Earthbound End of Days


Hi dear community,

Here I am with my own Earthbound Fangame!
I have been working on this game for years, at first under the working title Mother 4! But now I have a much better name for this game, because I call it now Earthbound End of Days and should be a direct sequel to Mother 3!
I chose Earthbound End of Days because another team of fans is working on a game called Mother 4!
I just thought that then there will be no confusion and that this name says something own. In addition, I find the name Earthbound much more beautiful and meaningful than Mother!
I do the whole thing with the RPG Maker XP and I already designed some charsets, chipsets, artworks of characters and so on!
I already finished the four main protagonists as artwork and also as a charset. As the main protagonists look like artwork, you can see wonderfully on the thumbnail of this video and I’ve already finished the logo for this game!
What I want to present to you in this video are the first soundtracks I’ve selected for Earthbound End of Days!
Some tracks are my own creations, where some are sure to be able to be improved!
Others will surely come from some other games!
And you certainly know quite different tracks from the earlier Earthbound games!

Here I have a little sample of these soundtracks for you, of course, these tracks are only a fraction of what I really have everything for tracks! This video is intended to serve as audition only!

I wish you a lot of fun listening

I would be very happy about feedback

Here is the link to the first music of Earthbound End of Days and also the artwork of the main protagonists as well as the logo


sprite Parzival

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Cool beans