Fangame Concepts Thread

sprite Parzival

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I would post this under Brainstorms, but it would be a nightmare to sort through everything to find concepts pertaining to this game…
And I know we’re technically only supposed to post one thread about each topic, but I’m hoping an exception can be made in this case.

Haven’t heard of the fangame concept?

So, got a great idea you’d love to see in the fangame? Post it here! I’ll also be posting updates here as to different concepts, such as locations, characters, and whatnot. Unfortunately, the plot will mostly be kept a secret, because a game would be no fun if everyone knew the plot. I might post a few ideas in an update, though.

Here’s a sort of To-Do list of what needs to be done:

  • Character design: (Including NPC design) We want these characters to be the very best they can be. If at all possible, include quirks that separate the characters from one another, such as Poo’s dislike of Western food or Duster’s quick striking ability
  • Location, location, location. If you have some amazing (or even mediocre) ideas for cities, locations, or dungeons, please post! We want these dungeons to be as unique and well designed as possible
  • New PSI Moves: Let’s face it, PSI could be a little more varied. What about a PSI move similar to the HP-sucker, or a move that instantly kills an opponent but deals you mortal damage
  • New game mechanics: Combat can always be improved. A while up, I posted a link to a post about my ideas, and I want you to do the same
  • Plot ideas: I have a little idea for a plot rattling around in my brain, but I’d rather see discussion of plot before I input
  • Enemies/Bosses! One of the best parts of an Earthbound game is seeing all the funky enemies and their attacks. Put your ideas below!
  • Items: If enemies are weird, items are often weirder. Let’s see that continue!
  • Recurring/new elements: Magic butterflies, hotels, you name it. Anything you’d like to see in general
  • Radical shifts in gameplay: Cool new ideas that would fundamentally change the way the game is played. Personally, I think that it would be cool to have a dungeon or two with objects such as traps and projectiles that damage you in the overworld. Think of the Deep Darkness’s sludge or the Sunshine Forest’s flames.
  • Easter eggs: Some cool little secrets to add in the game
  • Sound Effects: We always need Sound FX.
  • Sprites/Music: Obviously! If you have some degree of experience and some talent, help out!
  • Miscellaneous: If there is anything I haven’t covered here, please post below!

This is just an outline of what needs to be done. Help is voluntary and need not take up much of your time. Just post your ideas below! Or, if you would like to commit a little more time to help, PM me.
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That’s all! Have fun!

sprite Joey14584

Something not set in medieval times, future, or modern day. Maybe Victorian – based.

sprite jmas

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I believe you’re only allowed to post one thread per project

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Ok, hear me out. This may sound strange but it will work out in the end.

Four Words: Star Wars Prequel Memes.

You play as The Senate (Aka Sheev Palpatine) and you have to use your High Ground and Sand (Because it’s course and rough and irritating) To defeat your opponents.

sprite Parzival

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Update #1: Cities

One of my favorite parts of Earthbound games is the cities (So sad, Mother 3). I hope these cities could work and that we build on them.


  • Tanzana City: An aging metropolis, rife with crumbling buildings, collapsing bridges, and whatnot. If you look close enough, you can see the remnants of a once-great city, but now it is near failure. The nuclear power plant is malfunctioning like crazy. Could this have anything to do with the scores of inanimate objects that are terrorizing the city? This will be the main hub, similar to Tazmily.
  • Wikimiki Island: The residents of this peaceful island town suddenly find themselves subject to a mysterious group of people building a factory on their island. For what, they do not know…
  • Solastrum: This town, though once a booming silver mine, is now a derelict ghost town in the middle of the scorching Haboob Desert. Reminiscent of the Old West, it is also full of secrets…like an abandoned surf shop
  • Funtimes Circus This bizarre troupe of perfomers has everything you could ever ask for, and more, from a circus. If you want weird, this is where to go. They travel across the world, carrying their tent with them.
  • Starbeam Village: Smack dab in the middle of Cloud Candyland, nnd adjacent to Sugarplum Factory and Oracle Mountain, this Christmas-y happy utopia is populated by a very conspicuous race…Boing!
  • Ciuda Ciela: This magical metropolis is populated by the strange Porcelain People, an ancient race who can command unimaginable PSI powers. These people protect the Extradimension from outsiders, such as evil beings threatening to destroy the universe.
  • Booga Booga: A modern town masquerading as an ancient civilization, it has everything you would need in a small town three thousand years ago- a burger shop, a pizza parlor, and an arcade that doesn’t work as video games haven’t been invented yet. This is the main of the second party in this dual party game.
  • Hokum A large city; it is very dangerous. Home to the uncivilized Rando and their evil king, Kukuh Van. With buildings made of dinosaur ribcages, and lava rivets flowing through the city, this town is certainly no place to spend the night.

No screenshots, this game is purely theoretical at this point.
So, that’s all so far. What do you think?

