sprite00844.png sprite Brainstorm Central

Ideas, concepts, and other mind-media.

sprite Picky Minch

    The only reasons I have any faith in fan-made RPGs are Bob the Hamster, Montery Penguin, and the four Dimensions games. Otherwise, yeah, they tend to stink. Like Bob’s Game.

    There’s nothing wrong with being picky!

    sprite Phones

    Mr. Saturn is my friend

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    Make it original. Don’t try to copy too much off another series. That’s why we all love Mother. It’s different

    -Phones (fancy cursive font)

    sprite Picky Minch

      His whole job system thing makes me think of a mix between Final Fantasy V and Contact. Seems original so far.

      There’s nothing wrong with being picky!

      sprite GigyasBread

      You need more material if you want this to not be locked. Just some advice, I think it’s a good idea and I don’t want it to meet a lock!


      sprite AlgusUnderdunk


      Well, my original idea was to make this my first MMO game because I think most all MMO RPGs are downright pathetic in terms of their battle systems (i.e., click on enemy, wait until dead, repeat).

      Mainly is I want to make a game with a job system where you don’t see mage, warrior, marine, thief. I want to see a team of mimes, librarians and bartenders charging into battle with a dragon.

      A place where you could be successful in the game without even getting into battle once…

      Anyhoo, I plan on getting to work on this as soon as I finish up the bulk of Smash Brothers Fisticuffs

      Capn Muffin

      Bad Enough Dude

      • fun
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      Heads up: This is getting moved into the “Brainstorm Central” topic.

      sprite ZEROGRAVITY-A01!

      • EarthBound Central

      Need homebrew for the DS that uses the stylus to make the sound battles really damn easy.

      EarthBound in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (Deleted Scenes), anyone?

      • EarthBound Central
      • dragon
      • Level 99 Badge
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      • Reid is a Jinjo
      • M25FF Participation Award
      • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 1
      • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Crafts 2

      I’ve got a fangame in the works right now, but I don’t have enough done to show it yet.

      It’s gonna be Rescue on Mt. Itoi, a game like the original Donkey Kong, but with Ninten instead of Mario, R7038XX instead of Doney Kong, and a few other characters. It’s going to make Donkey Kong waaaaay more fun. That’s waaaaay with 5 a’s. Can’t show any screenshots yet, argh

      sprite captain_falcon

      • poe

      I always thought it would be interesting and funny to hack EarthBound, and replace the chosen four with evil characters, and buzz buzz with a tiny little giygas face or something.

      The evil chosen four would be

      New Age Retro Hippie
      Cranky old Lady
      Annoying old Party Man
      Crooked Cop

      And, obviously, they would set out to stop the real chosen 4.

      sprite copb.phoenix

        The concept I have deals with a game half inside the mind, half out. The general idea here is that either (a) our main character is going/is insane or (b) is in a coma.

        I have a huge notebook that I write random ideas in from time to time…. Maybe I’ll type it up or scan it some time so that you can cheat off of me and my lamo ideas. (Sample: Make a language based on jumbled up language. EX: stirf dai-tik would be “First Aid Kit”. While this would be time consuming, the impact force, provided effort is put forth, would be amazing.)

        Other than that, I recommend getting out of premade engines, or at least learning how to mod them for your own needs. RPG Maker will never, ever, EVER, do well. Just look at how badly my creations suck.

        ^The rough draft of this is my current project. If anyone here has played any of my other games up to this point, the eight-digit codes still work.

        sprite KittenEater

        is not a moogle!

        • Holiday Funfest 08 Winner
        • Halloween Funfest 2nd Place
        • Holiday Funfest 2012 1st Place
        • Badge Maker!

        A while ago, I tried to make a Tablet Adventures fangame… didn’t go too far due to an inability to understand how Game Maker works. If anyone else who actually knows how to work with Game Maker or RPGMaker wants to pick it up, I guess they can.

        sprite Armada

          You can’t really see what I’ve done here, but it’s come quite a long way from the last time I showed you guys the engine. No, these aren’t permanent characters, they’re just for debug.

          sprite Armada

            sprite Afen

            I have an Idea but have no experience. Can someone help this poor canuck . The basic story is that Porkys minions have figured out that by using PSI Rockin PSI Love and 4th d slip they can free porky. They think if they resurrect Giygas and Clause and kidnap one of the magypsys they can get the they will get the necessary PSI. As they resurrect Giygas chaos spreads threw the earth. A young boy in beaver land goes to the cave of summoning to bring summon the 12 of legend starting with the 3 leaders. I will tell the rest later
            BTW this is the kid he is names Andrew or Andy for short


            sprite Smash Bass

            Uhm… I have some feedback here, along with some criticism (hope you don’t mind that).

