Mr. Saturn sprite Ideas + Brainstorming (random thoughts go here)

Capn Muffin

Bad Enough Dude

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This topic is for all the random ideas and general imaginings you might have. Not necessarily the planning of a project, but a way to generate some creativeness or offer up a possible springboard for someone else. If you think you have a cool concept for a game, a neat feature, or an interesting character idea (etc) feel free to post them here and share them with everyone. Keep in mind that his is an OPEN brainstorm. Anyone may, at any time, grasp your idea and run with it--but that's the point... to get some creative juices flowing.

sprite Slashmire

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I'll start this by...disagreeing with you! Razz

Back in college, our games teacher said the exact opposite "We're going to do a brainstorm, and if you have that special idea, then you might as well mention it, because everyone won't like it. Everyone has a great idea, that they'll be the only one to understand and like, might as well share it among others and nothing will ever get stolen."

People covet their own ideas above others, in the same way that you would rather do your own idea than someone else.

So yeah, that's about it. Keeping it to yourself will only harm you.

Capn Muffin

Bad Enough Dude

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I see your point, and totally agree; I'm merely indicating that if you don't intend to mingle your ideas with others don't bother posting them. This isn't a pre-production topic, but rather pre-pre-production if you catch my drift. At any rate I'll try and reword it.


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Okay, I'll start.

I've had this faint idea in my head about a...

Big Mother 3 Spoilers