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Ideas, concepts, and other mind-media.

Capn Muffin

Bad Enough Dude

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I notice that since we frown on prospectus topics it’s difficult for burgeoning developers to have a place (here) to kinda throw ideas around. I in no way want to discourage this sort of activity so I hope this topic becomes useful.

First, some sage advice from rune_devros.

If you are trying to make the next epic Mother sequel and you have zero background experience in game development, STOP. No seriously, note down those ideas somewhere and keep them tucked away. I can guarantee you that nine times out of ten, if you try and build an RPG on your first go, you’re going to go through this phase of euphoria where you happily plug away and design your game and start implementing it. Then you run into bugs. And limitations of your engine. And a lack of manpower to make all your art and music assets. And before you know it you give up in frustration and we lose another potential game developer. It’s happened to me and people I’ve observed so many times that I hope that this will help you avoid that scenario.

We at Starmen.net suffer from a really big disadvantage because by the very nature of our community, we’re big RPG fans, but the amount of work that is required to carry it out from start to finish is immense. More than you can even imagine. We’ve put three years into Story of a Lost Sky and we’re not even halfway through!

Here’s what you want to do:

  • Learn a programming language or toolkit – There’s no avoiding it. If you want to spearhead a game project, you absolutely have to have the technical expertise to get the game off the ground. Everyone has their own ideas they want to implement, and it’ll be very difficult to just be the “ideas-guy” while a programmer does all the hard lifting. In the old days, that meant picking up C or C++ and doing everything at the low level. These days, we are very fortunate to live in an age where there are dozens of options available to beginners that don’t require understanding what on earth a “pointer” is. We’re using Pygame. There is a great tutorial on both Python and Pygame through Invent your own Computer Games with Python. Other useful libraries that people use include Unity, UDK, Game Maker, RPG Maker, Love2D, and more! These are all toolkits that professionals are using to create commercial games, not just toys. While you’re at it, learn a version control system to help keep track of your project’s codebase and take advantage of code hosting sites like Bitbucket and GitHub. I personally use Mercurial (Spolsky has a great tutorial), but Git is also popular.
  • Build a simple game with it. – At its heart, a game is a program that takes input from a keyboard or controller and outputs audio and visuals in response to it. Figure out how to make simple game first. Like a clone of Pong, a simple platformer, or a basic 2D orbital physics simulator. People want to jump into game development and start working on their dream game without having any experience. Your first game will not be anything spectactular, but at least you then have an idea of what the advantages and limitations of your engine are! You’ll have the confidence to point at that little creation you made and say, “You know, Bob, there it is. That’s my first game. As of today, I’m a bona-fide game developer.” And three years later, when you’ve been slaving on your dream project for that long, you can look back and say, “This is how far we’ve come since that first game of a badly drawn guy flailing a stick on a flat color background.” (True story, that accurately describes my first game I made back in middle school.)
  • Think about your game, especially the mechanics. - Dave covered planning already, but I want to emphasize that as much time should be devoted to thinking about the game’s mechanics (and I’d argue more time) as the game’s plot and world design. Again, another disadvantage of coming into this with a mindset of an RPG fan. The problem is that unless your game has solid mechanics, nothing is going to make it stand out and be memorable. Check out all the cool stuff that MirageV_ is doing with this RPG maker project: Sacred Earth Memory Look at how much time they devoted to their combat mechanics! Check out Schell’s The Art of Game Design. It is the one of the most valuable resources to have when designing your game and I consult with it often. Most importantly, keep your design flexible. Don’t become attached to your design because I can also guarantee you that halfway through the life of your project something will end up not working well at all and you’ll have to redesign it for one reason or another. Mechanics are the sink-or-swim component of your game. Another thing, don’t limit yourself to RPGs. I know we all love them, but have you considered that maybe your game is better suited as a platformer or turn-based strategy game?
  • Build a prototype and gather interest – Once you have the experience of under your belt, it’s time to put together a prototype. Your goal here is to demonstrate that (a) you understand how to use your tools and (b) you’ve thought about and implemented the basic mechanics of your project. You don’t need to show too much on your prototype. Story of a Lost Sky looked like this as a proof of concept. I’d only recommend gathering a team together once you have a working prototype. Throw it on a forum and let people test it. Solicit feedback and listen to what people say about your project. Don’t be afraid to use placeholder art and music. What matters is that your core gameplay mechanics are conveyed, and that’s what’ll attract people to your project. Not all of us can be like ZUN and singlehandedly conceive of a series of immensely popular shoot-em-ups. Our team has a dedicated IRC channel, ideas are cataloged in a wiki, we share files over Dropbox, and we coordinate regularly through IM, forums, and Twitter.
  • Climb that mountain! – From here on out, congratulations, you’ve made it much further than many projects have. This is where you begin the incredibly tough climb to the top of that dream project. It’s here that my strategy diverges from The Dave and the Mother 4 team, which I do see as the flagship project of this forum, so I’ll just speak from personal experience. Our strategy is to release early and often. Lost Sky is out there right now on Bitbucket in both Work in Progress and Stable versions. We have a public bug tracker so players can report problems. By getting our game out to the public (especially if you’re not planning on selling it), you can pick up on mechanics that don’t work and start to address them. Heck, even commercial games are moving in that direction of mass public testing. Look at what Minecraft did: they let the public alpha test their game, building up tons of hype and showering Notch with boatloads of cash! Things that come completely naturally to you as the developer may horribly confuse a player who hasn’t devoted so much of their life on this project. Game development is an iterative process. You build, you test, you gather your results, you evaluate where things might be improved, and you build again. Don’t be afraid to let ideas drop if they’re too hard to implement or take too much time. Don’t be afraid to say no when someone asks you to add a feature that doesn’t add meaningfully to your game.