And hey, that battle UI looks fantastic.

sprite Gavisona

I think the different types of areas will work well in making a ‘globetrotting’ game, if that’s the vibe you were going for.

sprite Parzival

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Yeah, but I was thinking of using Tanzana as a hub, so you return to that city after each city.

sprite Gavisona

That works too.

sprite Fishbit

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The feel of each of those towns is good, but the names sound really weird, especially stuff like “wikimiki”, “booga booga” and “haboob”.

If you want a bit of help with character stuff I can totally put down some work for that, though, as long as I’m not being time-limited (since this seems pretty hobbyist). The overall gist of this sounds like a cool concept!

sprite Gavisona

I can help with character designs as well. And I’ll probably be able to make music after, say, Christmas.

sprite Parzival

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Weird…in a good way, or bad? @Evaan
The names are the things I least care about keeping the same

And yeah, the whole point of this project is that nobody has enough time to create a game by themselves, but everyone can contribute together. I’ll post an update right now about my planned characters.

sprite Parzival

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**Update #2: Planned Characters

Just as a guideline, these can change at any time.

Planned Characters

  • Brock: He’s just your typical big city kid. He’s really good with his hands. He never knew his dad; he died before Max was born. His mom is always working, so he lives with his grandma in her small apartment. But when he stumbles into a strange mansion known as Rathburn Manor and finds a small golden sarcophagus, his life will change forever.
  • Max: Brock’s younger brother, who looks nothing like him. He is very awkward in every situation, and has latent anger issues. While this is a huge help in combat, in real life this is bad. He always has loved superheroes.
  • Monica: Glamorous movie star, known widely in her profession. She will not take no for an answer, nor will she concede defeat. When dealt mortal damage, she has a high chance of surviving with 1 HP left. She is also an accomplished PSI user after she eats a few PSI cakes.
  • Jonesy: Oddball archaeologist with a few weird perks. In fact, perky would be the way to describe him. He has been tracking down this mysterious sarcophagus for quite some time now. He cannot learn PSI, as he hates the stale taste of PSI cakes. Also, his breath stinks, and occasionally makes enemies feel nauseated.
  • Miles: Timid and overweight, this young boy ostracized by his circus family becomes one of the most powerful people in the land. He also knows PSI, after eating PSI cakes. He is really good at rhythm combos, as he loves music.
  • Flo: Created by the mysterious cult known as the Succubi to wreak havoc on enemies, this half robot-half animal has a soft heart. He escapes the laboratory of his creation, runs through the catacombs, and eventually befriends Miles. He is extremely powerful, but often spares enemies out of compassion.
  • Darius: Protagonist of the second party, the story of his party portrays him growing up, from a small boy to an old man. He is skilled in PSI, but he is cursed with uncontrollable powers that manifest themselves when he is angry.
  • Omar: Tuttut’s best friend, also skilled in PSI, but at a lesser level. He puts the “doomsday” in “doomsday prophet.” Although he is very paranoid, he is a loyal friend.
  • Jasmine: The beautiful Princess Jasmine, who loves Omar but hates Tuttut, is expelled from her palace by her upstart young sister. In this land, queens rule rather than kings. She also knows PSI, as a healer.
  • Taikal: Tuttut’s hotheaded son, who has dreams of restoring Tuttut’s throne to him after it was usurped by the vile Abdullah. He does not regard his own safety and instead goes full out. He has very powerful PSI, even more so than his father, but he has zero control over them, so they often deal damage to himself or his allies.

And there you have it, a very basic interpretation of my current concepts for characters. These can change at any time.
Thanks for reading!

sprite trevor_trev

I disagree with keeping the plot a secret. If the community is to come together to make a game then we should all at least know the plot, if not contribute to its development.

All aspects of a game must be made with careful consideration of the story and plot so that everything can come together in a cohesive way. Having people make a game together without knowing the story or plot will result in a game that feels like it doesn’t know what it’s trying to say or do.

“What a sad and beautiful world we live in” -random graffiti somewhere in Prague

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Change Brandon’s name. Mother: Porky’s Galactic Strike has the same name for its main character and they already have a lot more stuff done then you do right now.

sprite Gavisona

Rename the character to Endo. Like how there’s Ninten.

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

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This is quite the ambitious project you have here. However, I feel like you’re approaching things too quickly, making threads left and right, not giving enough time for ideas to really settle in and have time to be discussed.

Personally, I don’t see how a community as large as Starmen can come together and make a game that remains consistent throughout. There are just too many ideas, too many thoughts, too many different view points. I think it would be impossible for it to stay coherent for a long period of time, let alone long enough to be developed into a working game.

Who knows, perhaps you could make it work. But my suggestion to you, Parzival, is to slow down. Pace your ideas. Give time for people to talk about things before rushing into the next batch of thoughts. And maybe leave a little for others to come up with. You seem to be coming up with a majority of the ideas for this project so far.

