Starman sprite Circadian

Indie RPG currently in development inspired by EarthBound.

sprite jeffgamedev

Greetings, Starmen. I’d like to present to you something very special:


An independently developed role playing game inspired by EarthBound for PC, Mac, Linux, and consoles.


When the circadian sleep cycles of all people are interrupted, strange things start to happen in a small town. A group of young adults defiantly work together to solve a mystery while the whole world unravels around them. Unlock the secrets of the Unrest Rhythm, saving those you love, and possibly the entire world.


  • Day/Night Cycle.
  • Satisfying battle system.
  • Reorder party members.
  • Original characters, story, and setting.
  • Group Attacks.
  • Computer hacking.
  • Cheesy jokes.


Jeffo, Eevie, Malachi, and Aaron.

How did Circadian come to be?

In 2016, I began working in my spare time on a game that would feel good to me: a game that felt like EarthBound when you played it, but was something new. The project quickly evolved into a full time obsession. I’ve now started focusing on bringing Circadian to as many eyes and hands as possible in the future, and to make it stand out on it’s own from the material that inspires it.

Will there be a demo?
Yes, a public demo of Circadian is in the works and is planned for Fall 2017.

When is Circadian coming out?

I am planning to release the game some time in 2018.

What platforms will Circadian be on when it comes out?

Circadian will be releasing for PC, Mac, and Linux, probably on Steam and

Console ports are planned for initial release as well, however are TBA.

How much will it cost?

Digital copies of the game will be $9.99 USD. There are, however, talks of a big box with strategy guide release…

How can I help?:

About Me:

Hi! My name is Jeff Brooks, and I’m a video game developer living on Omaha, NE, USA. I’m the sole developer of Circadian.

I grew up playing classic DOS and Nintendo games, and started creating my own video games as soon as I could at the age of 12. Some big inspirations of mine are Dune (PC-DOS), Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Out of high school I studied graphic design at community college, and then Computer Science at university. When games started showing up on Android and iPhones, I made a living developing mobile games. In 2014, I became an independent video game developer, and in 2016 started focusing on PC and console games.

Sorry I’ve been lurking all these years. I’ve frequented the Starmen forum and website over time, but not registered or posted.

Find out more about Circadian:

Visit the Circadian Website and sign up for our mailing list.
Join my Discord Chat
Follow me on Twitter
Follow me on Instagram
Like Circadian on Facebook
Or if you wish, remain here, and I will keep you up to date on the status of Circadian!

All questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

sprite Fishbit

  • meep
  • Lucas Collab
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • White Mafia
  • ghost frog
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  • Fanart of the Week

Oh hey! I think this was brought up on the M4 reddit awhile ago. Looks really great! I love the visuals.

sprite jeffgamedev

Oh hey! I think this was brought up on the M4 reddit awhile ago. Looks really great! I love the visuals.

Thanks Evaan! I really appreciate it ! Oh, yes. Reddit, I need to start posting there as well. I’m flattered that the game was mentioned in the M4 section. Awesome!

sprite EverythingsOK

Can’t wait for this to come out!


No worries!

  • 2014 Halloween Hack-Fest Participation
  • Lucas Collab
  • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
  • Silver Mafia
  • ghost frog
  • fanvatar4
  • Pink DK
  • Sean Connery Squirrel
  • Theoryfest Third Place
  • Badge Maker!
  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • !Franklin Badge Gold
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • Fishing for Submission Contest
  • 30th Anniversary Funfest - Staff
  • Chaotic Fluke Distortion
  • 2020 HFDQ Helper
  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - Staff Badge
  • 2022 Halloween Funfest Helper
  • SVG Wizard
  • Mother 3 17th Anniversary Funfest - Staff
  • BigMac

This looks fantastic! I’m speechless, honestly.

sprite jeffgamedev

This looks fantastic! I’m speechless, honestly.

Thanks Majora! That means a lot! I’m totally focused on making an amazing game.

Can’t wait for this to come out!



Let’s get those sprites you made into the game! Huzzah!

sprite scooterdooper

I'm healing myself with healing magic... and aspirin...

  • !Writing BootCamp 2016
  • !Camp Fangamer 2016 Merchboy
  • !!MOTHER3 Siege
  • Project Ultimate Chimera Helper
  • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
  • a fishstick
  • 30th Anniversary Funfest - Staff
  • 2020 HFDQ Helper
  • Pooh's Homerun Derby Participation Badge
  • Holiday Funfest 2021 - Staff Badge

Heyo! This looks pretty great, dude!

sprite jeffgamedev

Heyo! This looks pretty great, dude!

Thanks MrScoot! I look forward to updating everyone on the progress and release details in the next year!

sprite MegaHarv

    Hey Jeff! Good to see your spreading the word here as well!

    I’m excited to see this project come to fruition. I plan to do a Let’s Play of Circadian on my Youtube channel when the time comes.

    I’ll keep my eyes on Twitter, but now I’ll watch the forum here as well for updates!

    Check out my playthrough of the Final Build of Messianic’s
    “Mother 2 Deluxe” :

    sprite Windy Rat

    • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@

    Seems interesting. I’ll sign up for the mailing list.


    Twitter: @mini_tanpopo

    sprite jeffgamedev

    Hey Jeff! Good to see your spreading the word here as well!

    I’m excited to see this project come to fruition. I plan to do a Let’s Play of Circadian on my Youtube channel when the time comes.

