :v

          And that sounds like a pretty cool idea Lochy!

          sprite Medium-RareAkuma

            How about a game where you design your own Earthbound battle sprite and attacks, and you can have a team of 3 all at once. So there’d be online versus and matchmaking. It’d also be cool if it was somehow released on Wii U and amiibos unlocked pre-made characters.

            sprite RamenKitty

            • Monthly Art Prompt Participant

            That sounds so awesome i would really like to see that coming into reality.

            By the way speaking of games that will revolutionize the gaming industry, i might have an idea of what kind of battle system my original game, which is called “World of Doug: Trouble In Bushmarsh”, would be like. the battle system would look like your average everyday pixelated final fantasy kind of battle system, but this time the background during battle can move whenever something big is happening during battle. (e.g. an explosion causes all of the party members to be sent flying causing the background to scroll either left or right depends on which battle layout there is, for an example, a back attack)

            Sorry that i kinda rambled too much, i was dying to get this off my chest.

            Whether if it’s Anime, Video Games, Digital Art, or Writing. I’m always a nerd.

            sprite Sanctuary_Guardian

            I know Capn Muffin was working on a starter kit, was this ever finished or is there another starter kit project somewhere out there? Also if ANY of Capn’s work is available I’d love to have a link.


            Brazil M3 Guy

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            Are you talking about his RPG Maker XP Kit? Capn Muffin hasn’t been particularly active for a few months now, but the last update was a while back. Until we hear otherwise it’s likely the project is on hold.

            sprite Kirby Phelps (PK)

            • EarthBound Central
            • !I believed in Smash

            I just had a dream that gave me a really weird (and probably preachy) idea for a game. It’s a game that looks and feels like a typical JRPG at first, but has a mechanic that would make you double think about certain RPG tropes. In this case, stat buffs.

            So you’re an adventurer on a journey to free multiple towns from tyranny and eventually defeat the big bad king. Of course, you start off at level 1 and you’re very weak. Nothing that a few fights and EXP won’t fix, right? Well the problem is, you’re VERY inexperienced. Even the weakest enemy will easily kick your ass. So what is a weak little adventurer to do? Well, you’ve got plenty of stat buffs in your inventory that you can use (attack up, defense up, speed up, accuracy up, stress down), and considering how difficult enemies are, the game is encouraging you use them. However…they’re drugs. They’ll give you a stat boost for the duration of the battle (and some later will give you permanent buffs), but they’re drugs that aren’t good for you in the long run. In fact, if you win a battle while under the influence of any drug, you gain DP instead of EXP. Enough DP will raise your D.Level (Drug Level). When you D.Level up, your natural stats actually go DOWN. So with each D.Level up, you get weaker, making you even MORE dependent on these drug stat buffs to survive and make it through the game. But the more you D.Lv up, the more effed up your character will appear and the world will constantly blur and transform around you. Eventually, you’ll reach the point of no return where your D.Lv is so high and your stats so low, that it’d be literally impossible to continue without the drugs because of how weak you naturally are. But events in the game will change for the worse when you have a high D.Lv. Potential friendships will fail, you’ll embarrass yourself, you’ll garner a bad reputation, but people will put up with you because you’re the one saving the world. Eventually at the final battle, you’ll need tons and tons of drugs (stat buffs) to stand a chance, but with all those drugs…well things don’t end well for you

            So the alternate way of going through the game is to grit your teeth and fight with no stat buffs. It’ll be much harder and may feel like a grind in the beginning, but winning battles while not under the influence will reward you regular EXP and you’ll Level up, which boosts your natural stats rather than lowering them. And of course, the game world will be much more pleasant as a result with a happier ending.

            What do you guys think? I dunno why I suddenly had a drug related dream that gave me this idea considering I don’t do drugs of any kind and while I don’t like drugs and don’t condone them, I’m not particularly passionate about the issue. But the idea just got stuck in my head and I felt the need to write it down and share it. It’s kind of Undertale-ish having multiple endings with one punishing you for doing things you’re used to doing in RPGs and the other rewarding you for resisting that temptation.

            Are you Ninten or Ness???
            3DS FC: 0989-1762-3370

            sprite Medium-RareAkuma

              For some weird reason, I think that a Text-only RPG online game would be awesome. With Dark Souls-esque matchmaking.

