Jeff sprite UNDERBound

For those who just want to use PK Fire on Flowey. (Spoilers!)

sprite LukerGamerz

Just a promotional image.

A quick little title screen I whipped up using a paint tool.

UNDERBound is a WIP fangame that attempts to recreate the wonderful world of UNDERTALE in the Mother series’ style. My goal with this is to allow Mother fans who aren’t a fan of bullet-hells to get into UNDERTALE’s story, and to introduce UNDERTALE fans to the turn-based combat of Mother under a familiar setting. Both the gameplay and the story will undergo changes to transform the base game into another title in the Mother series.

The majority of the plot changes are either something related to Mother’s system (such as MAGIC being changed to PSI), or are made to make UNDERTALE more linked to the Mother world (Like Gygas’ influence causing the humans to wage war). The biggest changes in the plot revolve around party members. To fit Mother’s party of 4, two new characters have been added into the cast; Serena, A caring individual with a big heart; and Joey, a mysterious brainiac who loves constructing machines. Also, Monster Kid has become a party member as well, and will have a much larger story.

Unlike the story, the gameplay has had a massive overhaul. For one thing, there are now two endings instead of three. The neutral route has become the ‘bad’ ending, and the true pacifist route has become the ‘good’ ending. The battle system now plays incredibly similar to Mother 3. Most of the Undertale mechanics still remain, however (though some are now different).

An alpha image of the battle system.

Rather than just reusing the music tracks in UNDERTALE, I will be recreating the majority of the music using all of the Mother trilogy’s sound fonts, to really give off that ‘Mother’ feel to it. If you prefer the original music, I may add an option in the future to change music styles. (No promises!)
Also, some tracks are going to become normal battle themes, such as Stronger Monsters and Death Report!

I have begun simple base game development of the player controls.

I am NOT taking assistance at the current moment.

I hope that at least a few people will enjoy this labor of love to Toby Fox and Mr. Itoi once it is finished.

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite NewToEverything

Just gonna assume you’re finishing what Toby started.

sprite LukerGamerz

Just gonna assume you’re finishing what Toby started.

Well, that’s one way to say it…

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite LukerGamerz

Since I had some free time, I decided I would get something easy out of the way: changing the protagonist’s sprite. I changed their skin color, and opened her eyes, to make her look more like Mother’s party members. Hope you like~

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite logomancy

  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • !!Cookie Cat
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper

If you don’t mind me popping in with some words… if you’re going to change Undertale so that it more resembles a Mother game, perhaps you might want to change the style of sprites as well? I understand that it would be a rather large undertaking, of course. I just think that simply recoloring the sprites may not have the effect you’re looking for.

sprite LukerGamerz

If you don’t mind me popping in with some words… if you’re going to change Undertale so that it more resembles a Mother game, perhaps you might want to change the style of sprites as well? I understand that it would be a rather large undertaking, of course. I just think that simply recoloring the sprites may not have the effect you’re looking for.

Thank you for the feedback. I do agree with the fact that I should probably change the Sprite style. However, I feel that I may need some more experience with Spriting before I go ahead and change the style. I am an ameteur in the Spriting world, and I feel that asking someone else to Sprite for me will not have the desired results. Plus, this is probably the only Sprite that will be recolored if I keep the original style in, anyway. For now, I’ll stick with it, but I may change it when I feel ready.

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite logomancy

  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • !!Cookie Cat
  • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper

Alright, that’s fair! I’m looking forward to anything you put out.

I'm responsible for Rule 15!

  • pkhack
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  • CoilSnake
  • Grrrrreat OP!
  • Holiday Funfest 2012 1st Place
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  • !Camp Fangamer 2016 Merchboy
  • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
Message Deleted By User

sprite LukerGamerz

Will Squeezo be returning in this?


“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite crazya02

I’m curious: why did you choose to remove the genocide run?

sprite LukerGamerz

I’m curious: why did you choose to remove the genocide run?

