Ocho (Sailor) sprite Avast: Scourge of the Sea

What are you worth?

sprite Kululu

Ahoy, mateys! I’m here to introduce a project that’s been in the works for a while now… Please, take a look!

Avast: Scourge of the Sea is an RPG about pirates (perhaps it should be called an ARRPG?).

In Avast: Scourge of the Sea, a mysterious pendant sparks mutiny and leads a young girl and her eccentric captain on a amazing adventure that puts the whole sea at stake! Meet new friends and foes as you learn the secrets behind the Scourge of the Sea himself!

Intriguing, isn’t it? Well, why don’t we get a bit more specific and talk about our characters, shall we?

A young girl who gets thrust into adventure after finding a long kept secret—a strange pendant!

Butterscotch Beard:
The fearless and eccentric captain of the Boundless Bounty. He has an arm of steel and a heart of gold. He also… really likes candy, if you can’t tell.

Yar Har:
Formerly a close friend and confidant of Butterscotch Beard, Yar Har turned against his friend due to his incredible jealousy and greed.

A grimy street urchin who is surprisingly flexible and skilled with music. Guess those years at music school didn’t go to waste after all…?

Of course, these aren’t all of the characters in the game. Here is a taste at more major characters who have a large impact on the game’s story.

A cowardly “conqueror” from a distant land. His armor might be strong, but he isn’t.

Tyra Nee:
A brave and ancient warrior who was trapped within ice, waiting to be thawed…

Mysterious Man?
Who is this man? Why is he here? What is he?

Let’s talk about a few features we intend to implement:

*A unique battle mechanic that lets the player choose how they want to play!
This mechanic is all about Greed!
In short, there are moves that can increase a Greed stat tied to your character. Have it be higher or lower, and you can unlock certain abilities and moves… but, your Greed can also determine the risk you play for in battle!

*You can plunder your enemies! This raises your Greed stat and might net you some valuable loot! Of course, with higher Greed comes more risk, so be wary!

*What would any game be without a good soundtrack? We’re working with talented musicians who are diligently working on music for the game! Included in this thread is one of our favorites.

At this moment, our team is beginning the process of programming and building the game. Here are some mockups of how we want the game to look. All assets used in these mockups are official assets made by our Art Team.

Well, looks like someone didn’t pay their rent!

It’s dingy, but at least there’s a place to eat, right?

We hope that this little taste of what’s to come has interested you. If you want, please check out our Twitter and Tumblr accounts! Future updates will be posted there as well as here!

Thanks for reading!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Mister Fabio

This looks fun.

sprite Punkkitt

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Oh my! All your characters look very lively! I’m keepin’ an eye on this.

sprite Fishbit

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The character sprites are very colorful and well-shaded! And the music is really great, too!
Love what I see here! Can’t wait to see more!

sprite JoeyBurge

This seems like a unique Mother fan game. I mean, I’ve never seen a fan game about Mother that’s set in a world of pirates. I’ll check it out!

sprite StageProps

  • Undertale Temmie Sees All

This looks and sounds awesome. I ran a pirates-themed FATE campaign with some of my friends awhile ago and it was a lot of fun. Pirate RPGs are the best. I’m looking forward to seeing more!

sprite Kululu

Update #1: Style AND Substance!

Hey, guys! First of all, let me thank everyone for their support so far! We’re glad to finally share the first details and seeing the warm response has REALLY motivated our team. Of course, we’re working really hard on a lot of really cool stuff, but it’s really cool secret stuff for now.

Here’s a taste of what’s been going on for the past week.

Isn’t he scary? Or, don’t you think he looks scary?

Regardless, today I wanted to talk more about how this project has changed throughout the months. In my mind, there’s no better way to show off the natural progression and evolution of this game than through the art! You might not know, but there have been MANY versions and variations of our character overworld sprites. Here’s a look at the evolution of some of the more updated ones.

Dee was the first character we ever sprited… Every time we would experiment with an artstyle change, she would be the first one we experimented with. Needless to say, she’s been through a lot of changes.

Fun Fact: Avast started out as a platformer, believe it or not. I’m not posting those old sprites though! Not yet, at least.