            I barely speak English, so I have problems with your… imperfect English. So, let me know if this is this:

            Porky’s minions are trying to somehow use PSI Rockin, PK Love, and 4th-D Slip to free Porky from the Absolutely Safe Capsule. To obtain the ability to use them, they are trying to kidnap the magypsies, and resurrect Giygas and Claus. After they resurrect Giygas, chaos spreads around the world. A boy from some place called Beaver Land needs to go to the Cave of Summoning to summon the 12 of Legend.

            Maybe you could have elaborated a bit more. I mean, how are we supossed to help you?

            Now, I'm assuming that you haven't finished Mother 3 yetIn Mother 3, the magypsies dissapeared after the needles were pulled. How can the magypsies be kidnapped then? If you haven’t cleared Mother 3 still, I recommend you to do so.

            Now, I think I know (sort of) who are these “12 of Legend” you are talking about, but this “summoning” sounds strange.

            Finally, with Andrew, I highly recommend drawing whatever is on his shirt with the proper position and size, and in pixels. And try to use black borders in the hair and the cap. I also suggest making him more original, removing that cap and trying to give him an original hairstyle so he doesn’t look like a Ness recolor.

            Well, there are some things that I don’t quite understand about your idea, so please post again so we can help you.

            sprite Afen

            I am an amateur I will give more info later when I have time. change whatever you want on Andy except his hair colour and his shirt. The 12 are Ness Ninten Lucas ect ect. I will change the simbol on his shirt. Finaly the magypsies were added as a “well I’ll change this later” I couldn’t think of anyone else If anyone could tell me I would go on with it. Like I said I don’t have much time so later I will tell you more. Oh and if nobody picked this up Beaver land is Canada.

            sprite Afen

            Also Dr Ardonuts (did I spell that right?) has a big part in this story

            sprite Afen

            Well summoning is all I could think of

            sprite Smash Bass

            Oh, some other little things:

            1.- I forgot to mention that you shouldn’t post bmps. Try to save sprites as pngs if you want to upload them.
            2.- You almost spelled it right, but it’s Andonuts.
            3.- Don’t double or triple post. It’s not against the rules or anything, but editing the post is far easier than posting multiple times. You can do so by using that yellow paper icon in the corner of your post.
            4.- Try to make your game’s story more consistent. It has a bit little weak points but it’s still in brainstorming so, I will not go into that now.
            And most important:

            how are we supossed to help you?

            sprite Afen

            Ya sorry about the multi posts. Well fist the kid (lets call him A for short even if he is called Andrew or Andy) Actually summons the doc first but it uses so much PSI that he actually returns to level 1. At this rate it would take months or even years to bring all 12 heroes of legend. So Andonuts builds a device that summons heroes but it still has it has its flaws it can only sumon 3 heroes and they will return to level 1 but with every summon the base level will be higher.(The reason for all this returning to level 1 is it is an excuse for not starting the game with level 80+ characters)I want a game that allows you to switch your party members as the game progresses. You can help me by telling me what free software I can use or I give you guys the complete script and you do it for me while sending me updates and demos as I review but I would rather option #1 because #2 is to uh huevón (thats right I am part mexican ) and I know I am asking to much even for a generous person unless someone is willing to put their time and effort into a game that isn’t even yours with no reward.

            Note: I have tried game maker but it is not strong enough and RPG maker confused me so much… Also If I could be told a good game to hack and how to hack it that would be fine too

            Xbox Live name “AirKing74” PM me if you plan to add me.
            Petal: Magnet…turds…???
            Rabid Dog “For God so loved his morning donuts and coffee that he sent his only son.”

            sprite Afen

            Sorry double post is there any projects that are like mine?

            sprite Smash Bass

            Woah, I’m mexican, too! I know how it feels to not understand anything. Well, that was long ago. Now my English is far better.

