Mr. Saturn sprite Mother World Thread 2

Earthbound Sequel using a real time clock

sprite Wiiman

Mother World
A Tribute to an SNES Legend developed with Clickteam’s MultiMedia Fusion 2 Game Creation tool

Motherworld takes place 10 years after Earthbound in the year 200X. The story starts when Ness gets a phone call from his father who he hasn’t seen for several years. His father has a strong urgency in his voice, and ends by saying ‘Goodbye son, goodbye forever…’ What could be hapening to Ness’s father to cause such actions? Ness sets out to find his long lost father. But his quest soon develops into a battle of good and evil involving a certain foe who dissapeared after the defeat of Giygas…

In Motherworld, you start out in Onett, and slowly progress your way through the classics towns of Earthbound. Only they are very different now, the people in them are more interactive and unique, and shops change inventory daily. You’ll be able to buy multiple houses, each of which you can customize the inside of. The battle’s of Eagleland are no longer turn based, but play similair to Zelda with levels.

The main selling point of Mother World is the ‘real time’ feature. The real time feature allows the time of day and the seasons to change according to the date set on your computer. For example, if you play in Onett during December and 8PM, it will be covered in snow and dark out. Items and enemies will also be controlled by the seasons.

Hope you guys enjoy!

sprite Wiiman

Okay, so for the first major update is that the HUD has been greatly improved, here is the original HUD

It’s now been improved to this

Also, happy holidays guys!

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Ooh, good to see this is still alive, it looks really nice. I’d suggest editing the cliffs though, they look kind of static-y. May want to hide attachments in your first post too, so all the images aren’t there twice.

Overall though it looks great, that’s some really nice cartoony spritework you’ve got going on, and it looks like you’ve gotten a ton of work done on the game engine itself since the old thread.

sprite Wiiman

Thanks! Well, I’m sure the cliffs could be better, but each one is its own seperate object now, and there are hundreds of them… Call me lazy, but editing them again would take me forever…

Also, I’m looking for someone to do me a small voice acting peice. I’m need some one to say ‘Level Up!’ in a Ness voice. It needs to be rather loud so it can be heard over the music.

sprite Wiiman

I finally got the hotel in Onett finished! By staying at the hotel, you’ll receive a full recovery of HP and PP.

The cool thing about the hotel is that you reserve the room for the entire day. Even if you shut off, you will still have the room reserved when you turn back on as long as it is the same day. This works because the Month and Day are saved to array, so if either one is different that it’s saved value, you are not permitted entry.

Once a room is reserved, you can cruise around the lobby. Sometimes special characters will be in the lobby.

Also, by talking to a man in the hotel lobby, you can read the monthly newspaper. It’s 3 papes long and discusses what’s going on in Onett. It’s very helpful in keeping up to date.

Capn Muffin

Bad Enough Dude

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Wow, I really dig the idea of being able to flip through and read the paper.

The overall improvements are both welcome and well thought out. Good work so far, keep it up!

sprite StageProps

  • Undertale Temmie Sees All

lol “Desert Tongue”

sprite Wiiman

Just got the naming set up for the beginning done, almost everything is editable now! You got a lot of freedom to come up with goofy names for everything.
The default dog name on this is Prince because well…King is in Doggy heaven by the year 200X…

This choice determines your starting PSI Move.
Spicy=PSI Fire Alpha
Sweet=PSI Freeze Alpha
Sour=PSI Thunder Alpha

Here’s an example of me editing it-

sprite Wiiman

I need to ask people, does anyone have any good suggestions of classic mother series items to integrate into the game? I’m looking for items I can allow the players to set down in their rooms for decurative purposes.

Right now, I have the Mani Mani Statue and th Golden Needle. Both of which function as ‘Furniture Items’ for the player to put in their room. You guys have any ideas?

sprite skyrunner14

Space Alien

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How about miniature versions of the sanctuary locations and melody gathering spots? Like, for example, models of Giant Step that could fit on a table or a fountain that resembles Rainy Circle, or a stuffed dragon or Kewpie doll to stand for the first MOTHER. And perhaps if you were to examine them, they’d sing the actual melody or song they would in their respective games.

sprite Wiiman

Great ideas there. Unfortunately my knowledge on Earthbound Zero is a little low. But’s guide is pretty thorough on the story so I’ll probably be able to learn everything I need to know.

