Ness Pajamas sprite Public demo of my game inspired by Mother & Untertale

Demo of Dreamed Away on Steam

sprite NicolasPetton


The demo of my game Dreamed Away has just been released on Steam”:

Dreamed Away is inspired by the Mother games as well as Undertale.

I’ve been working on the game for 18 months now, it’s an emotional action-adventure RPG with psychological horror elements where you play as Théo, a boy lost in a dark, mysterious world.

I’d love to get feedback on the demo, so if you play it, please let me know!!


did you know there's an easter egg in the rules? it contributes nothing and is just silly, but I bet it remained a secret!

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It’s strange no one is talking about this. This game looks so cool!

Strike that! Reverse it!

sprite OilFreak

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Art looks stright out of mother 3. I’ll be sure to check it out when I get a chance!


sprite OilFreak

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  • Narrative Goblin
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Alr so here I am with sum feedbacks:

  • I think I recognized a few graphics from Mother 3. Nintendo’s legal team is very anal about stolen graphics so make sure you’re not copying anything. Other than that, the graphics are amazing! I love the GBA style of everything being hi-lighted in black outlines.
  • I noticed scrolling shimmering in the intro, but couldn’t tell if it was present during actual gameplay. I hate it when games with pixel art have uneving scaling so I would highly reccomend your game running at a native res of 1080p.
  • I like the idea of a bullet hell system where you’re glued to the floor. Lookin forward to fighting some enemies and seeing watchu got!
  • I’m hesitant to write off the way that the player attacks (which I assume is hitting the arrow keys I only played the water balloon fight) but from how I’d imagine it, it takes too long for minimal gameplay. A good way to keep the current system would be having which key you need to press be somehow telegraphed, and the player needing to figure out what key they’re supposed to press.
  • I wasn’t able to get past the part where it’s dark and you’re in the house and there’s a storm. I’ve checked everything and I don’t know what to do. If that’s the end of the demo there needs to be a message letting the player know

Overall I’m very much looking forward to this game. Can’t wait for more!
