Mani Mani 2 sprite EarthBound Essentials (RPG Maker VX Ace)

v1.0 is available to download. A legit recreation of the EB/M3 Engine

sprite Corboblan

Oh that isn’t a bug. There aren’t any sprites for those characters then. I’ll double check and see if it actually is a bug

sprite RGGames

Sorry I think I’ve explained it badly, so I’ve recorded what happens when having more than one party member.
All of them have spriters and stats, and when they “lead” the party, they work perfectly, so for now I’ve just dissabled
the followers in my game.
Also, the colissions with events are weird, and that was what I was triyng to record at the end, but I accidentally triggered a battle xd.

sprite Tdgamer32

Glad to see this up and running again, I will post this here until the discord is made, maybe add the mr saturn font as a option for some text?

sprite Corboblan

Hmm actually that’s very weird. I’ll check that out. That didn’t happen to me last night so I’ll check your project and see what’s up

sprite Corboblan

Also the discord server is up guys! The link will also be at the front of the thread.

sprite Tdgamer32

Joined my username is TalkToTristen05#4553

sprite RGGames

Joined too, I’m ElMayoneso xD

sprite Corboblan

So there’s been a lot of inactivity going on with this project. I find not that much motivation to do it, and very few people seem to support it. So I find no motivation of pushing this project more and more. I will still work on Mother 30th anniversary. I will release the project once I feel ready. I hope y’all understand. Thank you!

sprite ShinyRedUmbreon

I see. Well, can you at least release what you have of v1.1 or are you gonna keep it?

And, could me and Tdgamer32 continue working on it together?

sprite RGGames

I agree, I can do with the bug fixes and the rest of the stuff added too.

sprite Tdgamer32

Me and shinyredumbreon are working on a project of our own, details later


Hi. I hope this is still in progress.. I’ve been having such a hard time finding a decent solid base to work with.. this one felt really good and I love EarthBound as it’s my biggest inspiration. I love to make games as a hobby and I love playing with all the different engines people have built. But no one comes close to fully feeling like an earthbound game. I also tried to join the discord and it says it’s expired

Anywho let me know please as I would love to have this as a solid base to work with. Thank you.

sprite Tdgamer32

Yeah the discord is no longer around, but idk if in progress

sprite PaperinoGay77

Please continue the project. I know there are not many people who are following this project but you should try to complete it at least. then after finishing it if there are still not enough people who want to download it, start creating a twitter, instagram page etc. to sponsor the project. don’t stay there, your project could revolutionize the world of projects created by fans of the Mother series in many ways that I’m not here to tell you ...

In conclusion, I recommend you recruit people for your project to make it easier to complete.

I hope that one day you will complete EarthBound Essential, because it is a nice project and you really deserve a lot for what you have done.

I love tomatoes

sprite Werewolf0l0

sprite TheLich43

Is this project completely abandoned? From what I’m reading it seems like there won’t be any more updates to it, official or otherwise, and that would be extremely sad since this has so much potential to be the definitive tool for making Earthbound/Mother inspired games. There’s so much progress done and it’d be so unfortunate to see it all come to an end ):
This could genuinely be the greatest thing to happen to the Mother community in a long time if someone were to fully finish this, or even just add in a few more things to work with, but sadly from the looks of things that won’t happen anytime soon.
Even still, this is an incredible tool for anyone willing to start work on an Earthbound project, and I think it really lives up to the “Essentials” that it claims to be. Absolutely phenomenal work, and thank you for all that you’ve created for us.

sprite ejhere1

How do I open the project in RPG maker VX ace? All i see is a .exe, and the discord server is down.

sprite TopHatBoi

How do I open the project in RPG maker VX ace? All I see is a .exe, and the discord server is down.

Open RMVXAce,

Click on the folder thing

Go to the EBEssentials folder or whatever you named it,
Click the Game.rvproj2

And Open.

sprite DarthDio

Anyone able to help with this thread / project? I wanna make an RPG with Earthbound combat but there are no tutorials for this and the discord is gone