Robot SW 2 sprite Call For Panel Participants!

Come Hang Out at Fangamer's 10th Anniversary and talk about developing games!


Brazil M3 Guy

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  • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
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So, some of you may be aware that there is an event this summer called Fangamer 10th where fangamer will be putting on an event similar to their Camp Fangamer events they’ve done in the past.

They are taking panel submissions, and I am wanting to do a panel on Fan Games and Programs.

The main purpose is to highlight the work that is going on at FG&P, and talk about the exciting projects that are going on here. I am thinking I’d like to do it as a series of demos with other little highlights talking about game development and how people’s projects are going.

So! I’m looking for people to have their projects highlighted, and also for people who will be at the event who would like to participate in the panel. If you are not going to the event, we can prepare something that I will demo on your behalf. The main goal here is to highlight people’s work!

There is one big requirement:

In order to be highlighted in the panel, your game needs to be far enough along to actually show off gameplay

Right now, this is still just in planning stage, and I will need to get something together and propose it to Fangamer and have them approve it, so there is no guarantee the panel will actually happen. Right now, I’m just looking to gauge interest and see if I could get enough material together. But please, let me know if you are interested and if you would like to be a part of this!

EDIT: Also, just as a disclaimer, depending on how many people are interested in having their projects highlighted, etc, there may not be time in the panel slot to highlight everything. I will be selecting games based on how far along they are and how much appeal I think they ultimately have on the audience, but I promise I will do all I can to highlight all the games you guys want to show off! This panel is ultimately for you, if it happens.

sprite RGGames

If theres no problem on it i have a demo of my game. Mother S.H.A.R.K in the post. Can you put it on the highligths?
The best one is demo 3. Thanks.

sprite Demon Claus

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I’m not going to the event but I’d love to have Almari featured! My current public demo is old and moldy but I have a much more current nonpublic demo that’s about 75% beta tested I could send you to draw ideas for the panel/segment if it’s featured. The demo would probably be released before Camp Fangamer happens but I imagine early access is more helpful for planning.

Andrew: Hahahaha! Screw you all they’re playing Elton John!

sprite RGGames

I also have a question.
EVERYONE that comments and do all the requeriments. it’s automaticly on the highlights?
Also i won’t be in the event, i’m from other country. Is that a problem?


Brazil M3 Guy

  • donor4
  • fanvatar4
  • PK Hack v2.0
  • MOTHER2 Riddles 2 Wins
  • !Merch Museum
  • Translator Badge
  • !!!!Halloween Funfest '16 Winner
  • !Camp Fangamer 2016 Merchboy
  • !!Camp Fangamer 2018 !!Trading Badge from Buck Fever!@
  • 30 Minutes of Silence

Well, there’s no guarantee the panel will happen yet. I need to see how much interest I get, and get a general plan together, and then get approval on the panel. I have some time to do this, but not a ton.

I’m not guaranteeing that every game that people bring around will be highlighted, I’ll probably lean more towards games that are close to completion or have been completed, or titles that I feel have a particularly unique aspect or have a cool hook or design element.

sprite RGGames

Oh! Thanks, i tought that and it looked weird to me xD
So, i wanted to make sure Thanks!