            If you don’t have any problem owning RPG Maker XP, then I don’t see why do you find it confusing. Game Maker is confusing, unless you know how to program. RPG Maker is not strong enough. That’s how it would be.

            Now, what are you trying to say with “any projects that are like mine”?

            And finally, your post says “(edited 12 minutes ago)”. You know how to edit, right? Just edit the post instead of posting again, please.

            sprite Afen

            Well actually I am part Mexican but Unfortunatly I am the opposite I barely know spanish and for that I am sad also I mean has someone done this already and finally how in the world do you work RPG maker

            Xbox Live name “AirKing74” PM me if you plan to add me.
            Petal: Magnet…turds…???
            Rabid Dog “For God so loved his morning donuts and coffee that he sent his only son.”

            sprite Armada

              Another screenshot. I’m working on the odometer system. I’ve also started ripping PSI animations from Mother 3. The quality of the animation in this screen is due to a resize. I’m trying to get it nicer.

              sprite Smash Bass

              I barely know spanish

              o_o Wow. I thought it was the exact opposite (no offense intended but your grammar is not very good).

              also I mean has someone done this already

              I still don’t understand what are you trying to say. :|

              and finally how in the world do you work RPG maker

              I know how to use RPG Maker, and with Capn Muffin’s Starter Kit (still a work in progress), it would be even easier. However, I’m a perfectionist, so I would probably end up taking over your project, and we don’t want that to happen. I can’t help you.

              RPG Maker is very, very easy to use, and I sincerely think that you wouldn’t have any problem. And if you have one, you could just search for tutorials or something. This question is too vague; I think it can’t be answered properly.

              Oh, some other thing. “Huevón” is not a nice word. Not a swear, but it is a ugly world anyway.

              sprite Afen

              I know it is an ugly word but I had to describe it that way cause I hate throwing things on peoples shoulders
              it seems so incredibly lazy not to mention that I would criticize the work anyway.
              ( I know my grammar is bad but blame the fact that I am taught french immersion) okay I will try harder on that RPG maker

              Xbox Live name “AirKing74” PM me if you plan to add me.
              Petal: Magnet…turds…???
              Rabid Dog “For God so loved his morning donuts and coffee that he sent his only son.”

              sprite Smash Bass

              Uhm… I’m pretty sure that there are a lot of better words for that.

              By the way, I still don’t understand what are you trying to say with this:

              also I mean has someone done this already

              sprite Afen

              Is there a project that is similar to mine. you know crossover summoning are there any projects that are like mine

              Xbox Live name “AirKing74” PM me if you plan to add me.
              Petal: Magnet…turds…???
              Rabid Dog “For God so loved his morning donuts and coffee that he sent his only son.”

              sprite Smash Bass

              Nope. At least not active projects. “Crossover summoning” is a weird way to say it, though. But I don’t see why would it matter.

              sprite bobbyjkl

              I’ve always loved TCG. To avoid me any future embarrassment, in case I make any major changes, I won’t go over the rules here, but here’s two quick pics

              First: Front of a card

              sprite bobbyjkl

              Aaaannnnd a back.

              sprite Phones

              Mr. Saturn is my friend

              • dragon
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              • EarthBound Central
              • Fanart of the Week
              • fun

              What Game would you like to see?

              (32 votes by 32 people)

              I’d like to make a Fangame sometime soon, and I’d like to see what people would like to see me to make the most. They all are mostly written, and will all play like Mother 3 with a few additions. It’d also be nice if you said why. Thanks.

              Short Summaries:

              Mother 4: Mother 4 is a story of a boy named Dean and his good friend Clyde. When Clyde goes missing, it’s up to Dean to try and find him, all while unraveling a horrible fate that the world will encounter.
              (I don’t want to give too much away with this one)

              The Story Of Prince Pu: How did Prince Pu get to where he is today? The story of this game takes place in a mix of ancient China and the Modern world. Throughout a series of Chapters, Pu will face many challenges, such as trying to bring two waring nations together, and learning the ways of the Starstorm. Who is Prince Pu? And what becomes of him?

