Mother 1 Forum Icon sprite Mother 30th anniversary edition

A remake of Mother 1

sprite Sam the Salmon

this is a remake of Mother 1/Earthbound beginnings made in RPG Maker VX Ace for the series’ 30th anniversary, though it probably won’t be done by then (sorry). If you’d like to help with music, scripts, or anything else I’d appreciate it, though we do already have most of the music done.

Here’s the current demo:

sprite PSI Saturn

Hmm seems neat, pretty buggy but it’s unfinished I can’t complain.
I actually want a Mother 1 remaster, because I can’t stand Mother’s gameplay.
I sadly don’t know jack pork of composing music, but I can help out with art, & animation for the game & try overall to helpout.

sprite Sam the Salmon

Wow thanks so much! I didn’t expect a response so soon! I guess you could help by remaking sprites/textures in the style of Earthbound/Mother 3. Also any constructive criticism or suggestions would help. And what kinds of bugs did you find? Thanks again!

sprite Sam the Salmon

something else I should mention is that to change settings like controls and music , you press F1

sprite Magiccakeconsumer

Wow It looks very nice! Wish I knew how to make Music! But if you need help with art or something I could probably lend a hand.

sprite Sam the Salmon

Thanks! If you want to help with art you could remake some NPCs. Also if you find bugs or have any other suggestions on how to improve it please let me know!

sprite Solidish Snake

I’ve actually been making music for my own game, so if you want I could give it a shot. I have a lot of Earthbound samples and maybe I can hunt down some Mother 3 ones for this. I’ll take a crack at it and post what I come up with, see if you like it.

sprite Sam the Salmon

Wow Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

sprite Sam the Salmon

Just thought I’d let you guys know that I updated the download link to include some new stuff that I’ve been working on. The exterior of Mother’s Day/Podunk is nearly finished. The collision for the tall buildings isn’t done though and there are no interiors.

sprite HomerunNG

  • fanvatar1

It looks awesome!
Do you intend to keep working on it?

sprite Sam the Salmon

yeah definitely!

sprite Solidish Snake

Here’s my take on the song Poltergeist. I’m pretty new to making music as I’m more of a game/character design kind of guy but I’m more than happy to make more, especially since it’ll make good practice for my own game. I’ll probably come back to this one and make some changes so it sounds better, since I threw it together while taking a break from my own project.

I gotta say, I had a blast making this. Recreating a melody is way less annoying than having to invent my own, and I even get to have my own take on all of these songs. I went for a bit of a Metal approach for this one, and then threw a few more instruments that just happen to complement it better. It’s made with 100% SNES samples, most from Earthbound. I do have some questions though…

I want to know what you have in mind when it comes to presentation? I’m making a game that’s supposed to be like an authentic SNES title, so stuff like that works well for me. However I saw your sprites are more Mother 3 styled, and I am getting a more recent vibe from your demo. Is any music fine so long as it’s mother related?

Basically my question is what should the music sound like? Just so all the work I might consider doing will be consistent in the final build.

Otherwise I am really liking this project so far, and as stated above I would love to do some more work just for some good practice. Can’t wait to see this game finished!

sprite Sam the Salmon

Thanks! I love it! As for what kind of instruments you should use, I think the SNES instruments are fine. One thing I think could be improved are those 2 pauses at the beginning. I think it might be better if they weren’t completely silent, and had the drums in the background like some of the other pauses later on. But other than that I think it’s really good. And I love the name “quite an angry poltergeist”. I think I’ll re-name the WAV file to that. Once again, thanks so much for making it!

sprite Solidish Snake

You’re very welcome! I’ll continue making these whenever I need a break. Really enjoying the Demo so far!

sprite Snakeshroom

  • Undertale Temmie Sees All

here ya go

sprite Sam the Salmon

Thanks so much! I’m working on updating the demo right now.

sprite Sam the Salmon

Just finished updating the demo! The Mother’s day exterior is finished and It’s using the new music made by Solidish Snake and Snakeshroom (so many Snakes!). Sorry it took so long. I’ve been sick since last Friday and haven’t been working on it quite as much. Hope you enjoy! Next, I’m going to work on the interiors, NPCs, and the cemetery.

sprite Solidish Snake

For all we know he could be Liquid-ish Snake! (jk ofc)

Working on some other tracks as well, such as Live House and the theme for Ninten’s house. Just thought I’d add that so there’s some communication going on and there isn’t multiple versions of the same song. (Though I was thinking about having multiple versions of each battle theme that the game randomly picks from would be a neat feature!)

sprite Sam the Salmon

Thanks for letting me know! The random battle music does sound kind of cool, but no official Mother games have had anything like that, so I’m not sure if I would want to do that or not. But another idea I thought of is maybe instead of having it be random, maybe some of the enemies that share a theme could use a different version of it than the other enemy that shares the same song. Going to bed now, bye!

sprite Sam the Salmon

Hi! I’m not sick anymore so hopefully I can start updating the game more often. Right now I’m working on the cemetery’s tileset which is almost done.

sprite Solidish Snake

Ah, understandable.

