Masked Man Sword sprite Modern Fantasy - Urban Legends

A Turn-Based RPG with Action Elements

sprite EncryptedKnight

What is Modern Fantasy – Urban Legends?

Modern Fantasy – Urban Legends is a Turn-Based Modern RPG with Action Elements coming to Steam compatible on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android devices.

What are the Mechanics like?

Combat is handled as follows : Tag an enemy without it facing you to gain a First Strike in battle, time your button input on the Action Meter for an opportunity to score a Preemptive Victory ultimately skipping the battle while still gaining experience and currency.

What is the Story about and where does it take Place?

In a post apocalyptic world set on an island in rural Northern America, a new virus has emerged causing a zombie outbreak. People, animals, mutants and the undead now roam the island as your foe while you search for hope trying to save your friend from an evil scientist performing atrocious experiments.

What is the Gameplay like?

Create a Male or Female character, choose your Zodiac Sign and explore a variety of Dungeon styled Caverns while recruiting different animal companions in a retro inspired world. Manually level your characters by distributing stats of your choosing and explore the environment in a non-linear fashion. Encountering a Uranium Stone will cause your Animal Companion to Mutate into a Humanoid version of itself.

Active Time Meter

When filled over time allows the Player to perform an Action in Battle. The more Agility the Player has the faster the Active Time Meter will fill up.

Psychedelic Seemless Battle Animations

These are also called Animated Battle Backgrounds.

Day and Night Time System

7 Day and Night Time System that takes use of NPCs. Every second in real time is a minute in game time.

Digital Board Mini Game

Uses Action Dice (Dice Rolls are determined by button input and timing on an Action Meter instead of being random) to move the Player where they can encounter random enemies and obtain unique items.

Soul Slots

Every Time you defeat an enemy you get a Soul Coin. Collect 9 and Soul Slots will appear, giving the Player an opportunity to earn currency or unique rings. Soul Slots are action-based, each row will stop based on individual button input.

Dynamic Equipment

The Player Character’s Sprite will update based on what hat they currently have equipped. The Player Starts without a hat.

The Inverted Realm

These are mirror maps that are meant to challenge Players later in the game as there are multiples of enemies as well as various Doppelgangers that you earn different colored hats from.

Animated Sprites

Enemy Sprites are animated in 1st person as well as the Player’s Martial Arts and Psychic Skills.

Follow Up Skills/Combination Psychic Attacks/Criticals and Hyper Critical Hits

Each skill has a percent chance to trigger an additional skill. For example, the Martial Arts Skill “Left Hook” has a 47% chance to trigger “Right Hook” where as Psychic Fire & Shock has a 25% chance to trigger Critical or Hyper Critical Fire or Shock.

Animated Status Ailments

These are small animations that indicate weather the Player has been Poisoned/Burned/Paralyzed/ect.

Animal Companions

There’s currently only 3 recruitable Animal Companions; however, they do not get along with eachother so you can only have one at a time with you. Each Animal Companion has a Mutation Form and comes with their own hand drawn animation sequence. These are sketches of animals that pixelate and depixelate into a humanoid form after interacting with the Uranium Stone found in various Dungeon Styled Caverns. Animal Companions cannot use restricted items such as the 9mm Pistol.

Interior and Exterior Lighting, Dark Lit Caves and Torches.

Exterior Maps are effected by the global time settings in game causing different tints to occur depending on the time of day or night. Interior Maps are not effected by this same tint and instead opt for a sight radius which increases every time a torch is activated.

The Underground Arena and the Betting Grounds

Here you can either place a bet on the Red Team or Blue Team or you can choose to become a Combatant and climb the ranks. There are currently 15 Arena Combatants so far with plans for more. Advancement Matches do not allow you to win with a Pre-emptive Victory.

A Good Ending or a Bad Ending

This all depends on if you’re able to save your childhood friend in time.

How far is Development?

Development is near completion. The main story involves saving your childhood friend from a scientist. The only feature left to implement is New Game+. This project has been a work in progress off and on since 2015. I am trying to make additional content as there is only about 3.5 – 5 hours worth of play time.

When will it be Published?

I’ve only had 3 people test this project including myself. I need more feedback in order to shape future versions. I anticipate the release date to be somewhere around the end of January or February of next year.

Why are you Posting this Thread as a Developer?

I am looking for feedback that can be used to shape the project either from glancing at the official trailer or through play testing a demo in the near future. Modern Fantasy is heavily inspired from Mother 2, Dragon Warrior/Quest, Final Fantasy and A Legend of Zelda – A Link to the Past as I’ve borrowed mechanics from each game. What better place to gather feedback than

Trailer : Modern Fantasy – Urban Legends Official Trailer

Demo Download : Send me a PM

In OneDrive, Right Click the folder “Modern Fantasy – Urban Legends” and then click Download. The Demo has a timer of 72 minutes. After the 72 minutes the Game Over Screen will appear. Each second in real time is a minute in game time so when the in-game time reaches Wednesday it’s Game Over since the starting day for the Player is Sunday.

Screenshots :

Weirdly enough, I’m a pomegranate.

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You asked for feedback? Seems ready for publish. I don’t really see anything wrong with it, and the concept sounds pretty cool. The mechanics also appear to be unique, which is great for any gaming experience. I’d say it’s good!

I live on comedy.

One day I’ll probably die from too much of it.

  • donor4
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This looks awesome.

Did you want people to play test or just give feedback off of details you posted here?

sprite EncryptedKnight

(This comment has been deleted by the user.)

sprite EncryptedKnight

I am happy to say “Modern Fantasy – Urban Legends” has left the early access state and is on sale for 50% off, find it here if you’re interested in a Steam game with achievements that functions like EarthBound :

  • donor4
  • Writing Bootcamp 2014
  • M25FF Lovely Award
  • BFFF Participation
  • M25FF Participation Award
  • 2020 HFDQ Bronze
  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
  • Writing Challenges
  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - Third Place
  • Giygas 10 Theories badge
  • 2nd Annual RWC Badge
  • 5x Theory Hall of Fame
  • Monthly Writing Prompt Silver
  • Mother 3 17th Anniversary Funfest - 3rd Place
  • Campfire Tales Story Shared
  • Very Hot Winterfest Silver
  • Very Hot Winterfest Staff

Only just now saw this post! Looking forward to playing your game!

“Never be cruel, and never be cowardly.
Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
-The Doctor

sprite PianoMan547

    What engine is being used for this?

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