              Like, you could name your character, name their weapons and moves, and choose what is said when a move is done. (I.E. Giantdad swung his Zweihander and it bursted into flames! 500 dmg!) 3v3 matchmaking could be really cool too. Sound effects and a few colored text effects (Like a new line of text flashing yellow if it is dealing lightning dmg.) would be another cool touch.

              I'm Inco

              I consider myself more of a puckish rogue, really.

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              They’ve had those for years, they’re called multi-user dungeons (MUDs). See if you can find someone running a Legend of the Red Dragon server, it’s a pretty neat game. I don’t know if any of them have invasions, but it’s possible to try to engineer your own MUD. Check them out, you could find some ideas and ways to make your own.

              There’s no point if it stops being fun.

              sprite Medium-RareAkuma

                ^Wow, thanks! This will really help me into the right direction.

                The reason I wanted a text only game is for a Giyg-esque surprise fight that no one is expecting. Breaking the boundaries the player expected of the game they are currently playing.

                sprite 16bitking

                So, this might not be the best of ideas, but here’s the idea for a story I came up with.

                During the events proceeding Earthbound, there was another time where Porky attempted to gain control of the local lands. One hundred thirty years after Earthbound (about seventy years before Mother 3) Porky came back from the Devil’s Machine. His body was worn away and torn by time and exposure to the space within the machine. At this time, the land was free of the grasp that Giygas once had on the world, and everyone and everything was at peace. Using what little power remained in his mech, Porky climbed into a giant vat able to support life and took control of a facility. Several years later, Porky has gained control of most of the city he entered, looking to the past for an answer, he constructed mind erasing devices, and attempted to recreate the Starmen.
                Essentially, you play through the rise of New Pork City.

                sprite Travis4Ever

                I’ve come up with an idea for a fan-sequel for Mother 3.

                It takes place throughout the Mother series worlds,America,Eagleland,the Knowhere Islands,and Erukota(The world of EarthBound 3).It follows the story of Castiel(or Cass),Victoria,Clark,and Jack as they travel all over the world searching for the spirits of the protagonists of the Mother series.They also battle an army of robotic beings led by Jason,a descendant of Maria,who’s main goal is to reawaken the evil spirit Giygas from the dead,as he is convinced it is his destiny to do so.Cass lives as an ordinary boy with psychic powers in the small town of Mayville in Erukota,Victoria lives as the daughter of a famous actor in Ellay in America,Clark is a brilliant inventor from the city of Luminous in Eagleland,and Jack is a cyborg controlled by Jason but wants to be free of his clutches.This is the story of EarthBound 3.

                You kids should be playing more Nintendo games,like Earthbound.

                sprite Psi&PKspammer

                I have come up with a game, ALTERTALE.

                It starts off with act one, with the undertale game starting off but something has changed…
                Frisk goes throught the ruins until she get through the switch puzzle and then the the screen goes black, why Because Act 1 Part 2 started Silly!
                [this game is set in eagleland, where fans speculate undertale is in the earthbound universe is in]
                Justin falls down. he’s not a ‘’Fist Fight Guy’’ he’s… well ’’Flight’’ Than ’’Fight’’.
                [this is NOT a fanfiction of some sort, this game uses all canon things, no liking or loving unless canon in the story.]
                well, speed note on first play through you only have 2 people in your party, Justin And Frisk. But after 1 reset Justin falls down the Hole with his brother, Andy, [god this has ALOT of commas] and he knows ONE Psi move, Healing Alpha. which in this case is Useless. But after 1 reset You have 3 people in your party. but after beating the game in stead of reseting once more, you go Beyond The caves And end up in Onett. Justin And Andy find out that Their parents have died, of old Age. but the story does NOT end there, Andy thinks of heading off to winters to play in the snow When they get there… Hell is its new Name. theres weird robots with zombies trying to kill you. so to escape they go back to Onett, only to find themselves lost and end up in Twoson, where they meet Bounty Hunter, Varik, they ask if he knows about winters, he says that he found an insane guy there, dead in a lab. They ask for directions back to Onett, which has been overun by, the new gang The Whales. The Last Gang was foiled Because of a kid Named ’’Ness’’ which has been gone for 3 Years. they heard of a new army coming to protect them from the Hellish monsters in Winters, the Army is named, well… ‘’THE ARMY" which when they of those they thought they could just continue their lives just as normal. But The Army test the Zombies and the Hellish Starmen, they recover long lost PSI. which falls into the hands of frisk. A person who is Dumbfounded by the description of PSI and PK. Andy uncovers his love For Dank Memes and shoves it into Justin’s Face. Aside from that The Army is Trying to take EagleLand By Force to have control of this Beautiful Land, Its up to These Three Shi*Heads to save EagleLand With Pride! [And with PK DankMeme: Unleases Dat Boi from the memes and rekts all the opponents with memeologist, LtCorbis]
                This took me 30 minutes to rough draft this then copy it down on the computer, happy?