So there you have it, five steps to building your dream game. I really want to see this community active, so I hope that some of you will take this advice to heart and start on that road to becoming a game developer.

I have a few other general points of advice:

  • Play lots of games of many different genres. What did they do well? What didn’t work so well? Can any of what worked well fit into the game you are making? Are any of the problems common to both games? It’s easier to spot problems in other people’s works rather than your own. Extra Credits has a good series on how to play like a designer. 1 2
  • Read lots of game design literature. Just like in a real reasearch field like my day job (I’m a graduate student in my actual life), game development doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There are tons of people publishing articles on all aspects of game design, most of the time, for free. Did you know that Valve publishes lots of presentation slides that they show at game design conferences each year? That GameDev site that The Dave mentioned is also a treasure trove of articles. There’s lots of free stuff available also on GDC Vault and Gamasutra.
  • Break down tasks into manageable chunks. Making the spell system of a game may be a daunting challenge, but if you break it down into easy to scratch off steps, it’s much easier of a task:
    • Build a menu
    • Set up how the stats work
    • Make some spells
    • Test them
  • And finally, don’t get discouraged. The road is hard, but it is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can have. And if we can get a community going here with lots of mutual communication, we can see that we’re all on this road together.

sprite Armada

    Ah, this was an idea I wanted to toss around that I’ve been tinkering with. I haven’t had the time to work on it really because of MW. See, the game is Puzzle Earthbound, written for DS as homebrew software. It’s the plot of EB, along a bunch of puzzle rounds (I already plotted all the main points). Clearing enemies (blocks) would build up a meter that is proportional to the amount of enemies cleared. You want to win the battle by dropping your opponents HP to 0 (and not getting your head handed to you in the opposite way). PSI would be done by drawing a path/symbol. I had a simple engine up, but it lacks random seeding from the clock that’s any good. So here’s a (real) screen of the idea.

    Meh. EDIT: I forgot to meantion, the BG is animated. I got sine waves down.

    Capn Muffin

    Bad Enough Dude

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    Hehe that looks really neat. Does the background animate?

