Snowman sprite Mother: Russia

"Please repeat the message."

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

This thread is old and does not represent the current version of the game!

a more updated and new version can be found here!

Mother Russia Is a JRPG set in the Mother Universe Equivalent of Russia During the Late 1990s. Set after the events of Earthbound, Follow two boys and an intergalactic war criminal on a quest to reconstruct a broken Space ship all the while uncovering Government Conspiracies, exploring Alien Test Sights and battling old grandmas.

Earthbound But with more snow!
A fully functioning earthbound battle system with Mario RPG style Action commands!
Multiple Non-PSI Skills for every character that you can level up (RABOTA System)
Eight Directional movements and running!
Driving a car underage! (don’t worry they have an alien with them.)
Very bad Animated cutscenes!


Young Aspiring Singer and Con Artist that’s desperate for fame and fortune (Two things he currently has very little of). Living with his aunt after his Mom and Dad Broke up a few years ago, Vladimir Spends most of his time either practicing his singing talents or trying to make a Name for himself with his latent Psychic Powers.


Vladimir’s Best Friend and Next door neighbor, Alexey often gets dragged into Vladimir’s schemes even when he is not sure that he wants to go along with them. A shy introverted second youngest kid in a big family he uses his time studying for school and playing LCD Games. Nobody knows exactly what attracts these two together but it might be their shared talent for Psychokinesis.

C.O.M.R.A.D (Nickname given by the kids)

One of the last Starman soldiers left after the first two wars for the earth. Having lost his prime directive he was trying to find a new purpose in life when his starship was shot down and crash landed on Earth. Heavily damaged during the landing his only hope in ever recovering his ship are the two psychic children that found his escape pod.



I hope you guys like it!

sprite Tai-sama

Looks pretty nice!

sprite LEGOdawg2001

  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win

Looks incredibly unique and creative. Especially the battle screen and enemies. I look forward to it!

One day our decendants will…
They will leave this place and depart for new worlds. Worlds we have never imagined,
by stregnth of their will alone.

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

This looks super rad! I’m excited to see where you go with it.

Forgive me if I’m mistaking, but I recognize those Alien mercenaries from somewhere. Maybe another old EB project?

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Thanks everybody for all the kind comments!

Punkkitt you are not mistaken.
I took these sprites from this amazing sprite pack done by Artemis251
Currently, it’s being used as a place holder until I get custom graphics done.

Speaking of that if anybody wants to help in any way with the project (any help be it story, sprite art, music or programming) Either send me a message right here on Starman or contact me on discord my user name is hellsbells#3586

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

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  • !Franklin Badge White

Gotta say, this is the first fangame that’s legitimately piqued my interest in a good while. The concept of this project is incredibly unique, as far as I can tell, and that name is just pure genius. I can definitely smell potential here! Yessiree!

That being said, here are a few critiques.

1. From what I can tell, this game is mostly going to be using EarthBound-styled sprites and background art. However, I can tell that the Kiosk Owner uses a recolored Ionia sprite, which is in Mother 3’s style. In this case, it’s not too bad since you can only see the character from one angle. Despite this, I would recommend not deviating too heavily from the primary art style in the future. This can lead to some clashing that will end up bogging down the game’s presentation as a whole. To avoid this, just keep the characters in the style of EarthBound as much as possible.

2. This is less of a critique and more of an observation, but I noticed that there are quite a few grammatical and punctuation errors present in the in-game text. Now, this isn’t your fault, Hellsbells, as I’m sure English isn’t your first language; however, I’d recommend getting a native English speaker to look over the text from now on to help you catch all of those nasty errors. In fact, if you have a piece of text on the smaller side, then I could easily look at it for you. I won’t be able to be a dedicated member of this project, as I’m busy with projects of my own, but I’d be more than happy to help every once in a while. Just shoot me a PM if you’re interested!

That’s all I have for now! I look forward to seeing more of this game!

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Addressing Mr memes points

1. I think you will be glad to hear that that sprite is probably the only mother 3 style sprite in this whole game. im going to stick to the earthbound art style.

2.your observation is right, English is not my first language (its, in fact, my fourth after Russian, Ukrainian, and German). I will get a proper editor or even better a good writer.But if I don’t find anybody I will surely hit you up.

again I must thank you for your critique.