Just thought I’d leave my two cents on this whole thing.

sprite Joey14584

True. There really doesn’t need to be two threads.

Another name idea is CP, anagram for PC and can stand for like Conrad Parker or something

sprite Parzival

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I don’t mean to be stingy, or anything, but this thread is intended for idea discussion only. For discussion about the logistics of the game and the game itself, refer to

And yeah, they’ll definitely be a lot of problems along the way, but I’m hoping that this doesn’t become yet another cancelled fangame. I hope that people actually care about this idea and that it doesn’t end up lost in the annals of time.

On that note, how do you guys feel about Updates #1 and #2? How could these be changed for the better? What are your ideas?

sprite Fishbit

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Yeah, maybe everything should be moved to a single thread. It’s the rules afterall.

I meant the names sounded weird in that they were going for something, seemed to mean to sound almost like a real place, (i.e. “exotic”) but fall flat because they sound… strange. Like, they don’t have any good ring to em.

I think the characters should really be more based on how everyone feels as a whole. Naming, giving them personalities, and hometowns, and all that, feels more like you make the plot and everyone else modifies it. Try to give a bit less specific guidelines if you want everyone to pitch in. I’m gonna second what Mr. Meme said and request you try to think about how this’ll work a bit more. It’s a stellar idea, but how is it gonna come together?

sprite Parzival

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Yeah, that’s a valid point. I’m open to any discussion about characters. Feel free to pitch in your own ideas, even if they sharply deviate from mine.

sprite Fishbit

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One minor thing I’d recommend is thinking less about why a specific member of the cast is “dark skinned”/a certain ethnicity and try to make it just be as it comes. This sort of thing comes naturally and just kinda goes (it doesn’t necessarily contribute to the character) and it’s not important to base any aspect of the character on this point alone.

That aside the characters are different enough to be a basis but I don’t know really. Would you prefer we as forum members contribute on our own time?

sprite Parzival

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Well, I guess it’s how I always pictured him in my mind. I’m not going for any stereotypes, obviously. I’ll edit it out right now.

Yeah, contribute whenever you feel like it. As numerous other members have stated, my ideas are pretty much the only major ones posted thus far. But yeah, I would love it if people contributed to the project for ideas and whatnot. That was the whole purpose of this project

Also, for clarifications: These characters were simply how I viewed them. In other words, I didn’t specifically design them to fit any role, I just felt like they would fit in. The whole purpose for posting them was to show others what my thoughts on characters were, not to tell everyone what they were going to be.

Also, how would this fit in? An old idea I had a while back.

Everyone has great ideas. Many people have remarked on how they have some great ideas, but never have enough time to make a game. Well, here’s your chance!

sprite Fiddlah

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These Concepts seem pretty solid but may I interject some points;
1.Have you ever played metriod prime 3? If so, why don’t you give Tuttut a phazon corrpution style system, basically if he spams psi enough, he goes into a berserk state. His PP will drop to zero, and then slowly start to rise, like in metriod this has good and bad effects, during this state he has infinite PP, but if it goes over a set limit (ehither 999 pp or his current max pp) it discharges and deals heavy damage to the party and he’ll be knocked out regardless. This’ll will ensure the player won’t over-rely of psi. As an added twist like Samus, He’ll get more prone to it as the game goes on.
2.I know it sounds like I’m repeating myself, but consider Giegue as a party member “we can revive him/her/it we have the imagination!”

sprite Parzival

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Hey, I like that battle mechanic. I’ve always wanted the characters to be more diverse than just move sets. I like the little things like Poo’s distaste of Western food. That kind of stuff is how we should proceed with characters.

On a side note, does anyone want to help with characters? If you do, kindly post an outline below.

sprite Fiddlah

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Yes, Just want to know if you’ve considered my second idea, I think it could work.

sprite Parzival

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I think Giegue would work better as an antagonist, or maybe an analogue to Dungeon Man?

Anyway, just wanted to throw out some dungeon ideas that have been stewing around in the ol’ gray matter for quite some time now. I have much more details, but in the interest of discussion, I will omit them here.

  • An old, musty mansion, built by a paranoid and crazy archaeologist who was deathly afraid of something
  • A luxurious hotel, with themed suites and whatnot. Similar to Empire Porky in the seeming randomness of room placement
  • A futuristic entertainment dungeon, almost like a “game show…” It’s kind of hard to explain, but it’s basically a dungeon TV show…A certain human chimera certainly had a lot of fun designing this homage to dungeon design
  • A labyrinthine mess of passageways, secrets, and whatnot designed by a thief long ago. Random junk is scattered everywhere. It connects all the major buildings of Tanzana
  • The dark, musty catacombs
  • A bloodred insane asylum, forgotten over time. Morbid and macabre
  • The inside of a genie’s lamp
  • A fun toy factory gone bad
  • A carnival funhouse, complete with trick mirrors and riddles
  • A magical castle converted into a modern fortress
  • A looming airship that serves as the base of operations for the mysterious cult, perhaps known as the Draconian Prime?
  • The extra-dimensional form of the Draconian Prime

sprite Parzival

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Imagine that you’re in a weird sea-like cave, similar to the Sea of Eden. At the bottom of the lake is a Relic. How do you get to this Relic?

