Mother 5 development

Idk what goes here srry


Ok so um for the anniversary I thought, since Nintendo won’t do amything, I will. I have a lot of stuff sorted out already with just a few friends and I, but I really need some help. As of right now, I have the main character, their ark, some music, and some designs, but still a long ways to go. If me posting this isn’t allowed, I apologise, I’m new, I would’ve aked whoever manages or does whatever with this site/ forums, but I’m not really sure who to talk to. With that aside, if anyone is interested in helping(esp with coding), or knowing more about it, just let me know. Thanks for reading
(Also, note: art is by my good friend @somealiengallery on ig, I’d rather not, not credit them for their art)



Brazil M3 Guy

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Hey Pk.that.burns! I’m available to answer any questions you have. Usually, for projects still in the planning phase, we ask for people to post about them in the brainstorm thread and it’s totally acceptable to ask for help there.

For more details on what you need to have a dedicated game thread, check out the thread requirements

For now this topic will be locked, but I would definitely post something in the brainstorm thread! Send me a PM if you have any questions.