    EDIT: I now I see YOUR edit, lol. Awesome!

    sprite Armada

      Thanks, I’d like to work on this after MW. It’s in C, so it’ll be pleanty flexible. I just need to figure out a real good base. I barely have a good puzzle mechanic done. XD

      Maybe someone will pick this up.

      sprite OrochiSaKu

        I didn’t say anything here.


        sprite Evan

        Far from nowhere island, but close by?

        sprite OrochiSaKu

          I guess I worded that wrong. XP

          Its just near by Nowhere Island.


          sprite elemental101

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          I have an idea, and am working on sprites now, but have no name or much else at all other than a few sprites.

          Basically, I am planning on making a Mother game set in Mother 3 time to follow the story of Claus, rather than Lucas.

          The story will basically show how Claus came to be the Masked Boy. He will meet several characters from Mother 3, and will team up with them. Some new faces will be introduced along Claus’s quest to avenge his mother, and his eventual loss of everything. I believe I am going to try and make it so your final boss fight, will be the exact opposite of Mother 3, and you will instead fight Lucas, giving an all new ending to Mother 3 (Somewhat).

          Only problem is I have no idea how to use Ruby script, and I really want to get the rolling odometer thing for hp/pp, and I would like a similar battle system to Mother 3 as well….. Scripts are impossible to find online for this kind of thing too, so I dont know what to do.

          Anyway, ill keep working on sprites and locations until I can figure out something to do with it.

          sprite JustinL92

            I like your Idea elemental I cant wait to see wat the game looks like.

            sprite raeta1

              Well anyways I just thought of this crazy idea but I don’t know if I could pull it off
              I call it BuzzBuzz’s Quest.
              It starts a week before BuzzBuzz goes back in time to find Ness.
              Along the way BuzzBuzz will have to fight many oponets,Learn PSI, and meet friends who will help him!
              So what do you think?


              Don’t bash me for asking this but don’t you think this would be a good idea for a game. A game the whole community works on. I was thinking of a sort of enchanted remake of Earthbound but with a twist hd defined graphics. Sort of like Sonic 2 hd and street fighter 2 hd. I think this would be the best game for a community to work on. It would bring all the mother and earthbound fan into one community and make the best fan game possibility. Ok guys tell me what you think of this. I think it’s a start to something new and challenging for the Earthbound and mother fans out there. It would offer us a big challenge. But in the end run it would be great.

              (ps i don’t know how to hd defined something thing is just a idea for the community to work on if they what to)

              sonic 2 hd

              sprite UnL337

              Let’s make a port of Mother 1 (Earthbound Zero), Mother 2 (Earthbound), and Mother 3 (Earthbound 2?) for the DS! We could improve the graphics of Mother and Mother 2 to fit the standards that Mother 3 has set, and optimize it for the DS (touch screen capabilities, anyone?). We could also take features that were present in Mother 3 but not in Mother/Mother 2 and add them.

              I was thinking that we could also use the Mother 3 translation (with permission, of course) for the project.

              Anyone up for this? Hit me up on MSN, info follows:

              MSN: [email protected]

              That’s also my email address.

              sprite Armada

                You know, I was actually trying to do that. You can’t just copy and paste crap. Everything has to be done from scracth in a well made C-based engine. It’s harder than you think, much harder. I hope your willing to put months, maybe even a year and a half into that engine.

                sprite Mashi

                finishes EarthBound, asks “where my mother3 at?”

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                You know what I've been wanting to do for a while?

                Make an EarthBound/MOTHER-themed MUSH.

                Man, MUSHes are awesome.
                I AM A LLAMA MASK MAJOR.
                Known for editing her posts a gabillion times before being satisfied with them.
                ENEMA BAG OH GOD OH GOD

                Capn Muffin

                Bad Enough Dude

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                Which idea should I pursue?

                (103 votes by 103 people)

                Bad news… EarthBound: Memoirs is and probably forever will be on perpetual hiatus. Unfortunately my house was robbed and my laptop was one of my many electronics stolen. While I do have an external hardrive backup, it’s several months old.

                I’m looking to start a new project. I want to finish Piko (my puzzle game) but I’m juggling for a fresh idea to toy with.

