The Dragons sprite MOTH3R - ReBound

Mother 3 Remastered - With a Twist.

sprite ThatLoptr

ATTENTION – Don’t go any further if you haven’t finished Mother 3. Spoilers ahead.

MOTH3R – ReBound.
A personal project of mine, born out of love for my favorite game.
I started this not too long ago with the desire to hone my coding skills, but it quickly got a bit out of hand.

What This Game Is:
A visual remastering of the game in nearly all corners. A deeper dive into the motives and characterizations of main characters. The telling of a side of the story that we never had the pleasure of seeing. The opportunity to meet some familiar faces in a different light, and the chance to allow other overlooked characters to shine more brightly. An exploration into the dragons, the white ship, and what becomes of the balance between destruction and creation. The prospect to relive Mother 3, in a new light.

What This Game Is Not:
A replacement for experiencing the story and world of Mother 3. An attempt to make a “superior” Mother 3. A “true” ending. An “ideal” ending. An attempt to change canon, replace canon, or devalue canon.

It Will Feature:

  • A storyline running largely parallel to Mother 3 canon.
  • Additional Chapters.
  • New dialogue and cutscenes.
  • A few more familiar faces to lead the party as.
  • A few new areas to explore.
  • Team attacks.
  • PSI team attacks.
  • The addition of a few new special abilities.
  • A new, but familiar, permanent party member….
  • More responsive combo-ing. (Hopefully.)
  • Just as much Boogie Woogie rhythm.
  • A world that needs to be saved.

It Will Not Feature:

  • New major characters.
  • New music. (Probably.)
  • More than one or two new enemies.
  • Salsa’s chapter. Sorry, Salsa.

Attention: The above pictures are mockups. The game is in development, but is not as far along as these images imply.

List of Chapter Titles (Tentative)
(Warning: “Vague” Spoilers for every part of the fangame.)

Chapter 0 – Bein’ Friends
Chapter 1 – Night of the Funeral
Chapter ?? – The Toy Soldier
Chapter 2 – Thief Adventure
Chapter 3 – The Art of “Happiness?”
Chapter 4 – Club Titiboo
Chapter 5 – Dog’s Best Friend
Chapter 6 – Chimera Prince
Chapter ?? – The Boy in the Mirror
Chapter 7 – Tower of Thunder
Chapter 8 – Sunflower Fields
Chapter 9 – For The Long Haul
Chapter 10 – Isn’t This Utopia…?
Chapter 11 – Going Together
Chapter 12 – Floor 100
Chapter 13 – World’s End


“Is Anything Needed?”
This game is being built in GameMaker version 1.4. I’m mostly laying down the framework of the code right now, but if you have experience in GameMaker feel free to PM me. I’ve made games in the engine before but this is definitely the most ambitious pet project I’ve ever had. I do intend to stick with it, even if it is slowgoing, though.

If this gets a surprising amount of interest, maybe it could end up a team effort. (So if you are willing, feel free to comment.) But for now, this is just a solo gig and something I’m doing for my own learning, passion, and entertainment.

Thank you very much for reading!

you hear a Boogie-Woogie rhythm.

sprite crybabytif

This seems like a very daunting task, and I very much applaud you for attempting this feat. If I may ask, how experienced are you in GameMaker, as, from my own experience, making a RPG in GameMaker is especially difficult.

Programmer for Motherless

sprite ThatLoptr

I agree with you, it’s a difficult idea. But again this project started as a personal thing for myself, to improve my coding skills. I’m not a beginner in GameMaker but I’ve never made a RPG, and so far I’ve notived the hardest part will be staying true to the Mother 3 battle system. I’ve got the scrolling HP so far and the navigation menu, but before I go any further I want to set up the barebone stuff around the inventory and special attack menus.

The overworld stuff I’m not very worried about, because that’s the kind of thing I actually have most of my experience doing.

