Lydia Bunny Sit S sprite Mother: The Return of Darkness New Thread!

"Don't forget the love and the good times"

sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

    Hello and welcome to the new TRD Thread!
    Now, to start this new year and have a new beginning, I’m going to show you what this is about:

    “Don’t forget the love and the good times”

    “Mother TRD” or “Mother: The Return of Darkness” is a fan sequel of Mother 3.
    In this new story the world has been destroyed and in the middle of the chaos a girl and her friends travel in time to find the heroes of the past to warn them about the future and ask for their help.
    During their adventure they’ll find many dangers, discover some secrets and make some alliances.

    Are you ready for this new adventure?

    - The opportunity to travel to different times and to be able to do many sidequests.
    - New systems applied.
    - Huge maps to explore.
    - A good story.
    - And many surprises more.

    - Linabell Hinawa Thower (Lina): The rude and wild blond hair girl with gold heart.
    - Yaki Thower: The rash, bold, sympathetic and also rude mage dog.
    - Rexius Nate Boyameg (Rex): A somewhat introverted, shy, playfull, insecure, clumsy and also a smart innocent boy with a dark secret.
    - Claus (AKA Masked Man): You know him well.
    - David Johnatan Switcher: Rex’s cool, charming, fabulous, womanizer and annoying cousin (but a good man)

    There are other characters with witch you’ll play later when the full game is ready, so I’ll leave you with the surprise.

    (They’re screenshots from demo 1, when I have more I will replace them.)

    The first demo is ready and you can play it (although you may find some errors during the gameplay.)

    • Not available for now (Making some modifications) •

    In case you get the error: “missing RGSS102J.dll”
    You’ve to follow these steps to make it work:

    You’ve to download the RPG Maker XP RTP from this page over here:
    And follow the steps that the page mentions to install it.

    Why you ask?

    It’s supposed that the demo shouldn’t ask for the RTP, but hey, failures are failures.

    What’s a RTP?

    A RTP (Run Time Package) is all the files necessary for RPG Maker games to run without errors.
    It’s a common error that usually happens with certain RPG Maker games.
    In summary: You should add them whenever if you’re making a demo or a full game.

    Having clarified everything, I hope you enjoy the demo.

    sprite Solidish Snake

    Very glad to see you back! Good luck with further development of this game, the demo was impressive. Is the demo on this thread more up to date than the one you had on your last thread? Looking forward to seeing this game grow even more!

    sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

      Ehh… it’s the same one and I’m doing the translation in Spanish now.

      After that, I’ll start with demo 2.

      sprite RGGames

      Now I’ll get it in my lenguage!

      sprite ShadowMax

      Oh my Jegus X0

      sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

        I was able to finish translating the whole demo in Spanish, but one problem though:

        It’s a problem with the Apple Kid’s font: The accented words in Spanish disappear.

        So, what should I do now?:

        A- Change the font.
        B- Wait for someone to give me an update version of the font with the accented words.

        sprite Solidish Snake

        I think I suggested the SFont script to Chapurin on his thread. The gist is it’s a custom sprite sheet of letters that the game pulls from instead of a font. You could recreate the apple kid font easily and just add in the accents through a little bit of script editing, I think there’s a built in section to add more characters to it. Another plus is users wouldn’t need to have the apple kid font installed to run the game since it’s really just using an image. Getting it to work first can be a bit of a chore though, there’s good instructions but it can be a little intimidating.


        Brazil M3 Guy

        • donor4
        • fanvatar4
        • PK Hack v2.0
        • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
        • !Merch Museum
        • Translator Badge
        • !!!!Halloween Funfest '16 Winner
        • !Camp Fangamer 2016 Merchboy
        • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
        • 30 Minutes of Silence

        This is a font that has been around for years, and so far no one has taken the time to add accented characters, so I doubt someone will add accented characters any time soon.

        If you want to see it happen, you’re likely going to have to do it yourself or recruit someone who can do it for you.

        EDIT: I also agree with Solidish Snake, the custom sprite sheet routines tend to be easier to work with, but involve a bit more development to get working.

        sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

          While I see how to solve this small inconvenience, I would like to hear your experiences with the demo.

          I’m aware that it may have some errors and bugs and I apologize for that, but keep in mind that it’s the first demo I do. Also, it should be added, I didn’t have much help or experience at the beginning and I had to study and learn things in the hard way.
          Other things that happened during the process of creating this demo were that: My computers got broken and several times I lost the progress and I had to redo the demo from scratch (that’s why version 3)

          It was difficult, but I was able to achieve my goal.

          Now I want you to tell me everything.

          I want you to tell me how it was: If you passed it, how much time it took you, what difficulties you had, your favorite parts, if you found some secrets, what mistakes did you find and what advices do you give me.

          I want to know everything and, maybe in the future, I can find a way to not make more mistakes, acquire more experience and try to do the things better.

          So… what do you guys say?

          sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

            Okay, I’ve good news:

            The translation to Spanish is now ready to download!

            Go to the page and enjoy:
            (Also don’t forget to read the things I left there about the problem with the missing thing.)

            sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

              Well, I’m going to start doing demo 2, but now on Rpg Maker Vx Ace.

              Give me time to study and get used to the program and I think I’ll show you an image or something soon (I feel a little confused with some stuff)

              sprite Solidish Snake

              I’ve been playing through some chunks of your demo every now and then and I’m liking it so far! I’ve been writing down notes and stuff to provide a more thorough text review of my experience. I’ll probably have it done when I actually complete the demo and just post it here later, so you’ll have my thoughts on the demo soon enough!

              EDIT: Also, I hadn’t realized you weren’t using VX Ace. I’m sure there are some sprite font scripts for your version. If not you can use some font building sites online.

              sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                Well, I’ve been researching, experimenting and doing some stuff:

                • The characters now can move and follow you freely without leaning close to each other and in a synchronized way that they can jump and run next to you.
                • It seems that now I will be able to improve a little the skills and Psi that was in the first demo of TRD and perhaps add some new things, but I must study this to see how to make it work (I think I’m going to need a tutorial or something.)

                But now I have a problem:

                I’m using these two scripts:
                - LNX 11 XP Style
                - Earthbound-Ish Odometer Roll

                But for some reason it always appears like this.

                My question is: What can I do or should I do here?
                Any suggestions?

                sprite Solidish Snake

                I’ll be taking a look at that Odometer add on. I think there may be a line in the script you can edit to adjust it’s placement on the screen, which is what I’m looking for right now… If not I’d suggest looking for that in the LNX script. I’ll edit this when I find it.