You flush the gigantic toilet that is this cave.

Just a tidbit from my demented mind.

sprite Fiddlah

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Slow down, let people suggest ideas first before moving on!
But okay, he (And I use he loosely, we don’t know if it’s a he for sure) can be a temporary party member.
I was thinking more teddy than dungeon man, in the sense that he’ll replace an existing party member for a period of a single dungeon, and will be completely controllable in that time.
I already have a story arc in mind for him;
Picture this Prazzi!
(note; the music is my own suggestion and is taken from other games, to avoid DCMA, try to use original composition that gives a similar feel and anything in bold will need to be replaced to fit the story better, but feel free to change it anyway.)

Context; Tuttut’s campaign, during the last boss his powers have gone haywire, wiping the boss out, but leaving him gravely ill…

Screen fades in from to show Tuttut in a lone bed in a small hospital room in Booga Booga, unconscious, a doctor is standing to his left and rest of the party a pace away in front of it. No Music is playing, but there is an occasional bip coming from the heart rate monitor

Omar: Will he be okay Doc?

Doctor: (Examining Tuttut) …It’s hard to say, I’ve never seen anything like it, he doesn’t seem to be responding to PSI therapy so far… We’ll try to cure him, but there’s no guarantee he’ll pull through.

Taikal: (Running to the right side of the bed and sobbing) Dad! Please! Wake up!

Tuttut:(Groans in pain)

Jasmine:I don’t think he can hear you.

Doctor: Actually, your majesty, there is evidence to suggest unconscious people are aware of their surroundings. But I digress. (The Doctor looks up at Taikal) Now, Taikal your father will need to stay here and rest for now, recovering from a coma is a long process. You can visit every day if you want. (Taikal wipes his tears and slowly nods, the doctor turns to Omar and Jasmine) I’m going to ask you all to leave now whist I get to work.

Omar: (Grabbing Taikal by the hand and leading him to the door, Jasmine follows) C’om sport. Your farther will get better, I can feel it!

The Doctor Begins doing… doctor-y things. Then, suddenly, the screen darkens, the same effect as when Flint is reading Hinawa’s letter in mother 3, the doctor continues working regardless and text begins to appear

???[You don’t actually see any name, just what it says]: A hero in peril… Too ill to walk… Fate hinges on his recovery… Truly tear jerking… If only I could… Hmm… Maybe I should…

Screen fades to black, text shows the words “That night…”
Fade into the town square, then pan up to show the night sky
Pause for effect, then one of the stars starts twinkling more frequently, it starts to wander around the sky, then descends to square below, camera following it the whole time. The player can now see it is not a star, but a wisp.
Music: Pollyanna [Slow version/ the version you get when examining the XX stone]
The wisp drifts towards the hotel
Cut to the hotel room where the party, without Tuttut, is staying,Taikal is snoring away, but Omar can’t sleep.

Jasmine:(Emerging from the bathroom) What’s wrong pet name?

Omar:(Lying down, hands behind head looking at the ceiling) I’m worried.

Jasmine:(Sitting on the bed beside him) …About what?

Omar:…About Tuttut.

Jasmine: You mean that jerk.

Omar:(sitting up) Excuse me, but THAT jerk happens to be my best friend!

(Taikal stirrs)

Omar: Besides, with Tuttut conked-out, I fear it won’t be long before the antagonist gets us.

sprite Parzival

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I actually love it! That would be amazing!

My idea for the whole story hinges on Tuttut. While the second party thousands of years in the future is the primary party, the story as a whole focuses on him. While the second party attempts to destroy the Thirteen Relics that the mysterious cult is using to wake an ancient deity, the first party’s chapters focus on story rather than fighting an enemy. The story follows him growing up, and you see him change into a young, strong man. Then, all of a sudden, his family is brutally murdered, his city is destroyed, and his body is mutilated beyond repair. He loses complete control over his powers and becomes an extradimensional deity. His mind fragments into 13 pieces, each tethered to the world by the relics. In his mind, all that is present is his grief. His insanity causes him to attempt to destroy the world, but he is stopped by the feathered serpent Kukulkan, the guardian of the universes. Kukulkan imprisons him inside the Extradimension, and he remains there for thousands of years. When he is finally freed, he attempts to destroy the world once again, but he is stopped by his son, whom he thought was destroyed. His son was unborn at the time of Tuttut’s transformation, and Tuttut thought he was dead. But Kukulkan had protected him from Tuttut’s rage, for he was the only one who could stop his father. When his father begins to awaken, his son is left on the doorstep of a kindly old lady. He grows up and becomes strong. It is not until the end that Max realizes who his father truly is, and his destiny.
Yes, it is a bit cliche. But it could be very effective.

sprite Stephanyo

I like what you have so far. Also, don’t worry about making cheesey cliches in this, that’s one of the natures of the Mother Trilogy. What kind of characters do you have planned for each party and what kind of humor are you going for?

