Mummy sprite MagiCats! in: Rousalie and the Infinite Sadness

EarthBound meets Kenneth Grant's Lovecraftian occultism!


Experience the magical world of Amait in this lighthearted slice-of-life! Feel the aching pangs of a distant and unspoken love in this Dostoevskyan dramedy! Put on a brave face to hide the quiet desperation of a childhood friend-turned-terrorist’s impending death!

Rousalie had the good fortune to be born a black-furred molly of ignoble standing. In the world of Amait, this awarded her the privilege of being forced into the Imperial School of Thaumaturgy, learning low magic and becoming a witch in service to the Holy Empire of Amait. Now an adult, she has been assigned for over a year to the thirteenth canton of Ikshum, an Imperial City in the snowy, forested North of the world. Healing the sick, comforting the distressed, exorcising demons and settling small legal claims are just some of her responsibilities. And, for a big-hearted molly like Rousalie, it can be a very hard job to be a witch. But she’s never let it get her down.

Today, however, will put Rousalie to the test.


  • A deeply complex world that uses cute cats and the Western and Eastern magical traditions to plumb the depths of the feline condition!
  • A puzzle-like combat system based on the magic and mysticism of the Stella Matutina, Argentum Astrum, Typhonians, Rosicrucians, Martinists, Kabbalists, Merkavahists, Hermetists, Alchemists, Sufis, Onmyōji, Neoplatonists, Pythagoreans, Orphics, Dionysians, Serapis-worshipers, Greeks, Egyptians, Assyrians et al.
  • A suite of original music!
  • An experience inspired in great part by all the beautiful art I’ve had the incomparable fortune to have witnessed in my life.

Coming when you least expect it!

Play the demo now! at:

Causing problems since like 2006 I think

  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - First Place
  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - Third Place
  • Monthly Art Prompt Participant
  • Monthly Art Prompt Winner
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 3+ Wins
  • Video Game Riddles Silver
  • MOTHER1 Riddles April Fools
  • 2nd Annual RWC Badge
  • 2022 Halloween Funfest Bronze

This looks awesome! I love the art style

Mad Duck is the best enemy in the Mother series,
and there’s nothing you can say that will change my mind


Thanks! Making the art is one of my favorite things about working on the game.