Q: In what Mother game were you able to kill every single character the game?
A: None of them.

Besides, it wouldn’t really change all that much, anyway.

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite LukerGamerz

So, this is my concept for Serena’s sprites. I feel like I could’ve done this WAY better. What do you guys think?

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite xXParadiseXx

I think the sprite for Serena is great.

Take a melody, simple as can be…

sprite LukerGamerz

I think the sprite for Serena is great.

Thank you! I was expecting some feedback on her head area. I think that the hair is what’s bothering me.

I’m gonna start putting up Serena’s character bio on the OP pretty soon.
EDIT: All done.

“And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

sprite Earthbound_Mike

    The hair seems a bit too bright imo


    sprite LukerGamerz

    The hair seems a bit too bright imo

    Yeah, that’s probably it. I used Paula’s sprite for the skin and hair color. Once I have some time, I’ll try changing the color.

    EDIT: Got it done. Which one do you guys think is best?

    “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

    sprite Earthbound_Mike

      It’s a tie between A Bit Brighter and The Original. It isn’t too hard on the eyes and it’s great. A Bit Brighter gives that vibe of blonde while The Original gives a dirty blonde vibe


      sprite LukerGamerz

      It’s a tie between A Bit Brighter and The Original. It isn’t too hard on the eyes and it’s great. A Bit Brighter gives that vibe of blonde while The Original gives a dirty blonde vibe

      For me, it’s a tie between the 3 top ones, but I think that A Bit Brighter is the best for the kind of character I’m going for.
      EDIT: Changing it right now.

      “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

      sprite Earthbound_Mike

        That looks great, and if it’s the best for your character then even better


        sprite PsychoLOLogist

        If you outline Serena’s face and hair, it’ll look a lot better. Without an outline, it kind of just blurs together. Also, her hair won’t disappear if she walks in front of yellow background once you add an outline.

        sprite LukerGamerz

        If you outline Serena’s face and hair, it’ll look a lot better. Without an outline, it kind of just blurs together. Also, her hair won’t disappear if she walks in front of yellow background once you add an outline.

        Something like this?

        “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

        sprite PsychoLOLogist

        Yes, exactly! That looks awesome! =)

        sprite LukerGamerz

        Yes, exactly! That looks awesome! =)

        Excellent! Hopefully, this’ll be the last change needed to perfect Serena’s sprites.

        “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

        sprite Medium-RareAkuma

          This might be a very large stretch, but it’d be cool if you added 4-player multiplayer and each person dodges attacks simultaneously in the same box

          sprite LukerGamerz

          This might be a very large stretch, but it’d be cool if you added 4-player multiplayer and each person dodges attacks simultaneously in the same box

          That sounds like a cool idea!
          Unfortunately, this game uses Mother’s mechanics and not UNDERTALE’s mechanics. There are no bullet-hells.

          “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

          sprite LukerGamerz

          Hey, everyone, I have an update. Currently, I am having trouble deciding where the Guard command should go. It’s going to have the same function that it had in Mother 3. I considered adding it as its own command (the picture above was the result of that idea), but realized that I might not be able to fit six commands that size correctly. Should Guard go in ACT, MERCY, or stick with the command?

          “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

          sprite Spirwind

            I’m thinking that it’d probably be in the MERCY box.

            hooray for the new year!


            sprite LukerGamerz

            I’m thinking that it’d probably be in the MERCY box.

            I think that MERCY would be the second best choice. My only beef is that Neutral ending spoilers!would make you unable to guard during the Asgore fight, which would make it much harder because I plan to have him be the strongest non-final boss in the game.

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite PsychoLOLogist

            In that case, Act.

            sprite LukerGamerz

            In that case, Act.

            I feel that ACT is actually a WORSE choice. While it would be functional, there are some scenarios where all the slots in ACT are taken up, such as Lesser Dog’s fight and Pacifist spoilers!the Amalgamates. So either A. Guard/Check get its own row or B. We replace an option. A would look clunky, and B would anger those ‘pixel-perfect’ fellas. Besides, ACT is for commands used to tame the opponent. Why put Guard there?