              Mr. Saturn’s Excellent Adventure: The Mr. Saturns have just crashed on earth, having escaped from Saturn, which has recently become uninhabitable due to an unnatural cause. When that strange force seems to be starting to take over the earth as well, a brave Mr. Saturn ventures out to find the evil and stop it. As he travels, he finds that the only way to stop this evil is to acquire a special object. With the help of his team, he searches for the shattered pieces of this object in order to save the world.

              I plan to have all of these games play like Mother 3, yet have an open map much like Earthbound, as well as a few gameplay additions.

              -Phones (fancy cursive font)

              sprite Armada

                I don’t really like any of those ideas, so I opted out. Sorry Phones, but without much more info, those ideas don’t sound too good.

                sprite Phones

                Mr. Saturn is my friend

                • dragon
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                Ok. Thanks for that input. I may write up a short summary for each game.

                -Phones (fancy cursive font)

                sprite Armada

                  I’d be more than happy to give feedback with more info.

                  sprite Phones

                  Mr. Saturn is my friend

                  • dragon
                  • Holiday Funfest 08 Winner
                  • artspot
                  • fanvatar3
                  • Aces
                  • EarthBound Central
                  • Fanart of the Week
                  • fun

                  Thank you. It’s updated.

                  -Phones (fancy cursive font)

                  sprite Smash Bass

                  I would prefer “The Soul of Dallam”. I think it would be interesting to explain Poo’s backstory.

                  sprite Armada


                    Another video (whenever it processes). No audio this time, though. Now the game is really starting to take shape, under the name of “Mother 0”. Expect to see a post really soon about it. I promise it will not disappoint.

                    I watch Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent all day, every day.

                    • Game Swag
                    • Writing Bootcamp 2011
                    • EBFF 2011 Submitter
                    • donor4
                    • April Fool's 2012 Art Submit

                    I have an idea that nobody seems to have done. is this any good?

                    so Gordy (name pending) is living in the year 200X, and attends Snow Wood Academy. at the beginning of Summer vacation, he is taking a plane ride home to Threed, but his plane nearly collides with a metallic chrome ship which is plummeting to the Earth. back in Threed, Gordy’s mother tells him that the ship crashed on the west side of Grapefruit Falls. since it’s summer vacation, Gordy is finally free to explore and have fun, so he checks it out (oh yeah, Gordy sometimes thinks to himself, which separates him from the other protagonists from the official games) and so he goes to Grapefruit Falls, but he has no idea on how to cross, then, he sees a sign and reads it, the sign tells that a historical marker is behind the waterfall (the people recognize the events of EarthBound as a historical event and recognize it as such, and so signs are posted throughout EagleLand wherever famous battles were held) and so he goes through the factory where the Saturns were enslaved. he then finds that a cave has collapsed that opens up a new path across the river (and covers the door to Saturn Valley) so he finds the wrecked ship and, accompanied by a lost Mr. Saturn, explores the ship.

                    oh, this is probably a wall of text, sorry.

                    inside the ship, he finds the tomb of a human, and through a few more series of events, finds out that Giygue’s race has come to Earth (only now learning of his defeat, seeing as the planet was supposed to be destroyed by now) to finish the job. Gordy then starts his adventure around the entire planet (and maybe the alien home planet?) and finds a way to travel with the 3 greatest heroes (Ninten, Ness, and Lucas) and stop the alien force at last.

                    sprite Burk

                    I got bored the other night and decided to create a fangame of Earthbound.
                    So there is what I have so far…That and a cliched backstory.
                    So anyway the game takes place in the world of Earthbound, Set about 100 years later. The game starts in Snowstone village in the continent (or whatever it is) of Winters. In the several days that occur before the game many important events happen in Eagleland including a unknown object crashing into the hills of Onett, The mayor of Fourside's son mysterious disapearance and a odd army appearing on the horizon.

                    The main character, Thomas, Is a child in the village of Snowstone. He spends his time with his childhood friend May and twins Brad and Luke. The town bully Jeremy and his small friend Daniel spend their days tormenting the other children. But what is the recently built fortress in the woods creating and who is the mysterious man spotted in town?

