Loid S sprite Mother Alter

Because there's not enough fangames arround here.

sprite RGGames

Well, where to begin…
Maybe the logo?

Also I guess I’ll leave the plot here:


A group of completely normal teens (and a kid) end up finding about the Dobblers, a race of aliens who live underground at the core of the earth. While infiltrating their base, the kids end up traveling in time and by doing that, completely messing up the story of mother 2. Now is up to them and whoever wants to help ’em to fix the timeline back to how it should be.


I wanna clarify, that some of this characters come from Mother S.H.A.R.K, another fangame of mine that was kinda trashy, so, I wanted to fix their reputation. Also, you won’t need to play Mother S.H.A.R.K to understand this game.


He’s a very hyperactive teen with the bad habit of not thinking things trough before doing them. He has PSI energy flowing in his insides, wich allows him to learn PSI when trained properly.


He’s very skeptical about everything that seems paranormal, but he’s gonna be surprized at what life has prepared for him and his friends. He’s Marco’s Little brother and also has PSI energy flowing in his insides.


Even tought she’s only eight years old, she’s a strong PSI user. She raised herself on the streets of Halloweened Town and is very easy to annoy her.


He’s a bright teen with a knack for Tools and contraptions. He dreams with becoming a big electrical Engineer and make machines to help humanity.


He’s a noble friend and a very courageous and brave teen. He won’t doubt on putting his life before letting others suffer.
He’s the wielder of the legendary THUNDER SWORD that will belong to the Masked Man on the future.


He was once your typical edgy emo from the late 2000’s to early 2010’s but when he befriended Martin, he started seeing color in life again. He keeps the looks due to his policy of accepting and embracing the past.


She’s the daughter fo Mayor Pirkle and because of his father’s way of managing a town by corruption, she became a very responsable person just to contradict his father.


As the son of a gangster, he was raised in the middle of rebbelion and anarchy. So when the aliens came to invade earth, he was more than ready to form a resistance.


This game will capture the mother escence while showing a weird distopian future where not only Ness’s party failed to stop Giygas, but Porky traveled back in time to fight for control against Giygas and the rest of the aliens. And to make it a threat to earth to the power of 3, a new race of aliens, the Dobblers will launch a full scale invasion for revenge towards the human race.

Graphically, the game is a mixture of custom graphics and Mother 3 tiles:

Musically, I’m using many ways for composing music.

*I use my electric keyboard and his recording function to make songs.
*I use my keyboard and a MIDI cable to make songs with the precicion of playing them in real time, but with the instruments that resemble the mother series a little bit more.
*And finally I make songs with a PC port of the software Caustic.

All of this ways of making songs makes for a good variety of rythms and instruments for the soundtrack.

Also, there will be covers of clasic mother songs.

I won’t put any songs to show up from the ones I’ve made until I start making showup videos xd

For the enemies you’ll encounter, there’s a theme on them:

*Remakes from older enemies
*New enemies
*Extremely bizarre enemies.

Here’s some examples:

And you may ask: “If this is made on RPG Maker VX ACE, how will you make the odometer HP?”
Well, I somehow managed to do it by combining two scripts and this is the result:

There will be a lot of races of aliens introduced. And I’ll touch more on that later.

Also, if you’re curious and don’t mind spoilers, this doesn’t affect any other game’s story since every alteration gets reverted.

sprite RGGames

I said I would talk a lil bit more about other aliens:

That’s a Peh.

The Pehs are aliens that have been Gyigas’s slaves for generations.

Their role in the alien army is to provide the aliens with advanced tech.

They have a very high IQ, and they have two main industries in their planet:

The machine industry and the Beer industry.

Their culture is fully based on working hard and then take a break and drink beer with their friends, then repeat.

This creatures are peaceful, so they just don’t fight hteir masters, they do as they’re told.

But, if you befriend them, maybe they might help you out with beating their owners…

sprite RGGames

And you may ask: “If this is made on RPG Maker VX ACE, how will yo0u make the odometer HP?”
And the answer is I won’t.
Because of limitations, I cannot do that

Actually, forget that, I’ve done it!

It might not be the best animation-wise, but hey! This game has now an odometer!

sprite BoundedMarx321

    Looks really interesting. Never played your other fan game (didn’t even know it existed tbh) so I’m excited to try this out.

    sprite RGGames

    It’s fine, thank you so much for your kind works.

    I wold really not recommend that game (Mother S.H.A.R.K) since it was so bugged that it was almost unplayable, and it had weird graphics, but I always liked the characters and concepts that came from it, so I decided to bring them back in a game that is playable and doesn’t lok that bad.

    sprite RGGames

    Hi! Update time:

    I’ve added running animations for the characters, also I’ve made Mother 3 like NPC’s.

    Here’s a demostration:

    Also, here you have the window flavours (already implemented, but I’m up to suggestions):

    Those are(in order: Regular,Mint,Raspberry,Pumpkin and Ice Cream)
    I’d like to add a blue and pruple ones.
    I’ve been thinking of Eggplant for the purple, but I’d like cyou to choose them.

