Fire sprite Fan games after Mother 3

sprite MaskedGiygas

My plan was to develop either a hack or fangame that would take place after the events of Mother 3 as a direct sequel. However if such a project already exists then I would instead do a hack of Mother 1. I did find a fan project called Mother 3.5 but that’s been cancelled for a long time. I was also working on a fangame via RPG Maker VX Ace which would connect the worlds of Earthbound and Mother 3, however the Steam cloud failed to sync with the project and now it’s gone forever.

Are there any other fangames that I don’t know about? (It would save a lot of time and frustration trying to start over again haha)

sprite PsychoLOLogist

None that I know of.
Although, The Earth ( ) looks like a really good Mother 1-style game.
Maybe you could join that project? He is using RPG Maker VX Ace.

sprite Ralu

My plan was to develop either a hack or fangame that would take place after the events of Mother 3 as a direct sequel. However if such a project already exists then I would instead do a hack of Mother 1. I did find a fan project called Mother 3.5 but that’s been cancelled for a long time. I was also working on a fangame via RPG Maker VX Ace which would connect the worlds of Earthbound and Mother 3, however the Steam cloud failed to sync with the project and now it’s gone forever.

Are there any other fangames that I don’t know about? (It would save a lot of time and frustration trying to start over again haha)

My Game isn’t a Fangame neither a continuation of the MOTHER series.
But my game will try to bring back the the fun of the original MOTHER games while coming up with something new.

I hope many will enjoy it.

sprite Azul_123

me parece buena tu ide de ese fan game asta me uniria ati para ayudarte pero yo estoy en mi proyecto the eart ademas estoy buscando jente que ayude en el proyecto pero si quieres podria asta ayudarte en crear un fan game de earthbound con mis conocimientos de rpg maker y creador de sprites . fondos de pelea . eventos . personajes etc podria ayudarte pero eso es tu decicion solo comento para ver si te gustaria que te ayude mi proyecto puede esperar y me gustaria ayudar ha otro amante de erthabound