                    The game will feature a more modern Eagleland and other continents will also be accesable, But first I will need help. Mainly with the progamming and backgrounds. Anyone care to help?


                    • EarthBound Central
                    • dragon
                    • Sarsie's Joke Badge of Evil BSA Evilness
                    • Frong Badge
                    • donor4
                    • Badge Maker!
                    • Ponsesy Participation
                    • April Fool's 2012 1-sig
                    • The Sparkles
                    • Starmen.net Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
                    • Reid is a Jinjo
                    • fanvatar4
                    • $100 Minecraft Donation for Falc
                    • Buck's Czar Badge
                    • Secret Forum VFD Game Organizer
                    • ZAWA RRPS Winner
                    • Sky Family Reunion 2014
                    • M25FF Participation Award
                    • M25FF Funky Award
                    • Summers Art Collab!
                    • I believed in Smash
                    • smash collab
                    • Helped Buck Fever Out
                    • Candy Cornucopia
                    • Master Kraken Hunter!
                    • Doctor Hobo's Love Hotel
                    • meep
                    • Chompy
                    • Sonic
                    • Buck's Birthday Badge Bonanza Bazinga
                    • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
                    • sitting frog
                    • !Merch Museum
                    • Theoryfest Helper
                    • The Derek Rose Incident 2016
                    • PAX East 2016
                    • !Camp Fangamer 2016 Merchboy
                    • !Franklin Badge Gold
                    • Fanart of the Week
                    • Game Swag
                    • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
                    • 7UP
                    • 30 Minutes of Silence
                    • badge

                    The spritework seems to be impressive! I’m interested.


                    sprite Burk

                    Thanks, It took a while to improve my spriting.
                    Are you by any chance good at programming?

                    • EarthBound Central
                    • dragon
                    • Sarsie's Joke Badge of Evil BSA Evilness
                    • Frong Badge
                    • donor4
                    • Badge Maker!
                    • Ponsesy Participation
                    • April Fool's 2012 1-sig
                    • The Sparkles
                    • Starmen.net Art Boot Camp 2012 Single Participation
                    • Reid is a Jinjo
                    • fanvatar4
                    • $100 Minecraft Donation for Falc
                    • Buck's Czar Badge
                    • Secret Forum VFD Game Organizer
                    • ZAWA RRPS Winner
                    • Sky Family Reunion 2014
                    • M25FF Participation Award
                    • M25FF Funky Award
                    • Summers Art Collab!
                    • I believed in Smash
                    • smash collab
                    • Helped Buck Fever Out
                    • Candy Cornucopia
                    • Master Kraken Hunter!
                    • Doctor Hobo's Love Hotel
                    • meep
                    • Chompy
                    • Sonic
                    • Buck's Birthday Badge Bonanza Bazinga
                    • SummerBound Super Helper Umbrella
                    • sitting frog
                    • !Merch Museum
                    • Theoryfest Helper
                    • The Derek Rose Incident 2016
                    • PAX East 2016
                    • !Camp Fangamer 2016 Merchboy
                    • !Franklin Badge Gold
                    • Fanart of the Week
                    • Game Swag
                    • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
                    • 7UP
                    • 30 Minutes of Silence
                    • badge

                    No good at programming, but I’m a good spriter.


                    Reconstructed Dragon

                    Stargazing? Pah! Cloudgazing!

                    • Holiday Funfest 08 Winner
                    • EarthBound Central
                    • donor4
                    • dragon
                    • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner
                    • Writing Bootcamp 2014

                    Just a question… Has this fangame MAYBE something to do with…. Mother 3 spoilersthe White Ship? Because I’m pre-planning a game like this
                    Well, but this looks really good. I like the style you use for spriting. Keep it up

                    Exactly what it says on the skin.
                    See? Got it tatooed right there.
                    There’s an OFF-translation-shaped hole where my brain should be.

                    sprite Burk

                    Just a question… Has this fangame MAYBE something to do wit. Mother 3 spoilersthe White Ship? Because I’m pre-planning a game like this
                    Well, but this looks really good. I like the style you use for spriting. Keep it up

                    White ship?
                    I take that has something to do with the White ship which came to nowhere islands, But no it does not have anything to do with mother 3. I want to make it like Earthbound mainly due to the fact that mother 3 only had two towns whilst earthbound had loads.