I went ahead and tried a ‘Your Sanctuary’ model, and it looks really cool. You can’t put it on tables though. I decided to incorporate the 16 bit sprites with it.

sprite TheWunn

  • fanvatar1

Maybe the XX Stone? Or a model thereof? It would be an interesting conversational piece for the coffee table.

“I have not considered the possibility of the Andonuts Effect interfering with the
Giygas Equation in regards to deanimating Felis Cattus offspring…” -Jedi Knight Ness

sprite PKDX

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sprite Wiiman

Can’t beleive I forgot about the pencil statue
I’m definitely going to add the ATM, it’ll be in the ‘Office Set.’
I think I’ll have a toy bus that’s model after the Runaway Bus, the Runaway Five can sell them at their show(for a rather large price of course.)

sprite PKDX

  • donor1
  • EBFF 2011 Submitter

Is there a demo coming soon?
or did I just miss it among the cool screenshots?

World of Warcraft
League of Legends Summoner Name: PKDX

sprite TheWunn

  • fanvatar1

Yeah, I would very much like to play a demo of this! I am so naming everything after my life and Frank Woodley.

“I have not considered the possibility of the Andonuts Effect interfering with the
Giygas Equation in regards to deanimating Felis Cattus offspring…” -Jedi Knight Ness

sprite Wiiman

I’m hoping to get a demo done eventually, if I were to give a guess date for a release it would be March to April if not later this year. Mostly it would take so long because I would want to finish the entire first town of Onett before releasing a demo.

sprite skyrunner14

Space Alien

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Oh man, that “Your Sanctuary” model looks fantastic! I can’t wait to see the others, assuming you make them. Being a fan of the original MOTHER, I’d LOVE to see those.

sprite Wiiman

So here’s the mother themed items we have so far,

I might ditch the Mr. Saturn statue, but not sure.

Here’s a couple cameo furniture items I wanted to include, I’ll let you guys figure out what they’re from8)

I really wanna do an 8-Bit set based on Earthbound Zero, where I just simply take the old sprites, blow them up so the pixels show, and maybe put some sort of pedistle underneath them. But they would definitely need to be expensive and hard to find pieces.

sprite Lazyboy21350

Mario, Metroid, and Legend of Zelda. Give us a harder one next time will ya?

But in seriousness I like what your doing here, I hope it gets completed.

Creator of Call Me Pollyanna. Call Me Pollyanna 1 Call Me Pollyanna 2 Part 2
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sprite Wiiman

Sorry but I don’t think there will be too many updates for a little bit until I get the coding finished on the new room editor…
I wasn’t quite happy with the old editor, so I really want to redo it. If you don’t remember the old room editor from the previous thread, it was where you talked to a frog in your room and he brought you to an editor frame where you moved the selector around. It wasn’t coded very efficiently though… So I’ve been trying to redo it.

Beleive it or not, I think I might have found a solution to do it more profesionally and code it easier actually. I think it might be easier to make it where you walk up to an item, press ctrl to put it in your pockets. Select an item, press space to place it in the room in front of the character. I think this is funner and more professional, plus might be easier to do as well if my theory is correct.

sprite Wiiman

Just got the room set up finished! IT works really slick, a great improvement over the old one I think.

sprite Wiiman

Not very many games have the NPCs that you talk too with AI. But I’m trying to make something very immersive and ‘alive.’ So the NPC in Motherworld have their own actions throughout the day. I just finished the AI for Marty, a resident of Onett.

It works like this=

6 o’clock(Morning) Wakes up
6:30 Uses Bathroom
6:45 Out of Bathroom
6:46-6:59 Hangs out in Room
7:00-8:00 Eats Breakfast
9 o’clock Done Eating Dinner, Walks Around Outside

12 o’clock Comes Inside to Lunch
1 o’clock(Afternoon) Done Eating Luch
1:15 Uses Bathroom
1: 45 Out of Bathroom
1:46-1:59 Hangs out in Room
2 o’clock Walks Around Outside

8 o’clock Comes Inside for Supper
9 o’clock Done Eating Supper, Hangs Out in Room
10 o’clock goes to bed

I’m hoping to get it a little more random eventually, so the NPCs don’t do the same things day after day.

