Open Present sprite Ruined


sprite RGGames


A silly RPG with a weird and funny story.

Follow our development in

PD: This game was once called Maurice Quest Reborn. Now, the game has turned into another thing. The game’s devlog before the remodelation won’t be deleted. But, i already talked about this topic in another post here.

What is Ruined?
Ruined is a RPG with a modern setting in wich you’ll visit an alternative version of the earth, where magic is a normal day-to-day thing and ridiculous stuff happens to the people.

Spoiler free synopsis
Max, a normal guy from Palmer city is out of burguers and heads on a mission to buy more. But, it all goes wrong and he ends up travelling trought the world to find the leader of a worldwhide mafious group that meneaces with putting the world’s economy at risk.


He’s your normal day-to-day dude with magic powers. He has two PhDs and has a normal life on the enormous city of Palmer. Wich is the capital of the U.S.A in this universe.


Currently a worldwhide “Criminal” that did nothing bad. He lives in Tumbapiedra, Mexico. He’s part of a small group of mutants called the soulkills. The soulkills will come back to life if the wounds in their bodies are not that bad.


He’s a hyperactive policeman from Снежная деревня, Rusia that comes across the rest of the group while looking for Bob.
I don’t wanna spoil too much of him.


Black is part of the royal guard of New Abrahama, India. He’s actually south American, but lives there.


  • A storyline where you play as the different characters until they meet like in mother 2. (it will have small segments like the one with Poo)
  • A simple turn based battle system.
    *Ridiculous boss fights, like the manager of a mall or a mad PE professor that was turned into a supersoldier.
  • The player would be able to visit the various parts of the world (a city in most of the relevant countries to the story)

    The game ocurrs in the world that we talked about before. The capitals of the countries you visit are completly new. You will fight only humanoid enemies, no rats, bats, etc.


Instead of making screenshots without context, I’ve made a video of spoiler free gameplay that shows the entirety of Palmer City, the hotel mechanics, fights, Etc. Mainly what you can find on screenshots.

sprite RGGames

Also, i want to talk about the progress in a post apart, because i know i will forget to modify it later in development.
The game is currently working just fine, it runs in 60 fps (including the mode 7 overworlds).
I have a working prototype. There is nothing more to say, i would put the advancement in a percentage, but it would be very bad, because i’m very bad at maths xD.

sprite RGGames

I don’t think i will make updates as much as in my other game, Mother S.H.A.R.K, but i will update when i have something.

Well, i will list the advancements on here:

1. I’ve created 13 songs for the game, and i will upload the songs so you can listen to them.
Two of those songs will not be used in the final game, but i will remake them again or something
if i find a place for them.

2. I advanced with the game’s storyline a litttle bit ( A little bit means a new overworld and starting the
scene of obtaining the fourth character)

Here i want to say something, You obtain the full party very soon, because the story is like that xD.

3. I fixed all of the bugs on the prototype. It includes graphical bugs, colission bugs, proggraming bugs, etc.

Well, that’s all! See ya later!

sprite RGGames

The game is not dead, i am just trying to show stuff without spoiling, so i’m
going to show the advances.

Firstly, i have finished the GDD (Game Design Document), That means the whole game is designed, it includes, Skills, enemies, weapons, maps, etc.

The first town, the onhe from the screenshots is now cmpletly redesigned.
Here, you can see:

Prototype 0.0 version

Prototype 0.1

Sorry for the “Activar Windows”, the last year i’ve sent my PC to tech support and they gave it to me with that thingy.
I’ve left the scroll bar so you can imagine the complete size of the map.

and here’s a prototype concept art:

I don’t want to stop anything else, so have a good day!

sprite RGGames

And again, all the huses of the game are accesible and i wanted to say something else:
The game has TOO much exploration.
For example, you can find weapons and apples in the snow, water guns on the leaves, you can enter secret dungeons in different places and in different ways.

sprite RGGames

Ok then, it has been a while xd.
I have finished the game’s desing, and i started to think that this game was a little weird, because it casn be BETTER.

So, the next thing i’ve done was to start it all over again, saving the other idea for another time.

Now, the game will be called Ruined, and it’s gonna be a game with 23 characters, all coming
from other projects.

I’ve always wanted to connect my games in a MCU sorta thing, so, this is how it turned out.

The game’s new story revolvs in four orbs, that are located in some specific places.
This orbs control the timelines. If the orbs get moved from the place they’re placed in,
the timelines will corrupt and fuse with each other.
Now, a villain with a VERY great power, will try to move this orbs,so he can fudse the timelines
and be the stronges man in all of existance, because, he will have his powers in all the timelines.