                EDIT: Okay, here’s the fix:
                Go to line 295 in the LNX XP Style script you have and change the 64 right next to the “:x =>” to -10.

                It’ll look like this:

                It even works with a full party of 4 so that’s nice too.

                You’ve probably figured this out already but I figured it’s worth mentioning that taking notes with the # right after a line can save you a lot of headaches (the green after the # are notes which are not read by the game)

                I use these to write down what the original values were before I changed them, should I need to undo them in the future for some reason.
                Also don’t mind that change I made on 298, it’s best to leave that on true. Just experimenting a little.

                tl;dr do what I highlighted in bold italics

                sprite Solidish Snake

                Sorry if this constitutes as a double post or something. I decided to write a short little review to help Seresute figure out where to start next with her demo. Overall I am impressed, but my thorough thoughts are down below:

                “I am by no means a professional reviewer or anything but I wanted to give you some feedback on this demo in a more thorough way. Below are spoilers on certain areas containing things I liked and ideas on how to improve on the ones I didn’t. Anyone else reading this: there may be spoilers, I’d check out the demo yourself first.

                1. Moves serve a good purpose and the player is able to take advantage of a decent arsenal of attacks to perform better in combat, however moves like Brute Force and Song 2 cost nothing to use, effectively making them overpowered. Just a neat idea, maybe experiment with elements a bit. Brute force can be tied to an element that certain enemies are weak too, making the regular attack more powerful given a good situation. All of this can be done in the database, no scripting required. You can do either that or make Brute Force cost PP, but I can see why it wouldn’t since it’s not really a psychic attack of any sort. A few other moves share this problem…
                2. That chase section got a little frustrating at first, but after one or two attempts it was easy. I’d lower the amount of enemies chasing you just a TINY bit,
                  but overall it didn’t stop me from enjoying the game at all afterwards.

                I’m well aware English is not your native language so I wouldn’t take these corrections too seriously. Overall you have correct spelling and grammar in most cases, and your writing is serviceable.
                Just a few things here and there. Corrections are in the parentheses.

                “I don’t think I have enough PP to defeact (Defeat) them” in intro after opening present and defeating enemies.
                “Yaki: Come on, I’ve (got) a plan” hiding behind house in intro
                “Pigmask 2: Aren’t those (the) brats we’re looking for?” same area
                “Lina: Look, I think I know where she (went).” after waking up
                “Yaki: Man, (so much) crazy stuff is happening here.” in basement
                “Lina was (worrying) about you, so she came to find you!”
                “Lina: I must not let it burn. I’ve (got) to go!” after picking up photo album
                “Lina: What was he talking about(?)” in burning house

                I think you get the idea. I believe Seresute had a translation team or something on her last thread? Where did those guys go?

                1. Enhanced movement options are a very nice feature. Jumping is something not commonly seen in 2D RPGs but this game puts it to good use. Momentum is factored in when making jumps, so you’ll need to sprint before jumping to clear holes in the ground and other obstacles. Sprinting has stamina attached to it, making it a little awkward until you get used to it.
                  I would also like to see bumping into trees and such give you items, and making jumping over pits a mandatory action to get past some areas, but very impressed with what’s here so far. Plus I have no idea how hard those ideas can be to implement.

                1. I like how the characters are expressive as they talk, utilizing various sprites and such. Setting that up for all dialogue is very tedious so I commend Seresute for that.
                2. The game utilizes effects to add to the atmosphere of areas, whether it be fog, rain, or even both!
                3. Map design is very symmetrical (as in the maps seem to mirror themsleves). This works well in urban areas, but for natural areas this can look strange. It looks like you’ve mastered the “Three Tile Rule” which is good, but don’t be afraid to have some empty, uneven space in your natural maps. Not every map needs to basically be a square too. I’d like to see you experiment with hills and other forms of terrain in this first area, especially if you can get jumping to work well with it. If it looks off you could always draw some tall grass or bushes and place those down.
                4. Graphics are mostly reused from Mother 3, but what’s worth focusing on are the new sprites for various characters, especially in battles. I like the original spritework in this game, it has a sense of personality to it.
                5. Another aspect I like is the approach to displaying moves on the screen in battles. Yaki uses her paw when using dog tricks, which is visible from a first person perspective. Rex’s music notes are animated nicely and since it’s difficult to rip the PSI animations I’d say the new ones created for this game are neat too. They lack the psychedelic approach of mother, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

                1. When Yaki tells Rex to follow her, you could temporarily disband Yaki from the party and make her an event that leads the player to the Pigmasks. No big deal though, and I imagine that would make equipping the red ribbon you get to the north more difficult. She could also say “let’s tackle those pigmasks to the west” or something similar to that.
                2. This game has a lot of charm and funny character interactions within it, thumbs up for that.
                3. The code was another frustrating part of this demo. I found where to get the numbers, but still figuring out the code after that was annoying. I just tried brute forcing a bunch of numbers but still couldn’t find the patience open it, the code likely has to do with Mother lore but unfortunately I’m no expert on that subject… I have tried subtracting all the numbers, using only the single digit numbers, etc. Took me a bit to realize I had an unexplored area, so I guess this is all on me.
                  (EDIT: Those numbers are for something else…code is given to you after completing the demo.)
                4. The demo came with a nice readme file, which I think is often left out of indie games, especially ones that are supposed to be retro. Maybe it’s my love for old computer games but I think that’s always a really nice touch.
                5. Some cut scenes allow the player to move Lina, which can cause problems sometimes with how characters interact on screen. I don’t know if XP has a “Autorun” option for events like Ace does, but I do know using Autorun for event cutscenes and then erasing them when finished will bar the player from making any inputs. Super helpful if say for example during a cut scene a player needs to stand in a specific place or walk a specific path and you don’t want the player to move somewhere where the cut scene will break a little.
                6. It had taken me approximately 1 hour and 18 minutes to complete this demo, which is a good amount of time to show off the game. I am very excited to see a fully complete project from Seresute and her internal team! There are some good story elements that build off of the Mother series’ lore and even incorporates some from Cognitive Dissonance from what I remember. Gameplay is honestly a lot better than most demos I’ve played, it’s good that Seresute was able to put out a quality demo. The Mother fanbase is really good about doing that.
                7. Overall Seresute’s demo is great, it does a good job of illustrating what the final product may look like, and what she has so far is VERY good. I anticipate being able to play more of this game along with the others being created by the phenomenal people on starmen!