I’m garbage

sprite Parzival

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Party 1: Tuttut, Omar, Jasmine, Taikal (at the end), possibly Giegue.

Party 2: Max, Monica, Jonesy, Miles. When Max is kidnapped midway through the story, Flo fills the vacant spot. You still play as Max, but intermittently. I think that after a Relic is destroyed, it awakens him to his own corrupted Magicant. So there would be 13 Magicants in all, each progessively dark.

I’m not really sure what kind of humor to use, probably a blend of Earthbound’s satire and Mother 3’s absurdity.

sprite Parzival

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I added the To-Do list to the main screen.

Just a weird tidbit from my demented mind: Mr. Saturn with a flannel ushanka and a chainsaw, standing in front of a bunch of screaming Christmas trees in Starbeam Village.

sprite Fiddlah

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Before I continue the story arc, it must be firmly understood that Giegue is dead, and has been for 7,000 years, or nothing that happens in it will not seem wondrous!

sprite Parzival

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Of course, duly noted. Perhaps this universe is an alternate one from Giegue and Ness’s, and the Extradimension (which appears as a mishmash of bizarre and psychedelic shapes) is in reality the real universe, but perceived differently.

sprite Fiddlah

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Okay then before I continue, I must state that Parzival has made me eat of his forbidden fruit (otherwise known as leaking the story to me) please don’t pester me for a bite, but with that considered Giegue may end up being a permanent fixture at the end of the first campaign.
There are some more points I also need to add;
1. So I was listening to a cover of “Your name, please!” from earthbound by the super soul bros. And it occured to me, perhaps we could use this theme in a fun way we could incorporate this or with another naming screen theme. So as you start a new file Tuttut, as a child will wonder on screen in classic mother fashion and you’ll just hear the chattering at the beginning of the loop, maybe doing a small dance, the entry screen will say; “What’s this boy’s name?” and it will be accompanied by a hint to help the player decide on a name in Tuttut’s case it will be “Hint; He’s a kind, courageous prince with a powerful hidden talent”. You’ll still get the usual selection of don’t care names and hovering over next/okay will play the “desku ke?” sound effect and selecting it will make Omar switch places with Tuttut, adding the next part of the song to the loop, and so it will continue ‘till you have a name for everyone.
2.Don’t you just love a street band? Well, in this game I propose there should be one in every town, playing the town theme and you can request them to play every music piece in the sound track, (at your expense) or even ones from past games to keep things fresh. Just one of those little niggles that will make this game a true part of the mother franchise!
3.Possible cameos from other mother inspired games? (e.g. undertale and cogitative discordance?)

sprite Parzival

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Those are all great ideas!
Regarding music, here’s my spiel.

I think the soundtrack should be a clean slate. (Excluding the 4 songs that appear in every game). Pollyanna would be a great end-of game song, (think XX Stone), Snowman a song for my (hypothetical) Mr. Saturn Chalet, Humoresque for one store only (I was thinking a Taco shop: Sanchez Tacos, anyone?), and Sanctuary Guardian as a Magicant boss theme. (Rock n’ roll, DCMC style, just imagine how epic the DUH-DUHDUHDUH would sound on an electric guitar…)
But I think plenty of songs from previous games should be in the game, and that’s where the Street Band comes in. (What a great idea). The references are in there but they don’t necessarily drive the story forward. Just my opinion.
I also had a cool idea for a music-related character known as DJ Funky Mustard, because, why not. He lives in the discotheque.

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Some random tidbits from my demented mind No. 3

One smoothie coming right up… AAH! AAH! MY HAND! MY HAND!…Just kidding, heh heh

One burger coming right up… sniffle snort Ahchoo! wipe

Crusher’s Alley: We strike in the darkness, and none are spared

Also, just edited the Discord link into the beginning, but if you don’t want to have to scroll all the way up,

And one more thing: I am not the director of the project, you guys are. This is not my game. While there are certain decisions that I make, the rest is up to you. I serve as a coordinator for everything but you guys decide what happens.
That being said, I am the unofficial creative director.

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Please join our Discord, even if you have no intention of helping. Your input matters to us!

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Cool logo, created by Joey14584!

And yes, this is the current name for the project. Somehow, Fangame just doesn’t hit the spot.

My dictionary defines rhapsody as a “composition that is often irregular in nature, emotional in effect, and improvisational in nature.”

