Boney Roadie Titiboo S sprite SYNONYM


sprite Zorochase

a MOTHER-inspired scifi RPG set in another solar system, far from Earth, in a distant future…

A new governing organization, simply titled “The Collective”, has been formed to prevent further devastation after the end of an intergalactic war.
The Collective seeks to spread peace by strictly enforcing equality… no matter the cost.

You play as Osco, a Kaenaran in his mid 20’s who’s a little too chubby and in need of a job.
One night, in your dreams, you are contacted by a mysterious soon-to-be-ally.

He warns you that you, and your brother, are in grave danger, and that you must meet with him as soon as possible.

…Looks like finding a job won’t be so hard after all…


  • An intriguing story that will bring both laughter and tears
  • Lots of secrets and lore to discover
  • A large, open solar system to explore with multiple planets and locations within
  • A unique cast of characters, each with their own story to tell
  • Plenty of items to find, many which synergize with other items
  • A MOTHER-like timed (optional) turn-based battle system with a wide variety of enemies to face,
    including challenging bosses and mini-bosses
  • Fully customizable controls with gamepad support
  • Neat, organized menus (no-nonsense navigation!)
  • A wacky soundtrack
  • An extra mode unlocked by beating the game once that makes the game extra difficult
  • More features to come!


Osco in his room, his back facing you…

Sample battle screen (working on backgrounds!)

The leading crew: Osco, Klein, Koji and Alex in order

A little more info:
I only recently began development on this game, so most of what you see here is in an early stage and subject to change.
This will be my first real project. I am, as of posting this, working on everything on my own. I’ll try to work on this when I can.
I am using lua with the LÖVE framework to create this.

I will post updates (infrequently) here and on my Twitter.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope I managed to capture your interest… keep an eye out for upcoming updates!

sprite Okano

This looks really good! Especially the UI. I also think the simple gradient background could look neat. Also is the enemy’s hp going to be next to the party’s or is that just a debug thing?

sprite PsychoLOLogist

Before you get any further in development, I recommend you switch to the Godot Engine instead.
I’ve used Love2D myself, and Godot is light-years ahead of it.
Godot actually has a GUI, and GDScript is really easy to use.

Godot’s node-based scene tree will help you keep complex code organized and understandable, while its support for static-typing of variables will prevent you from accidentally setting a variable to a type you didn’t mean to, creating a game-breaking bug that could be near impossible to track down once your code reaches over 10,000 lines with functions calling other functions, etc.

There are a ton more reasons why, but those alone are enough reason to switch.

This video explains more about Godot:

sprite Zorochase

This looks really good! Especially the UI. I also think the simple gradient background could look neat. Also is the enemy’s hp going to be next to the party’s or is that just a debug thing?

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, the enemy’s HP is just debug for now; however, I will probably try to display it in some other way in the future.

sprite PianoMan547

    The “forcing equality no matter the cost” part reminds me of this story I read in school once: “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut.

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