Magicant Girl S sprite Earthbound Tabletop RPG v.1.06

Play Earthbound with friends!

sprite StrawberryMilk

So a couple years back, I had searched for a Tabletop. What I found only offered resources for playing as Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo through the original game. I then set out to make it so anyone could make their own characters, their own campaign, all while trying to stick to the original game mechanics as much as possible.

Earthbound Tabletop RPG

What does this have to offer?

  • Create your own character in the Earthbound world using one of four classes: Psychic, Genius, Thief and Brawler
  • Choose their stat build, the kind of weapon they use and a new attack or passive ability each level
  • A load of new abilities for Geniuses, Thieves and Brawlers to take advantage of. Players have a lot of reasons to play a class other than Psychic!
  • Compatibility with enemies from the original Earthbound game. Although they might seem slightly harder than before since characters will have lower stats than Ness. He was a powerhouse!
  • My express permission for anyone to tweak and adjust the original work and make new releases as you please. Just shove the name StrawberryMilk somewhere in the credits there if you can!
  • A handy Excel character sheet that automatically calculates most of your stats

If the file below doesn’t work for you, here’s a mirror:!JixFwCII!m390K9WV9Fs_m6HoxgZgOAaAOyRSAGxleMAk7Q8Zp7c

And if for whatever reason you want to look at older versions, there’s a link for that too:!t742WTbA!_uOzuwYl1U3OeBzQrU-wAw


sprite hekset

As a guy who likes tabletop RPG’s and Earthbound, I’m exited.

sprite mehguy

  • I believed in Smash

Hey this is pretty cool!

sprite StrawberryMilk

I’ve finally come back to this little project and have done a bit more work on it. I edited the first post to include this little update.

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

Whaaaaat! Sweet.

sprite StrawberryMilk


  • Added Blitz and Crash to Brawler Abilities
  • Re-ordered the Weapons table
  • Updated Character Traits
  • Clarified Charged Attack
  • Changed damage calculations for Bug Spray and Saltwater Gun. Bug Spray got a buff and damage calculations for both were made more random.
  • Updated Yogurt Dispenser and Slime Generator descriptions, which called for checking an enemy’s Luck or Saving Throws. These are not included in enemy statblocks normally.
  • Clarified Lightning Bomb as a replacement to Thunder Bomb. Changed damage calculation a bit.

sprite StrawberryMilk


  • Adjusted Growth Rate caps and added cap adjustments based on Talent.
  • Updated Sudden X Pill to boost Growth Rate caps.
  • Clarified damage calculation in the combat section
  • Clarified Solidification
  • Added Favorite Food to Character Creation
  • Added a note about Hypnosis in the DM Guide
  • Adjusted Offense and Defense total (de)buffs to 30% for simplicity’s sake
  • Added a section on Offense Up/Down to the Combat section

sprite buzz buzz 20xx

hi , when i download it i get a Microsoft word file , is there a program to boot it up or is it an snes file , thanks

Good…Bad…I’m the guy with the dice

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^ is this a serious question, or a trolly one?

sprite buzz buzz 20xx

Yes that was a serious question please help , thank you

sprite Fishbit

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A tabletop RPG is one like Dungeons and Dragons. It is not intended to be played on an electronic device, rather set up much more like a board game. You’re supposed to print the document, I believe.

sprite JamesPicard_007

the Wall-Crusher Enabler

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hi , when i download it i get a Microsoft word file , is there a program to boot it up or is it an snes file , thanks

You’re either going to need some version of Microsoft Office to open the files or else you can get OpenOffice as an alternate suite to open them.

sprite Nintenzero

    Your 1.04 version rar won’t extract. I tried using multiple methods/programs to try to extract it, but it won’t work. I successfully extracted the 1.00 version though. Maybe try downloading extracting the recent versions yourself. I successfully extract other rar files though. Maybe buzz buzz 20XX ran into this too

    sprite StrawberryMilk

    The question was mostly addressed, but for anyone who has trouble opening the .doc file, I make sure to include a PDF version of the Handbook as well. I couldn’t replicate the error of being unable to extract v1.04. Not sure what the problem is, but hopefully you won’t run into it with the new version. Lots of big exciting changes to character creation in this one.