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite PsychoLOLogist

            A few things: Act = Action. “Guard” is an action.

            I don’t know if this is possible, but you could make the Action list scrollable. Like, if you put a little arrow at the bottom to indicate that there’s more options if you move the cursor down (or up past the top row, which brings it straight to the bottom)

            Also, I would imagine that there would be some enemies that after seeing you guarding, would realize that you don’t want to fight, and they would stop attacking. So that would be a way to tame some enemies.

            sprite LukerGamerz

            A few things: Act = Action. “Guard” is an action.

            I don’t know if this is possible, but you could make the Action list scrollable. Like, if you put a little arrow at the bottom to indicate that there’s more options if you move the cursor down (or up past the top row, which brings it straight to the bottom)

            Also, I would imagine that there would be some enemies that after seeing you guarding, would realize that you don’t want to fight, and they would stop attacking. So that would be a way to tame some enemies.

            I like this idea a lot. Making ACT scrollable would be a great idea. Though, the idea of sparing enemies by guarding just wants to make me put it in Mercy, or give it its own button. I could probably fit the button in there, and I’m just worrying too much.
            P.S. I’ve always seen ACT as in ‘Acting’, since you portray real/fake emotions to get out of fights.

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite PsychoLOLogist

            It really could go in either category. haha. But I see what you mean about the “acting” thing.
            Whatever you think is best. It’ll work well in either section.

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            Look, If your Going To Make a game like this, sorta like Toby did with undertale, Have Refrences With Pop-Culture, and make it where in mother 3 and earthbound, you play as a character and then you do a sequence of events that makes them all appear at the same location. kinda like [/spoiler]Salsa in Mother 3 with Kumatora, an Old man Wess.[spoiler]

            The Laziest Kid On Earth

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            Is that how you make a spoiler?

            The Laziest Kid On Earth

            sprite LukerGamerz

            Look, If your Going To Make a game like this, sorta like Toby did with undertale, Have Refrences With Pop-Culture, and make it where in mother 3 and earthbound, you play as a character and then you do a sequence of events that makes them all appear at the same location. kinda like This is fine. Just use ONE spoiler and ONE /spoiler.[/spoiler]Salsa in Mother 3 with Kumatora, an Old man Wess.[spoiler]

            I’m somewhat confused by your suggestion. Do you mean that there should be a side story with other party members before they meet up?

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite LukerGamerz

            I’ve decided to share a bit more of how Determination will work in the game.
            Now, when you reset, your party members remember everything. This leads to party members joining earlier, and new revelations coming into play. This is partially a replacement for the lack of the genocide route.

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite PsychoLOLogist

            Oh, that’s awesome. If you can recreate that feeling you got from Earthbound when in the middle of the boss fight with Master Barf, suddenly and unexpectedly Poo rejoined the party to lay the smack down with PSI Starstorm, that would be really kickass.

            Perhaps a similar type of situation would occur, like a boss or miniboss being extra tough or even impossible to beat on New Game+, but then a party member joins the fight because they knew about the battle from the previous run-through and just one-hit-kills them. Sort of like the final fight in Earthbound where you just have to endure for a certain number of turns before you-know-what happens.

            Anything like that would be epic. Something a little cooler than just having the party members show up a bit earlier. Gotta give them a flashy entrance. For reference, see any of the Super Smash Bros. character reveal videos.


            I’m really curious about this
            Maybe you can link it up with undertale’s lore or something?
            Still, i am wanting to try this out once it is completed
            Quick question, will be penalized the use of PSI like how it was done in undertale (giving you exp and lv, which made you lose the true ending)?

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            For LukerGamerz,
            That exactly what i ment, but if your still confused of what i said, remember how [earthbound spoiler!]Jeff in earthbound , had to get the bubble-monkey, and then ride tessie to another part of the island they were on just to meet up with Dr.Andonuts again. thats what i basiclly ment.