Jean-Pierre has also gone through some big changes…

Fun Fact: Jean-Pierre was originally supposed to be a member of the pirate crew Dee is a part of. This changed for a multitude of reasons.

Maximo has also gone through some changes, albeit smaller ones.

Fun Fact: While Maximo’s armor has gotten bigger, he’s still just as small inside.

Finally, here’s a stranger look at one of our most heavily edited sprites.

Fun Fact: He’s still a Mysterious Man, under all of that shadow…

In conclusion, Avast has been a project with a lot of history. When I started the project, I was but a novice at pixel art, but by developing the project more and more, I learned new techniques and tricks which I carried over to the sprites we had at the time. The evolution is very clear, and I think most of us would agree that the sprites currently being used are far better than the others that came before it!

Art is something that likes to evolve and change as time goes by, and I thought by showing you all these sprites, it might motivate some people who have always wanted to try art to jump in. My advice to those blooming artists out there is simple—never stop practicing. Never stop trying to better yourself. The more you work at it, the better you’ll become.

Bon voyage, and smooth sailing!


Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Small update today, it’s all about headsprites! Read more here:


Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Update #2: En Garde!

Hello once again! It’s been quite a while since we last had an update, huh? Well, that changes here!

Before I get into the meat of this particular update, I am happy to announce that the first complete story draft for Avast: Scourge of the Sea was completed recently. Of course, I really can’t say more, but, it’s a big announcement that deserves some recognition.

Also, I’ve included 2 new songs, courtesy of our Music Team!

Anyways, on with the show!

For the past few months, we’ve been internally discussing where we want to go with this project. One of the first things we discussed was the battle system and how to make it better. So, today, I’m pleased to share the fruits of our meticulous labor!

What’s changed?

  • (a lot)
  • Battles now have a new perspective! It’s indeed very evocative of the Mario & Luigi series, which is indeed intentional. The kinetic energy and expressive animation those battles possess were a perfect fit for our characters and the world we’re striving to create.
  • The battle backgrounds are no longer the minimalist backgrounds made popular by the Mother series. Battles will have unique and detailed backgrounds. This battle takes place in a bar, after a particularly drunken customer (the Coconut person is a placeholder!) is rather rude to Dee. You might notice Butterscotch Beard in the background, cheering Dee on from the sidelines as he teaches her the basics of battling. Speaking of…

The Basics of Battling:

  • Attacks have action commands, similar to games such as Paper Mario and LISA. As an attack becomes more powerful through leveling up, the attack’s action commands become more complex.
  • Defending and avoiding attacks is also possible by utilizing a similar process to the Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario series.

The Pendant:

The item you see in the bottom right of our battle mockup is The Pendant. Perhaps it’s familiar? Here’s a better look at it.

The Pendant gives off a strange energy that allows Dee and her party to use Special Attacks. However, The Pendant has a finite amount of GP, or Greed Power. You have to choose which Special Attack—and who uses it—wisely, because Greed Power doesn’t last forever.

But, of course, it can always be regained…


So, let’s say you’re out of GP, and you need some more fast. It’s easy… Just take it from someone else!

The Pendant has the ability to draw out the GP in anyone. By landing a Critical Hit on an opponent (the result of a well timed action command), a specific amount of GP will be restored. The amount is determined by how well timed the action command was.

That’s all for today! Hopefully we’ll have more to show of our streamlined battle system within the coming months, but for now, I hope you’re all satisfied with this latest morsel.

Bon voyage and smooth sailing!


Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Demon Claus

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That battle mechanic is sounding super neat. I always love RPGs that require a bit more thought in battle. This has a really nicely polished look and sound too. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next!

Andrew: Hahahaha! Screw you all they’re playing Elton John!

sprite Kululu

Update #3: It’s the Little Things…

Ahoy, ya scallywags, and happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Are ya ready for me’ latest bounty to share?

Alright, alright, I’ll cut the blabber. I couldn’t dare write this much in pirate speak, after all.