This villain arc, must seen confusing, but it is because it contains spoilers, and i tried to avoid them.

The thing is that ths villain only have his powers in the timeline where the game starts, so he wants to have his power in all the timelines.

Now, as the timelines get corrupted, the different games that i’ve made, will fuse because they were located
in different timelines.
So, the characters will meet each other and stuff.

This game will lead to a new generation of games, that, now that are in the same timelinw, can connect to
each other and have inproved stories xd.

sprite RGGames

Also, we now have a discord server :v

sprite Fox4729

    Why would you start another game if you haven’t even finished the first one?

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

    sprite RGGames

    Because the other game won’t work because no character had an introduction. So i decided to make this game taht will introduce all of the characters that will appear in other games, and then, i’ll continue this game, and actually, it will have the opportunity to include cameos, references that the new players would understand, etc. Because all of the characters will be introduced here. Also, new players won’t understand most of the references in Maurice Quest Reborn, because they came from another game i WON’T publish here. So, if i create this game first, the other games will gain quality opn storytelling, and also, the characters can grow more presonality because they have appeared in other gam,es, i guess.
    Actually, the form of working i have (and it weirdly works for me) is to design a game, make a prototype and, if i have a better idea, i pause this, and then start the next one, and finally, the final game i publish, is better than the others, because it includes some ideas from the other games i have designed. And finally, i am very young in age, and i create games as a hobby so i have more experience for the moment i have to work. (I wanna be a game designer, not a proggramer) and i publish my games because i like to show my works. I hope i cleared some questions now xd.

    sprite RGGames

    I have exported my work for a demo.
    The demo is 7-8 minutes long if you interact with everythying obn it.

    sprite RGGames

    The game is going under renovations, so the demo is not avalible anymore.
    The renovations are on the storyline so it is more enjoyable. The characters, battle system, etc. will be the same, but it will be a little more earthbouind-esque. I mean, the maps will be different, so you can stay on them more time than one minute. It will be better. Stuff from the original story will be kept, for example the plan of the villain, the objective, the ending, the way that the characters meet, some maps will be very similat, etc.

    sprite RGGames

    Also, there will be a small video showing stuff soon.

    sprite RGGames

    Here’s the video:

    sprite RGGames

    Here’s what i’ve done:
    -Some music (Fun fact, there’s one that’s supposed to be like 2 minutes long and turned into 4 minutes long lol)
    -Started the part of the city during the day
    -Fixed the first enemies HP, ‘cause as seen on the video, they can be killed 1 hit, now it is a lil’ bit harder.
    Like the stray dogs from Mother 2, that of hard if using skills and magic (it is not that much of a hard enemy when
    using normal atacks too).

    Finally, if you wanna se more stuff, you can join the discord server xd. I ussually posr screens of stuff like dialogues, show development and stuff that i consider woth it and sometimes funny.

    sprite RGGames

    There will be a new video soon…

    sprite RGGames

    Here’s the new video!
    It showcases Palmer City, the first city of the game.

    sprite RGGames

    Heya people!
    I have something to say:
    First, the game is doing a great advancement.
    Mother SHARK is very crappy compared to this, but i wanted to say that if someone is intrested in helping, you can PM me.
    I am currently in need for a musician. I know hhowwow to play the piano, but still, I don’t currently know how to compose. And working with my 90’s piano to record is a little bit hard xd. But, i can also include more members in other stuff like graphics, storytelling, dialogues, events, etc. If somebody is intrested, PM me. Thanks ya’ll

    sprite RGGames

    Heya people!
    Sorry for being inactive, school stuff.
    Well, here’s the advancements and a notice:

    *Finally finished the music for “chapter 1” (I’ll talk ’bout that later).
    *Also the sound effects have been finished.
    *Chapter 1 is 75% finished.

    Stuff that I have to make:

    *Optional Dungeon
    *Driving cutscene
    *Obligatory dungeon (Not going to be tedious)
    *Making the sewer segment shorter (Or a shortcut to get out faster xd)
    *End of the chapter secuence.

    Finally, I wanted to say that the next monday, y’all get the first chapter, But it’ll probably be like Deltarune, in wich you know it’s coming in chapters but the game does not pause to set the end and start of a chapter or end another.
    So, it will be more fluid in that way.

    If I finish all thios stuff and betatest it before sunday, y’all get it before.