    I’ll keep my eyes on Twitter, but now I’ll watch the forum here as well for updates!

    Thanks for your continued support MegaHarv! It means a lot! Can’t wait to see Circadian on your channel!

    Seems interesting. I’ll sign up for the mailing list.

    Thanks for your support Windy Rat! We’ll be sending out our first newsletter this month.

    sprite jeffgamedev

    Hey everyone! I’m steadily adding more content to Circadian. I was inspired to do a mountainous area like in Mother 3, so I created the area and graphics “Mount Olive” yesterday and today. I’ve also added ladder climbing programming and animations.

    There is a gameplay video with the party walking around and getting into a fight with some June bugs, you can find it on social media links here:

    Circadian: Mount Olive video on Facebook

    Circadian: Mount Olive video on Twitter

    Circadian: Mount Olive video on Instagram

    Thanks for staying tuned!

    sprite Howisthisaname

    The game seems good, but I personally don’t feel the art-style is appealing or memorable at all. So I recommend you get a new one before releasing the game, if at all possible. The title screen looks great, though.

    PK Starstorm!

    sprite hekset

    No one is addressing the elephant in the room. Your attitude is utterly atrocious, sorry to say. Please, get someone to calm you down. Demeanor accounts for a lot of someone’s experience interacting with others, and it’s the first thing people will judge when meeting you. Having at least a half-decent attitude is crucial to having a good life.

    EDIT: Yeah, that’s better.

    sprite Fishbit

    • meep
    • Lucas Collab
    • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
    • White Mafia
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    Just because you it doesn’t suit your optimal view of an art style does not mean it’s atrocious

    sprite jeffgamedev

    The game seems good, but I personally don’t feel the art-style is appealing or memorable at all. So I recommend you get a new one before releasing the game, if at all possible. The title screen looks great, though.

    Thanks for the feedback regardless. The game’s art style is unlikely to change, sorry to disappoint you.

    Thanks Hekset and Evaan for your support! I’ll be posting a new content update this weekend. Cheers!

    sprite jeffgamedev

    [This video was deleted]

    sprite jeffgamedev

    Greetings star citizens of the bounding Earth!

    I’ve been keeping myself quite occupied working on Circadian. Many changes have been happening, the most prevalent to the user interface. I post frequently to social networks and get a lot of good feedback, so I’m happy so show you the latest changes:

    New Font

    Circadian was previously using the Apple Kid font available here on forums and also I took the time to choose a new font that would fit the look and theme of the game.

    Consequentially, this caused much of the UI’s size to change, which influenced even more changes.

    Character Portraits

    Some time ago, and actually it was included in the last update’s video, animated character portraits have been added to text boxes when characters talk. This should help clarify who is talking in a given situation.

    Hero Cards, Health & Power Icons

    The boxes where the character stats show up, which I like to call “Hero Cards”, have been going through some fun changes. First off, they’ve been expanded due to the font change. I also went ahead and made some animated icons for the “Health” and “Power” fields, to add some uniqueness instead of standard “HP” or “PSI”, or what Circadian was using, “BP” for “Brain Power”. The character portraits also pop up when a character is being referenced from the menu (ability, inventory, or other menus).

    Change Party Order

    When I implemented characters being faint, I ended up needing to program the party being reordered. I went ahead and just put this as a full fledged feature. It’s now a regular option to reorder the party into whatever makes sense to the player in the given situation. This will effect combat order, map movement speed, and possible interactions with NPCs.

    That’s right! Eevie at the front! Girl Power!

    Menu Text Highlighting

    The currently selected menu option now gets highlighted when browsing that menu to help the player know what option they are selecting.

    Ability Menu

    The ability menu is going through many changes. I’ve eliminated the separate ability type categories (previously matching EarthBound as “Offense, Recover, Assist”, and instead gone with a flat list. Second, I’ve added the character’s graphic, status, and energy points to the interface to help communicate what ability might best fit the current situation.

    New Areas

    I’ve also been itching to create some awesome new areas. Just the last few days, I created an underground grave area to give some spooky vibes. This also included a new “treasure chest”, which is a backpack!

    That concludes my update this time! I’ll be going through my initial post and updating the existing screenshots with new ones as well. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for listening!


    sprite Fishbit

    • meep
    • Lucas Collab
    • SummerBound Sun Chip Participation
    • White Mafia
    • ghost frog
    • Pink DK
    • fanvatar4
    • Fanart of the Week

    Looks awesome! I think the party reordering feature is something neat for a game similar to earthbound like this. It makes the game feel more customized to the player.

    sprite FredBounder

    Demo comming on May 13th!

    sprite jeffgamedev

    Hello Friends! I’ve released a demo for Circadian today! Happy MOTHER’s Day!

    sprite MegaHarv

      Just wanted mention here that with jeffgamedev’s permission that I will let you all know that I’m streaming the demo on my Youtube channel in 15 minutes or so, if anyone wants to see it played out before trying for themselves. (Updated to the VOD)

      I didn’t notice any rules preventing me from doing this, but if there are, feel free to take it down. I mean no harm, just very excited about this project!

      Check out my playthrough of the Final Build of Messianic’s
      “Mother 2 Deluxe” :

      sprite Messianic

      • PK Hack v2.0

      Um… so how do you complete this demo?

      The door in the Belly of the Olive doesn’t interact with you… where are we supposed to go?