                (More Details)

                The sand-box RPG. Basically you’re some sort thing (humanish?) that’s on some sort of world (Earthish?) There’s a device enclosing your head with a large keyhole on it. The device keeps you alive—you need not worry about foot, water, or air… but for how long? Where is this key, if it even exists? There’s no introduction or pretext, you’re just dropped in this world to explore and figure out things for yourself.

                The treasure-hunting game. Your character finds and collects treasure but goes one step beyond and uses the treasure to build wacky devices. How you combine and use these devices is up to you.

                The EarthBound Starter Kit. An RPG Maker XP project file. It would include scripts, events, graphics, etc… all designed so that you can download and begin mapping right away to create your game.

                sprite TidalEspeon

                  Damn, that sucks DX that’s one great fangame-in-progress we may never see
                  Did you keep your RMXP serial number outside the comp, like in a flash drive or CD? Or were those stolen too?
                  If you still have the code somewhere, then just reenter the code in a redownload.


                  sprite shafersaysmeh

                  i dont really have a name for my idea….but im trying to get enough of a game togeather with RPG maker that i can start asking people for help with sprites and such, but on to the story idea:

                  After giygas defeat a year has passed on earth, Poo has become king, Ness and Paula are dating, Jeff has finished his studies and now works with his father, but while they all thought pokey was gone for good, he introduces more of his schemes, he kidnaps Paula and takes her to the dark unknown, she awakens on planet saturn, sourounded by starmen, Ufos, and of course, the Pig mask army, Jeff, Ness and Poo all try desperately to save her from the clutches of Pokey. Control will switch between ness, paula, jeff, and poo, untill they all unite to once again defeat pokey.

                  Basically the game takes place after lucas has defeated pokey, but also before it (ooooooo time travels super spokey!)

                  You can see why i need sprite help. Im hoping to stick with RPG makers time based battle system, but stay away from the heros battle sprites.

                  sprite M5_Annie

                  Mmm…I’m still doing Mother 5, but here’s the problem…

                  The storylines are relatively in tie with each other somehow.

                  I’m doing revisions and need serious help on doing this…who can help me on this?

                  The father of Will & Lou gets killed in the prolongue, The mother of Will & Lou gets killed in Chapter 3. Will’s little brother, Lou, gets forcefully abducted by the bad guys. Is that too similar to the death of Hinawa? Or the death of Claus?

                  You can consider why I need help…PM me if you have any suggestions…

                  Project DragonBlossom – Indie Game Project
                  Mother 5: Revival Coming SOON!


                  • fanvatar3

                  How about you just make a game that has nothing to do with mine?
                  That would be a lot easier, seeing as so far this has pretty much nothing to do with mine already XD

                  sprite Dadalama

                  if you’re trying to make a sound battle system in game maker it is possible to just have it play similar to guitar hero. So when you hit the beat instead of playing the battle instrument sound it actually plays the guitar (or whatever) track on the fight.

                  sprite wrathofblade

                  Has anyone ever tried to recreate Mother 1 in the Earthbound engine?

                  128 Marios !!
                  Saddler… you’re small-time.

                  sprite Mr. Sword

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                  Mato’s trying to do that on the side.


                  • fanvatar3

                  Sorry if I sound too wild-card but I think a great idea now is to try recreating some elements of what you love of your favorite videogames . Seeing as there are many angered game fans saying that things were better in the past because of this and that, they should try to make their own title with those elements they love.

                  Going on specific suggestions, how about an EarthBound pinball game?


                  sprite Armada

                    Sorry if I sound too wild-card but I think a great idea now is to try recreating some elements of what you love of your favorite videogames . Seeing as there are many angered game fans saying that things were better in the past because of this and that, they should try to make their own title with those elements they love.

                    Going on specific suggestions, how about an EarthBound pinball game?

                    I actually wanted to do that for the laughs. Pinball engines are annoying. With a good slope engine, I can’t see it being too hard.

                    sprite Phones

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                    I WAS working on a 3-d character modeler. Something where you could use a 3-d figure to create the proper pose for a drawing. I planned it so you could even have it at certain ages and sizes, along with chibi and anime models. However, I’m a lousy 3-d programer, so it’s REDICULOUSLY bug ridden(And my computer crash didn’t help.) I would like to see someone else attempt this though.

