Fire sprite My Love Letter To The Mother Series As A Game

I am slowly working on it as we speak

sprite Achronium

I as a person have been a person who loves to write and code most importantly play video games. I recently have played the Mother series and I was on a GBA emulator website and the first game that displayed was Mother 1+2 and I casually played it and loved it. Mother 3 really struck out to me better than the others because of family members dying really hit me close to home and it was at a time that the value of it as a game was more than amazing. My father died in January and I am doing pretty well I’d say but I really wanted to thank the series as a whole because of It’s massive impact on my life. This project might take 10 years maybe 2 or 4 I don’t know I just want to enjoy life and work on it piece at a time. You can find a very basic outline of my Ideas in the writing forum it most likely will be very close to the top as I’ll try to make an effort to write and so you can see my progress as a project. I have been painting how I see it the paintings are crud and I’m no Bob Ross and they most likely will never see the light of day.

A c h r o n i u m

sprite That Marsh

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Awww, that’s so nice of you!
Glad to see our little forgotten series matters to you so much!

trying to find my place in this world

My lawyer has advised me not to publicly disclose my relationship with fish and women

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