Masked Man sprite Unnamed MOTHER 3 Fangame

sprite SmallParrot22

I haven’t started this yet, because I need tilesets and characters from MOTHER 3 for RPG Maker VX Ace. Remember that character sheets for RPGMVXA are 8 characters with 3 walking sprites in each direction (not diagonal) like this: (I didn’t make this). This is a tileset: (Not my creation either).

sprite CarbonLiquid MetalStarman

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sprite RGGames

I believe this could be easily adapted by putting them in the correct tile size and using the tilesets A5, B, C and D for them (A5 for stuff like grass, mountains, etc and the others for miscaleneous)
And for characters, this engine has a lot of templates for vx ace:

sprite SmallParrot22

Thanks, but the tilesets are for a different version of RPG Maker and the engine won’t work because I don’t have the full version.

sprite RGGames

I know, but the itlesets are 32×32 and they can be modified into vx ace and the engine I pointed out is for vx ace.


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