But the NPCs also have big fancy houses, Marty’s house is 3 rooms big, including a living room, bathroom, and his personal room. You can talk to him in each of them when he is in them.

Here’s Marty sitting down for Lunch in the living room.

Here’s Marty hanging out in his room.

…And here is Marty in the bathroom…You’re mainly just able to talk to him for humor’s sake

Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend!

sprite skyrunner14

Space Alien

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That’s Grade A humor right there… keep up the good work, Wiiman!

sprite Wiiman

Just got a new video up! If you don’t want to watch through the whole boss battle, which I completely understand, please skip to 5:01 which you guys might find entertaining

sprite Wiiman

Did some revisions to this part! Now I used a scanned drawing of Brutus for the up close picture. The explosion also doesn’t look so pixelly now, and it has more cartoony goodness!

sprite Wiiman

Oh also in case your confused why the Mayor is called Orcle instead of Pirkle, it’s because Pirkle dissapeared a couple years ago…(Insert creepy mani mani statue jingle here.)

sprite TGP

I’m not really a fan of the simplistic sprite style, but it’s much better to be completely original than to reuse, recolor, and reanimate Earthbound’s own settings and graphics. I’m very impressed by the work going into this, and I’m starting to see a major resemblance to the Animal Crossing series… Which is something I never would have imagined to cross with EarthBound. Crossing a real-time life simulation game with an adventure game and an RPG is GENIUS.

I think you should probably work on the tunnel system a little bit before the boss battle there, though I expect that everything concerned in the map design is currently a WIP.
It’d be a good idea to add walls in to make it look like it’s from the same perspective as everything else rather than just a few tiles that you can walk on.

And along with that, do you plan on updating some of Ness’s walking animations? They’re so subtle that I can’t really notice them in the video…

An EarthBound hack starring Picky and Pokey Minch

sprite Wiiman

“I’m not really a fan of the simplistic sprite style, but it’s much better to be completely original than to reuse, recolor, and reanimate Earthbound’s own settings and graphics.” Are you saying that you like or dislike the graphics because I am confused by your wording.

Glad to see that you like the concept! I beleive the first MotherWorld Thread is about 2 years old by now, and I’ve been workin on this game and concept since before that.

Well, that tunnel to the boss isn’t really any sort of dungeon or anything, it’s just in there to get the mood going that you’ve walked upon something truly secret. I may update it eventually, but I’m currently redoing the platforming levels for the sewer dungeon.

As for the walking animation, well I’ve been trying to update them a little bit. I know the in battle walking animations REALLY need updated, because the Ness holding the Baseball Bat doesn’t actually have any, but I’ve got a solution for that I think.

sprite TGP

I’m saying that it’s nice, but I don’t really care for it. I’m just glad that you didn’t recycle the Mother 2 style. You have no idea how sick I am of seeing poorly animated recolored Earthbound sprites that don’t even follow the color scheme or style.

Whether I like or dislike it, it’s a step in the right direction.

And I get the tunnel thing now, I didn’t really think about that. No worries, then, haha.

An EarthBound hack starring Picky and Pokey Minch

sprite Ken10Ethan

Awesome! Love the idea of the time thing, reminds me of Zelda 64, y’know, for the 64DD? The One EarthBound64 would be on? Anyway, i’ll be sure to check this out when it’s released

Capn Muffin

Bad Enough Dude

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Wow, the NPC thing sounds really complicated. If you pull it off, it’ll be awesome though!

sprite Wiiman

Already got it done! I hope it lives up to expectations
I really need to get back to this project soon. I’ll try to work on something else for it soon!

sprite Labrynian_Rebel

Can’t beleive I forgot about the pencil statue
I’m definitely going to add the ATM, it’ll be in the ‘Office Set.’
I think I’ll have a toy bus that’s model after the Runaway Bus, the Runaway Five can sell them at their show(for a rather large price of course.)

