Gold Statue sprite MOTHER² (Pre-Alpha)

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sprite MultiVolt

I am currently working on a remake of EarthBound (in the style of MOTHER 3/fan-made MOTHER 4). I have thought about creating this remake for years now and glad I’m finally acting on it.

I first played EarthBound almost 12 years ago and was completely floored; it was the type of game that I had never experienced before. Even though it’s an RPG, the fact that it was able to offer so much to the player in terms of a world to explore and characters with which to interact for a SNES game in the mid-90’s was astounding. It’s one of my favorite games, but obviously it still has some issues that make it a bit more klunky gameplay-wise (in my opinion) compared to MOTHER 3 which fixes virtually every issue. I thought it would be interesting to create a game with the same story, charm and humor as EarthBound but plays a little more smoothly.

Will feature:

  • Reworked sprites and maps in the style of fan-made MOTHER 4 but all keeping the original layout of EarthBound
  • Ability to run like in MOTHER 3
  • Harder difficulty mode
  • Additional optional bosses, side-quests, PSI abilities, items, and outfits
  • New game/load game/sound player (plus additional options) from main menu as in MOTHER 3
  • Consolidated menus as in fan-made MOTHER 4 (ex. taking out as many extra steps as possible, adding a key items menu, eliminating obtaining one item at a time, etc)
  • Drastically reduced loading times

Please note that all assets shown so far are currently placeholders and are subject to change.
In addition, NO donations whatsoever will be accepted regarding this project.

Thank you!

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

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You know, when I first saw this page pop up in the forum spy, I thought “Ah shoot, here we go again. Another one of these kinds of projects that looks okay but has nothing much to it.” But, I am pleasantly surprised! This honestly looks pretty good so far! Mother 4’s art style will always be fantastic, regardless of what state the game is in currently. You’ve implemented it well, and there’s not much wrong visually that I can see. However, like with all of these “remake” type projects, this is an ambitious effort. I’m sure you’re well-aware of that, but I hope you’re prepared to either go big or go home. That’s the only way this will be able to come to fruition.

Please, post more updates here as they come. I’d love to see your progress on this!

sprite JustBear

custom engine or game maker ?

sprite MultiVolt

Please, post more updates here as they come. I’d love to see your progress on this!

Will do! Realistically I’m hoping to get the Onett portion of the game 100% functional before I dive too much into anything dlse. Regardless, I’m glad to finally be able to share this with the community. Thanks for your support!

sprite MultiVolt

custom engine or game maker ?

This has been developed so far using GameMaker Studio 2.

Captain of Positivity

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I especially love your interior design. The inside of ness’s house was always lacking in the original.

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite MultiVolt

I especially love your interior design. The inside of ness’s house was always lacking in the original.

Thanks! One of the goals is to make every place feel unique.

sprite ThatTEEN13

Oh, yes! This looks interesting. Now this is something I will be looking forward to.

sprite MultiVolt

Oh, yes! This looks interesting. Now this is something I will be looking forward to.

Thanks for your support! I’ll post updates as often as I can.

sprite Okano

Now that’s what I call sprite art!

oh yeah for the caterpillar trail store the player’s x and y in a ds list and auto delete the max amount of frames you want the player to follow behind.

Then go ahead and in the caterpillar players check if their assigned index is undefined if it is find the last defined index and set their x and y too it. Sorry if this is a bit complicated.

If you need I can moc up some code.

sprite Fiddlah

  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
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Wow! I’ve seen this before, but I never anticipated this coming to Hey, if you’ve got a discord sever for this, I’d love to lend a hand!

sprite Faris Marie

  • Fanart of the Week

This looks very nice! Excited to see more!

sprite PianoMan547

    :O Amazeballs!

    So the interiors are styled almost akin to Mother 3 with a more top-down perspective, but the exterior retains EarthBound’s oblique projection, yes?

    Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

    sprite someghostlyrobot

    that mother 4 aesthetic looks so nice, it fits surprisingly well.

    sprite MultiVolt

    Now that’s what I call sprite art!

    oh yeah for the caterpillar trail store the player’s x and y in a ds list and auto delete the max amount of frames you want the player to follow behind.

    Then go ahead and in the caterpillar players check if their assigned index is undefined if it is find the last defined index and set their x and y too it. Sorry if this is a bit complicated.

    If you need I can moc up some code.

    Thanks for your kind words. To be fair, most of the sprites are based on MOTHER 4’s, with a few that I’ve created myself. I’ll keep in mind your help regarding the caterpillar trail, though I don’t have much experience working with DS lists. Once I get the first portion of the game (Onett) 100% and add party members later, this will be a big help. And thank you for the offer!

    Wow! I’ve seen this before, but I never anticipated this coming to Hey, if you’ve got a discord sever for this, I’d love to lend a hand!

    Thanks! It’s very exciting to share this project with the community, as all of us here are fans of these great games. Shoot me a private message and I’ll send you the link for my Discord server.

    This looks very nice! Excited to see more!

    Thank you! Expect to see more on the way soon!

    :O Amazeballs!

    So the interiors are styled almost akin to Mother 3 with a more top-down perspective, but the exterior retains EarthBound’s oblique projection, yes?

    Generally, yes… Most interiors will be similar to MOTHER 3’s style with a few exceptions.

    that mother 4 aesthetic looks so nice, it fits surprisingly well.

    Thanks, I agree! I always appreciated the look of that project and it ties over to EarthBound nicely.

    sprite PSIUser658

    This looks incredibly amazing! I didn’t know Game Maker Studio 2 let you do this much in great quality. The Mother 4 is a really great touch from your part! I’m astounded, and I’m definitely looking forward to more future updates. Kudos!

    sprite MultiVolt

    This looks incredibly amazing! I didn’t know Game Maker Studio 2 let you do this much in great quality. The Mother 4 is a really great touch from your part! I’m astounded, and I’m definitely looking forward to more future updates. Kudos!

    Thank you! The team is slowly growing and we’ll be posting more updates soon!

    sprite sawgm8eb

    This is very cool! The artwork is amazing. In the original game the room looks so dull but you made it look vibrant and colourful. Hope to see more from you.

    sprite MultiVolt

    This is very cool! The artwork is amazing. In the original game the room looks so dull but you made it look vibrant and colourful. Hope to see more from you.

    Thank you! We’ve definitely drawn inspiration from MOTHER 4’s art style. There will be much more on the way for sure!

    sprite GrandDad23

    • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper

    This looks amazing. Have you thought about pitching this to Hal or Itois company? I would love to see this get finished either way

    sprite Bound

    Yo, this looks promising. I wish you luck with the project, though, I have a question.
    First of all, most sprites are taken DIRECTLY from Mother 4, and some are just edited. I hope they are just placeholders?? You seem to be doing this on your own, and this is just pre-alpha, so I can understand at least. It just itches me that you didn’t specifically say if the assets are placeholders or not. If they are, you should aim to finding a bunch of good spriters in the near future, and I wish you luck with that.
    Otherwise, it’s not really ok to use ripped M4 sprites and not say anything about this particular issue, but you seem to be doing a good job with the gameplay part, judging from your video I saw earlier.
    For now, I don’t know what to say, but this looks really good so far, I just hope that you’ll get the project done. And yeah, take notes about the visual part, a proper devteam is useful for every project. Good luck!

    sprite sands

    Hey, good to see how people love Earthbound!
    I was just wondering, most of the stuff you showed until now are just placeholders?
    I know you’re getting inspiration from the Mother 4 game, but a lot of the sprites seem to be the same as in that game.
    Assuming this is just a pre-alpha, you’re gonna end up making your own sprites later on, right?
    In my opinion, you should also try to get the color palette closer to Earthbound’s, it has a very iconic style that I think Mother 4 tried to go a little different from.
    You should probably contact the Mother 4 developers to see what they think of your project! They’re very open and I’m sure they’d be willing to help.
    Anyway, wish you luck on your project!

    sprite gabbls_

    • PK Hack v2.0

    …C-can I help with sprites?