                That closes my small review, I hope my insights have given the creator some good insights to work with. This game seems to be taking a very good path in means to game design, writing and aesthetics. I am very confident that Seresute is able to work out any issues I did have with this demo, so long as she stays dedicated and motivated to do so. For the millionth time, this demo has so much potential that is being harnessed correctly in my eyes. Have a very nice day!"

                sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                  ^First of all: Thanks for the help with the battle system.
                  It works well, although I still don’t know if I’ll do anything more with that.

                  Now let me give you my answers to your review:

                  1- I like your idea, I have to see how to make it work.

                  2- I’ll keep it in mind for when I do another chase scene.

                  Yes, I know, I have to try to improve my English a bit.

                  About the team… well…

                  Some of them are pretty busy with another stuff or their own projects and I don’t want to be a nuisance, not even a burden, so…

                  I’ll try my best to improve.

                  I think that’s not difficult, although now in demo 2 the actions will happen inside the laboratory. Maybe I can make some adjustments for these things to happen.

                  1- At first it was complicated, but later I found the trick.

                  2- They’re things that can be easily programmed with the RPG Maker XP.

                  3- Yes, you’re right. When I make the full game (if I manage to do it) then I’ll take this into account and experiment a bit.

                  4- Yes, I admit I used some mother 3’s graphics and edited them.

                  With respect to the other graphics:

                  - All overworld sprites are made by me (except the rpg maker ones)
                  - The battler sprites are made and edited by different people and me.
                  If you have read my old thread you will notice that sometimes I’ve some problems with the enemies’s sprites.

                  The problem is:

                  I’ve good concepts for enemies, but sometimes I fail giving them the correct shape or shading.
                  It’s something that I tend to fail a lot, that’s why I had to ask for help.

                  5- I wanted to try something else so I tried it and it went well.

                  1- Yaki could have done that, but let’s say she had a little consideration for the nerdy (Rex)

                  2- Thanks, I really liked the way I made them interact.
                  My favorite part is when they start talking to each other after the house collapses.
                  You can see how much they’re out of the wave, but they still try to calm down and keep going.

                  3 – Well, it’s been a while, now I can give you an answer:

                  The code I used is called: A1Z26 Cipher
                  Replace words by numbers.

                  Rebel Pigmask Cave:

                  20-8-18-5-5 —-————→ T-H-R-E-E
                  19-9-24-20-25 —-———→ S-I-X-T-Y
                  6-15-21-18 —-—————→ F-O-U-R

                  Lina’s House:


                  Strange Door:


                  4- I put it there to specify some things before everyone started playing the demo.

                  5- Unfortunately, I couldn’t solve that problem.
                  Although, now that I think about it, maybe is because I put all the events in parallel process.

                  My bad.

                  6- Thank you, although it seems that this time I’ll work alone.
                  As I mentioned before, my team is busy with another stuff right now, I don’t want to bother.
                  Also, after what happened with Chapurin…

                  I don’t want to talk about that anymore, I’m going to go ahead as I can.

                  7- And this is just the beginning, what will come will leave you in shock.
                  Can you continue despite all the darkness?

                  Well, I guess that’s it?
                  I have to keep working with demo 2 now, but thanks for your review.

                  I’m currently in a debate regarding adding one thing in demo 2 or making it shorter.
                  I need to think about it.

                  sprite Solidish Snake

                  I appreciate you getting back to me! I had figured some of the few underdeveloped things I pointed out were due to technical limitations on your end, but the ones you had were not deal breakers and I was still able to enjoy your demo very much. I tried to be very forgiving, since I understand so many things can go wrong during the process. Also I wasn’t aware of what happened to those English translators, if you’d like I suppose I could go through the demo again and find more typos.

                  As for adding that one thing…I’d be in favor of you adding it, depending on what it is. A demo should be able to demonstrate and introduce the player to everything in your game, so whether it be a mechanic or something of that nature I feel like it should be included if you can. If it’s another area or something, I’d be okay with you keeping that a secret for later. I don’t think the demo needs to be any shorter though, an hour is a good amount of time to learn about your game.

                  Another question and then I’m off: are you planning to port over your entire demo to VX Ace?

                  sprite Pk Shayton

                  Yeah babe, we’re back! (And I’m late af lol)
                  Downloading the demo. Hope this time everything works.
                  Is cool to see other argentinians make their own games.
                  I’m officially hyped for this game.

                  sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                    Happy Valentine to everyone, hope you’re having a good time with your girl/boyfriend.

                    Here’s a drawing:

                    (Sorry if it looks bad, I’m trying to practice a little.)

                    Well, time to answer some comments:

                    Thanks for being understanding and if you want to do that then go for it, I don’t mind.
                    With regard to that thing that I talked about the other time I already resolved it and I decided to do something short to avoid some problems and frustations.

                    Now, the answer to your question:

                    Do you mean port the whole demo 1 to rpg maker vx ace?
                    I’m sorry, not now, I’m working on demo 2 right now.

                    Check if it works well and…
                    Are you Argentinian too? I didn’t know.

                    Now, with respect to the progress:

                    I’m making the maps, but at the same time I’m studying a bit how the tilesets work in rpg maker vx ace.
                    Let’s say that I’m testing and experimenting some things besides I’m also doing the tilesets for the scenarios.

                    Let’s hope everything works well.

                    As for the plot of demo 2, everything is planned in my head.
                    Maybe soon I can show an image of how everything is going.

                    See ya and have a nice day.

                    sprite Pk Shayton

                    Yeah, I am argentinian too!
                    And respect to the mistakes, I just started it and all the text are completely blank. The menu, the dialogues... everything. The screen also stays completely black, and after some dialogue texts (12 ir 13, after the screen turns into blue), it says "????? ’AMS’ ? 802 ??? RGSSError ???????? Failed to create bitmap".
                    So, in simple words, I couldn’t even try it :c
                    Also happy Valentine’s day. If you have a partner, then hope you spend a nice time with him/her
                    EDIT: Ok, I am way too dumb. Just read that first I must install the fount. Sorry about that
                    EDIT 2: Well, after installing the fount, everything’s solved. I am really sorry about everything
                    EDIT 3: Ok, you probably want to kill me lol. But when you stay pressing the run button it may be a little glitchy

                    sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                      ^ Pk Shayton: Don’t worry, it’s part of a bug I couldn’t solve.
                      I like to call it the: Run-Jump scene skiper.
                      Sometimes I imagine something funny about that.

                      When I was very young I always dreamed with this place.
                      I always appeared here and a person was coming to me.
                      I don’t remember why I was there, who was that person or what his face was like.

                      Every time I try to remember it everything gets blurry.
                      I know sometimes you can remember some dreams or sometimes not, but…

                      Why don’t I remember it and why am I here…?