    Have a good day!

    sprite davidkvis99

    looks awesome, do you want help in music? cause i would love to help

    sprite RGGames

    Thanks! But sorry, Id like to make the music myself, since it helps me practicing with piano. But Id like help with translating the Game if possible. Mainly to spanish, so if anybody is avalible, Pm me pls.

    sprite davidkvis99

    welp, good luck then, looks good so far.

    sprite RGGames

    Thank you so much

    sprite RGGames

    Hi! I’m writing on a train right now.
    I’m going on vacation this weekend so I won’t make more updates by now.

    But this idea stroke my mind and I wanted to share it.

    For now I only have concept art, but when I make Sprites I’ll update.

    I also wanted to state how much the Mother ROS fangame has inspired me.

    This is My idea for an updated HUD and a new mechanic.

    I apologize for my bad caligraphy.

    And here’s a WIP made on a laptop.

    The idea is to have a new bar on the system that would blend with the cassete/vhs HUD that would represent BP wich stands for Bulk Points. Everytime You get damaged, your BP increases and when it reaches 100% if the character has learned a Bulk Skill he would be able to use it. Bulk skills are like regular skills but stronger.
    Each character has their own Bulk Skill wich they learn in diferent ways like time traveling or befriending certain characters. Bulk Skills are much more stronger than regular skills and hopefully will make combat more exiting. (Also, Id like the player to be able to name Marco’s favourite thing that will affect his Bulky Skill’s name but I won’t promise anything)

    Finally, here are my Bulky Skill ideas:

    +Marco: Bulky Pk Dream (by default) works much like pk rockin or pk love but with only one phase.

    +Paul: Bulky Pk Repression; is a fusion of pk fire, pk freeze and pk thunder.

    +Luis: Bulky Turret: he constructs a Turret made with alien tech.

    +Bella: Bulky Pk Demon: Is the controlled form of her weird PSI skills that she cannot seem to control very well, because of that this PSI isn’t at it’s full capacity.

    +Martin: Thunder Sword swing; Just the classic thunder swing from the masked man from Mother 3, since remember that he weilds that weapon.

    +John: Bulky Pk Edgeport; a weird PSI that is too hard to control that in its controlable form can only add all the effects possible to all of the enemies.

    +Mary: Bulky Pk Bubble; similar to Pk thunder but more precise and strong.

    +Tony: Bulky Pk Starstorm; your classic Starstorm but even stronger.

    Thats all for now. And also, I support any feedback You may have.

    sprite RGGames


    I’m home again, and I just finished the new HUD for combats.

    I added numbers for the BP.
    Also, I made it smaller so it fits better on screen.

    Finally, I fixed the label that previously said DVD when they weren’t out at the same time as VHS’s.
    It has now been changed to CD.

    The only problem is that the numbers of the HP and PP have weird borders when having less than three digits.

    I’m now gonna work on Bulky PSI.
    Wish me luck!

    sprite BoundedMarx321

      That looks really good! I can definitely feel that Mother-like feeling which is hard to describe, so I have no doubt this will be a good fan-game. Keep it up!

      Ruin Seeker

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      Hey, that looks really cool! I love the art style of the characters! I was unsure about the cassette tape style battle menus at first, but it’s really growing on me. Just a small note for the window flavors, on the lighter colored ones like mint and ice cream you might want to change the text to black so it’s easier to read. And blue and purple ones would look cool. All in all, this looks like a really fun game and I’ll definitely be there to play it when it’s finished!

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite davidkvis99

      kinda reminds me of the earlier looking battle hud by mother 4, they also used a cassete tape

      sprite RGGames


      BoundedMarx: Thanks! I really wanted to get that feeling, since my other tries counldn’t capture it and that’s what partially made them bad.

      PSINightmareEmpower: Thank you so much, I’ll try and see what I can do with the font, I don’t think It’ll be hard, but somehow RPG Maker kinda blurs the font and when it’s in black It’s hard to read because of this blur. I’ve got some ideas to make it work.

      EDIT: I’ve made it readable, but it still looks odd.

      Davidkvs: Sorry, I didn’t know that, the idea for the cassete hud came when I was trying to make it original and I suddenly reminded that other fangames used retro tech for their battle HUDS, and I liked the idea so I started brainstorming with my brother and we remembered an old VHS reproductor we had that had a small screen to display some stuff, and we adapted it into a HUD. Since Oddity has now a different HUD, I’d like to keep mine like it is, since I don’t feel I’m copying them.

      Also, Bulky Skills now work fine, And to show them up I made a small video that also shows one of the many songs I composed for the game. I don’t wanna show much of it, since I really like it and I don’t want it to be stolen, sorry for that.

      Also, Sorry if I keep using the same combat for every showup, I use it ‘cause is the most resistant enemy I’ve got set up and It can resist many hits xd.

      sprite RGGames

      Sorry for post twice today, but I really wanted to show this up, since I’ve teased this some post ago.

