Tough Mobile Sprout sprite Beetle Ninja

Demo available

sprite 16bitking

Disclaimer: This game currently exists only as a demo. It will be updated as time goes on to include far more content than is available right now.

Beetle Ninja is currently a game project made by myself, taking inspiration from Majora’s Mask, Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland, and Pokemon Platinum.

Some of you may remember me from my previous RPGMaker 2003 project, “Where the Moon Goes At Night”. I’d be lying if I said this game is similar in gameplay: instead of a more streamlined RPG attempting to replicate the feel of more classical RPGMaker endeavors, Beetle Ninja instead focuses on performing tasks of your choosing within an allotted time frame, with the ultimate goal being to destroy the “Seed of Rebirth”. I suppose then, in a sense it acts more akin to something like Majora’s Mask, whereas Where the Moon Goes At Night would be more akin to Ocarina of Time.

Again, this game features completely original artwork created by myself, with feedback from Chrispy and Archtide. I’m planning on including several different endings as well, although I’ll remain light on information as to avoid spoiling future parts of the game.

The demo takes approximately five minutes to complete, although bear in mind this is but a very small portion of the expected final product (which, like Where the Moon Goes At Night, will most likely be freeware).

If you’d like to make a donation, you can do so here:
If you’d like to download the demo, you can do so here:

Thank you for your attention, and I hope you enjoy!


sprite RGGames

I love what im seeing!
It’s graphically gorgeous!
I can’t even dreams of My games looking that good!

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I know I ask this alot, but do you need a composer for the game?

Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.

sprite 16bitking

I’m continuing to update the game, new locations have been added and combat is being worked on at the moment.

I know I ask this alot, but do you need a composer for the game?

I do, in fact. Send me a demo reel or something, and we might be able to work something out.


sprite davidkvis99

I would also like to apply as a composer if i can.

sprite 16bitking

I would also like to apply as a composer if i can.

Again, send me a demo reel and we’ll work something out from there.

sprite davidkvis99

I sent you a pm.

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This is a little of what I can do, using Garageband. The titles are, in order
- Music Boss Lair
- Happy Town
- Battle against Jazz
- Climb the Summit
I had more, like Music Boss Battle, Ghosts!, and Happy Town 2, but it didn’t transfer right. I have them as .bands if you have Garageband.

Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.

sprite 16bitking

This is a little of what I can do, using Garageband. The titles are, in order
- Music Boss Lair
- Happy Town
- Battle against Jazz
- Climb the Summit
I had more, like Music Boss Battle, Ghosts!, and Happy Town 2, but it didn’t transfer right. I have them as .bands if you have Garageband.

I’m sorry, these don’t seem to work on Windows computers. Please try uploading them to soundcloud or some other external website so I can listen to them propperly.

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For some odd reason, converters wouldn’t take most of my files, and neither would Soundtrap, which may soon be where I make my music as to avoid all this converting hassle. Anyway, I was able to get Climb the Summit converted, here it is for you. The setting is a mountain, on your way to a boss, perhaps the final boss.


Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.

sprite 16bitking

For some odd reason, converters wouldn’t take most of my files, and neither would Soundtrap, which may soon be where I make my music as to avoid all this converting hassle. Anyway, I was able to get Climb the Summit converted, here it is for you. The setting is a mountain, on your way to a boss, perhaps the final boss.

Thank you for applying, but I think I’ll try my luck somewhere else.

My lawyer has advised me not to publicly disclose my relationship with fish and women

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Oh. Welp, I guess I’ll do the same. Good luck with the game!

(Hey, that rhymed.)

Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.

sprite 16bitking

The game continues to be updated, don’t fret. (Screenshots enclosed in this post)


sprite 16bitking

This will be my final post regarding Beetle Ninja.
Even moreso than with Where the Moon Goes At Night, I think it’s genuinely been quite a struggle to generate much interest in this project on the Starmen forums: I haven’t seen any consistent interest in my work overall from this website, and I must admit it’s a tad demoralizing to scroll through observing the comparatively massive interest generated by what would be best defined as “fan games” or other derivative works which utilize specific aspects of the Mother series. Such games, at least in my opinion, are generally less daunting of a task due to a general framework already existing, whereas with original works, far more features have to be considered:
>New artistic direction differentiated from the Mother series
>Iconography and thematics
>Aspects which make this game original
>Original music
Which isn’t to say that fan works are inherently a “bad thing”, far from it: I believe they’re quite good for aspiring developers to learn more about how game development works, and with a lot of dedication and ambition they can absolutely be worthwhile efforts, but I wager simply to point out that works like these seem to attract far more interest from this particular community, and I’m not interested in producing content for a website if such content will go largely ignored.
In a sense, it’s a bit like cooking a meal: I wouldn’t bother cooking a ham for someone who prefers pheasant or vise versa, and right now it’s as if I’m cooking at a turtle soup at a chili cook off: it takes a lot longer to make, and it takes a lot more ambition to see through, even if not as many people are really interested in it.
Of course, this is all subjective and I can understand any disagreements with my arguments.
I will no longer be updating this game on the Starmen forums due to a lack of community interest. Progress can be followed here: if you are still interested.
This thread will remain open, unless a moderator chooses to proceed alternatively.

sprite davidkvis99

hope your projects go well. It’s sad to see a project looking this good having no interest.

sprite Messianic

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The problem is that is general has gone downhill from it’s heydays like a decade ago or so, even then there were times of slowness.

The reality is that when making a new game or a hack you aren’t going to get a ton of interest anymore like in older days, because people just give up on their projects and everyone seems to be making “generic person in a grassy background” kind crap.

Don’t give up hope, just know that this website as a whole is mostly a ghost town.

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I liked how this game looked, and was hoping to see more updates. I’ll see if I can check out RPG Maker sometime.

Go to the Starmen Wiki and write a page right now.