Business Man 2 sprite OFF (by Mortis Ghost) MOD - Balance Rebalance Project

A modification of Mortis Ghost's RPGMaker game, OFF, that aims to enhance the gameplay experience.

sprite Crystalwarrior

This is OFF: Balance Rebalance project that aims to enhance your OFF experience. All of the changes are mostly combat-related with a few bugfixes here and there. None of the changes make an impact on the way story plays out, however, so as not to taint the original vision of the author, Mortis Ghost. If they do, please point them out to me and I will gladly remove them.
This mod uses OFF English Translation v2.0 + a few translation error fixes. You can find the original translation HERE

  1. Buffed the amount of EXP you get from bears at The Room
  2. Completely removed changes to Zach’s dialogue

UPDATE: Check the above spoiler for the changes.
Note that Final doesn’t mean that I won’t update the mod. Be sure to check frequently for more tweaks or bugfixes.

Download version 1.1.3 (You can use the same save file from v1.1.2)

  1. Removed the outro from final fight music due to narrative reasons, also removed Zacharie’s reminder. Thanks to RecDra for pointing out the importance of these.

  1. Final fight music now has intro, loop and outro, which makes it even more climatic. You’ll have to see it for yourself to know what I mean.
  2. More tweaks to final boss, including a new competence.

  1. Nerfed The Queen boss, also fixed some of her bugs.
  2. Redone the added text to endgame Zacharie. He will mention if you haven’t defeated the bonus boss (“Have you explored the zones?” – something like that) and he’ll also mention if you’re underlevelled for the queen bossfight. He checks if The Batter’s level is less than 16.
  3. The save point after defeating queen has been tweaked

  1. Made one-eyed ghosts much more dangerous to underleveled (Lv 2-3) players in the hidden area of the mines.
  2. Dedan’s speech bubbles have been moved apart a bit so they don’t stack.
  3. More info included in Wide Angle for bosses.
  4. Elemental weaknesses will not have “Special” or “Bat” flags now. This means that the damage dealt by them entirely depends on enemy’s weakness or strength towards it. If enemy has no weakness/strength it will apply normal damage of the competence.
    This means that if an enemy is completely resistant to an element it will receive no damage whatsoever.
  5. Playtested through the entire game again. Enemies tweaked, difficulty curve smoothened up.
  6. If you have been neglecting exploring the previous zones or you’re underlevelled, Zacharie will warn you about it. The Queen bossfight is going to be HARD at level 13 or lower!
  7. Status aliment animations finalised!
  8. Forgot to update the new game intro text again, it’ll still say version 0.4. Oops.
  9. TONS of bugfixes.

  1. Most bosses have some useful info when you use wide angle on them now
  2. Added status aliment effects for Add-Ons and The Batter. Add-On icons for mute, blind, fury and madness are placeholders.
  3. Made it so dying in the Ballvile comic will not actually game over your game for real.
  4. Bugfixes to the Queen battle.
  5. Tweaks to final bosses
  6. Updated the in-game intro text for Balance Rebalance version, oops.

  1. Entire game succesfuly rebalanced!
  2. Zone 3 enemies were completely rebalanced and tested
  3. Enoch battle rebalanced. Like previous bossfights it requires more strategy to defeat.
  4. The Room enemies buffed up so it actually feels like endgame in there – tell me if the bears are too difficult, though. Include your levels!
  5. Final bosses were rebalanced as well. Refer to bossfight tips at the bottom.
  6. Starting to add unique animations to status aliments, only the batter has them now though
  7. Fixed a bug where saving after defeating enoch and then loading that save would break your game
  8. Endless hallways were tinkered and tweaked
  9. Added a save point after defeating Vader Eloha
    Patch notes:
    This is it, the entire game was completely rebalanced.
    All zone + The Room bosses are much more fun and challenging, there’s battle events for every one of them.

Vader Eloha boss battle puts much bigger emphasis on her add-ons. Vader herself can revive addons when they fall, however, defeat Vader and all addons die as well.

Bad Batter actually has add-ons in-battle, too! The fight is much, MUCH more interesting, however if you were underlevelled as the batter you’ll have a harder time as The Judge (original game actually assigned the batter’s level – 1 to the judge, bad batter always had fixed HP and stats)

The Judge also packs quite some punch when you fight against him. He can cast haste upon himself and cure all status aliments, however The Judge has no healing spells. Poison is still his strongest weakness.