Sounds pretty similar to an Earthbound game, huh?


sprite Fiddlah

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I think that name and logo is suitable, especially with this fan game, be sure to give updates from the discord front!
Now with Charles Dickens jokes and other suggestions out of the way, let me continue…

Jasmine: That is a worry, I doubt Taikal alone will be able to face Kuhuh Van’s forces alone, he’s far too young, I’ll take a divine miracle!

???: Did someone say “divine miracle”…

(The wisp from earlier phases through the hotel room door and floats towards Jasmine and Omar)

Omar: ARRG! A GHOST! (Taikal wakes up)

Jasmine: EEEK!

(The three jump out of bed and ready their weapons)

Taikal: W-who, or what are you!

???: They call me… Or they USED to call me…

(Fade to naming screen, and play the appropriate music. It will read; “Name this spirit. HINT: In life he was the embodyment of evil, but now only seeks redemption” for argument’s sake we’ll say the player picked Giegue as the name)

???: … Giegue… Yes… My name was Giegue…

(Fade back to hotel room, change music back to Pollyanna [slow version])

Omar: Okaay… B-but do you want from us!

Giegue: Co-operation… (Omar looks puzzled) I have been waching over you all for some time… I have answered Darius’ plea… I have come to aid…

Jasmine: I suppose we are running out of options.

Giegue: But first I need to ask of you… A favour…

Omar: AHHA! A catch! I KNEW IT!

Giegue: These shackles… [note; The shackels are METAPHORICAL, don’t actually draw any!] The chosen children… They put them apon me… Ever since I have been dammed to roam the universe eternally… The girl must relase them…

Jasmine: (pointing to herself) Me?

Giegue: Who else… You alone can raise the dead… [Note:Jasmine must already know PSI healing gamma or this scene won’t make any sense] Do it… And I can save Darius…

Jasmine: Ok then.

Omar: What! Seriously?! We’ve only just met this guy, and you’re already concidering TRUSTING HIM?! For all you know, he could be one of Kuhuh Vans’ goons!

(Jasmine is about to speak, but Giegue interjects)

Giegue: Evil… I was evil once… Blinded by the preventing of a propercy… I forgot such things as morals… As such… It was my down fall… Ever since… I have serched for a means of redemption… I may aid you… But you must raise me…

(Will you break Giegue’s Shackels? Yes/No)

(If no)

Giegue: But your friend and father is in danger… Do you truily whant to take the risk… (Yes/No)

(If yes)

(music stops)

Omar: Fine, but if you are planning on killing us, at least spare us long enough to say “I told you so.”

Giegue: You will not reget this…

(Music: Star sprite get! (Mario RPG: legend of the seven stars) Note: This music is recomended, but is copyright protected, please ensure the composer comes up with something origonal, but with a simalar feel to this piece.)
(In tune with the music, the wisp will circle the room three times, spiral into the center, then starts spinning on the spot then Jasmine casts PSI healing gamma and in a flash of light Giegue is restore to the bipedual cat we know as)

Giegue: IT IS GOOD TO BE BACK AGAIN! (Embarressed) Sorry, umm… We must make haste to the hospital, time grows short!

(The strange creature, known as Giegue, joins you!)

So now, honest opinion, how am I doing so far? I admit I made Omar a bit hip, Taikal has only talked twice so far and Jasmine isn’t very fleshed out character wise.

sprite Parzival

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I like it. I’m currently working on developing the characters more. There’s about 100 or so NPC’s I have, each pretty distinct.

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Revision of Battle System Context

Reevaluate the validity of including Psychic Powers. Not to say, “Yeah, get rid of them!” Rather, reword and reset the context of each power and stat through a psychological perspective.

For instance, PSI Shield Alpha would be Seek Cover, which would work on everyone because it’s akin to “Get down!” Taking Cover reduces most forms of fallout because you are not as exposed (could be as much as 75% instead of 50%). That’s right—in lieu of flat-out Damage, you suffer Fallout. You don’t have to suffer direct physical harm.

In vanilla Earthbound, the kinds of harm fall into various camps: Direct, which consists of anything a Shield or Defend Stance can whittle away; Projectile, which bypasses Shield and Defend and is relegated to “Beams”, Yo-Yos, Slingshots, and Firearms; and Unavoidable, which covers Bombs, Bazookas, and Starstorm. Smashes are another variety that might not bypass Defend and Shield, but will break a regular Shield.

There are a few Goods-Oriented forms of Damage like Bottle Rockets, which work best against slowpokes while used by someone wearing a Rabbit’s Foot; Ness’ Psychokinetic Wave works under a similar success rate as does Handbag Straps and Mummy Wraps. Everything else hinges on RNG and Luck, which might as well be considered the game’s “Will Save”, which is something you avoid simply by having mental concentration.