    Have a good day/night!

    sprite RGGames

    Finally, I’ve finished Chapter 1.


    Also, I’ve tried to publish it on android, but I couldn’t get it to work :’(

    Anyways, the game is 20 – 36 mins long if the player just makes the obligatory stuff, and most of the battles, wich is the way i tested it.

    So, I hope you enjoy this, and I ’d love some feedback :)

    Have a good day / night!


    sprite RGGames

    I know the link isdown for the moment.
    The thing is that I did the betatest in the debug mode on RPG Maker MV, and then exprted it with the option to erease all the stuff that I didn’t used on it, and that generated MAJOR bug that I couldn’t fix, I’m currently fixing them, so don’t worry xd.

    sprite RGGames

    Finally ,I fixed all of the bugs that surged when optimizng the game.

    sprite RGGames

    Wich song should I use:

    (3 votes by 3 people)

    Heay everyone!
    I wanted ya to know, taht the main songs for chapter 2 were just finished.
    But still, I need ya’all to help me with something: There is a song wich has two versions, and I wanted you y’all to decide wich one will be used in this chapter, and wich one will be used at other moment.

    Here’s a video with the area we’re talking about and the songs:

    sprite RGGames

    Also, the quality of the songs is not the one on the video, thay sound better on the game, is just that I had to convert them form .ogg to .mp3 and that lowered the quality.

    sprite RGGames

    Heya! I’ve made some christmas Art, (late xd)

    Also, the new town on the snowy planet you’ve seen has changed:



    That’s all, have a nice day!

    sprite RGGames

    Happy (late again) New Year!
    I’ve recorded the tutorial for combos in ruined.
    This combos can be done on chapter 1, so, there you have an advantage while farming xd.


    So, see ya later!

    sprite RGGames

    Heya again!
    Here’s a new video (a speedmaping)
    Also, I fixed the music quality issues : D

    sprite RGGames

    Heya people!
    Since I’ve worked in this for a long time, I’d like it to look good, so I need some help to modify the tilesets xd.
    I’ll work on that too.
    If you wanna help, you can PM me, I connect here almost every day, or email me at [email protected].
    The tiles that are beeing used in the game are: Outside, Outside SF, Inside and Inside SF. All default from RPG Maker MV.
    The characters will be modified to combine the new tiles, but I will work on that xd.
    Thanks a lot.

    sprite RGGames

    Even if it was a REALLY hard task to me, I finally updated th graphics to be my own version of the ones I used before. This means, that big stuff like water or buildings are completely modified, smaller like bathtubs were just modified a little bit. And finally, little stuff like windows and other stuff were kept.
    The faceset of the characters will remain with the same rpg maker mv style, but may change to a handrawn version.
    And finally, the combat and overworld character sprites will be similar (the only thing that changes is the eyes xd)

    here’s some screenshots!

    sprite RGGames

    Also, as obvious as It seems, I am not looking for graphists anymore, but if you wanna contribute, feel free to PM me!

    sprite RGGames

    Also Update on thew graphics thingy:
    Now battlebacks and animations have been updated.
    Battlebacks are now the same map where you’re fighting but in another perspective.

    sprite RGGames

    I’ve got awesome news!
    I’ve prepared a suprize update for chapter 1!
    This update includes:

    *Updated graphics
    ¨New Menus
    *Updated battles
    *More difficult battles
    *Removed the need of grinding to advance (Before, if you didn’t grinded, it was a REALLY hard game)
    *New battles
    *bug fixes.
    *New magic and skills
    *And a lot of little things that weren’t in the last version of the game.


    Feel free to criticize, I will read it and try to fix the issues.

    Thanks a lot!

    sprite RGGames

    PD: The difficulty changes don’t make it imposible, just a little bit harder.

    sprite RGGames

    I am working currently in the final update for the chapter 1.
    It will add some new stuff to the battle system.
    new armor and weapon system.
    new shops and map items.
    It will make the optional garage dungeon a little bit better (more intresting if you prefer to say it in that way)
    More variation in enemies.
    Item Drops.
    Secret rooms.
    Character development, god damnit xd.

    sprite RGGames

    Good news!
    Chapter one’s final update (1.2) is now up for downloading!
    It includes all of the features I’ve talked about before, except I removed the dungeon, since it was stupid to keep it.
    I hope you like it!


    sprite RGGames

    Actually I had to make a small update to fix a bug on the armor and weapon system. So, Now the links are all updated.

    sprite RGGames

    I’ve been working on this for since I’ve published chapter 1.
    And finally, here’s Ruined chapter 2!