                      - I finished with the maps of the laboratory and the one you’re seeing now.
                      I still have to keep working, but it seems that soon I’ll have all the maps ready.
                      It took me a while because I had problems, but I solved them.

                      Now let’s talk about something that might interest you, it’s about something in particular in demo 1.

                      Those who don’t want to read then skip this and wait until my other post.

                      Well, the people who came to the end and saved a file in the omake there is something that maybe you haven’t discovered yet, but it’s time to tell.

                      Follow the next steps:

                      1- Put on the first door the password: Rex
                      I mean: 18-5-24
                      2- Wait until the event is over and when that happens, go here and keep going.

                      Rex: Welcome to the rabbit’s hole player, are you sure you want to do this?
                      I warning you, it won’t be something beautiful and I’m not in the mood to play with you right now.

                      Leave while you can…

                      And that’s it, if you followed all the steps correctly then you’ll get an extra ending.

                      Well, here ends today’s post.
                      Maybe, if later you’re interested, I can tell about some facts and curiosities of demo 1 until I finish with demo 2.

                      What do you think?

                      sprite Corboblan

                      It looks interesting. I’ll have to try it out.

                      sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                        Well, hello again!
                        Ready to hear more about TRD stuff?

                        Then let’s begin:

                        Let’s start with the progress I’ve made so far:
                        - All the maps and items ready.
                        - The characters now can run with shift and they no longer have that problem like in demo 1.
                        - I decided to cancel the jump option because I don’t see it necessary for this demo.

                        Well, having said that, now it’s time for some good stuff:
                        In each post I do, I’ll show five curiosities, facts and other stuff from demo 1, okay?

                        Let’s start!

                        1- I had to remove the tutorial rooms at the request of the beta testers because they didn’t see it like something necessary and also because it was somewhat tedious.
                        I also thought that, so I removed it and moved some things from there to the omake.
                        If you go and talk with Rex in the omake, he’ll tell you a little bit of that.
                        (He was a seller and he had filled the room with things he liked, also cameos and references.)

                        2- The origin of the mooks that appear in the omake is this:

                        In addition, each one now has its own story and their names arose from the item they wanted in that side quest of the the tutorial rooms or based on what they do and their personalities.

                        3- Originally David also appeared in the naming screen and he was going to participate more in the events, but I took him out because there really wasn’t anything he could do in the plot of the demo.

                        David: Hey, I’m important too!

                        4- It seems that while I was making the final changes and arrangements I forgot to add Rugrenet (that emo mook) in the omake, alonside his companions. You can still find his sprite in the game files.

                        5- The song that appears in the title screen is a remake of the song it had before.
                        Both made by me of course.

                        Well, here ends today’s post, I hope it was to your liking.
                        See you in the next post!

                        sprite Solidish Snake

                        What you have looks really cool! It’s good to hear that you got all your maps and items ready.

                        sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                          Guys, I have something important I’ve to say:

                          I’m going to leave for a while.

                          It’s for personal matters outside from trd, besides that I’m taking classes of something that I can’t mention now.
                          That doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon the project, I’m just going to suspend it for one or two months and when everything is solved I’ll go back and continue with the demo.

                          Good, I hope you understand.

                          See ya!

                          sprite Solidish Snake

                          Best of luck with your situation! I’ll be patiently waiting for you to start working on the game again!

                          sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                            Hello guys, I’m back and sorry for dissapear almost two or three months, but I’ve some things to say:

                            • You see, my big bro moved from my house and took his computer with him, so I can’t continue making demo 2.
                            • Also, my family and me got some problems, but we solved them eventually.

                            Now, going back to the main topic:

                            As I said, I can’t do the demo anymore because I no longer have a computer, however I’ve a solution.
                            I’m working on it and when it’s ready I’ll show to you.

                            So for now just wait for it, okay?

                            Meanwhile, from time to time, maybe I’ll keep talking about things from demo 1, so get ready for the good stuff.

                            Well, I’ve to leave now.
                            See you in the next post

                            sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                              Well people, here you’ve another 5 facts, curiosities and some stuff from demo 1:

                              1 – Lina’s secondary weapon was going to be hockey sticks, but I changed it for the Osohe’s knife because it would be easy for her to hold it and she could use it for some stuff.
                              (In summary: Her equipment is the same as Teddy + gloves)

                              2 – If you go to the area where Rex’s house used to be and try to go to the left Rex will tell you not to go there and there is a reason for this:
                              His grandparents died there and he doesn’t want that Lina, Yaki or even the player sees that.

                              3 – The reason for why sometimes Yaki treats Rex badly is simple and here you’ve some reasons for this:
                              • Dogs usually don’t like unknow and dangerous stuff and for her Rexy is one.
                              • When Rex transforms into his Gieeg form he looks like a rabbit-cat and Yaki totally hates cats.
                              • She’s kinda jealous of him because she thinks he takes all Lina’s attention.

                              It’s not that she really hates him, but sometimes he makes her uncomfortable.

                              4 – The two Pigmasks who are sitting together in the Pigmask’s cave are actually homosexuals.

                              5 – If you’re in Lina’s house and jump on Lucas’s bed Lina will change her expression.


                              sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                Here you’ve more:

                                1 – The artificial shields the yellow Pigmask from the cave sells are, in fact, shields their army used to use to protect themselves from Lucas and company in M3.
                                (The only difference it’s that they’re more stronger now.)

                                2- Yaki’s weapons are sticks because dogs usually raise them with their mouths and, since Yaki is a mage dog, sometimes mages need their magic wands.


                                3 – Even if she tries, Lina isn’t able to create shields and sometimes it frustrates her a lot.

                                4 – Rex doesn’t want to use his Psi powers because they’re too dangerous and could kill or seriously hurt somebody.
                                That’s why he prefer to use his bat to attack physically and sometimes he has no control over them (Except for Pk Chrono and Teleportation)

                                5 – It can be said that Lina inherited her Brute Force from her grandpa Flint.

                                sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                  Now I’ll show you the new designs I made of the main cast.
                                  (I tried to draw them in Earthbound’s Style)

                                  And since I’m busy with that thing I mention before, I’m going to leave you with this:

                                  Hello, Daves here and welcome to my kinda journal blog!
                                  As you can see I’m just a normal boy, but with a lot of interesting things to tell.
                                  Anyways, enjoy your stay here and if you want to ask me something then do it, I don’t mind.

                                  sprite Panadopolis

                                  • Undercover Funfest - 1st
                                  • Fanart of the Week
                                  • artspot
                                  • MOTHER3 Riddles Winner X3
                                  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
                                  • Monthly Art Prompt Participant
                                  • Riddles Lord
                                  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
                                  • Monthly Writing Badge RAINBOW

                                  Those character designs are very cute! Good job!