                    No good at programming, but I’m a good spriter.

                    I need somebody to make the backgrounds and enemies if you can do that?

                    Reconstructed Dragon

                    Stargazing? Pah! Cloudgazing!

                    • Holiday Funfest 08 Winner
                    • EarthBound Central
                    • donor4
                    • dragon
                    • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner
                    • Writing Bootcamp 2014

                    Phew But really, I can’t wait to play this

                    • Logographer
                    • fangamerHCW
                    • poe
                    • fanvatar3
                    • dragon
                    • Game Swag

                    Since this project seems to be in the idea stage, (no programmer or screenshots) I’m going to merge it with the Brainstorm Central topic.

                    Game topics must follow the guidelines set in this topic. Once you’re to a point where you can meet those guidelines, you can post a new topic for your game.

                    sprite Burk

                    Uh…It turns out I hate programming, The programs suck and wouldn’t be that much of a hassle if there was no smegging trials..
                    So I’m still on the lookout for a programmer, Anyone wanna help?

                    sprite captain_falcon

                    • poe

                    I think this is the right thread. I just want to babble off two ideas that have been plaguing me but will probably never come to be because I haven’t the skills for making a game ( coding and graphic editing and the like ) …So don’t read my post if you don’t want to read nothing but a daydream.

                    As lame and overdone as it probably seems, I’d like to see an EarthBound platformer. If I were to do this, I’d hack Super Mario World, give it completely and totally new levels, with EarthBound-ish settings, enemies, items, and power ups. Mario Luigi and Yoshi would probably be replaced with Ness Lucas and Baby Drago. I don’t know if I could think of anything for each power up, enemy and Boss though. Probably random PSI and MOTHER enemies, and the final Boss could be an original one, neither Giygas nor Porky. Although they could both be featured in the game some how. Maybe. Story would probably be something involving time warps or something. I guess. Of course since it would be a SMW hack… the ending and opening would be limited to copies of SMWs.

                    It’s really nice to think about. Somebody could do it. But I probably cant. I can’t even figure out the SMW level editor I downloaded.

                    The other game I like to think about is an EarthBound themed Mini Game collection designed for 1 player. Getting the high score is the goal here. …. I started dreaming about this game after playing a Mario Fan game called New and Tasty: http://www.mfgg.net/?act=resdb&param=02&c=2&id=16573
                    Unlike most Fangames, they don’t attempt to make a clone of SMB, they take characters and environments from Super Mario games, and the feel, and music, and make a fantastic collection of Minigames that allow for you to post your high scores online ( or something. The computer I play it with doesn’t have internet. )

                    I would LOVE to see this concept applied to MOTHER… But uh. Based on the credits for New and Tasty, it looks like it took a great deal of effort, so not just anyone could make this.
                    Again, it’s really nice to dream about.

                    sprite EmpoleMew

                    • boo
                    • Elite4WINNER
                    • Game Swag

                    Okay, I have this idea for a fangame. The only thing stopping me from making it a reality is that RPG Maker 2003 is hard for beginners to figure out. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I need a partner with experience to help me out.

                    The title of the game would be “Kirby’s Super RPG Adventure” despite how cheesy/corny/cliche it sounds. I have little bit of the story worked out. Kirby wakes up in Green Greens (the first dungeon) and finds that it looks different. He realizes that it’s almost identical to a forest you’d see in an RPG game. (There’s some 4th wall breaking here and there.) At the end of the forest, he fights Wispy Woods. (obviously) Then you move on to Dedede’s castle, to recruit him as a partner. Dedede informs you that all of Dreamland has slowly become more like the stereotype of a traditional RPG. He also suggests that you recruit Meta Knight, who you have to fight first.

                    Basically, you have to find out what’s causing the world to become an RPG, and stop it. If made, the game will have tons of cliches, and possibly bonus disks and a New Game+ mode.

                    So tell me what you think of this idea, (be harsh if you have to) and if you are interested and can help, PM me. I’d really like to see this made.

                    Well to be fair, it’s a Minccino.
                    “To be honest, I thought Earthbound was a fun game…” -DSUser
                    <petalstunk> I’m absoloutely freaking insane.