    It includes a new party, new weapons, items, armor, puzzles, music etc.
    The story continues a little bit.

    The chapter 2 is short, but it includes a lot of exploration.


    EDIT: I’ve patched a plothole that I haven’t noticed until my borther asked about it xd.

    sprite RGGames

    I am currently uploading the 1.1.1 update for chapter II.
    It includes new enemies, bug fixes, new enemy dorps, etc.

    sprite RGGames

    sprite RGGames

    Heya, just wanted to say that the game is going trought a HUGE rebranding. Mostly everything will change, so it’s better.
    Everything you’ll need to know it’s on the first post, so if you can, look at it.

    TOPIC BUMP REASON: Basically, I couldn’t post anything because I didn’t have anything to show. But, in the main page, I’ve posted everything that I can about the new version of this game. And instead of just listing everything here, I just wanted to tell y’all that The stuff it’s there. But if it’s needed, I’ll list the new stuff in a new post.

    sprite RGGames

    New video out, it shows the definitive version of Palmer city. More info of the clips ion the description.

    Also, a friend of mine, Brian, is now helping me with the game. He really made a good job on polishing the game graphically.

    TOPIC BUMP REASON: I didn’t have anything to show until we were ready with polishing the city, music, etc.

    sprite RGGames

    Little update.

    We’re preparing the second boss area (Palmer’s airport)
    Here are some screenshots from the surrounding area.

    Country roads, a little town where you can buy goodies for the dungeon.

    The airports will be a recurrent place. Since you’ll be able to return to every part of the world.

    Drivin’ around!

    Here’s Brian’s work on the saving machine!

    sprite RGGames

    Sorry for the inactivity.
    We had some problesms with the script we use as a guide on how to make the graphics and the game in general so we couldn’t
    advance as ussual. But now that we recovered the script file, we were able to make the airport dungeon, the boss and start a new city.
    We were also able to make three new songs.
    Here are some screenshots of the city:

    We used calid colors like yellow, orange and red to make more obvious the hot climate of the city.

    Also, some of the buildings changed for this city like the hotels.

    And this is the entrance to the part of the city where the rich people live.

    We lost the file with the script and we didn’t remembered some scenes, techincal and graphical details that where needed to
    make the game not look crappy. So, we had to re write the script with fragments that we recovered and stuff, now, we have the script back and we can proggress.

    sprite RGGames

    Heya, I’m almost finished with ciudad Tumbapiedra (a very specific spanish reference to pokemon). The name of the cities will be translated into the lenguage spoken on the country its located in.

    What I have left to do is on the next video if you’re curious:

    Good luck on your stuff!

    sprite Solidish Snake

    I’m stopping by to say how cool it is to see everything falling into place for this game! Every time I check this thread there’s almost always something new or revised that leads to a more overall better looking game. I’ve been checking this I believe since you first posted, and what you have today is significantly more than what you started with.

    Keep up the good work, you’re making a lot of improvements to your craft!

    sprite RGGames

    Thanks a lot!
    It’s awesome to know that others like what I make!

    sprite RGGames

    Also, I’m working on revising the graphics with the help of my friend brian.
    So, I’ll put something up when I’ve got some stuff done.

    sprite RGGames

    Remember how yesterday I said that we’re working in graphics?
    Well, we’re doing it slowly but surely.

    Might change the Burguer Shop later.
    Also If you want to see the differences, the original graphics are in the video at the first post.

    EDIT: Also, I’m trying to make them better, but not to exagerate.

    sprite RGGames

    A little update on the graphics: only a little bit until se finish the outside graphics and start with the inside ones. Those might be easier since those sets use some graphics that we’ve already done in the oustide tiles.

    EDIT: Aldo, the drums on the theme for Tumbapiedra have been reworked so they aren’t that “intrusive” on the song.

    sprite RGGames

    Final update for today (since i’m going to sleep)

    I think the only thing left are the shops at the mall and a tileset page that Brian worked on.
    Those tiles are not inserted yet because we have ti meet up at discord so he can send them to me and then I put them un the game.

    sprite RGGames

    New trailer showcasing the graphics for the first 30,35 minutes of the game without spoilers!

    Also, the only graphics left to insert to the game are:
    *The burguer Bros. sign for the streets.
    *The save station
    *the cactus
    *A welcome sign for a town
    *The Bussiness hall sign
    *The Airport