                                  Looks like David has a robot arm similar to Claus… interesting!

                                  sprite Solidish Snake

                                  I like how David has some Phantom Pain thing going on

                                  Jokes aside your artwork is pretty good I have to say! I like that connection to Claus, makes me curious about how related the two are.

                                  sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                    Welp, I think I should start by introducing myself so you can know me better:

                                    • My full name is David Johnatan Switcher, I’m 14 years old and I live in a department on Kagayaku’s city, in one of the New Nowhere Islands.
                                    • I’m the grandson from one of the famous hero of the past and I’ve some Psi powers too, although I don’t use them much.
                                    • My family seems to have some secrets, but I’ll tell you with the time.
                                    • I like to go out for a walk and flirt with ladies, although many times I ended getting hits from them and none of them seems interested on me (Call me the modern Johnny Bravo, haha)

                                    Well, I don’t do that all the time.

                                    • I also have a job as a Paper Boy, sometimes I sell lemonade or some clothes I no longer use or even play my harmonica so I can get money to buy some good stuff or go somewhere to eat.
                                    • Also, many times I stay in the care of my lil baby bro “Rexy” and my parents…
                                    Well, they’re kinda jerks (later I’ll explain.)
                                    • I like sometimes to pick up some stuff people don’t use, fix them and keep them for myself (That’s how I got a cool laptop and my cameras)
                                    • The reason for why I’ve this bionic arm it’s a long story:
                                    You see, I got an accident while I was practicing with my powers at the same time I was recording myself with my camera.

                                    In short: I crashed, I fell and some rocks fell on my arm.

                                    Luckily Rexy found me and when my parents took me to the hospital the doctors had to amputate my arm because it was pretty broken.
                                    My parents were very upset because this nonsense I made cost them a lot of money and they didn’t have how to pay it.
                                    I was very hurt and I thought I was going to stay forever with one arm, but…
                                    Like an angel descended from the sky Mr. Lucas appeared, paid for my operation and asked the Pigmasks if they could give me this cool bionic arm you see now.

                                    Amazing, isn’t it?
                                    I owe this man so much! (In another post I’ll tell you more about him)

                                    • I’m also a gamer, kinda otaku and sometimes I buy some material to make my awesome clothes or some costumes to make cosplay.

                                    Well, I think that’s enough.
                                    I hope we have a good time together!

                                    sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                      Hello again!
                                      Now I’m going to talk about my lil bro: Rexius Boyameg


                                      • We aren’t brothers at all, just cousins, but I like to treat him like my lil adorable bro.
                                      • It’s fun to spend time with him and play some pranks to make him mad.
                                      (Although sometimes it’s annoying when he goes to hide cuz he gets pretty upset and I’ve to go out to look for him cuz he worries me a lot)
                                      • To be honest, he’s the only good friend I’ve and who can really understands me.
                                      • Since his parents died in that traffic accident, I felt pretty bad for him and my parents began to behave in a somewhat closed and serious way.
                                      Let’s say they just wake up, have breakfast, go to work, don’t come back until night, eat and then go to sleep.
                                      They don’t even focus on taking care of me, they just leave me alone the whole time and even they pay so we live in separate rooms (their room is next to mine)

                                      It’s like I don’t exist for them anymore…
                                      But hey, this isn’t about me, this is about my bro!

                                      Returning to the main topic:

                                      • Me and Rexy, on times of need, we always support and help each other and since I don’t want him to live a kind of turbid life like mine I take care of him and I give him everything no matter the costs.
                                      • He used to live here in Kagayaku, but now he lives with our grandparents in New Tazmily and he often comes to visit me or sometimes I go to visit them.
                                      • When Rexy comes to my deparment we talk and do some stuff together, but when bed time is coming we usually share my bed since my parents seem bastard enough to not buy another one.
                                      • By the way, don’t you think he’s cute?! ❤
                                      He’s the most pure boy and kind person I ever met in my life!
                                      Sometimes he’s somewhat shy, sensitive and gets angry easy, but that’s what it makes him unique, right?
                                      I really love him and I won’t change him for anything! ❤


                                      Despite everything he has some dark side, some secrets and apparently he’s trapped in something weird…

                                      I dunno how to describe it, but maybe I’ll explain later.

                                      To be honest, sometimes I get worry about this and I try to understand, but it’s kinda complicated…

                                      sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                        Sorry for the inconvenience of before…
                                        I was trying to upload the next post of Davidus’s blog, but something went wrong (maybe I writed too much?)

                                        sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                          Is it working now? (That was weird…)

                                          Alright, now let’s talk about Rexy’s girlfriend!: Linabell Hinawa Thower.

                                          • Okay just kidding, hehe XD
                                          They aren’t a couple yet, just besties (but it doesn’t cost to dream)
                                          • She’s a cute and rude loli with a badass attitude, but not exactly my type.
                                          Even so, Rexy likes her a lot and I can’t stop shipping both of them.
                                          (I know it’s quite cliche, but come on I even have some fanfics of them on my computer.
                                          You can call me “Rexina fan N°1” and I gonna start a club about this ship soon!
                                          Rexina is life! ❤)
                                          • Back to the topic, she’s 13 years old (like my bro) and she’s something like a “Local Hero” since she likes to help people in trouble and stop the bad guys.
                                          • Also, she’s Lucas’s daughter and almost everyone in New Tazmily or Kagayaku know her.
                                          • She is loved by some, but there are other people who hate her.
                                          Even so, she is surrounded by good friends and family and everything is going well for her.
                                          • Don’t let her appearance fools you, she has a high temper when she’s mad and if you dare to mess with her, her family or her friends consider yourself dead (It’s like your mom with a big slipper, creepy if you ask me)
                                          • She gets along pretty well with my lil bro and many times they play or take a walk together.
                                          (Sometimes I join too and the three of us have a lot of fun! ❤)
                                          • To be honest, she’s also a good friend and it’s funny to see how Rexy loses his mind around her and how his kokoro makes doki doki for her (lol that sounded too cheesy, gomen gomen!)
                                          • Another thing: She seems to have a good relationship with the Pigmasks since she goes to that club for adults to talk with them, see her daddy working or the DCMC or play some arcade machines.
                                          • She’s funny and nice too, but she also has a dark past (In other moment I’ll tell you more about this)

                                          That’s all guys, see ya in the next post.