    Where did things go so smug?

    sprite MultiVolt

    …C-can I help with sprites?

    Thanks for your interest! Please send me a message with some examples from your portfolio.

    sprite MultiVolt

    Yo, this looks promising. I wish you luck with the project, though, I have a question.
    First of all, most sprites are taken DIRECTLY from Mother 4, and some are just edited. I hope they are just placeholders?? You seem to be doing this on your own, and this is just pre-alpha, so I can understand at least. It just itches me that you didn’t specifically say if the assets are placeholders or not. If they are, you should aim to finding a bunch of good spriters in the near future, and I wish you luck with that.
    Otherwise, it’s not really ok to use ripped M4 sprites and not say anything about this particular issue, but you seem to be doing a good job with the gameplay part, judging from your video I saw earlier.
    For now, I don’t know what to say, but this looks really good so far, I just hope that you’ll get the project done. And yeah, take notes about the visual part, a proper devteam is useful for every project. Good luck!

    Hey, good to see how people love Earthbound!
    I was just wondering, most of the stuff you showed until now are just placeholders?
    I know you’re getting inspiration from the Mother 4 game, but a lot of the sprites seem to be the same as in that game.
    Assuming this is just a pre-alpha, you’re gonna end up making your own sprites later on, right?
    In my opinion, you should also try to get the color palette closer to Earthbound’s, it has a very iconic style that I think Mother 4 tried to go a little different from.
    You should probably contact the Mother 4 developers to see what they think of your project! They’re very open and I’m sure they’d be willing to help.
    Anyway, wish you luck on your project!

    The initial post of this thread has been edited to more clearly reflect the focus of this project. I apologize for any confusion.

    Firstly, thank you for your interest, and I appreciate your constructive criticism. Originally this was set to be a showcase of how an EarthBound game could play using GameMaker with more modern mechanics and features, with the intention of sharing progress with the community. However the project has grown to be more than that, and with a team dedicated to working on specific aspects of this game, we have gone back to the drawing board in some spots. This means that, now with a team of artists, we are implementing all-new original sprite work. Rest assured that we aim to ultimately make this project our own, in all areas.

    sprite MultiVolt

    This looks amazing. Have you thought about pitching this to Hal or Itois company? I would love to see this get finished either way

    Thank you! That might be quite a while down the road, but who knows!

    sprite PianoMan547

      Yeah, I like how Ness’s house turned out! A working kitchen, a wall painting, a ceiling fan—- is that a light switch on the wall? There were never any light switches in EB!

      Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

      sprite That Marsh

      • Giygas 10 Theories badge
      • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner


      Sorry, got carried away….
      As I said, this is really cool.

      trying to find my place in this world

      sprite MultiVolt

      Yeah, I like how Ness’s house turned out! A working kitchen, a wall painting, a ceiling fan—- is that a light switch on the wall? There were never any light switches in EB!

      Thanks! Environments are getting a bit of an overhaul but we still plan to keep the same level of detail.

      sprite MultiVolt


      Sorry, got carried away….
      As I said, this is really cool.

      Thank you!!

      sprite PianoMan547

        Will the battle sprites be overhauled, too?

        Got Brain Food? On sale in Dalaam, only 800 $ dollars!

        sprite MultiVolt

        Will the battle sprites be overhauled, too?

        You bet!

        sprite official.pluegyver

        Please don’t pull a “Mother 4-es” cancellation on us. It would be a shame to see a project like this pulled. It’s so amazing that I love it! There is barely any EarthBound fan games and this will be god-tier when it’s finished. This is astonishing my man!

        sprite That Marsh

        • Giygas 10 Theories badge
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        Can I help?

        trying to find my place in this world

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        Well this certainly looks ambitious enough! I’m a musician composer-producer, so if you need any arrangements you know who to call.

