Ness Robot sprite Mother Cognitive Dissonance On Android

sprite KingMystary

Hey guys it’s been a while since I visited these forums, been super busy but I did manage to get Mother CogDis working on Android if anyone is interested in a quick tutorial on how they can play Mother CogDis on the go, it took me a while to figure out how to get this to work but it’s so worth it. There are some minor issues like the Mr Saturn font which can be obtained and placed into your device but I’m still figuring that out I saw something on Reddit about it so I will eventually figure out the fix for that but in the mean time follow these simple steps to get it working on your Android devices

1: Go Download Mother Cognitive Dissonance At
2: Install The Game On Your PC Preferably Windows
3: Go Download EasyRPG On The Playstore On Your Android Device
4: Grab The Entire Giant Space Pickle Installation Folder In Your Program Files & Copy Them To Your Android Device In The Location Called Games Under The EasyRPG File Folder In Your Phone
5: Launch EasyRPG On Your Android Device, Scan For Games & Get Ready To Play Mother CogDis On Android

There you have it if any of you need help getting this going I will gladly help, keep your eyes on this topic because once I figure out the Mr Saturn Font Fix which I believe can just be downloaded and loaded into the font section of the Android device I will throw up some information on how to get it working properly on Android, Enjoy!!!