                                          sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                            Now, let’s talk about Lina’s pet: Yaki

                                            • What do you expect me to say about this doggie?
                                            She doesn’t do much, although she’s kinda weird.
                                            • I think she’s a grumpy Golden Retriever who gets angry more easily than her owner.
                                            • Her name should be Jackie, but I guess someone gave her that name because some Japanese foods have “Yaki” on it.
                                            • She sleeps and eats a lot and seems skilled in some things.
                                            • She knows some magic tricks and believe me I’ve seen some (She’s pretty good at it)
                                            • The red bandana she always wears was a gift that Lina gave her the day she was adopted.
                                            Before that, she used to be a street puppy and her life wasn’t very nice to say, but now she’s with a good family that loves her and she’s happy with it.
                                            • She is also very loyal and overprotects Lina and Mr. Lucas a lot (Lina and her are kinda like Fionna and Cake from Adventure time)
                                            • I can confirm that her fur is very soft.
                                            • Sometimes she accompanies us when we walk with Lina and really has something against Rexy.
                                            She seems to hate him a lot and maybe it’s because she’s jealous that Rexy gets Lina’s full attention or because she already knows what my bro really is.
                                            Either way, they’re like the dog and the cat and she even once bit and rip Rexy’s pants.
                                            (It was funny, but I had to fix them later)

                                            Such a doggie, uh?

                                            But in the next post I’ll talk about someone important that you’ll surely know.

                                            sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                              Alright guys, today is the day!
                                              I’m going to talk about the important person I was talking about.

                                              Direct from Nowhere, The Tazmilian Devil, here you have the surprising: Mr. Lucas!
                                              (Insert crowd cheering)

                                              • Since he saved the planet and participate in the Smash Bros’s tournaments, Mr. Lucas has become a celebrity and is on everyone’s lips (No joking)
                                              • Almost everyone loves him and even he has a girl’s fanclub who follow him everywhere.
                                              • He’s also responsible for protecting the islands and helping people when they need it.
                                              • He’s a very kind, cool and humble person and is pretty good with children.
                                              • He works as a waiter in that club I mentioned before: “Club Paradise”
                                              (And usually gives a hand to the DCMC in their concerts)
                                              • He has helped me and my lil bro several times and we’re very firmly grateful with him.
                                              • Thanks to him my operation went well and I got this bionic arm, while he helped Rex overcome the death of his parents and other problems more.
                                              • Rex and I admire him a lot and, although he isn’t our father, it seems as if he were one and treat us with love (I wish my dad were like that)
                                              • He’s also wise, knows a lot of Psi and gives very good advices.
                                              (A little more and he almost acts like a psychologist)
                                              • Another thing to add: He’s a single father, but a very good one because he loves Lina very much, takes good care of her and educates and protects her from bad stuff.
                                              • Rex and I know his past in advance, so we try to not bring the subject up or he gets melancholic.
                                              (I don’t blame him, I would feel the same if I lost Rexy or a loved one)
                                              • When Rex, Lina or I are sad he makes one of his famous “Lovely Omelets” for us with some hearts on it (He even once draw a Mr. Saturn with the word “Potential”)
                                              Guess it’s his way to tells us that everything will be ok and he loves us very much.

                                              Lucas: What are you doing?

                                              Sorry guys, Mr. Lucas invited us to dinner.
                                              In the next post I tell more about him.
                                              See you!

                                              sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                Alright, let’s go with part 2:

                                                • Mr. Lucas is good at fishing, swimming, writing stuff in some books, cooking and playing the harmonica
                                                (I learned from him how to play this instrument and let me tell you I’m pretty good myself.)
                                                • He still has a hard time getting used to modern stuff.
                                                The other time I wanted to show him something about internet and he was pretty confused.
                                                (Well, he’s a farm boy and he has other customs.)
                                                • Talking about farm, he has: Two sheeps, three chickens, one dove and Yaki.
                                                And they have names too!:
                                                ■ The sheeps: Wooly and Needle (Sometimes I joke with him about Needle)
                                                ■ The chickens: Ionia, Tandoori and Nugget (My favorite one is Nugget)
                                                ■ And the dove: Birdy.
                                                • Lina sometimes goes to the club when he’s working to bring him a sandwich or something, although he told her many times not to because it’s a place for adults and she can’t enter there.
                                                (Says the one who entered Club Titiboo with a dog, hehe)
                                                • He likes sunflowers and nature very much, he always remind us we should take care of them.
                                                • In his spare time he walks, plays and trains with Lina, spends time with us and does other stuff.
                                                • Sometimes he talks with lizards and frogs (Dude, that’s odd.)
                                                • When he gets too angry he can be pretty scary cuz his eyes turn yellow like he were about to use his Psi or something (I’ve witnessed this and believe me you won’t like it.)
                                                • When he’s very sad, he locks himself in his room or goes outside to breathe some air.
                                                • He doesn’t seem to be interested in any girl, although Lina tried to pair him with Nana (It didn’t work plus she talks so much)
                                                • He’s a good father although there are times he has some trouble taking care of his little girl.
                                                (Many times he had to ask my grandma for help cuz of the girly stuff.)

                                                The list of things about Mr. Lucas goes on and on, but I think it’s better to leave it here.

                                                In the next post I’ll surprise you because the next two people I’ll talk about you know them pretty well.

                                                sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                  Lucas: Lina?
                                                  Lina: Yes daddy?
                                                  Lucas: A certain bee told me that you wanted to pair me with Nana, right?
                                                  Lina: Let me guess… David.
                                                  Lucas: Eh… yes…
                                                  Lina: Tsk, I knew he would do it (That gossiper)
                                                  Lucas: Is something wrong?
                                                  Lina: Is it wrong to want to see your daddy happy?
                                                  Lucas: But dear, I’m already happy.
                                                  Lina: Yes, but you’re quite lonely.
                                                  Don’t you think it would be good if you had another woman in your life?
                                                  Lucas: The only womans I need are you and your mother.
                                                  Lina: But she is no longer here, don’t you get it?!
                                                  She abandoned us and she’s probably in a bed with another man right now!
                                                  Don’t you care?!
                                                  Lucas: Linabell!
                                                  Lina: Geez I just wanted a mom to talk with and enjoy together, it was too much to ask?!
                                                  The other kids seem very happy with them and I hate being reminded that I don’t have one!
                                                  Lucas: Someone is bothering you again, right?
                                                  Tell me and I’ll talk with their parents.
                                                  Lina: Forget it, you won’t understand. • Door slam •
                                                  Lucas: Oh dear… (I fully understand the pain of losing a mother, but believe me it’s not all as you think.)
                                                  (Kumatora, what should I do…?)
                                                  (I don’t have the heart to tell her what happened and I don’t want her to suffer the same as me.)
                                                  (Why is this so difficult…?)