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Sorry for not updating for four days! (I’ve been busy with making a video of the guys walking around the city).
Meanwhile, im going to post some PSI attacks I’ve been working on.

PSI Fame Alpha (Vlads Non elemental Psi attack)

PSI Ground Delta

PSI Power shield alpha

sprite Fishbit

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Those animations are gorgeous, oh my gosh

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

wOAH goodness!! so smooothhhh!!

sprite MaximalCarnige

Is there going to be a fourth party member?

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Yes. But I can’t tell you because of spoilers.

sprite LEGOdawg2001

  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • MOTHER1 Riddles 1 Win

So shiny

One day our decendants will…
They will leave this place and depart for new worlds. Worlds we have never imagined,
by stregnth of their will alone.

sprite PSIJimbo

Will any vodka be involved in this game’s story?

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

if you consider this “involved” then sure, yes.

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

Heck. Yes.

sprite The Royal Waitress

  • !Franklin Badge White

Oh my God yes


sprite Snazzrin

Amazing. I’m looking forward to the game’s release.

sploopity sploosh

sprite GrandDad23

  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper


sprite PSIJimbo

We’ve gotta get Vinesauce Joel to hear about this.

sprite Howisthisaname


real talk, this hack looks incredible, both what you’ve posted on and out of starmen. can’t wait to play it

PK Starstorm!

sprite scooterdooper

I'm healing myself with healing magic... and aspirin...

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This game looks really well-done from what we’ve seen, and those animations look heavenly!

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

You guys don’t know how glad I am for all these positive comments. Im currently working on some big changes for the game but so you don’t have to wait forever for the next update im going to post a new area im working on.

Muffled Gorillaz music in the distance…

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

woah what in the !

sprite pizzahutangelN64

In the USA people make fan-games. In Soviet Russia fan-games make people.

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

New engine Due to memory leaks in the old one. Im sorta sad that I lost progress but it’s not that big of a deal.
Working on the battle system.

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

  • artspot
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  • !Franklin Badge White

Aw man. I’m sorry to hear that you had to change engines. Thankfully, the new one looks to be doing just fine.

Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to offer some critiques.

1. This is a minor mistake, and I don’t blame you at all for making it, but PSI-based attacks should be labeled as “PK” rather than “PSI.” So, for example, “PK Freeze” rather than “PSI Freeze.” EarthBound made this mistake too, so don’t worry about it too much. However, I’d recommend that you change the names eventually.

2. I hope that battle with Giygas and Porky is just a test battle and not an actual battle in-game. Unless this battle comes somewhere early in the game and or is significant to the story in some major way, then I would recommend not including it in the final product. I say this because battles with these two have been done a lot, both in the official Mother games and in fan games, and at this point, fighting them is more of tired cliche than anything else. However, if you really want to keep it in, I would suggest finding a way to do it uniquely, like Mother: Cognitive Dissonance did.

With that being said, I hope you continue to work on this project even after the setbacks you’ve faced, and I hope my critiques can help you further improve the game. Good luck in all of your future endeavors!

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

1. Done
2.It’s a test fight. since it helps me test animated backgrounds and stuff.

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

  • artspot
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
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  • !Franklin Badge White

Ah, I see. I had a feeling that’s what it was. Well, if that’s the case, then this looks to be going very smoothly then! The GUI looks pretty nice, and that PSI animation is gorgeous as ever! Keep up the good work!

sprite PSIJimbo

That PK Freeze animation looks heavenly, and so does the odometer. Nice work!

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold


8 Way – Movement and Custom Dialogue Boxes are in! (Bigger Vladimir sprite was made with the help of Tebited15.Check out his fan game it’s really something special!)

sprite cannibalchad

WOOOOW this looks amazing!


Mother: Russia is a game is set in the earthbound equivalent to early 90s Russia. Developed in game maker using Cidoku’s Earthbound Engine.

During a Great snow storm, two orphan boys living in the urban heart of Russia Find a Strange looking Pod buried deep in the snow. When they go to investigate they find that in this pod is a Strange looking Golden Man. This man introduces himself as Starman model-25592018 and he explains that he crash landed on earth after being hunted down by the GGG (Grand Galactic Government) for breaking the Galactic Law. He begrudgingly works with the kids to find a way to escape from earth. But they have to be quick because the GGG is hot on their trail.