Today, we’re celebrating Talk Like a Pirate day (and also National Butterscotch Pudding Day, which was not known to us until earlier today) in style by providing you with a lot of juicy details about what we’ve been working on behind the scenes. I’m afraid I have no gameplay to show you guys yet, but we’re hopeful to get some fresh gameplay very soon, especially after recruiting the ever-talented MustardPlus to our team.

We’ve got a lot of stuff to cover, so let’s get started with our first update:

Font Factor:

For a while, we’ve been using a custom made font for dialogue. You’ve probably seen it in small ways through our UI and battle mockups. Here’s a refresher in case you’ve forgotten how it looked.

I mean, he’s old, but he shouldn’t be so insecure about it!

Of course, with all things overtime, improvements and overhauls are abound. So, I stayed up late a few nights and concocted the New Avast Font, which you can officially see for the first time here!

He’s like the older brother who also gets all As on his report card, but he leaves that part out.

Of course, these aren’t the only sprites that have been updated…

Overworld Overhaul:

This is probably one of my smallest updates today, but it’s still a very important one. We like to change how our sprites look every so often, as you’ve seen in a previous update. Well, we’ve taken our old overworld sprites and given them a slight makeover. Take a look at some of the more updated sprites:

This isn’t exactly the newest version, because there have been some slight color corrections, but this is as close as I’m willing to put the effort into getting right now.

The colors here are good though! …I think.

Alright, 3 more announcements to go!

Jamming Out:

You’ve heard some of our music being posted here over the last few months…

But, now, it has a new home!

You can head down to Our SoundCloud Account for some classic tunes!

It’s run by a new “character” called Jammer. He’s weird, but he knows a lot about music, and it seems like he’s got all of these tracks on hand, so give them a listen. I hear he’ll be adding some more songs over the week.


Acolyte of the Unknown:

You might remember a silhouette I posted a few months ago. Well, I suppose it’s time to meet the man behind the shadow.

Meet The Acolyte: An ominous dark harbinger of something unknown…

…anyways, there’s one more thing to share today, and that’s…


This has been something we’ve been working on under wraps for a while. I thought today would be a good time t share it publicly at last!

Wanna hang out with other fans? Maybe talk to some of the crew? Or, maybe you just want a cool place to hang out? Well, the OFFICIAL Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord is the place to be! Join it if you’d like!


Stay tuned next week for another update regarding the characters you’re familiar with, and maybe some new ones!

And with that, it’s finally time to say,

Bon voyage and smooth sailing!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite MustardPlus

everybody should buy avast
it’s gonna be good
buy avast

Solo RPG GameDev. Check out my stuff on twitter https://twitter.com/mustard_plus

sprite Fishbit

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If you buy Avast you get Ode to Caves free btw*

*don’t hold me to this

sprite Punkkitt

  • fanvatar3

I love the goofy high-seas pirate aesthetic and Mario-and-Luigi-lookin’ gameplay. Diggin’ it, keep it up dude!

sprite Kululu

Update #4: Character Characteristics

Hello again!

As promised, I’m back with another update.

This week, I’ll be showcasing some fun facts about the characters in Avast: Scourge of the Sea, including some you’ve seen before and one you haven’t! Let’s begin!

And, finally, the newest addition to the crew!

That’s all for today! See you next time.

Bon voyage and smooth sailing!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Stay tuned…

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord


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Ha, cool little teaser. I love the look of it!

sprite trevor_trev

Oh I’m tuned alright! I want to hear more about the plot!

“What a sad and beautiful world we live in” -random graffiti somewhere in Prague

sprite Kululu


See you again soon(ish).

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Soon(ish) is now! Enjoy this little morsel!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Update #5: Taking Inventory
Oh! Hi there! How long has it been?

Sorry for the long, long, long wait it’s been to get a proper update out… I think the last major one was in September of 2017! Time flies!

To cut a long story short, the last year and a half has been hectic for many of us on the team, which is one of the many scary dangers of developing a game from passion alone… Needless to say, we’re doing okay now… and now we’re moving full sail ahead on some exciting new developments…

I can’t talk about everything we’ve got planned today, but for now, I wanted to show you all a little bit of the bounty we’ve been preparing!

Footage?!? Of Our Game?!?
You may have seen this video here a few months ago. Here it is in case you haven’t.

