Mr. Saturn sprite Does this count as "plagarism"?


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OK, I found this cool thing that was this game maker file of this guy running through a 3D forest that was for tutorial purposes, and I edited it to make it flying, changed everything, added Mr. Saturns and clouds. I also added music and, well, even though I know it's hardly MY game (I never wrote the script and, basically, the whole basic game engine), I was wondering if I could upload my version or if that is not allowed. I'm not taking credit for it, and I don't even know who did it...
In another time, In another world…
Another knight enters the Tower of Druaga

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Well as long as you don't take credit for what isn't yours.

Plus you say it was out there just for tutorial purposes, so you're alright. You can just say "Hey, this is a tutorial that someone made of so-and-so I tweaked."

DANCE! Ranger


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Yeah, as long as you don't say "yo i made this all by myself it's all mine" it's ok.
Plagiarism is taking someone else's work and calling it your own.
President of the Loids are not Christmas Fanclub
Also BIFFS woo
also also BIFFGAME SatRoO!


Let's get freaking DANGEROUS.

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OK, good. I was just checking. Now I just need to find a place to upload it...
In another time, In another world…
Another knight enters the Tower of Druaga

sprite hyruleboy

    Sounds funny.
    This is the end of my time here, I bid any man or woman who is not against me farewell, that we may meet again in better times. Steam shall be where I may be met by these people.

    sprite SenorLopez


    • patrick
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    DoseiSan wrote on Sun, 16 September 2007 00:11
    OK, I found this cool thing that was this game maker file of this guy running through a 3D forest that was for tutorial purposes, and I edited it to make it flying, changed everything, added Mr. Saturns and clouds. I also added music and, well, even though I know it's hardly MY game (I never wrote the script and, basically, the whole basic game engine), I was wondering if I could upload my version or if that is not allowed. I'm not taking credit for it, and I don't even know who did it...

    Well actually, I'm not sure if you even have to take credit. Are you using the program GameMaker? I remember seeing something in a GameMaker manual somewhere that you do not have to give credit to them for any sprites, background, etc.

    So I guess you could give credit to be on the safe side, but I'm fairly certain that you don't have to if it's GameMaker.
    and i’m frozen with joy right where i stand