        I can plug my stuff down here, right?
        I’m gonna plug my stuff

        sprite MultiVolt

        Please don’t pull a “Mother 4-es” cancellation on us. It would be a shame to see a project like this pulled. It’s so amazing that I love it! There is barely any EarthBound fan games and this will be god-tier when it’s finished. This is astonishing my man!

        Thank you! We’ll ensure that this project will go as far as it can.

        sprite MultiVolt

        Well this certainly looks ambitious enough! I’m a musician composer-producer, so if you need any arrangements you know who to call.

        Thanks! If you’re interested in working, please send me a PM with some examples from your portfolio.

        sprite official.pluegyver

        One more question, since this is a remake, will the music be remix? Like I have nothing against remixes but if so, can the game engine be implemented with the option to switch the OST remake to SNES original at anytime in the game? Like how in Pokémon SoulSilver, there’s a option to switch from the remake music to the original Gameboy soundtrack.

        sprite Dershka

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        It’s fantastic to see the power of Earthbound.
        And the fans are incredible !
        This project is so great, continue MultiVolt ! I support you and I’m certainly not the only one !

        Instagram : @pepin_malin

        sprite Snakeshroom

        • Undertale Temmie Sees All

        One more question, since this is a remake, will the music be remix?.
        Some of the tracks listed in the posts are outdated, but you’ll get the gist of how things’ll be.

        A child without an eye
        Made her mother cry, why ask why?
        @snakeshroom on everything p much

        sprite Ghosten360

        Welp, i just hope that this can be completed, too beautiful to let it die like many other projects.

        I can’t do anything to help unless it consists in transalting the game to Spanish with Native level, wich is just useless because it’s a project in development. 10/10

        sprite MultiVolt

        It’s fantastic to see the power of Earthbound.
        And the fans are incredible !
        This project is so great, continue MultiVolt ! I support you and I’m certainly not the only one !

        Thank you for your support!

        Welp, i just hope that this can be completed, too beautiful to let it die like many other projects.

        I can’t do anything to help unless it consists in transalting the game to Spanish with Native level, wich is just useless because it’s a project in development. 10/10

        Thank you! We are planning to have different translations, but this is of course down the road.

        sprite HomerunNG

        • fanvatar1

        Everyone has already said what I’m going to say right now, but I’ll say it either way:

        It looks awesome!

        What you did to Ness’s House is absolutely pleasing to look at!!
        A stove, a sink, a fan and even a light switch really breathe new air into that house.

        sprite MultiVolt

        Everyone has already said what I’m going to say right now, but I’ll say it either way:

        It looks awesome!

        What you did to Ness’s House is absolutely pleasing to look at!!
        A stove, a sink, a fan and even a light switch really breathe new air into that house.

        Thanks! We will continue to make every place you visit feel unique.

        sprite Delta

        Probably a useless question, but will the enemy sprites be remade? I noticed the battle screenshot has a sprite from the original game.

        sprite MultiVolt

        Probably a useless question, but will the enemy sprites be remade? I noticed the battle screenshot has a sprite from the original game.

        Yep, all enemy sprites will be reworked.

        sprite Meenit7

        Looks really great, and you are using GameMaker Studio 2, which is a plus! It seems you did a great job keeping the charm of Earthbound’s art style, which is great. Good job man, can’t wait to see how this progresses!

        sprite MultiVolt

        Looks really great, and you are using GameMaker Studio 2, which is a plus! It seems you did a great job keeping the charm of Earthbound’s art style, which is great. Good job man, can’t wait to see how this progresses!

        Thanks for the kind words!

        sprite Snazzrin

        One of the most promising things I’ve seen on here. I’m wishing the best of luck on you!

        sploopity sploosh

        sprite MultiVolt

        One of the most promising things I’ve seen on here. I’m wishing the best of luck on you!

        Thank you very much!