                sprite Psi&PKspammer

                how do i delete posts?

                sprite Travis4Ever

                You can’t,you can only edit them.

                sprite Psi&PKspammer


                Buck Fever says I can have an Avatar

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                Report your post you want deleted with the message “delete this pls” or something to that effect and a mod’ll delete it for you

                noot noot

                sprite Travis4Ever

                Nobody Checks this page very often.


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                I check it no more than 24 hours after new posts.

                sprite Psi&PKspammer

                thanks guys pls no more topic about this

                sprite Medium-RareAkuma

                  I’ve got an idea for a project.

                  A Project M mod where we totally replace every character with Mother characters, movesets and all. If a collab or something got started, this would get big fast.

                  Me and my four brothers would be excellent playtesters.

                  sprite Candra Software

                  R.I.P. Project M. I very much appreciate all the effort and hard work you guys have done…

                  I don’t know about you, but I find it taboo when a Street Fighter or some other grown-up is going around beating up little kids. At least they’re not realistic. I’d like to read/see a list of which characters replace which characters. Not to mention all the work it would require to edit/replace the character models, and to verify them for glitches. But if you really insist, here’s a small list of replacements I could think of, from the top of my head:

                  Peach: Paula?
                  Bowser: Starman? Can transform intro Super Starman or Starman Deluxe
                  Donkey Kong: Gorilla
                  Diddy Kong: Bubble Monkey?/Salsa?
                  Zelda: Kumatora?
                  Sheik: Violet?
                  Toon Link: Masked Man?
                  Samus: Juana?/Kelly?/Nancy?
                  Zero Suit Samus:
                  Kirby: Fobby/Foppy?
                  Meta Knight:
                  King Dedede:
                  Fox: Jeff
                  Falco: Lloyd?
                  Wolf: Pigmask (A Pigmask Tank would make a great Final Dmash)
                  Pikachu: Exit Mouse?
                  Mewtwo: Giygas Jr. (this one I obviously made up)
                  Charizard: Dragon
                  Lucario: Poo?
                  Captain Falcon: Flint
                  Ness: Ness
                  Lucas: Lucas
                  Ice Climbers:
                  Marth: Giga Borg?/Mega Borg?/Omega Borg?
                  Mr. Game & Watch: Hieroglyphs?
                  Wario: Porky
                  R.O.B.: Sentry Robot
                  Snake: R7308xx?

                  If I had an idea to share, I’d make sure that I can easily make it into reality, progress, or a collaboration.

                  …and away I go!

                  sprite Medium-RareAkuma

                    Replace Wario with Hippie, who’s side-b is a Devicar and turns into a New Age Retro Hippie for a FS.


                    Jigglypuff, being amorphous, should be replaced with Belch/Barf

                    Mewtwo should just be Giegue.

                    Bowser: The Big Pork trooper with horns?

                    This would be a stretch, but what if Undertale was allowed?

                    Because then we’ve got:
                    Mario & Luigi: Sans and Papyrus
                    Peach: Toriel.
                    ZS/Samus: Mettaton/EX
                    Ganon: Asgore
                    Zelda/Sheik: “Him”/ his other form (You’d obviously edit most of the moveset)
                    Link: Lesser dog

                    >Note: Final smashes (and all moves I’m pretty sure) can be edited completely, adding transformations and such.