Poo sprite New Mother inspired game Astral Battlers

discovering who you are

sprite keggieRed

short walkaround Pork Town/Pork Booty

Hi forum!

wanted show off the current work for my game, for now the title is “Astral Battlers” started out as a mother/earthbound fan game but as i’m growing my ideas and direction sort of refined a bit.
You the main character are fully customizable , and i’ve been adding new pieces here and there.

it’s a 3D experience so there’s a challenge . I’m also a big fan of replay value so i’ve incorporated a small element of pokemon in the form of “Astral Warriors” these are warriors you find to unlock Psi attacks . It also started out
as a local wifi player where you and two other players can encounter enemies together and fight. But local wifi
leaves alot to be desired so i’m working on adding some sort of P2P connection although i’m not sure how i’m going to go about that. here’s a short video of the gang walking around town . I like the solo fight experience but because I love earthbound I did create my own version of a party system, but since the games fighting is focused more around you the player , i’d call it like a helper system instead.

i’m eager to share and talk about it!

i’m not a crazy good developer or spriter . I hear, I can tell a decent story though
and i’m a pretty good musician. solo developing is difficult and lonely so I figured it’s time to share some clips and talk about it. there’s going to be 6-7 major world maps and I’ve completed about 4

what do you think , how’s my art style ? Everything was sprited from scratch

Weirdly enough, I’m a pomegranate.

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This style is interesting. I think it’s pretty epic that you fused classic 16-bit sprites with modern camera 3D stuff.

I live on comedy.

One day I’ll probably die from too much of it.

sprite keggieRed


glad you like it, i’m use to spriting in 32-bit but I wanted that retro gameboy color feel it’s been a bit of a challenge and I scrapped several designs. I think the 16-bit parts better suit what I am able to sprite anyway. working on getting a battle engine showcase up too. trying out different screen caps, not big on this one from clideo .

Weirdly enough, I’m a pomegranate.

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It’s kinda like Minecraft’s graphics, but cooler. I’ve seen some other stuff use something similar to this, but most fail. This is exceptionally well done.

I live on comedy.

One day I’ll probably die from too much of it.

sprite keggieRed

Aw man thank you for the kind words , that’s the kind of look I wanted to come across , right down to the color choices on everything(aside from mother being it’s inspiration ) , Minecraft is probably one of the best examples for great 2D into 3D design. I took careful look at games like Minecraft when I first decided to make the change from a 2D world to 3D.

This is more motivation and needed! this game Idea is actually my very first and it’s years old , i’ve put it down so many times in the past because I wasn’t a decent spriter back then. Making sure you get to run around and adventure through my childhood imagination is the biggest priority.

sprite Fiddlah

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Certainly shows ambition. But it feels like the sprite have been horribly stretched though which kind of ruins the artstyle.
What engine are you using?

sprite keggieRed

@TheName’sAndounuts been taking a look at that, it’s running on Gamemaker , The stretching is caused by the full screen mode , which I’m contemplating whether or not should be an option. But i’m also sure I can go back and resize everything . This was the best look to fit multiple computer screen resolutions. Pulling the view in also broadens the perspective so the entire world isn’t visible from a single glance.

sprite keggieRed

Hello again!

Posting an update , here’s a video of the now from Alpha to Beta version of the battle engine and UI , loved the old school Pokemon silver/crystal feel . So that is the direction I’m going for.

In this showcase I gave the hero one of the more stronger Astral Warriors , so I could show off the battle engine aswell as the UI and later enemies . This warrior in particular is called " Golden Knight " and is apart of the Attack Psi series of powers. There Are 3 main types “Attack Psi” “Defense Psi” and “Status Psi” ,also a simple showcase of the Party Member Help system. There will be several Party Members (Currently 4) each have their own unique way of assisting you in battle.
For now I’ll only keep showing off these two.

Princess Pear from Heaven City (a map I absolutely loved creating and wish I could show off but would spoil the game)
she’s a healer and Brock , from Tinker Town who deals higher damage to enemies (not shown here).

You collect different Astral Warriors through your adventures in the Astral Universe , through solving puzzles and discovering hidden areas. you can build a set of 3 warriors to use in battle , so these different sets will make a difference in how well you do. I understand that most players will optimize by trying to choose the strongest warriors they find , so as i’m balancing the game i’m adding several stat buffs and debuffs for equipping different warriors . Using a warrior who’s stronger in a specific area will lower stats in other areas. So building a set that is most effective will be how you play, be it a more offensive build or wearing your enemy down with status effects and sponging damage with defense buffs.

Don’t mind this map, it’s a Debug map with tons of different testing elements thrown in, not apart of the game.
Tell me what you think , thoughts and critique welcome. how’s my sound design ?