You should also throw in the Japanese version’s octopus and doll statues for more variety. Also a trainset made from the train sprites from Earthbound Zero would be cool too.

sprite Wiiman

Well here’s the word. I recently decided to retire from Indie Game Design because it wasn’t fun anymore to me. I’ve got some other dreams I want to pursue so I decided that I should try to pursue one dream not both at the same time, that way I can give one my all. Something becomes no longer fun when the rewards of your hardwork seem no longer worth it… I have 3 years of work in Motherworld, and I would probably say I’m only about 25-30% done(That means I’ll be done in 9 more years ) The only rewards I can reap from Motherworld is just this feeling of how I programmed something I didn’t think I was capable of programming, and hearing the nice opinions of you guys of course But I’ve decided that its time for me to enter what click communities call ‘click retirement.’ Well I’ve been designing games for five years now and I had a blast! And I met a lot of cool people, through the power of the internet of course. But its time for me to throw in the towel ;_; So yeah…that means this is officially abandoned, I’m sure quite a few of you saw it coming… Though I must say, scrolling through here and seeing all of these screenshots makes me want to open up MMF2 again and start working on this again-Don’t mean to brag, but it looks so fun So final verdict, this game is abandoned, or at least postponed. But I’ve got a voice in the back of my head telling me to start again… If I ever do decide to start making games again, I will definitely be back on Mother World if any!
Anyway, it’s been real and its been fun…and its been real fun too man! Now I’m gonna go pursue some other dreams and show this college thing who’s boss while I’m at it

To lighten the mood-

^Horde of zombie smiley faces^

  • donor5

What are these ‘other dreams’ that you’re pursuing? Just out of curiosity

sprite Wiiman

Okay, so I started a new concept for this game because I feel like I HAVE TO finish it, and at the same time can’t seem to finish it with this concept. This new concept is still based around the Mother Series, but it won’t be about Ness. I plan on unveling this new concept on August 19th, my birthday. I REFUSE to work on this game while I’m at college, I cannot let it distract me from my studies and other hobbies. But when I have weeks of between semester, like right now, I can work fervently on the project So August 19th expects screenies if not video of the new Mother World.

Now here’s where I need you guys, I have successful cloned the Mother battle system, well kinda. Very very difficult in Multi Media Fusion 2 btw, took about 30 counters. But it is very editable and can be changed in game quickly. This engine is made to play in the same frame as the overworld. Yes, I’m sorry, but that means no more backgrounds that make you think you’re tripping on shrooms. So this battle systems work where you walk so close to an enemy, then instead of going to a battle screen, it stops your movement and brings up the battle menues right there on the field. You defeat the enemy, they dissapear, you walk around like normal. Would you guys have like EB if it was like this? Anyhow, in this type of project I think it is much better to just stay in the same frame as the place you fought the enemy. Also, even though the battles are turn based and involve strategy not skill, maybe there would be ways to implement the enviroments into this; like you hit an enemy with a smash, he goes flying backwards and falls in a river, instant win.

But the question is, after all games are made for players, would you guys enjoy this better then the glitchy Zelda-ish style battle system implemented in the original concept? Or would having to go through turn based battles on a daily basis being a little bit annoying? Don’t worry they won’t block the way to town from your house or anything, just when going to mission areas or new towns.

So basically, classic turn based battles in the overworld frame, or the Zelda style battles? What do you guys think?

sprite Wiiman

Hey guys, long time no update. Before anyone ask, the project is still abandoned. But, looking through the old files I see the tremendous amount of work I put into it. I think I could take the Onett outdoor frame and make it into something somewhat playable, that way you guys could see what Onett would look like on this art style. Would anyone be interested in that?

sprite RGGames

I frickin’ love this thingy xD
All thw ideas are good, ai on npc, the battle system, the naming menu, i love everything xD
Also, it is impressive youre proggraming this on Windows Xp that its SO HARD FOR ME xD.
Good luck!

sprite Wiiman

Please read my most recent post. This project has been cancelled for around 7 years. But, I could put together a showcase demo of sorts if there is an interest.