      For the old windows, I’ve changed the colors so they’re more readable.

      Also, there’s two new flavours: Blueberry and Blackberry.

      Finally, the font has now an outline so in the more lighter windows it’s more easy to read.

      Also, samll update:


      Ruin Seeker

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      That’s perfect! I love it! You don’t even need to make the text black now! The only thing I’d suggest is if you can put the outline on the top and bottom of the dot on the i so it doesn’t blend with the line part.

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames

      Sorry for asking, but I’d like to know what is that dot you’re talking about so I can try yo do it

      Ruin Seeker

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      The dot on the "i"s. The outline doesn’t seem to be there, or only faintly so the dot part blends into the line part. Wow, that’s harder to explain than I thought.

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames

      Oh I get it now, sorry for askin. I’m using the EBMain font, and I’m not sure how to edit it to modify that.
      But if I figure it out, I’ll do it.

      Ruin Seeker

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      Okay, I’m glad you understand what I meant now because if you still didn’t I was afraid I was going to have to take a picture of my computer with my phone, edit the photo and circle the dot on the i, and email the photo to myself to get it on the computer. Well, I hope you can figure out how to fix it. I mean, it’s obviously still readable and it works, but it’s just not ideal.

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames


      The engine now is fully finished, the city from first chapter is twice as big and I’m now working on chapter 1!.


      Thanks again for all the support, It really helps me!

      EDIT: Also, I’ve fixed the font, is it better now?

      EDIT 2 : Thanks for explainign it :)

      Ruin Seeker

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      Well, the font only makes a difference on the lighter-colored window flavors. Also, for spoiler boxes, just put [spoiler=insert text] inside the brackets. The end box is just a [/spoiler] as normal.

      No equals or text

      with an equal sign and text

      Haha, I hope that made sense.

      Aside from that, looks cool! Glad to see more progress!

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames

      Update time!

      Once again, I’m putting Gif files under spoiler tags to reduce lag on the site.

      Also, the house on that GIF is actually a background image with colissions and added furniture as a second layer.

      The attract mode will be updated whenever I have better stuff to put on it, but for n ow, it works (even tought there’s not sound yet)

      There are now updates on battles.

      *Damage, states and SMASH attack popups
      *Level Up music.

      Not much updates for now, I’m mainly working on story and cinematics,

      sprite RGGames

      Sorry for posting again but I’ve now got a new test to show up. It’s for a new zone on chapter 1

      The idea is to have a Autumn forest for an entire zone.

      Ruin Seeker

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      Oh wow, that looks beautiful! I love it!

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames

      Thank you very much!
      I used a mother 2 soundfont to recreate the Bein’ Friends song and then slowed it down a bit so it fitted better with the athmosphere.

      sprite RGGames

      Sorry for the lack of updates, I just got my new computer and I’ev been setting it up, so I had to wait until that’s done.

      Anyways, here’re some screenshots.

      You’ll be dealing with Mobster crows.

      And here he is!

      But this is still a forest!

      That’s the first true boss. The Mob boss and his goons, “Number 1” and “Number 2”

      And that last one is another example of parallax mapping for bigger stuff.

      Also, I’ve updated the songs for hotels, hospitals and other buildings to use the mother 2 soundfont, I’ve
      lowered the amount of leaves on the forest and I’ve fixed bugs.

      sprite Botguin

      What does the “M.” in Jorge M. Bush stand for?

      print(“Hello, World!”)

      sprite RGGames

      Also, since I like to prepare stuff for the future chapters, here’s a teaser for chapter 3 ; )

      Ruin Seeker

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      Oshe Dance?!?!

      Wow, this looks fantastic! I really love the spritework and the color scheme! It all looks really cool!

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames

      Thank you so much! I want to use it in the same way it was in mother 3, to open a door, but the context and interactions between character will be different to suite the style of the game.

      sprite RGGames

      What does the “M.” in Jorge M. Bush stand for?

      It doesnt stand for anything yet, I chose that letter because it’s a W backwards xd

      My lawyer has advised me not to publicly disclose my relationship with fish and women

      • Giygas 10 Theories badge
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      The M stands for Milliam.

      Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now. https://starmen.fandom.com/wiki/Special:AllPages

      sprite RGGames

      I like it, so I’ll make it canon xd

      Ruin Seeker

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      Y E S

      I LOVE IT

      Love is all that stands between us and the great beyond.

      sprite RGGames

      Sorry, forgot to tel,this but I’m moving to motherforever.

      I’ll link the post:


      I hope this isn’t troublesome, but I like a lot the system they got in there.

      sprite RGGames

      Finally, chapter 1 is ready, the link is on here:


      I’ll post some of the screenshots that I postyed here previously right now, I hope you like it.

      sprite RGGames

      Also sorry for taking a little bit, but I had to get some stuff fixed but chapter 2 is now avalible.


      More information, like game time and passing saves from chapter 1 to chapters 1-2 in the thread linked above.