            The Laziest Kid On Earth

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            Oh, Yeah. Um Forgot to ask but what computer will this be playable on? Because i have a Chromebook Acer which cant play most downloadable games.
            My computer cant play:
            .EXE Files
            .GZIP Compressed Tar Archives
            And some others, but if you can make it a .GBA File, Or a .SMC Then I’m Absolutely Fine.
            But if your not able to, im fine

            The Laziest Kid On Earth

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            I’ll BE Very Active on this one forum

            sprite Candra Software

            And some others, but if you can make it a .GBA File, Or a .SMC Then I’m Absolutely Fine.

            I’m afraid this would be too much to ask for. It sounds like you might be requesting a ROM Hack, as most of us don’t know anything about the 65C816 Assembly language. That would take a miracle to learn.

            …and away I go!

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            Thanks for responding to my question! But ill be eating ice cream in my bed, crying and screaming " CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIN"

            sprite LukerGamerz

            Oh, that’s awesome. If you can recreate that feeling you got from Earthbound when in the middle of the boss fight with Master Barf, suddenly and unexpectedly Poo rejoined the party to lay the smack down with PSI Starstorm, that would be really kickass.

            Perhaps a similar type of situation would occur, like a boss or miniboss being extra tough or even impossible to beat on New Game+, but then a party member joins the fight because they knew about the battle from the previous run-through and just one-hit-kills them. Sort of like the final fight in Earthbound where you just have to endure for a certain number of turns before you-know-what happens.

            Anything like that would be epic. Something a little cooler than just having the party members show up a bit earlier. Gotta give them a flashy entrance. For reference, see any of the Super Smash Bros. character reveal videos.

            I was actually considering making that, during New Game +, Monster Kid would join in during Papyus’ fight, and unlike New Game, would be permanent, instead of joining and leaving until just before the Undyne fight.

            For LukerGamerz,
            That exactly what i ment, but if your still confused of what i said, remember how [earthbound spoiler!]Jeff in earthbound , had to get the bubble-monkey, and then ride tessie to another part of the island they were on just to meet up with Dr.Andonuts again. thats what i basiclly ment.

            I was thinking of doing something like this for Joey. I think he would join the party when having the Asriel flashback. I’m not sure whether to have it like Jeff, where he comes in to the rescue, or just wakes you up.

            Oh, Yeah. Um Forgot to ask but what computer will this be playable on? Because i have a Chromebook Acer which cant play most downloadable games.
            My computer cant play:
            .EXE Files
            .GZIP Compressed Tar Archives
            And some others, but if you can make it a .GBA File, Or a .SMC Then I’m Absolutely Fine.
            But if your not able to, im fine

            Can your computer run the original Undertale?

            I’m really curious about this
            Maybe you can link it up with undertale’s lore or something?
            Still, i am wanting to try this out once it is completed
            Quick question, will be penalized the use of PSI like how it was done in undertale (giving you exp and lv, which made you lose the true ending)?

            I’m trying my hardest to think up ways to connect new sections of the story to the original’s lore.
            Since now you can tame enemies just by FIGHTING, there won’t be a penalty for using Offensive PSI.
            (Just to let you all know, sometimes it will be easier to FIGHT, or easier to ACT. Either way, you get Experience Points and Levels instead of EXP and LOVE.)

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            Can your computer run the original Undertale?

            No It cannot.

            sprite LukerGamerz

            Can your computer run the original Undertale?

            No It cannot.

            I apologize in advance.

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday

            sprite Psi&PKspammer

            No Need For that

            The Laziest Kid On Earth


            could you add sans fight as a secret boss?
            like in mother 3 with the pokey statue?

            sprite LukerGamerz

            could you add sans fight as a secret boss?
            like in mother 3 with the pokey statue?

            I’m thinking about it, but no promises.

            “And his name is JOHN CENA!” -me, everyday