Anyways I tried the updated demo and I see what you meant by the pauses you mentioned in an earlier comment. My bad. Here’s an updated Zip File with the original song plus the “Edit” that starts at the beginning of all the action. I suppose after that first encounter with the lamp you could event it to play the edited version instead.

Meanwhile I should figure out how to export as an mp3 so I that don’t have to deal with Mediafire and can simply attach each song. Hopefully I can figure it out later on…

sprite Sam the Salmon

Thanks! that’s much better!

sprite Sam the Salmon

I’ve finished he cemetery and now you can rescue Pippi! I haven’t updated the demo yet but I’ll let you know when I do. Next I’m going to add enemies. Also, I was thinking of adding some things that weren’t in the original like the bike which you will be able to use when you have other party members. Do you think I should, or should I stay more accurate to the original?

sprite RGGames

I think ya should really let us use the bike w/ more than one party member xd

sprite Solidish Snake

I think the addition of new features wouldn’t hurt. For example, for the bike or something like that if people wanted to they could always just not use it at all. I think things like that are good so long as they are left optional.

sprite Sam the Salmon

I was also thinking I might put 1 or 2 Mr. Saturns in it as easter eggs. And I was planning on making it so you’re other party members get their own bikes so you can still use it

sprite Sam the Salmon

Also, here are some enemies I’ve been working on

MOTHER of god

  • !!Cookie Cat
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  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Video Game Music of the Month Participant

Could we get some screenshots please? Thanks. I’ll download it but it would be helpful for all of us if we got some screenshots. Thanks. Also, I’m learning how to compose music and I could probably try to help out. It would give me something to do lmao.

tfw the claus is dead

sprite Sam the Salmon

Do you mean screenshots of what I’m currently working on? sorry I’m kind of new to this

MOTHER of god

  • !!Cookie Cat
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  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Video Game Music of the Month Participant

Screenshots of the game/what you have finished so far.

tfw the claus is dead

sprite RGGames

I like the idea of Mr. Saturn Cameo and the many bikes.
Also it’ll be cool if the bikes have a 80’s style, ‘cause Mother 1 is set on the 80’s xd.
(EDIT: Also, I’d love some screens of what you’re workin’ on, it’s cool xd.)

sprite Sam the Salmon

Okay I’ll start working on that. Thanks!

sprite Sam the Salmon

I might have trouble with the 80’s style as I was borne after the 80s

sprite Sam the Salmon

Here are some screenshots of the cemetery and Pippi


MOTHER of god

  • !!Cookie Cat
  • fanvatar4
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Video Game Music of the Month Participant

Thank you so much! This helps a lot! Now your thread shouldn’t get locked

Btw if you didn’t know, the game crashed for me after the lamp battle.

tfw the claus is dead

sprite Sam the Salmon

Your’e welcome! It’s weird that it crashes. It doesn’t do that for me. What does it say when it crashes? If it said anything at all

MOTHER of god

  • !!Cookie Cat
  • fanvatar4
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Video Game Music of the Month Participant

Nevermind I opened it a second time and it worked. Though when Minnie (or Mimmie, I forgot) gives me juice, I don’t actually get it.

tfw the claus is dead

sprite Sam the Salmon

I haven’t made the juice item yet so that’s why you don’t get it.

MOTHER of god

  • !!Cookie Cat
  • fanvatar4
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Video Game Music of the Month Participant

Also it’s not letting me check the dog. And would you mind making a Discord server for this? Thanks.

tfw the claus is dead

sprite Sam the Salmon

maybe the buttons aren’t mapped correctly? you can press f1 to change settings.

sprite Solidish Snake

Seeing those screenshots get me hyped for the new areas!

@Lloyd I remember it being holding Q and then Z to check things by default. Instructions are written with the bindings based on the F1 menu.

@RGGames from my understanding child bikes from the 80’s aren’t much different from modern ones… other then looking a bit simpler. Starman could probably get away with the bike sprite from earthbound. But yeah, a light 80’s vibe for this game would be neat.

sprite Sam the Salmon

Thanks! I’m glad you like it!

sprite PSI Saturn

I’m making some art lol (It’s still a WIP)


sprite Sam the Salmon

Here are all the enemies I’ve made so far:

sprite Sam the Salmon

@PSI Saturn Wow! Looks really nice!

sprite Sam the Salmon

Here’s a Centipede overworld sprite


sprite Sam the Salmon

Here’s the Hippie’s sprite:


sprite PsychicDrago

Ninten has leveled up! Graphics went up from 8-bit to 16-bit (just a little humor)

A PsychicDrago appeared!

sprite PSI Saturn

@Starman m2
Thanks it’s not my best work I have made better like these drawings


sprite PSI Saturn

I totally remade the crow oof
