Teddy S sprite EarthBound Omega - FULL GAME RELEASE!

A new fangame in the works featuring new content!

sprite TheJullasicFox

Hello! I discovered EarthBound nearly a month ago, and I beat it and I loved it. Now, I’ve made other games of my own, (SMW hacks) but I’ve always dreamed of creating a RPG about me. After playing EB, I realized that it was an amazing game, and that I could make my own little sidestory of it. So I did. I found an EB engine for GameMaker by Cidoku (thanks man, it’s a great engine!!!) and I started work. There are not any overworld screenshots because I cannot find a 16×16 Onett tileset (if anybody could find one, please tell me!) But, I have a few of the main characters’ sprites (one left to make), tell me your thoughts.

The characters shown are, in order: Rob, Noah, and Jenny. (But of course, you can choose your own names at the start of the game.)

Also, here’s a Discord server.


sprite RGGames

I like the attitude!
I wanted to help you in some wnay, so i think i’ve found 16×16 tilesets.

here they’re: https://ssl-forum-files.fobby.net/forum_attachments/0033/1189/Onett-16x16.png

Good luck!

Also, i’ve made an engine in RPG Maker MV, it’s published here on starmen.net if you want, use it!
just credit.

sprite TheJullasicFox

Thank you for the link. I guess I will have to ‘arrange’ the tiles, or just make the maps have 8×8 grids.
EDIT: Gosh, I forgot to include some music I made.
Here’s a soundcloud link.

sprite TheJullasicFox

Finally just decided to make my own tileset with 48×48 tiles. Brand new screenshots below.
More to come later.


sprite RGGames

Lookin’ good!
Keep it going!
If you need help, send me a PM!
I think that the weird lightblue glow in ther overworld screenshot it’s a savepoint, am i right?

(Also, sorry to ask, but, where did you get the tiles?)

sprite TheJullasicFox

Yes! You must have PSI telepathy or something.
And to answer the question, I got the nature tiles from Spriter’s resource, and pasted on the buildings that were from SR too, then made them in top-down style.

sprite RGGames

Thanks, i’ll tell you in a PM

sprite TheJullasicFox

Been a while, here’s some new stuff
Part of the intro title thing

Some enemies, that are, from left to right: Banjo Joe, Hillbilly Sam, and Angry Parkgoer.

Typical stuff, yeah.

sprite TheJullasicFox

The Chosen Four, Rob, Noah, Jenny, and the newly named Artis!
(This is actually ingame btw)

That’s all I had, but oh well, just felt like posting

sprite TheJullasicFox

A video is finally here!

Captain of Positivity

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That is one hecking cool teleport animation

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite TheJullasicFox

Thank you!

sprite TheJullasicFox

Knowing that Work for Hire will soon be shut down, I’ll just post this here now.
Everything’s been going very smoothly… I can make the graphics, fonts and stuff; but there’s ONE thing I have major trouble doing: composing (good) music.
I would love to have a composer do this for me… Are any of you composers out here and want something to help with? Please speak up, because composing music is killing me and most of the ones I make sound like --. Accepting the job, you would get big-time credit for this task.

If you are an epic composer and want to do this(you don’t even have to do every song, maybe just a few), please speak up and do not hesitate to tell me.
If you want to do it, please visit this Discord server for the game so we can talk about it.

sprite TheJullasicFox

Rob, now in --ty-looking 3D model glory!

sprite TheJullasicFox

sprite TheJullasicFox

Here is a link to the game’s soundtrack.
Small update, but I should definitely post it, as we have a composer now! The talented SaxophoneDude will be making some music!

sprite TheJullasicFox

This should’ve been posted a while back, but here is a 3D model of Artis!

also pretty bad quality

Captain of Positivity

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hey those models are pretty good. What’d you use to make them?

Everyone who ever has or ever will be anyone will be there,
Never in the history of entertainment will there be an affair, quite like it!

sprite TheJullasicFox

I actually used Paint 3D, included with the default Windows 10. I based the models off of Ness and Lucas models, then I just painted new textures on.

sprite TheJullasicFox

I made a new video, but I messed up recording this time so the quality is REALLY bad. Sorry about that. But, thankfully you CAN view the video in 240p… lmao

sprite TheJullasicFox

There’s a new song on the playlist, check it out!
Play “cOffEE?” to reach new levels of BOING!
By the way, I will soon have some songs on YouTube maybe, if I find a good editing software.

sprite TheJullasicFox

Quadruple post time!
Chapter 3 is now in progress, here is a preview of the next town!

And remember to check out the Discord server! I post updates there all the time!

sprite TheJullasicFox

Check out a new music remix I made!
And thank you all for your support! We got a few new Discord users!

sprite TheJullasicFox

Hello all! I’m planning on having a stream Sunday on my YouTube channel, sometime in the afternoon maybe.
I can’t directly link my profile since I’m on my phone, so just search up ‘chicadux’ and you’ll find it. Remember to subscribe, too if you want.

sprite TheJullasicFox

Whew, haven’t posted here in a looooong time, but i wanted to say that the game is nearly halfway done! Progress is definitely coming along very well! I’ll probably post a video of some stuff soon, because i really need to keep you guys updated.
And once again, you’re better off on the Discord Server, you’ll get much more updates there anyway.
Well, have a good day everyone! I’ll keep this thread updated soon though so don’t worry.

sprite SaxophoneDude

Hello Starmen.net, I’m a composer on the Earthbound Omega team, and I’d like to share the Soundcloud playlist where I will be uploading music for the game throughout development that I’ve had a helping hand in. All feedback is welcome, so please share your thoughts!