Then you have Freeze which, if you think about it, could be rewired to being entanglement or suffocation-based Damage because Freeze has a lousy chance at Solidifying a Target. Thing is, Freeze can be resisted by a specific stat and, if that is zero, then the option of Freeze pops up when being Spied upon. Fire is another one, which covers not just the PSI but also Dragonite, that checks for someone’s resistance. Then there is Flash, which in the context of Psychic Powers revolves around a D&D “Color Spray” Spell—something that causes an epileptic seizure and thus disorientation, blindness, mania, paralysis, even unconsciousness or possibly death. It isn’t terribly nice to use something that horrific, right? Finally, Paralysis itself, operating outside of the Flash version, posits a chance that your character stops doing anything physical—direct combat or Goods—and instead uses psychic powers and maybe a specialty, if so motivated.

The defense against Sleep and Feeling Strange—the video game equivalents to hypnosis and manic rage—is the starkest piece of Itoi commentary on human experience and existence ever. Want proof? If you equip one of the Pixie/Faerie/Goddess Bracelets, you diminish the defense against Manic Rage and increase the defense against Hypnosis. No joke—check the guide. Seems people’s heads are predisposed towards one or the other, but for whatever reason, all four Chosen Ones seem predisposed towards Hypnosis rather than Manic Rage (at least from PSI Brain-Shock).

This implies a value judgment on people who suffer manic depression, intentional or not, which puts them at the bottom of the human food chain as a result of having the Chosen Ones come from backgrounds of such psychological solidity that they fall prey to falling asleep every single time with Hypnosis. Seriously, that’s a serious issue to consider and one of the main reasons why everything must have a psychological interpretation rather than one where people take physical blows to the face until they get sent to the hospital immediately.

So, replace Freeze with Suffocation (have Body Equipment that explains how it prevents it from happening, like being SCUBA Swimwear). Fire is fine. Explosive power is horrifying even if it isn’t aimed directly at you, so Bombs and Bazookas are fine as is Starstorm. Thunder might as well stay like it is.

For complex tasks such as rewording Flash or Paralysis, remake the status effects, such as remaking Paralysis into Depression and Crying into Debilitated (since it reduces one’s Competency Check). Depression is a crisis of desire, feeling non-compelled to do most things except what you’re good at—but that might not be enough. Getting out of a depressed spell is difficult and would require consultation with a faith healer as much as a traditional clinician. Feeling strange can be reworked as manic, especially if we’re talking about an Earthbound patch that is inherently adult to some degree.

Direct Hits represent virtually everything that is physical, including Firearms (instead of saying Bash, it’s “Assault” or “Fight”). Indirect Hits reflect psychological deterrence, such as a Riding Crop if you’re holding the Dominatrix Ball (feel free to change the actual content of this concept as you like). All the instances of lasers can be defended against, but certain attacks are like hypersonic and wear against a person’s nerves.

Second that, we can remake the Stats.

Why? Because, why not?

Actually, Offense and Defense are too abstract and both are two syllables each. The fewer syllables, the better our comprehension. Fortitude, Constitution, and Health Points are three things that revolve around one stat and one concept, yet we only consider Health Points and nothing else. Easy how that works, right? So, call Offense and Defense Force (how forceful you are) and Nerve (how steeled your nerves are against the sort of mayhem and fallout you are about to suffer through) respectively.

Next, Guts is more like a Strength Stat that Weapons improve, so call it Drive, a psychological upper that comes from holding the right kind of device in your hands; it affects both the likelihood of Smash Hits and the chance of surviving a mortal blow.

Replace Speed with Grace. Grace not only handles initiative in turn-based battle, but one’s ability to dodge an attack or just about anything. Grace is the Reflex Save Stat, for which which several actions fall under.

Replace Vitality with Health. This one’s obvious. HP is just a Heart, as in “Life”, just like The Legend of Zelda.

Replace IQ with Savvy. We all know Intellectual Quotient only covers literacy and logic, and there are other forms of intelligence in the human condition to estimate. Here, it works as prescribed—increasing PSI points (called Vibe) and opening doors to better and better usable Technician’s Gear.

Replace Luck with Will. Seriously, where I come from, there is no such thing as luck.

Conditions should be toyed with. The Homesickness Condition should be a universal experience and easier to treat since it has a one-in-eight shot at negating your battle command. There should be more locations to get Sunstroke by re-branding it as Exhausted, though again, there should be easier ways to treat it when it comes up—say having Healing Alpha come with a 0PP price tag. Getting colds should be “Afraid” and it will do one in four things to you per battle, though your turn might come up anyway. Getting Afraid is horrible, but it can be shrugged off with some help from, again, Healing Alpha (renamed Medicine Alpha).

Getting Poisoned is like getting Bleeding, which siphons Health quickly. Getting Nauseous is infinitely worse because it comes with a loss of Competency. Another thing that bothered me was the ease of recovering from Hypnosis or Sleeping as opposed to Feeling Strange (at least in terms of PSI Healing). But anyway, we’re doing good—there is an Alpha for some basic psychological buffering and Beta for treating actual wounds. Gamma is where we have weirdness happen. The Depression is extremely difficult to shake off, but then we have supernatural effects such as turning to diamond and then spiriting someone back nearby.