                    -Phones (fancy cursive font)

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                    I have an idea for a fan game.
                    Okay, so it’s EarthBound, right?
                    Well, only instead of playing as Ness and co. you play as Pokey. The whole game is in his perspective and it follows the story from the beginning where you meet Buzz Buzz, to where Pokey becomes an important person in Happy Happyism, to where he meets Monotoli, and finally to the end of EarthBound with Giygas and whatnot.
                    I’m not actually making this game, it’s just an idea that popped into my head a few days ago.


                    • fanvatar3
                    • Game Swag

                    Here’s my great idea that I’m too busy to take into my own hands:

                    EarthBound: 199Y
                    The game would be EarthBound as a result of alternate history. The game starts out exactly the same as the original. Ness wakes up and goes up to the hill to try and check out the meterorite, but is stopped by the police and the bothersome Pokey. After talking to Pokey and going back to bed, Ness is awoken by Pokey’s knocking. His brother, Picky is missing. So Ness agress to help Pokey find him and changes out of his pajamas before leaving. Then they step out of the house…

                    The music is different (perhaps the unused song?). Things feel eerier. Pokey stops you before you leave the front yard, to say how scared he is. The enemies seem to be more powerful than usual, and they’ll team up to stop you. When you arrive at the hilltop, the meteorite is gone… but Picky’s okay and asleep as he was. Picky joins with Ness and Pokey, and the three progress downhill. Somewhere along the way, you run into a new police roadblock. Captain Strong is standing at it, and the player is forced to talk to him to proceed. He suspects that Ness and the other boys helped the Sharks with allegedly stealing the meteorite. The screen fades and the three are taken to the Onett Police Dept. for interrogation.

                    Then some not-very-plot-relevant scenes take place: Interrogation and maybe some fights at the police station, Ness and the Minch boys escape, Ness leaves Pokey and Picky behind at an abandoned house at Beak’s Point, and Ness flees Onett to escape the police who are out looking for him.

                    Most of the story up until the end would consist of a chain of seemingly random events that throw Ness into a huge, darker adventure across half the areas in EarthBound, and half of some unseen areas (the plot makes certain areas from EarthBound irrelevant). All of the events in the game are a result of the meteorite disappearing very early on. Things would be much darker, for example: Ness wasn’t able to reach Paula on time, so when he arrives in Twoson, the Happy Happy Cult would be much larger, and Paula got brainwashed and became the High Priestess of the religion. She would be a boss that would have to be defeated.

                    Near the end of the game, Ness and his three friends (who are not the same people due to everything being altered) would stumble upon and storm the Stonehenge Base for whatever reason. There, they find the meteorite from the beginning of the game, as well as the dying Buzz Buzz. He would tell Ness everything that has happened. It would be explained that Buzz Buzz originally tried to warn Ness at the beginning of the game, but the Starman Junior arrived early and took off with the meteorite. It would be explained that all the dark elements and enemies are influenced by an alien overlord named Giygas. It would be explained that quite a bit of time has passed from the beginning of the game, and Giygas’ invasion has forces on Earth have grown because Ness never captured any Sanctuary Locations or defeated any of Giygas’ minions. Finally, Buzz Buzz would tell Ness what must be done: He must “rescue” as many Sanctuary Locations as possible.

                    Ness and co would leave the Stonehenge base and all the areas would now be swarming with powerful enemies (like Onett at the end of EarthBound). Ness would have to travel to all the sanctuary locations (some of which have already been mentioned or seen in the story, but were thought to be irrelevant). Giygas has sent out his forces to destroy the sanctuary locations, as they now pose more of a threat to him then an advantage. This is the final stretch of the game. Ness would probably save about half the locations from being destroyed, but would still have a decent enough power boost to face Giygas (at least the story would say so).

                    Then… you face Giygas, and… yeah.

                    There’s a lot of things I haven’t put thought into, but that’s your responsibility now. I am donating this idea.