No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you! As you can see from the video, the game is currently in a playable state! No more mockups here! Everything you see from this project from now on will be taken directly from in game.

Do note that many of the things in the video are placeholders and will be updated very soon—but for now, relish in the fact that we’ve made one more step towards actual completion!

So why don’t we take a look at some other things we’ve been working on? After all, I didn’t call this update “Taking Inventory” for no reason… Here’s another video!

No RPG is complete without an inventory… and we’ve been setting our sights on making ours as nice as we can! Items are displayed on the left with spiffy icons that make each one feel nice and unique. Each character shares the same inventory space, but we plan to make sure that the max inventory size is something that won’t get in the way.

(also, did you notice that dropdown menu? it’s almost like we have a real game shaping up here!)

We’re still working on extra details on the menu, like spiffing up sound effects and giving a little extra flair to the UI, but for the most part, this is a near final screen. We’re especially happy with the scrolling background…

You might recognize that Pendant… But what does that other symbol mean?

Anyway, that’s all I have for you all today. We need a little more time to get the more juicy stuff ready… How does 2 weeks from now sound?

Until then…

Bon voyage and smooth sailing!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu


I know I said we’d have an update today… But we need just a little more time to get things ready. Sorry for the slight delay!

We’ll have more to share next week!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Update 6: Shipshape

Ahoy, mateys! It’s me again! And of course, I have an update, as promised…

This week, we’ll be going over some of the things we’ve been doing recently to improve the look and feel of the game! I think you’ll be pleased to see what we have to share.

Moving A-head… A-gain!

If you’ve been with us for a while, you might remember these headsprites.

These old things were made a long time ago, and, as is usual in our team, we sought overtime to reiterate these headsprites to include more polished technique… And so I stayed up late for a few nights a while back and made these!

It’s always been important to me that these characters express themselves in as many ways as they can, and headsprites help to really push that expression in a lot of fun ways. I’ve had a lot of fun so far making all of the various expressions you see here. And there will be plenty more where that came from, of course!

More text, more fun!
You may have seen our text UI in the video we posted last time. We like the look of it, but we realized recently that… it’s a bit… constrained.

You see, writing text in an RPG format is a bit of a challenge, because lines have to fit the boundaries you set by your textbox, making every morsel of space you can get vital. It was becoming pretty clear that the space we had paired with size our font uses would lead to some very short and, frankly, not very interesting lines, so… We decided to make it wider! Here it is in action.

Hopefully, with this, we’ll have a lot more space to work with… And a lot more jokes to tell!

Saving Face
We all like to save our game… I mean, who would want to lose the coveted memory of a grand adventure… Luckily, we know just the… parrot?!

Introducing Parakeep!

Parakeep is a very intelligent little bird who loves to talk and keep records of whatever someone tells them… They also love to wear hats.

Whenever someone comes close, they try their hardest to get the person’s attention so they can have a conversation. People say that whatever you tell Parakeep, they can recite whenever they want… The question is, do they really know all this stuff, or is it just noises?

Jammer’s Back…
It’s Jam time! Enjoy a new song, courtesy of our music team!

Don’t Forget Our Socials!
Liking what you see? Well, we love posting new stuff whenever we have it… And here’s where you can find us!
Our Twitter is where we usually post smaller things between updates…
We’ve also made a NEW Tumblr (we’ve been having trouble with the old one) with a brand new, sleek look! This is where we will post the big updates from here on out!
If you want to meet some of the crew and have a good place to hang out, you can also visit our Discord server!
We’ll also be launching a website in the foreseeable future… Stay tuned for it!

That’s all for this time… But next time, we’ll have a lot more exciting stuff to share…

See you then, and as always…

Bon voyage and smooth sailing!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite Kululu

Revealed a few days ago at the MOTHER Forever Direct, here’s the first glimpse into the story of Avast: Scourge of the Sea!

Bon voyage and smooth sailing…
My Twitter Avast: Scourge of the Sea Fan Discord

sprite PSIPooStorm

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I’m freakin in love with this project!
Better than One Piece

I used to wonder what friendship could be

Until I took an arrow to the knee