Also this is the same capture tool from before so it still has those frame drops and choppy video/audio , tried using the one posted here in the forum but it’s not much different and has less options/formats. The frame rate and bitrate are not actually choppy in the game.

Weirdly enough, I’m a pomegranate.

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That looked super cool. this may be a weird comment, but I studied fever hallucinations for a few months last year, and they still amaze me. That battle there seemed super creepy, but in a good way, so I couldn’t help but be reminded of that.

I live on comedy.

One day I’ll probably die from too much of it.

sprite keggieRed


not weird at all , I always liked the creepy and weird side of the mother series. That’s where I wanted to draw attention to with this game and it’s lore. All the enemies stem from negative emotions and thoughts . The two here in this clip are self consciousness (the triangle monster) and the fear of outside ridicule from on lookers (the eyeball) . Their names are
Tri-Death and Gospeep . The evil inhabiting the planet turns emotions into living creatures in this story. I’ve got plenty of creepy ost to match along with creepy areas and puzzles. Without giving away too much , the evil within us all will finally reveal itself. And it has a thing for eating hearts . I’m working down the knitty gritty of the story but that’s a simple explanation.

Weirdly enough, I’m a pomegranate.

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Quick question, can you give me the names of the characters? I don’t know why I’m asking this. I’m just curious.

I live on comedy.

One day I’ll probably die from too much of it.

sprite Fiddlah

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I don’t know… I’m concerned the attack effects might cause seizures.

sprite keggieRed


uhm? have you ever played earthbound. Not sure if maybe I missed a joke , but PK Rockin , PK Starstorm the game flashing
when ness gets the critical attack(and others). I’m actually looking into how I can make attacks pop more on an earthbound level for my game.

But if this is a genuine concern I’ll do a little research on seizures to make sure I can hit under the bar while still keeping the nature of the game

sprite keggieRed


Sure no problem , well for starters you are the main character. There is no name for the main character because it’s you and
the character is 100% customizable . That mechanic was the first thing I created , different hair styles which all are completely
able to be colorized . same with skin and the clothes. If you wanted you could just be entirely green like a pickle .

In the clip there’s Princess Pear and Brock . Not sure if I should give away other party members , since party members
are going to be interchangeable throughout the game , based on what you need for your playstyle. Think Fire Emblem.

sprite Fiddlah

  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
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uhm? have you ever played earthbound. Not sure if maybe I missed a joke , but PK Rockin , PK Starstorm the game flashing
when ness gets the critical attack(and others). I’m actually looking into how I can make attacks pop more on an earthbound level for my game.

But if this is a genuine concern I’ll do a little research on seizures to make sure I can hit under the bar while still keeping the nature of the game

I understand where you’re coming from with this, but remember if you want to ship your game you’re going to need to account for these things otherwise your passion project will be on the reviving end of Mr. Edgeworth’s pointer figure. This isn’t a joke, this is deadly serious. When Earthbound was re-released the ROM had to be edited to comply with seizure guidelines.

As much as both of us enjoy you game, it’s a real concern that needs to be addressed at some point.

Sorry if I came across a little harsh, I’ll see if I can’t research a bit to see if you’re in the clear.

sprite keggieRed


Ah! same to you, if i’m coming off any sort of way I want to make it clear i’m accepting any and all critique, concerns and support ,be it moral/financial what have you. I see where you’re coming from and I had no idea these changes were made since i’ve only ever played the original version.

Definitely going to be taking a look and making sure the game isn’t flashing as much as the original then.
might even take a look at the inverted screen mechanic or dialing back the screen shaking code.

Thank you for looking out! I am definitely thinking of making a commercial release . So this type of information is important , appreciated. Comments like yours are another important reason I’ve decided to share the work so far.

Please get back to me if you find anything on your end.

sprite keggieRed

Hi guys , possibly starting a new job in my state , not too much done in the last couple days , finished 6 major world maps , soon to be moving on to all the tedious little inner rooms , caves , secret areas , stores etc . NPC characters ,
and all things that directly impact the general story direction. basically the fun part is about over

For now here’s some enemy recolors I’ve been working on

sprite Fiddlah

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These kid of remind me of Shining In The Darkness.

sprite keggieRed


Never played, but I checked it out, looks like Shining Force, which is old personal favorite , definitely influenced my rpg
directions from when I was younger. I like the enemy art style of it though, very colorful and eye catching. Something I always try to do when spriting my enemies

sprite Fiddlah

  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
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That’s because Shining In The Darkness and Shining Force are in the same series.

sprite keggieRed

Ah ok , That’s awesome