Ness Pajamas sprite Odyssey The universe in one hand

Coffe studio team

sprite Zuco

Oops! How are you guys on Well … Recently a friend and I joined a group of people to create an RPG game inspired by the mother series.

The mother series moved us in an incredible way! In our childhood and even today, that’s how we decided to create a game: Odyssey!

A game that has as main subject the identity of the characters (later on I will make a topic talking about the game and etc)

But this topic is recruitment! Yes, if you are a programmer or a concept artist … You would help us a lot if you joined coffe studio.

So … That’s it, I hope you were interested (do you want more information ??? Send me a message on discord [spoiler]Zuco Ω

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Thank you very much for your attention =D


Hello! Friend here you (one of the game creators, SrFolhas) would like to say that you can tell me if you want: ^)
SrFolhas ヘ (=  ̄∇ ̄) ノ

  1. 5825
    my discord.