Robot sprite Earthbound Inspired Game - Retronym!

sprite NanoPocketCo

Hello everyone! My name’s Nick and I’m new to Starmen! Though I’m new to the website I’m certainly not new to the Earthbound fandom! I ADORE Earthbound. It’s my favorite game of all time. I’ve even got the ridiculously expensive psychical copy!

I first played Earthbound in 2015 when it launched on the Wii U eShop. Before then I had always had some level of interest in game development but it wasn’t until finishing Earthbound that I knew I HAD to make games. I HAD to make something that could evoke even a fraction of the emotions Earthbound awoke in me. To make people smile and laugh like Earthbound did for me. This is all to say that I did it! Shortly after I began working on my first indie game. Since then I’ve made and remade the thing until today where we’ve got a fairly competent product well in the works! It’s called Retronym!

I can only include one photo so I used our Kickstarter banner since it’s got the most content! If you want to see more I’d recommend checking our Twitter where we post DAILY Retronym content!! I’ve put my blood, sweat, and tears into this project and it would mean the world to me if would take the time to give my game a look.

Retronym Twitter

Thanks so much guys

If you have any questions or want to know more I’d love to chat with fellow Earthbound enjoyers!



Brazil M3 Guy

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Wow, that looks really awesome! Followed your kickstarter page, hope everything goes great!