Ness Pajamas sprite Jin Conception COMING TO STEAM

Chrono Trigger Inspired

sprite JRPG_gamer105

Jin Conception


Jin Conception is a social deduction fantasy thriller turn based JRPG. Eight playable characters stories intertwine when three characters enter Final Layer and two vanish without a trace. One returns back from Final Layer but claims to not remember what happened. Who do you trust? Who is telling the truth and who is lying? Who is friend and who is foe?



  • Item 1Strategic turn based combat involving balance.
  • Item 2Battles happen on the same field as movement, no switching screens when combat starts.
  • Item 3Affliction and buff system, for example, players cannot run away if they have stuck affliction.
  • Item 4Double and triple Jin techs allow party members to combine their attacks with each other to form stronger attacks.
  • Item 5Traps can be set in combat for strategic purposes such as delaying an attack for later.


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sprite Fiddlah

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I have no idea what to make of this… I mean, how dose the concept social deduction fantasy thriller turn based JRPG that looks and plays like Chrono Trigger even work?