I want to release an oroginal RPG of my own eventually, so learning about coding RPGs through my favorite in existance isn’t too bad of a gig. I’m not going to pretend that this game is going to release anytime soon, though. It’s relatively slow work, especially right now since all I’m doing is building up the groundwork.

you hear a Boogie-Woogie rhythm.

sprite Sam the Salmon

Wow, this looks really cool! I don’t know if this is what your trying to do, but the new chapters remind me of what the N64 version might have been like, when it had 12 chapters instead of 8.
Also, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you removing Salsa’s chapter?

sprite NoodlesOnBread

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This is really cool-looking, Loptr! I’m really excited to see the graphics and story updates.
I’m not too sure about that dialogue font choice, though.

sprite ThatLoptr

Wow, this looks really cool! I don’t know if this is what your trying to do, but the new chapters remind me of what the N64 version might have been like, when it had 12 chapters instead of 8.
Also, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you removing Salsa’s chapter?

Thanks! I don’t really want to reveal too much, in case people want to play it going in blind. But I’ve definitely hinted in my post of what kind of divergence happens in this story to make it different than the original. I wouldn’t say I’m trying to make it like the N64 version, I actually have no idea which chapters were planned for that. Every chapter is either a turning-point in the story or a switch in player characters.

I’m removing Salsa’s chapter for 2 reasons. (Although, if enough people don’t like it, maybe this’ll change. I’ll share my reasons, and if you have a different point of view, let’s have a discussion!)

First, I always thought that it was bizarre, and maybe weaker choice, to never play as Lucas before the time skip. (I wouldn’t count the tutorial as “gameplay.” You don’t get to do a lot.) As a game designer and storyteller you want to foster that connection between the player and your main character as soon as possible. I’m not removing Night of the Funeral and Thief Adventure because I thought they were a lot more significant both to setting up the world-building and establishing the people Lucas will be around for the rest of the game, and also… Just better in general. I’d also like to clarify that I’m not straight-up deleting Salsa, and the events in that chapter will still happen.

Reason 2 is that it seems to be… well, the most universally hated chapter in Mother 3. (I didn’t particularly like it either, so I guess that also added weight to this one.) I think that it’s an important chapter, but not for the way the gameplay was handled. It’s an important chapter because of the aftermath of Hinawa’s death on the village and Fassad taking advantage of this: The beginning of Tazmily’s corruption. If it’s unclear, the chapter replacing Salsa’s is ‘The Art of “Happiness?”’ and it happens within the same timeline as Salsa’s chapter would have.

This is really cool-looking, Loptr! I’m really excited to see the graphics and story updates.
I’m not too sure about that dialogue font choice, though.

Thank you! The font is a placeholder, don’t worry. It’ll be close to the original and definitely a pixel-art font.

you hear a Boogie-Woogie rhythm.

sprite hellsbells

  • !Franklin Badge Gold

(I wrote this post before loptr posted the one above, Sorry for the redundancy.)

The project looks great so far! I always thought a reimagining type fangame would be cool to have, and the graphics and story updates seem to shake things up in an interesting way.

I share my sentiment with Noodles on the topic of the font though, I think having an anti-aliased font detracts a bit from the great graphics.

Here is a quick edit I did of one of the screenshots with the original mother 3 font to illustrate my point.

sprite ThatLoptr

The project looks great so far! I always thought a reimagining type fangame would be cool to have, and the graphics and story updates seem to shake things up in an interesting way.

I share my sentiment with Noodles on the topic of the font though, I think having an anti-aliased font detracts a bit from the great graphics.

Here is a quick edit I did of one of the screenshots with the original mother 3 font to illustrate my point.

Thank you! All the support is very encouraging. I’m going to keep working hard on the code for now.

Nice edit! : ) Yep, that’s definitely closer to what it will be! I made the mockups in photoshop, where I don’t have the Mother 3 fonts set up. Once I have the font redone (if I do end up deciding to redo it) I might reupload the mockups. (And it’s okay, I figured I ninja’d you haha. It’s still cool that you did an edit!)

you hear a Boogie-Woogie rhythm.

sprite Mr. Meme

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

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Now, I have a few things to say about this. First of all, I think that this idea is extremely, extremely ambitious. You’re effectively remaking Mother 3 in its entirety—retooling all of its assets, sans music most likely, and adding more content on top of that. That seems like an absolute crapton of work for just one guy. If you have plans to continue with this, I suggest cobbling together a team of at least one artist, one coder, and one person who knows the engine very well. Of course, recruit more if you can. The more the merrier.

