Ness Peace sprite Which Game Maling Software Should I Use?

sprite ShinyRedUmbreon

So basically, I have decided to make a fangame on Mother(well duh).

Anyways, I decided on a RPG Maker, because Unity and Game Maker Studio, for a reason, wont work for me.

The RPG Makers I decided on are RPG Maker MV, VX ACE and XP.

The reason I picked VX ACE is because I’m the most used to that one.
The reason I picked MV is because RGGames made a Earthbound kit for MV.
The reason I picked XP is because Capn. muffin made a Earthbound kit for XP.

Which RPG Maker should I use?

sprite Demon Claus

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If you know VX Ace the best I’d go with that. Especially if you have enough know-how to bend the engine into something Mother-y yourself.

I haven’t tried RGGames’ MV kit, but I know Muffin’s kit is missing a battle system (unless it got an update?) so you’d have to work around that if you go with his kit.

Andrew: Hahahaha! Screw you all they’re playing Elton John!

sprite RGGames

The one i’ve made, just comes with the basics
-caterpillar character thingy
-battle system
-Basic psi list
-diagonal sprite samples
I think there is some other stuff, but i do not remembervit now.

sprite TheJullasicFox

I recommend Cidoku’s Game Maker engine (using it in my project). It’s very easy to make cutscenes as GMS is a very versatile engine.
EDIT: Nvm, you said you couldn’t use GM in the OP.