If you suffer too much, you break away without orders to do so and end up in the Hospital with a wicked case of the shakes. “Dead Chosen Characters” will be there “in Spirit”, so ghosts don’t need to be taken away; in fact, having them lingering overhead makes for unwieldy movement which hampers attempts to ambush or escape, just like in regular Earthbound. Just knowing your friends might be somewhere very dangerous without your supervision or the comfort of the whole group is meant to be unnerving.

So there you have it: a bunch of weird-ass concepts that most likely will never make the final cut. Figured I’d throw them out there in case anyone could bite.

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Thanks for your input, Neophyte. While we are trying to stay true to the Mother series’s combat system, do know that your opinion does matter.

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Chapter 1’s rough draft! Enjoy! (If anyone even bothers to read it)

sprite trevor_trev

This is pretty interesting! There’s a huge story inside your brain isn’t there? You’re building a lot of lore here, I can tell. Are you looking to have this workshopped, or are you simply putting it out there?

“What a sad and beautiful world we live in” -random graffiti somewhere in Prague

sprite Fiddlah

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That’s kind of the idea, also, if you give me a billion pounds, I’ll tell this game’s big plot twist!

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Hey, Trevor. Thanks for the comments!

We have a little Discord server where we discuss ideas and work on stuff, but nothing too fancy. It’s free for anyone to join.

And yeah, the story is pretty big. But not too big.

sprite trevor_trev

There’s too much backstory thrown at the player in the beginning, mainly when Darius is talking to Brock. Having the player sit and read a bunch of text all at once can run the risk of making it overwhelming and possibly even boring, especially in the beginning. Usually the games that do have long dialogue sequences don’t have them until the end. There’s just too much dialogue happening without action in between during that conversation with Darius. You should try to cut down on the number of words used to tell the backstory. I’m sure you will find games that start off with a lot of dialogue in the beginning, but it’s not engaging enough to hook most players.

The best way to tell the backstory to the player is throughout the course of the game. Don’t give them huge pieces of it right off the bat, just give them the bare minimum.
Only tell the player that there was a powerful deity who tried to destroy the universe, and because of this was banished and his power was tied to ten now ancient relics. Don’t say anything about the purple hoods, the fact that they were thrown in without warning and the way it was worded is very cheesy. Instead, you could have a small cutscene where a purple hooded figure comes out of the shadows when Brock leaves Rathburn Manor with his mom and grandma. This will create a mysterious feeling of “who is that person, what are they up to?” in the players mind and get them more interested. You could also have that purple hood attack brock instead of having a car charge at him. And right at the end of the battle Cliff comes and delivers the last blow. This would also make for a good reason for Cliff to want Brock to come with. “Wow you’re a much better fighter than I thought! You’re going to the Hotel too? Well if we travel together it’ll be a lot safer for me-I mean you!”

Speaking of Cliff, Was there a reason to have Ernie, Moe, Hugh, Captain Kuff, Cliff, Clay, Solomon, and Daniel all come out when Brock’s mom and grandma find him? Captain Kuff has one throwaway line but that’s it, there seems to be no point in having them there. That’s another random instance that’s just incredibly cheesy. And when Cliff runs into Brock on the street, it seems like he doesn’t know him, but the fact that all of those guys were there when Brock was found make it seem like he does in fact know him. You should have him say some stuff during their travel to the hotel which shows the player what kind of relationship they have.

There’s a rule that is used among writers, “show don’t tell”. This basically means that the author tells the story through the actions and thoughts of the characters rather than just summarizing the events.

The awesome thing about video games is that they’re an interactive medium so that rule can be expanded to “do don’t show” which means you can have the player actually play out events rather than just sit there and be told everything that happens.

BUT when it comes to backstory, sometimes it isn’t always feasible to have the player play through as those characters. In that case you should follow the “show don’t tell” rule and use the visual aspect of the medium to tell the story.

I’m not sure what your story writing process is, but I’ve found that writing in “layers” is the best way to do it. When I started writing for a game I researched different methods and that was the one that looked best to me. Essentially, you first establish the message and theme that you want to get across. Then you write out a very basic arc with the beginning, climax, and resolution. From there you fill in the in-betweens, going back and getting the rising action and falling action as well as any sub-arcs within the main arc if you plan on having any. Then you go back again and get more detailed events. And never be afraid to throw out anything no matter how big it is. I know how hard that can be and how attached we can become to our work but you’ll end up with better material in the end.

And to be honest, I don’t like plot twists. They’re a lazy narrative device.

“What a sad and beautiful world we live in” -random graffiti somewhere in Prague

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Ok, thanks for the input.

Everything is duly noted.

I apologize for being cheesy. I’m not exactly the most talented of writers, unfortunately.