Lucas S sprite Anyone want to buy a Earthbound poster?(⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)

sprite KinzoQ

Hello everyone ^^;
I’m selling an old poster with a US cover design. If anyone is interested, please write to me.
We’ll discuss everything in person
(I apologize if I do something wrong, so tell me if i did)

sprite TPratt

I sent you another message.

sprite OilFreak

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Is nobody suspicious of these 2? They both created their accounts on the exact same date. If these aren’t bots I’ll eat my hat


sprite TPratt

I’m not a bot. They originally messaged me and it wasn’t going to work out. Sorry for being suspicious.

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What do you mean “in person”?

I do not wish for fish. I grant fishes wishes.

sprite KinzoQ

What do you mean “in person”?

I mean PM

sprite KinzoQ

Is nobody suspicious of these 2? They both created their accounts on the exact same date. If these aren’t bots I’ll eat my hat

I’m not a bot, but I understand your suspicions. Well, bon appetite with your hat, i guess (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠;)