                                                  sprite Solidish Snake

                                                  I gotta say I can really appreciate you defining your characters while you’re unable to work on your game! A handful of these tidbits are pretty interesting.

                                                  sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                    ^Thank you, I’m doing my best!

                                                    Kid 1: Look, it’s the witch without a mother.
                                                    Kid 2: How lame, I bet her mother abandoned her cuz she’s ugly.
                                                    Kid 3: Yeah, who would give life to a monster?
                                                    Kids: • Giggles •
                                                    Lina: …
                                                    Lucas: (…) Sweety, can you wait here?
                                                    Lina: W-wait, what are you going to do?!
                                                    Lucas: Excuse me.
                                                    Kids: ?
                                                    Lucas: Did you call her an ugly monster, right?
                                                    Kid 1: Yeah, what’s up with that?
                                                    Lucas: Well, the problem here it’s I’m her father and I don’t like nobody insult my daughter in that way.
                                                    Kid 1: So what?
                                                    Kid 3: Dude, don’t provoke him.
                                                    Kid 2: H-he’s the guardian of the islands.
                                                    Kid 1: Oohh I’m so scared, what will this old man do to me? Scold me?
                                                    Pftt hahaha.
                                                    Lucas: Old man, uh? Let me tell you what I will do
                                                    • He grabs him by the clothes •
                                                    Kid 1: H-hey!
                                                    Lucas: Listen here punk, If you don’t want to end up with your butt kicked and frozen you better not bother me or my family, understand?
                                                    Kid 1: • He nods scared with the head •
                                                    Lucas: • He drops him •
                                                    Kid 2: H-his eyes turned yellow!
                                                    Kid 1: RUNN!!!
                                                    Lucas: (Calm down… calm down…)
                                                    Lina: • She’s blushing a bit • Uh dad, you didn’t have to do it, I can defend myself.
                                                    Lucas: But dear, I do it because I love you and I care a lot for you, I don’t want you to be alone and something bad happens to you.
                                                    When I was your age my father… well…
                                                    He was so mired in his pain that sometimes he wasn’t there for me and I didn’t want to disturb him.
                                                    That’s why I want to make sure everything is fine and if they bother you about your mother just ignore them and let me know if something happens.
                                                    Lina: I will, thanks dad.
                                                    Lucas: That’s my little sunflower, how about if a buy you an ice cream?
                                                    Lina: Chocolate, mint and vanilla?
                                                    Lucas: Yes, but not much because I want you to be healthy.
                                                    Lina: I know, I know…
                                                    Lucas: ❤

                                                    sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                      David: Wow, can you believe it?!
                                                      Sans is in smash!
                                                      Aren’t you happy Rexy?

                                                      David: Oh no, he hyped so much!

                                                      (Sorry, I needed to do this)

                                                      sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                        Now it’s time to talk about the PSI Powerhouse and his beautiful master.
                                                        My granparents: Ness and Paula!
                                                        (Insert more crowd cheering)

                                                        • Yes, those two are our grandparents and believe me it’s fun to spend time with them.
                                                        • They’re very kind and affectionate with us and they stayed with Rexy when his parents died.
                                                        • They usually tell us many stories about the adventure they had when they were kids and Rex wants to be like them some day.
                                                        • Rex and grandma share the same taste for teddy bears.
                                                        • My grandpa gave Rexy his lucky hat when he turned 10 and since then he has been taking good care of it (He almost never takes it off and it’s his most precious treasure)
                                                        • They used to live in other place, but now they live in New Tazmily alongside Rexy and they created a school there where my grandpa is the principal and my grandma is a teacher.
                                                        (I don’t go to that school, but Lina and Rex do and they say it’s pretty good)
                                                        • Grandpa and Mr. Lucas are very good friends since smash and they get along pretty well.
                                                        • Now you’re wondering why we are in Mr. Lucas’s time if we shouldn’t even exist here.
                                                        Here the answer: A silly time travelling mistake.

                                                        You see:
                                                        ■ My grandpa wanted to go find Dr. Andonuts, Porky and the others who were dragged by him.
                                                        ■ For this, he and his friends created another Phase Distorter since the last one was stolen.
                                                        ■ He volunteered to try it and used it a maximum of two times.
                                                        ■ The first time it didn’t work and the second time he kinda made it, but he had to return because his life was in danger.
                                                        ■ After that they decided to not do it again and hid the machine.
                                                        ■ Some years later, Rex’s father found it and played with it, but he caused a serious consequence.
                                                        ■ When our granparents and my mom found him, the machine glitched and dragged the four of them to Lucas’s time.
                                                        ■ Since that day they couldn’t go back and that’s why we’re here now.

                                                        Sad story, isn’t?
                                                        But I don’t regret being born at a time that I don’t belong because we were going to die with the old world anyway, but we’re safe now.
                                                        A stupid thing or not, we’re now alive because of it and I think we should be grateful for that.


                                                        sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                          • Do you guys wonder if my grandparents don’t miss their time, their friends and family?
                                                          They do, especially my grandpa since he’s very nostalgic.
                                                          • What happened to Jeff and Poo?
                                                          The last thing my grandparents knew about them is that:
                                                          ■ Jeff became a good inventor like his dad, married Tony and both adopted a son.
                                                          ■ About Poo: He has been ruling Dalaam for quite some time and had three children.
                                                          Too bad we can’t meet them, I would have loved to see how they were.
                                                          Well… not everything is lost because we were able to meet Dr. Andonuts in person.
                                                          • Dr. Andonuts is an old friend of my grandparents and he was the one who helped them in Giygas’s defeat long time ago.
                                                          • He was kidnapped by Porky against his will and was forced to do many bad stuff, but now he’s fine.
                                                          • He now has a new lab in some part of the Sunshine forest and two robot guards called Malva and Nitive (They’re also his assistants)
                                                          • He’s a nice and intelligent old man and likes to eat donuts a lot.
                                                          • When he heard about our case, he took the Phase Distorter to his lab and until today he tries to find out what happened and how to make it work.
                                                          • He assures us when he repairs it we’ll able to return to our respective time and he’ll go back with his son, but I don’t know if I really want that.
                                                          Don’t get me wrong, it scares me and I prefer to be here since we don’t know what could happen if we do that, but I don’t say anything because I don’t want to bother my grandparents.
                                                          They seem very excited with the idea of returning home, I don’t want to ruin that.
                                                          • Changing the subject, Rexy and the Doc have become very good friends.
                                                          • Sometimes he even goes to visit him to talk and do some experiments together.
                                                          • Their conversations sometimes confuse me since they talk about maths, biology, etc.
                                                          • It seems the Doc likes Rex because he probably reminds him of his son (Also when they’re together they’re kinda like Marty and the Doc Brown from “Back to the future”)
                                                          • Sometimes, Mr. Lucas also visits him to see how he is doing and he says that thanks to him he was able to oppose Porky and go ahead.
                                                          • Lately he seems interested in knowing more about the Psi powers and how to use them as energy to do good stuff.