Mother 1/3 + Earthbound = PK Love ♡
3DS Code: 5129-2362-7892

sprite TheJullasicFox

Sup everybody, I just have a simple announcement to make. I wanted to say that the game will be complete around Summer of 2019. That might seem like a while, but it’ll fly by fast!

Also… I’m starting back school tomorrow.. So progress will be probably be slowed down a lot, because I think I have to stay after school some days… sorry….

sprite TheJullasicFox

Hey everyone! Progress is going super-smoothly!
but recently, I’ve really had trouble with designing sprites, tilesets, etc..

Are any of you guys good graphics artists who are familiar with the EarthBound style? Thanks in advance!

sprite TheJullasicFox

Attention everyone! I have completed the game’s first trailer! It shows many things that have not been previously shown, so please give it a looksee!
View it here!

sprite TheJullasicFox

I have a new video to show! Look closely at Jenny and Noah; they have new sprites!
Click here!

sprite Kabumek

Hey! Just watched the video and hope you don’t mind some feedback on the video.

The towns are looking pretty good so far; some of the sprite styles (especially in the first town) conflict as they’re from different games, so at some point you may wish to edit some of them into matching one style.

I think some of the character sprites look like they’re missing pixels, easy fix. Some of their walk cycles look a bit weird as well; it looks like Artis (and maybe Jenny?) have the Mother 2 walk cycle while Rob has Mother 3’s (i.e. Artis and Jenny having only two sprites for walking in any direction; Rob has three as there’s a neutral one when not moving where he doesn’t have his foot out). It makes it look kind of awkward; I’d recommend editing everyone’s to match Rob’s. (Rob’s walk cycle might also be a bit weird? It looked like when he was walking upwards, his arms didn’t move in the right order (should go one arm up – neutral – other arm up – neutral; looked like neutral – one arm – other arm – neutral)

I’m liking the enemy designs! Particularly the Cool Breeze.

The cave under the mountains kind of loses all depth, visual-wise. The walls seem really short (and don’t exist at times) and it’s really hard to see the enemies in there.

I understand it’s still in working, and this is a good demo! Would love to see more in the future.

P.S. I’ve noticed there doesn’t seem to be a run-down of the actual plot of the game in this thread; I’m interested in hearing more about who these characters are and what they’re fighting for (and against!)

what happened after the storm? was everyone okay?

sprite TheJullasicFox

Thanks @Kabumek!
I’ve been meaning to change Noah and Artis’ sprites to compensate for Rob and Jenny’s new ones, just never got around to it (Jenny actually does have the Mother 3 styled walk now.)
And yeah, the reason for the cave dungeon is because lack of a better tileset.

And I’ve kept the plot a secret for spoilers reasons. I can DM you some of the plot if you want to know more!

sprite Kabumek

Ah, good good then! Glad to hear it. And yes, I’d love to hear the plot!

what happened after the storm? was everyone okay?

sprite TheJullasicFox

A beta build of the game is now available for download, for the first time on Starmen.Net! Before, you could only get betas on the Discord server, but now it’s here!
Download here!
Make sure you read the readme, too!

sprite RGGames

Just downloading it, but…
I have a question.
As far as i know, a beta is the complete game, but without bug fixes, modification, more details, etc.
Is it complete?

sprite RGGames

*Sorry, just finished downloaded and reded the readme file, so, sorry.
also, got this bug while accidentaly pressing enter

action number 1
of Create Event
for object objPause:

Unable to find any instance for object index ‘342’
at gml_Object_objPause_Create_0

sprite TheJullasicFox

I didn’t know about that enter bug, it’s never happened to me. Also enter is the pause button.
I also didn’t know beta meant the game should be complete lol!

sprite PsychicDrago

there is a glitch where if you walk up to the plant in the cave,go to the top,interact with it,it will move in front of you and you will be stuck in the vegetable.(the vegetable in the cave to cincotown) (hope this helps with the project really did enjoy the fangame demo btw).

sprite TheJullasicFox

Thank you for pointing that out!! I will try to fix it.
Also there is a new demo out which fixes glitches and has more content.
Download Here

sprite PsychicDrago

Nice!it carries over your save data from the previous demo.Keep going on this really great & fun fan game

sprite PsychicDrago

I ended up finding this softlock in the icy hand boss apparently i defeated the boss with PK Flash Beta but then the two ice crystal exploded and I can’t get pass this textbox (hope this helps)


sprite TheJullasicFox

Thank you lots for that. What is meant to happen is that once you defeat Icy Hand the crystals automatically explode but I don’t think it works now that you showed me. I’ll get right to fixing that, thanks!

sprite PsychicDrago

no problem

sprite PsychicDrago

question: the calm place in the rain, the one that you can go to before the first one, does that one take effect after the first 7 (or 6 i don’t remember) or is it not programmed yet?


sprite PsychicDrago

Also, one thing i noticed is that when you teleport, before control is given to you, you can reopen the menu and walk around with it open.Also opening the inventory and teleport menus at the same time can let you re choose the flavor text mid game.Just thought i’d tell you

sprite PsychicDrago

Also,Rob’s sprite is off placed from the line and off placed from his shadow


sprite PsychicDrago

(hope that info helps)

sprite PsychicDrago

I also found this misplaced tile (that is if it is) (it in the lava volcano where you get to from underwater)


sprite PsychicDrago

Here is another one


sprite TheJullasicFox

reply 2:That isn’t a calm place, it’s just for story purposes.
reply 3: I’ve noticed that too. But didn’t know you could change text flavor.
reply 4: Easy to fix and I’ll take care of that issue.
replies 6 and 7: also easy to fix.
Thank you for being on the lookout through the game! Hope you are having fun too.