    • Replaced Growth Rates with Stat Points and Styles
    • Changed Sudden X Pill and Ketchup on Rock Candy to suit these changes
    • Added Mystery Pill
    • Added Precise Shot to Thief and Genius Abilities
    • Added Pulse Beat to Thief Abilities
    • Added IQ requirements to certain Thief and Brawler Abilities.
    • Re-worded combat flow
    • Added a section in combat regarding resisting Status Effects
    • Added a section in combat regarding Mortal Wounds
    • Added note to DM Guide regarding enemy damage
    • Replaced 1* attacks in a couple Brawler skills with 2* requiring no movement

    sprite buzz buzz 20xx

    thank you so much , i was able to open the files from the start and i got the word and excel files with the rules , i thought this was a video game you play and i had no idea you were supposed to print the documents and play it like as board game………..

    Good…Bad…I’m the guy with the dice

    • donor2
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    • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
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    • ghost frog
    • Temmie
    • MOTHER3 Funfest Helper
    • !!MOTHER3 Siege
    • !!!Halloween Funfest '16 Staff Helper
    • !Franklin Badge Gold

    We have a tabletop games thread if you’re curios and want to check out that stuff too. We have lots of experienced and unexperienced gamers in there.

    Also, the developer of THIS threads nice looking game, is free to post a link in that thread, to this thread, if they so desire

    sprite StrawberryMilk

    Small update this time. Added Initiative to the styles.

    sprite Nintenzero

      I came up with a stat block for lifeup pi, especially given StrawberryMilk put in Pk Beam.
      PK Lifeup Pi
      Prerequisites: PK Lifeup Beta or Gamma(I’m not sure which, you can choose either), level 25
      PP Used: 18
      Effect Area: All allies
      Info: Heals 150 + (1d20 x 5) (155-250) or 100 + (1d20 x 3)(103-160) the first heals half of lifeup Omega’s amount and the second heals about 1/3 of lifeup Omega
      I consided Pi’s prerequisite to possibly be beta if you want a character who has second-best single target and all target lifeup

      sprite StrawberryMilk

      Hey Nintenzero! Thanks for the suggestion! I personally think PK Lifeup Pi is too convenient and wouldn’t offer it to my own players in either form. However, if I were to offer it. It’d probably have PK Lifeup Beta as a prerequisite and work as an alternate pre-req for Omega. I’d probably also have it use PK Lifeup Alpha’s heal range of (87-125). That’s just my personal opinion, and I encourage you to add new contents and house rules to your own games.

      Would you like me to include this ability in the Handbook? If so, which numbers would you prefer I use?

      sprite Nintenzero

        Include it as an optional ability, kind of like PK Beam, as Earthbound’s enemies weren’t balanced for characters to have all target lifeup at level 25/50, and use the life up alpha healing strength.

        sprite SpitBlaze

        Hey, hate to necropost, but I’ve been using this system as a jumping-off point and have added a LOT of stuff, mostly cribbed from systems like PTU. I’m hesitant to make my own thread for this, because…well, I didn’t make it, I just added and tweaked stuff. Either way, I don’t have a ton of experience making tabletops, just playing them.
        I don’t know if the OP is still around, but assuming they are, I’d love your input or permission to keep working on this! If you’d be more comfortable with me dropping it or getting more involved with it, also cool, just say so.
        Also keep in mind that all of these changes are very much still under development and not finished, I’m still adding and tweaking stuff (not to mention reformatting the charts that I thought were a good idea for some reason), and will eventually start a whole campaign with this to help playtest it.
        Anyway, here’s the Google Drive link to the handbook with my changes. Hope you guys like it!

        sprite EmperorScarlet

        • Weezerfest Memory

        I thought this had potential when I first stumbled upon this thread awhile ago, and I’m glad to see that someone is continuing it.

        The Barrier Trio is guarding the Needle. The best way to take them down is to� STRATEGY.

        sprite Chad48309

          Sincerely, Chad Sobodash.