                                                          sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                            Are you ready for the Geography class?
                                                            Because I’m going to give you one and it’s about the islands:

                                                            • After the Dark Dragon’s awakening and Mr. Lucas’s wish, the islands got separated into 6 little islands.
                                                            • Their names are: Iwatoi, Murasaki, Tanetane, Rifu, Hitokori and the unnamable one.
                                                            • As they’re separated from each other, the only way to reach them is: By boat, by ship or using Pk Teleport.
                                                            • Now, let me talk about the first two important:

                                                            ■ Iwatoi island:
                                                            • This is where New Tazmily, Sunshine Forest and Mt. Oriander are.
                                                            • Its inhabitants are in fact the Tazmilians and here lives Mr. Lucas, his dog Yaki and his daughter Lina and Rex and our grandparents.
                                                            • It’s usually a peaceful place with nice stuff and the Tazmilians are very friendly and kind.
                                                            • The village is a combination of old and modern things since some Tazmilians have become accustomed to this new lifestyle, although others prefer the old school.
                                                            • The place is full of nature and has good views.
                                                            • There are many rumors about its past, how it was and many mysteries that haven’t been resolved yet, but some people want to find out.

                                                            ■ Rifu island:
                                                            • This is where my home Kagayaku is.
                                                            • Its inhabitants are the people from other times and the Pigmasks who now live here.
                                                            • Before the city of Kagayaku was founded, this place was a destroyed forest.
                                                            • Thanks to the help of the Tazmilians now we’re able to have a good life and go ahead.
                                                            • Unlike the city that Porky made, here it’s all quieter and it looks like if were living in the 90s again with some modifications of course.
                                                            • Many times Mr. Lucas comes here to work and make sure everything is fine.
                                                            • The DCMC play their concerts here and help people from time to time.
                                                            • There are usually Pigmasks patrolling the island to avoid problems and if something goes wrong then they call Mr. Lucas to solved it.

                                                            I feel tired now, but in another post I’ll talk about the other islands.
                                                            Good… ni…. Zzzz….

                                                            sprite Seresute-the-Wolf

                                                              Hi, I’m here again.
                                                              Sorry if I fell asleep in the last post, I have been working on some stuff lately.
                                                              Anyway, before starting, I forgot a small detail:

                                                              • In Iwatoi and Rifu the DP is still used as our money.
                                                              This has been established since that fat Gypsy left the concept.

                                                              Now, returning to the subject, let’s continue with the other islands:

                                                              ■ Murasaki island:
                                                              • I don’t know anything about this island, but I can tell the things that are said about it.
                                                              • It has been flooded with so much water that now it looks like a forest with a huge river.
                                                              (Something like Deep Darkness, but clean)
                                                              • There are rumors that new creatures have emerged there.
                                                              • There are also rumors about some claymans living in the abandoned factory, but nobody is sure.

                                                              ■ Tanetane island:
                                                              • Some call it “The Island of Horrors”, but it’s just a normal island.
                                                              • I don’t know about this place either, but I’ve heard it looks almost the same, but it has some modifications too.
                                                              • In the upper areas a strong wind blows and it can take you flying away.
                                                              • Mr. Lucas has already warned us that if we go there we shouldn’t eat the purple mushrooms.
                                                              He says those ones are dangerous and can take you to a trip of nightmares and bad stuff.
                                                              (They can literally break you mentally, that really give me the chills.)

                                                              ■ Hitokori island:
                                                              • It’s that place where the volcano and the snowy mountain is.
                                                              • I don’t know this place either or what changes it had, but I know there is a kind of valley where Mr. Saturns live.
                                                              • I’ve never seen a Mr Saturn, but my grandpa says they’re intelligent aliens who have a very particular speech and they seem pretty innocent.
                                                              (My grandma says they’re cute and huggable)

                                                              ■ Last, but not least: The unnamable one:
                                                              • It’s actually the ruins of New Pork city.
                                                              • They call it like that because everyone wants to forget about the bad stuff they did there because of Porky’s manipulations.
                                                              • The island has a vast desert and the ruins are located somewhere around there.
                                                              • There are rumors that some people have stayed around, but it isn’t known for what reason.
                                                              • You can call it now: New Pork island (Get it?)
                                                              • It isn’t known what happened to Porky and his capsule, but it’s said he’s probably buried under the ruins (Who knows?)

                                                              sprite Fiddlah

                                                              • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
                                                              • Weezerfest Memory
                                                              • MOTHER2 Riddles 1 Win

                                                              Lucas: Lina?
                                                              Lina: Yes daddy?
                                                              Lucas: A certain bee told me that you wanted to pair me with Nana, right?
                                                              Lina: Let me guess… David.
                                                              Lucas: Eh… yes…
                                                              Lina: Tsk, I knew he would do it (That gossiper)
                                                              Lucas: Is something wrong?
                                                              Lina: Is it wrong to want to see your daddy happy?
                                                              Lucas: But dear, I’m already happy.
                                                              Lina: Yes, but you’re quite lonely.
                                                              Don’t you think it would be good if you had another woman in your life?
                                                              Lucas: The only womans I need are you and your mother.
                                                              Lina: But she is no longer here, don’t you get it?!
                                                              She abandoned us and she’s probably in a bed with another man right now!
                                                              Don’t you care?!
                                                              Lucas: Linabell!
                                                              Lina: Geez I just wanted a mom to talk with and enjoy together, it was too much to ask?!
                                                              The other kids seem very happy with them and I hate being reminded that I don’t have one!
                                                              Lucas: Someone is bothering you again, right?
                                                              Tell me and I’ll talk with their parents.
                                                              Lina: Forget it, you won’t understand. • Door slam •
                                                              Lucas: Oh dear… (I fully understand the pain of losing a mother, but believe me it’s not all as you think.)
                                                              (Kumatora, what should I do…?)
                                                              (I don’t have the heart to tell her what happened and I don’t want her to suffer the same as me.)
                                                              (Why is this so difficult…?)

                                                              I knew it! I knew Lucas was Linda’s father!