  1. Fixed a bug that exists in this translation – Japhet’s battle music doesn’t play when it’s supposed to
  2. Zone 2 completely rebalanced, enemies more strategic
  3. Zone 3 enemies were also rebalanced, however, it was NOT YET TESTED. Proceed to Zone 3 at your own risk.
  4. Some tweaks to Omega, his cure spells given more importance. Also you’ll be able to unlock his revive spell during normal gameplay now.
    #Complete Japhet boss rebalance!
    Patch notes:
    Japhet fight is the highlight of this patch.
    The fight feels much more dynamic now. He was given some new devastating attacks when his HP drops below certain percentage, as well as introduced an attack with a low chance to insta-kill someone. From what I’ve tested, though, it seems to be pretty rare, which is good.
    *Also, mid-battle Japhet summons some spectres to help him out. I don’t feel like it goes against the lore of Japhet too much, since he seemingly summoned a ton of spectres in the residential area moments before. Let’s just say that the spectres wanted to beat you up alongside Japhet, alright?

  1. Added debug block to the first map in the game
  2. Added unused section of Tender Sugar from the OST for Sugar boss battle
  3. Added “Missed” text when you miss
  4. Lots of tweaks to Zone 1 enemies, as well as more emphasis on elements
  5. Made Batter’s elemental attacks accessible much earlier in the game, however, all of them have same
    MP costs
  6. Nerfed poison slightly so it’s not too powerful. Might be changed in the future.
  7. Swing competence now decreases your metal resistance in-battle
  8. Tweaks to various enemies regarding their weaknesses, resistances and sometimes even skills.
    Patch notes:
    Dedan bossfight is the highlight of this patch.
    The fight feels much more dynamic and urgent. He’s also slightly more difficult and strategic.
    Dedan’s HP was nerfed from 4k to 3500 so the fight doesn’t drag on for too long, however, if you
    don’t know his weakness it might be a little TOO difficult of a fight.
    I’m not sure if Dedan’s high HP is an issue, so please give me all feedback you can about his

Get as many luck tickets as you can. If you kept your jokers up to this fight you’ll have an easier
He will inflict HASTE on himself when his health gets below a certain percentage, that’s where the fight gets much more difficult.
Find his weakness as soon as possible, it’s crucial to defeating him quickly.
His speech bubbles can cause chronic migraine, however it’s relatively rare.
He can still cast his usual Sleep and Fury spells, so remember to use Belial’s Meat to get rid of

Yet again, luck tickets and jokers play a big role in this fight.
Japhet can cast mute and poison. Be sure to cure poison as soon as possible, since it can be pretty devastating.
After you get him to half of his HP, some spectres will appear and he will gain some new attacks to hit you with. One of them is all-party damage attack, so watch out for that!
The spectres only serve as a minor annoyance, but they CAN finish off your party members if they’ve got low enough health. More the reason to keep everyone healed up.
Watch out for his instakill chance attack. If it fails, it will still cast “Confuse” on you, which works like a paralysis. It also does moderate damage.
Keep throwing your strongest competences and heal up your teammates and you should be good.

He has an elemental weakness, if you find it you’ll be able to have a much higer damage output.
Mid-fight, Enoch receives some new competences to fight with. They include a “Curbstomp” attack, a devastating competence that not only has a chance to instakill but it also deals a lot of damage.
Keep whaling on his elemental weakness and heal up your party. Jokers are extremely important, so if you didn’t stock up on them from Zacharie, you’ll have a harder time.

This is a very tricky boss, and if your party is underlevelled and lacks certain competences it will be extremely hard.
Epsilon is especially important in this fight with his HASTE or AGILITY buffs. Keep buffing Alpha with agility competences so he can reliably inflict great damage and poison the add-ons.
Epsilon’s area of effect attack will also help disposing of weakenend add-ons. You can tell when the add-ons have low enough health if they stop having their HP decreased when still poisoned.
The Queen is able to revive her fallen add-ons, however. She doesn’t do it immideately after the add-on falls, but the first add-on she will always revive is Ipsilon because of his healing abilities.
Ipsilon is the first add-on you should dispose of because of that reason.
Focus your most powerful competences on The Queen herself after casting poison on add-ons, finish off add-ons with an Area of Effect skill and keep your HP and CP at high enough levels and you’ll be able to win this fight.