Earthbound But with more snow!
A fully functioning earthbound battle system with Mario RPG style Action commands!
Eight Directional movements!
Driving a car underage! (don’t worry they have an alien with them.)
Very bad Animated cutscenes!


Vladimir Yurievich (shorten to Vlad)
A 15-year-old con artist.the thing he likes most in life is money and fame. two things he currently has very little of. he easily forms relationships but has almost no real friends.

Alexey Ivanovich
slightly younger than Vladimir the 14-year-old makes all his money from his job at the Local Cafeteria.His free time he spends on cooking and playing First person shooters. Unlike Vladimir, he has very few connections to people due to his rather boxed in life style.
the one thing Alexey hates more than anything is liars

C.O.M.R.A.D (nickname given to the Starman by the kids. real name: (Starman model-25592018)
Comrad is one of the few remaining starman after the first two wars on earth. Due to the death of his master he worked as a bounty hunter in the vast galaxy. But after breaking the galactic law he is hunted down by the Grand Galactic Government (shortened to GGG).
Comard has very few emotions and doesn’t really interact with people. but if he can find somebody he can get along with he will be forever loyal to them.


I hope you guys like it!

Great, I like it. Do you know a code that can alter Pippi’s equipment in Mother 1 GBA version?

sprite Siberian Khatru

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Welcome to the forum, Razyvyly! Maybe somebody can answer your question quicker if you ask it in this thread.

If this isn’t making sense, it doesn’t make it lies.

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This project is hilarious and I love it so much already

I’m funny Ninten oreo guy

sprite Bossk

This is gonna be the best game ever made.

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Thanks everybody for all the kind comments! I have been busy with many things but don’t think I have forgotten about this game!

Comrad looking into space at the start of the game.

Very bad Animated cutscenes are one of the main features of this game.

sprite Bossk

I love badly animated cutscenes I love this game even more.

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Maybe going on an adventure with a War Criminal wasn’t such a good idea.

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

Love the glow effect on the fire! looking good

sprite PSIJimbo

This game looks so beautiful, especially those cutscenes.
Good luck on this project!

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold


When you have the biggest bounty on your head in all of space people around every corner will want a piece of you.

You can forget the term “Single Hit” With Vlads Unique Combo System! (the Gopnik has the same background as the aliens due to testing reasons)

Let’s not forget about the mystical power of PSI! Recreate enemies special attacks Or even turn them into Solid Gold!

Please tell me your thoughts on the new battle system!

sprite buzz buzz 20xx

awesome but i recommend adding a girl character to the gang like the other mother games

sprite PSIJimbo

The new battle system’s looking great! Awesome work here, bells!

sprite GrandDad23

  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper

I love what you did with the combo system.

sprite Bossk

Will I need a Earthbound Rom to play this?

sprite Howisthisaname

Will I need a Earthbound Rom to play this?

Not OP, but I follow development of this game rather closely. Anyway, no, you wouldn’t because it’s not a romhack, it’s being made from the ground up as it’s own game for computers.

PK Starstorm!

sprite RaeOvertheRainbow

  • Fanart of the Week
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^nope, you don’t need to. Just PC.

Hellsbells, what will happens if the enemy turned to a Solid Gold?

Also, I’m looking forward tothis project!

You can call me Pollyanna.
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sprite hekset

Mother: Russia is a game is set in the earthbound equivalent to early 90s Russia. Developed using a Custom Earthbound Engine!

I hope you guys like it!

Not an engine from the ground up per-say, using Cid’s engine. But hellsbells seems to be adding cool new features!

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

Mother: Russia is a game is set in the earthbound equivalent to early 90s Russia. Developed using a Custom Earthbound Engine!

I hope you guys like it!

Not an engine from the ground up per-say, using Cid’s engine. But hellsbells seems to be adding cool new features!

Actually no.
This version of the battle system.

Is not based on Cid’s engine. I made it myself.

Hellsbells, what will happens if the enemy turned to a Solid Gold?

Think of it as the diamond status effect but it also adds a 15% Extra to the Rubles that you get.