Mr. Saturn sprite Elite Beat Attorneys

sprite josh

  • eb0hack
  • starman
You know that game i've been working on, i've still been working on it. but i need some help. What should it be made in? I don't know flash. or how to program. i have ideas and sprites. but no flash programming knoweledge. (to make it worse i use LINUX!) or i could make it in Ren'py with the Py'game attachment. i know some python.

So, If you would like to help with this project please do post.

(Mods, I know this is a Prospective topic, but please let it stay. Its the fan game forum. Its just about as busy as Tomato's Place, and White Collar Combined. And i know how much everybody would like a PW Themed EBA Clone.)

Heres all my random ideas:
Easy: Butz, Detective Gumshoe, and Lotta
Meduim: Edgy, Wright, and Maya
Hard: Young Mia, Ema Skye, and Desiree Delite

sprite Slashmire

  • artistorm
  • starman
Like you just said, you don't seem to be able to do anything (in manners of speaking.) As far as ideas go, everyone got ideas, developing the idea is something else. So if you fancy yourself doing art, then learn to do art. If you wish to program, then learn a programming language (or start with easier apps). If you feel like doing both, then learn to do both. But if you can't do either, then it's simply going to stay one idea in an infinite pool of random ideas.

Unless you have some sort of third (fourth) plan that you wish to carry that I haven't figured out yet.

sprite josh

  • eb0hack
  • starman
I can art.

  • artistorm
  • Fanart of the Week
  • whitesesame
  • artspot
  • SMCon 2011
  • The Sparkles
  • HockeyMonkey Appeasement Decay
  • 2020 HFDQ Helper
Hey, you know that house I've been building? I'm still building it, but I need some help. Where should I build it?
Rumors of my death are, in fact, completely accurate.

sprite Dark Kow

    West Xylophone.

    sprite Stonecycle

      Speaking of Flash, Why not wait to hire me till you see SATURN VALLEY (Coming Soon)