If you get a game over on this fight, you will get the opposite ending of what you picked.

The Judge is now a fearsome opponent, even at level 18.
Mid-battle, he inflicts haste upon himself and starts using his most dangerous competences.
You are able to decrease his CP, however, when he has low enough CP he’ll use up “Diamond Flesh” to get all of his CP back.
Inflict poison on The Judge as Alpha to deal constant damage to him.
Cure your teammtes from palsy or mute quickly and keep your party at high HP, or The Judge will swiftly finish you off.

If you get a game over on this fight, you will get the opposite ending of what you picked.

It is a true duel between The Judge and The Batter.
Once you side with The Judge, he will have the level of the batter minus one digit.
With The Judge, you unlock a lot of really useful offensive competences – think supercharged Alpha.
The Batter also has his helper add-ons with him this time.
As the judge, inflict poison on his add-ons and maybe the batter himself and attack The Batter with your strongest offense competences – The Batter can use Save Second Base on his teammates and it can give you a whole lot of trouble.
Alpha, Omega, Epsilon can all use most of their strong competences in this fight as well.
I suggest that you focus your efforts on defeating the batter first, then finish off the remaining add-ons.

All feedback will be extremely helpful in improving this game’s combat systems. Thanks!

Currently preparing to translate Earthbound into Russian.

sprite Crystalwarrior

Video showcasing Enoch boss battle:

The Room spoilers
Video showcasing the bears encounter and it’s changes:

Endgame spoilers!
Video showcasing the final battle:

Currently preparing to translate Earthbound into Russian.

sprite Mike_T4

This looks great.
I can’t be the first to post here? Surely someone checked this out already?


This is a really great mod! I was a little disappointed in the original game at how easy the final bosses were and it broke the immersion a bit for me, so this has done well in solving that problem.

Working my way back through the game now. I just barely beat Dedan. Alpha was dead and I was out of Jokers. The Batter had just 24 health and was inflicted with Fury. Luckily, the Batter’s random attack managed to finish him off but if he had one more attack that would have killed me O.O

Probably shouldn’t have underestimated this mod…

Really enjoying this mod so far!

P.S. Don’t worry about nerfing Dedan, being unprepared was a mistake on my part…what I was wondering is that Dedan missed almost half of all his attacks. Was that you nerfing his accuracy on purpose or was I really lucky because I was curious about that.

sprite Crystalwarrior

Man, I thought this mod would fade into obscurity as something unnecessary, but, turns out there are people like me who also disliked OFF’s combat!

Dedan might’ve been missing a lot because of his fury infliction. I think his increased attack speed had negative effect on his hit chance, or it’s because he had a high missing chance in the first place.
I haven’t actually touched any of his other stats save for HP and resistances.

Currently preparing to translate Earthbound into Russian.

sprite FelixTheJudge

I see all the add-ons have specialist and unique abilities, as well as the “Hasty” status effect.

Were some of these balance changes inspired by HOME?

Otherwise, this is a really neat mod. I always found the lack of difficulty in OFF upsetting.
Ignore my post. >_<

sprite AuraticFlow

Hello there! My name is Flow, and I’m @auraticflow on Tumblr. I made an account on Starmen to reply to this mod, because I enjoyed it and wanted to leave my feedback.

—I’m sorry if this counts as bumping a topic? I got that error and this is my first time posting here. I’m really sorry if it is! I just wanted to write a comment.—

Thank you for posting up this mod. I had never played the original OFF before – I had watched a walkthrough, but then I had played many fangames and basically, really, got to play OFF in any case. I definitely needed something like this in order to give the original game a bit more challenge, and it was nice to see that it came with a re-translation.


That being said, I don’t think the bosses were as hard as you hyped them up to be, especially in the strategy spoilers you provided. I beat the game in a full 6 hour sitting, without grinding, and even running away from some of the Elsen wandering around in Zone 3, in Area 4. I was underleveled for all of the fights, and finished the game at around Level 15. I was really eager to die trying for some of the fights, and especially the Vader Eloha one, but she went down faster than Sucre and Enoch, in my run. I’m not sure if this mod was still easy to play because of my experience, so perhaps it could have been harder for someone unexperienced. I also don’t know if I had over-estimated what this mod could do, because I was hyped up to play it based on the Spoilers for the Boss fights and some posts that replied to the game, so I apologise if it seems like I am.