                    • fanvatar3

                    Sounds like a good PK hack to me : o


                    • fanvatar3
                    • Game Swag

                    That was the original plan. I don’t think the PK Hack forum has a topic for this kind of stuff, though.


                    • fanvatar3

                    Freaking ace, Food_eater! =D


                    sprite wcrntn

                    A business sim where you play as Porky

                    sprite Mashi

                    finishes EarthBound, asks “where my mother3 at?”

                    • donor2
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                    • EarthBound Central

                    Would a Mother MUSH (Multi-User Shared H-textbasedRPG) interest you

                    (27 votes by 27 people)

                    I really want to execute this idea.

                    (Note: H can stand for basically anything. :|)
                    I AM A LLAMA MASK MAJOR.
                    Known for editing her posts a gabillion times before being satisfied with them.
                    ENEMA BAG OH GOD OH GOD

                    sprite jakeyboy01

                    I had an idea similar to BuzzBuzz’s quest, except it wasn’t really anything to actually get into, but just my idea of what a 3D Mother game would be, but the more I think about it the more I feel I should, if I learn how to. It is basically 10 years in the future of Earthbound, the alternate universe where BuzzBuzz wasn’t told to go back in time. You would start as a group of boys in Threed, around the time Giygas starts to unveil the Apocolypse. The dead would start to rise, and the group would need to escape. The idea was that the gameplay would alternate between this group of boys and Flint’s sons, Lucas and Claus (assuming Mother 3 followed Earthbound and took place 10 years later). I won’t go into more detail, as even if this does get made, it won’t be for a LONG time.

                    The DS port idea sounds good to (if it is possible), the menu could be permanently on the touch screen, making it more accessable, and battles could take place like in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. Mybe even some unlockable extras, like battles with unused bosses (a la freaky Mother 3 boss), and documentation of interviews with the people behind the games.

                    sprite LuigiandClaus!

                      I’ve actually come up with 2 concepts of a"Mother 2.5", which I’ve named Earthbound: Dark Times, and EarthBound: Chariots of Fire. Dark Times features me and my twin bro as the main characters, and is supposed to show the beginnings of the Pigmask Army, and Chariots of Fire is supposed to show how the remaining humans survived, up until the white ship arrives. More info later on.


                      sprite MotherEater

                        You’re too slow! My game is Mother 2.5 (I changed to make it better!)

                        • EarthBound Central
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                        MotherEater, it takes place after Mother 3 though, doesn’t it? (Well, not era-wise, but plot-wise)

                        sprite MotherEater

                          No…it takes place between Mother 2 and 3.

                          sprite Chip

                          I was thinking of a spin-off staring the hippie!
                          SUPER HIPPIE LAND!
                          Plot: After the events of Earthbound. Everything is supposedly in peace. Until the Shark gang decides to go on a rampage, making people mad and irritable. It’s up to the Hippie to restore everything to normal using the power of LOVE (Friends Idea)
                          The gameplay will play like the 2D Mario games and will be made using game maker when I get it to work.
                          Can somebody help me program this game?

                          CAWHM AWN! BRRRUUUUEEEEE FAWKAWHN!!
                          I have aspergers syndrome,and for some reason, I’M PROUD! Do you like terriermon? i c wat i did thar. MAHBOI! snooPING AS usual ICY?
                          All toasters toast toast!


                          • fanvatar3

                          Hey, Starmen should band together to make Earthbound (Or Mother 3 (Or Mother 1)) HD.
                          They’re doing it for Sonic 2~

                          sprite Armada

                            Dunno’ if this is the right place to put it, but here’s a video of my battle engine for a fan game I’m planning to do. I don’t want to post a topic as all my details aren’t ironed out.


                            Yes, before you ask it is the engine from the now cancelled Mother Savior. NessStar3000 gave it to me and ONLY me, so don’t hassle him (or me)!

                            Capn Muffin

                            Bad Enough Dude

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                            Ha, I remember that battle system. Very nice.

                            sprite Armada

                              So I got this idea when I was with my uncle and we were talking about iPhone apps. No, it’s not iEearthBound. It isn’t even an iPhone app. It’s what I call “The EarthBound Encyclopedia”. It’s basically a compendium of EB info that you can access on your Nintendo DS.

