Magical Butterfrog Fairy Frog W sprite Mother Star! A new fan game!

Go on an adventure in Sleepy Country with Rocc and his friends!

sprite Myagenesis

For the past few weeks me and a few of my friends have been working on a fan game on RPG Maker VX Ace called Mother Star, in essence it’s about a young orphan named Rocc going on an adventure with his friends to find his missing parents. For the battle sprites we’ve been using Arty’s battle sprites. (Thanks a bunch!) And a few battle sprites of our own creation! Most of the overworld sprites are ours as well, including some familiar Earthbound ones. For now we’ve just been using Mother 3, Mother 4 and unused Earthbound tracks, but we’ll probably end up
replacing said tracks in the future.

The main thing we need at the moment though is an original tileset for the game itself, as of now we’ve been using the default tileset that the engine provides. But if anybody would like to help with that endeavor feel free to reach out!! The title screen and 2 of the character sprites we’ve done are shown below! As well a screenshot of the current state of battles.

This game is also going to have some different features since it is on a whole new engine. Introducing the SP system! It allows characters who are unable to wield PSI to use their own set of skills they specialize in. Such as Tracy, the ever loving sport fanatic who can use a variety of sporty techniques to get the upper hand!

During this adventure Rocc and his friends will explore the huge land known as Sleepy Country, as of right now we’d estimate the game to be around 15% complete, there’s only about an hour and a half of gameplay so far if you’re taking your time. We’re unsure when we’ll be completed, but as stated before if anybody has any skills in spriting for tilesets and other assets and such we’re open to hear about your talent!

You can comment here, or reach out to us on the discord

We now have another overworld sprite editor and creator on our team! However, we still need help with the tilesets and other minor things, if you’d like to help just remember to comment or check out the discord.

New demo is out! Join the discord if you want the link for it!

sprite WarfareX

Looks cool! I was also wondering whether or not this is cancelled. The discord link is expired as of now as well:( (I’m also new to the forums and if I get a strike within a week or from this, I wouldn’t be surprised).