Although you’ve said that you’ve changed the boss fights to add more strategy to them, it’s still the exact same strategy for the first game. I did love that the bosses quickly did a lot at the beginning, and I felt it was a challenge to get rid of their healing bubbles, or add ons, the what not. However, after about 5 minutes in I noticed that their attacks began to occur less and less, as if they were running out of, or had ran out of CP. I only became worried because I was using up items, and would lose because I had nothing to heal with, not that the boss overwhelmed me.

I certainly appreciate the changes you made to Sucre. Through getting rid of her heavy poison weakness, she became a much more formidable opponent, and her reviving her dummies every minute was extremely deadly. She stopped doing this about 10 minutes into the fight though, and was dishing out her attacks less and less. While it was great to manage my team members’ status effects using meats, in the end, it was just a drawn out battle that I finished altogether in 30 minutes.

I was confused by what had happened in the Judge against Bad Batter fight. I was astounded that Batter and his allies were dealing 30-70 damage to the Judge, and the Judge was dishing out 500 with his powerful competences. I didn’t understand why their attacks were so weak, and it led to the endgame fights overall being a bit underwhelming.

The RNG seemed to like me, as I only faced one insta-kill attack in the game, and that was from Japhet when he “began” the true fight against the Fire Bird.

Now onto my positives about the game. I’m really thankful you kept OFF the way it was, and I especially loved the cute battle graphics for status effects. They were a really welcome sight to see, and it gave the Batter and his add-ons more personality. I especially love the Furious status effects, as they were super cute. The new translation was seamlessly slipped in, though I was curious since Dedan didn’t kill the messenger when leaving the Barn area. That was an odd experience.

I also noticed a few errors, some within the text of the game. Some of the books about Japhet in the library have spelling errors, and also “instakill” in the Wide Angle of the bosses is spelt “instakil”. It does ruin the experience a little. I played the game without any volume past Zone 2, but what was weird was that Japhet’s theme didn’t play during his battle. Pepper Steak played as Japhet emerged from Valerie, and faded out when Japhet finally revealed himself, but after that, the music didn’t play. It was strange.

Either way, thank you very much for making this mod, again. It added to my experience of playing OFF, and I’m grateful for that. Despite my criticisms, I really did enjoy playing it, and I’m glad I got to. I know this mod is from 2015, so you likely will not see the message, but if you do, thank you.

sprite Crystalwarrior


[holy shit]

Either way, thank you very much for making this mod, again. It added to my experience of playing OFF, and I’m grateful for that. Despite my criticisms, I really did enjoy playing it, and I’m glad I got to. I know this mod is from 2015, so you likely will not see the message, but if you do, thank you.

Duuude, you have no idea how happy this actually makes me. The timing of this mod’s release kinda bummed me out because I couldn’t really capitalize on the hype OFF has, and I didn’t really find any venues to really advertise it much.

All of your criticisms are fair and fleshed out and I really appreciate them, there was a point where I was literally starving for anyone to even recognize this exists.

I know the Queen bossfight made one of my friends quit the game because they considered her too hard, but she was imho the most involving fight in the game besides Sucre.

The issue with bosses running out of MP is something I legit didn’t think through, it’s one of those major ---ups I wouldn’t realize without actual playtesting (something that this mod severely lacked).

I dunno if I’ll ever come back to fleshing out this mod in the future but if there’s interest in that I’d definitely give it a tweak! OFF is still a pretty damn neat game and I’m glad it made your experience more involved.

Currently preparing to translate Earthbound into Russian.

sprite Sosuko

Hello! I found this mod after recommending OFF to a friend recently and wanting to replay it for myself with a difficulty mod if available. I honestly wasn’t expecting to find anything, so thank you @Crystalwarrior for making this! I’m really looking forward to playing through it.

The one thing I noticed is that there is now a 3.0 translation patch for OFF that seems to run in a newer version of RPG maker too. It’d be awesome if this difficulty mod was up to date with that, but obviously I understand the juice probably isn’t worth the squeeze on that one…

Anyways, I’ll be sure to post about my experience and feedback after playing through. Thanks again!

sprite Splitorn

Hi there @Crystalwarrior, I’m playing this mod now (I wanted a hard difficulty mod and glad you made one), and I can’t get the music to play in Japhet’s final stage (E Minuit). Have you or any of your testers/players had this happen, and is there a solution to it? Thanks