Secondly, I have mixed feelings about the new graphics. The screenshot with Hinawa and the Dragos looks fantastic. It’s just oozing with charm. However, the other screenshots highlight a problem with the character sprites in general. They don’t really mesh well with the original environments of M3. They look like they were just plastered onto the backgrounds without much prior thought. Now I know that those screenshots are just mockups, but this runs the risk of being an issue in the actual game as well. I feel like the best way to get around this is to edit the sprites to better match the size and shading of the original game. But, if you want to go the extra mile, you could instead redo all of the backgrounds to match the sprites. This would add even more work to your plate, so don’t do that if you don’t think you can commit to it.

Finally, the last screenshot you provided bugs me. Not because of the battle UI, but because of the presence of the Masked Man. I don’t know the context of this shot, of course, but I feel like any reason you can come up with for having the MM join the party is doomed to be contrived and very unbelievable. You would need to rewrite a ton of the game’s original script for it to even come close to working. You seem to messing with the script as is, adding and removing chapters and whatnot, but be careful with that. You might end up tarnishing the tightness of the game’s narrative. In fact, it’s very likely. I don’t say that because I think you’re a bad writer, but because I feel Itoi’s vision for the game was close to perfect in its current form. Tread lightly in that area.

Well, that’s all I had to say. I’m interested to see where this goes. Keep working!

sprite ThatLoptr

Yep, these are all reasonable criticisms, and things I have, and will continue to, think about.

If people are interested, I may eventually open up the project. But again, this is simultaneously an experience for me to learn how to build my own RPG, which would overlap with many of Mother 3’s core mechanics anyway. I think at least for Chapter 0, I will be taking on this game alone. Once Chapter 0 is released and I feel the groundwork of the code is working well, I’ll reconsider opening up the project as a team effort. I think this is reasonable enough.

The backgrounds have been scaled up, to stay relative to the size increase of the player sprites. (I may have to tweak it again, considering your feedback.) But for now, I am not focusing too much on maps beyond that. I do intend to polish them up and even edit some areas, but because many of the maps will not be changing at all spatially, I haven’t put effort into that in this phase. I don’t think it’s necessary right now.

Yes, I’m changing the original story, as although many events run parallel to it, this is not the “true” Mother 3 storyline. For now I don’t want to comment much further than that. I started off this thread stating that this not trying to be a replacement for Itoi’s story, nor the “perfect improvement.” It’s more of an analysis of the game, and a “What if?” scenario. I know it’s strange, and I haven’t given much context to allow for many first impressions other than “this person is changing Mother 3 for some reason…”. But I really don’t want to spoil much.

All I can say is that you can wait and see what becomes of this, if you’d like. And if not, that’s fine too. I acknowledge your worries, and I’d say they’re completely fair.

you hear a Boogie-Woogie rhythm.

sprite Corboblan

Damn this is really cool! I can’t wait to see how this turns out!

A Cyberpunk Bat

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I’m really liking how this looks so far. From one gamedev/ pixel artist to another. I look forward to seeing more progress from you on this project.

on a side note here is a gif I recently made.

sprite Fiddlah

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I understand if the mods strike me for necro bumping, but what happened to this? It looks so promising, but has yet to deliver. I mean, if your struggling, I’d happily volunteer! Call it an unpopular opinion; but I thought mother 3 had some un-tapped potential, with the ending being nothing but a black screen that seemed lack-luster. For you information I do writing as a major skill and I minor in pixel art.

A Cyberpunk Bat

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I’m with Andounuts on this, I am more then willing to help if its needed even if its just a little.

sprite luke11685

So will it contain 12 chapters just like it was planned originally in MOTHER 3 N64/N64DD prototype? So will Masked Man boss fight be more scary with more nightmare fuels? Will this fangame have darker storyline like it was initially intended? Will there be some sanctuary guardians(unused mother 3 stuff) challenges?Anyway I think this fangame might be helpful with revivng my EarthBound 64 fangame project.

sprite Dershka

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@ThatLoptr : Oh ! That project, MOTH3R – ReBound is just fantastic ! I’m impressed.

Instagram : @pepin_malin

sprite luke11685

Will players be able to call playable character NPCs’ just like in Harry Potter 3 ps2 version because gba version was rpg. Speaking of gameplay mechanics of course.