                              Here’s some screens. I’ll create a topic for this if I ever get it out of a concept. Feel free to encourage me, and help too!

                              NOTE: You’d hold this like a book, so I can maximize space usage.

                              Page 1

                              Page 2

                              Real screen with cover and buffer page. Table of Contents will be added when all is done.

                              Mock-up of a chapter page and page 1

                              sprite Crescendo

                              • dragon
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                              A Cave Story hack following Mother 1 story, with Mother 1 characters and Mother 1 music, just in Cave Story style.
                              Basically, a Mother 1 made platform with Cave Story physics, graphic style and music style.
                              I already made something, I just need to find time and motivation. It’s just a slow, personal project, for now.

                              I am the Milkman.

                              My milk is delicious.

                              sprite Chip

                              A Cave Story hack following Mother 1 story, with Mother 1 characters and Mother 1 music, just in Cave Story style.
                              Basically, a Mother 1 made platform with Cave Story physics, graphic style and music style.
                              I already made something, I just need to find time and motivation. It’s just a slow, personal project, for now.

                              That. My good sir. WOULD EPIC WIN!!
                              So… Does anyone like the idea of a hippie spin off??

                              CAWHM AWN! BRRRUUUUEEEEE FAWKAWHN!!
                              I have aspergers syndrome,and for some reason, I’M PROUD! Do you like terriermon? i c wat i did thar. MAHBOI! snooPING AS usual ICY?
                              All toasters toast toast!

                              sprite jakeyboy01

                              Hey, Starmen should band together to make Earthbound (Or Mother 3 (Or Mother 1)) HD.
                              They’re doing it for Sonic 2~

                              After seeing S2HD, I thought of that too!

                              sprite captain_falcon

                              • poe

                              You know, I thought it would be a neat Idea to do Super Smash Bros from an EarthBound character’s point of view… The stages would mean nothing, as all they would be for is a quick exchange of dialogue before the MOTHER style turn based fight. Every enemy could “Call for help” and an assist trophy character would appear.

                              The problems would be though, leveling up, and who to play as. The way I see it, one would take control of Ness and Lucas ( complete with starstorm ) would be the second to last opponet, the last being Porky. Mabey Jeff could be a temporary party member, but if he goes down, he goes down, like a flying man ( I wonder why they werent assist trophies…)

                              It’s nice to think about.

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                              Recently, I started to get ideas about turning the series into a platformer (a bit like in the Cave Story sense.) With the way I imagine it, the stories of the three games would have to be altered and rewritten partically (This would, in turn, take out quite a bit of what people like about the series, though: how open-ended things are in certain places.)

                              Actually, I only thought of Mother 3 in such a fashion. I didn’t really think much of the other 2 so much.

                              its a bit complicated to go into detail with but “Mother 3 altered into a Platformer with a different ending and other things” could describe it.

                              sprite AlgusUnderdunk

                              After reflecting on how much I liked Contact and certain other games, I’ve actually been kicking around the idea of doing an action rpg (think Paper Mario, The World Ends With You, Opoona, etc.) that revolves around a strange job system where your job abilities translate into fighting moves as well.

                              For example, if you become an architect you could build walls for a structure, but also build walls to slow the approach of enemies in battle. A chef could boil water for soup, or boil water for a dangerous projectile attack.

                              And so on. I’ve got a rough idea of the framework in my head, but given that my brain’s currently distracted by academia, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions, for jobs, abilities, or just in general _

                              sprite Picky Minch

                                Sounds like a great game. How would you make it, with an RPG Maker, or original coding? If the former, I highly suggest using OHRRPGCE. I have plenty of ideas for games myself, and if you get anywhere with this I’d love to help you work on it.

                                Also, if Nintendo chooses not to send you the stuff you need to put your game on the market, please don’t sit in your room and pout until you go crazy. It’s just not effective or productive.

                                There’s nothing wrong with being picky!


                                See, making up RPG ideas in your head is a hobby more than I have!