Mr. Saturn sprite Someplace Else (Earthbound-style RPG)

sprite Banov

    Hey peoples.

    I'm making an RPG with Earthbound-y sprites and style. I'm going to pitch it to you with a copy and paste from a separate forum.


    You can download it here:
    Download the RPG Here!

    If that Fileisze is too big, here is an alternate link with a download size of 7,786 KB (7.6 MB).
    It has no included sound files, which is why it is so much smaller, but some errors will therefore appear. You can just ignore them.

    Left click on new game to start at the very beginning as usual. Or, if you're in a rush and only want to play for a little bit, try right clicking on new game. You'll start at level 5 and with some progress in the game, so you can explore more freely and just test the battles or something.

    Title: Someplace Else
    Genre/Category: RPG
    Download Size: 16,479KB
    Game File-Type: Stand-Alone Executable
    Resolution: No Change, fullscreen
    Current Version: v.4
    Written In: Game Maker version 6 Registered, Recently Moved to gm7 Pro


    Since last time, I....
    ~Made minor graphical changes
    ~Changed the beginning a lot, to include an early partner and changed plot.
    ~Recoded the Inventory
    ~Recoded the Emblems
    ~Largely redid the battle system, which can now house up to 4 party members against 4 enemies at a time, as well as changing the way things worked like items, damage calculation and status afflictions
    ~Recoded the EXP/Level up/Stat system. Everything is now run by formulas, so you can now reach any conceivable level in the game.

    The general list of features would be:
    ~Working classic-style battle system
    ~Full equipment system in the form of 'emblems' and inventory system
    ~Variety of enemies and environments including three villages/towns/cities and an incomplete fourth village
    ~Cutscenes and bosses.
    ~Day/Night System
    ~Etc, etc


    Screen 2
    Screen 3
    Screen 4
    Screen 5
    Screen 6
    Screen 7

    Old Battle Screens:
    Screen 8
    Screen 9
    Screen 10

    4-15-07 Update: First Dungeon Terrain (Click Here)
    This is a little test room I made to try out different terrain tiles I was making for use in the first dungeon, which I'm in the process of building.

    Known Bugs:
    ~Strange looping door noise in some places?

    The effects, battle system, and animations were spot on

    that was awesome. All over again.

    ...this one of the few Game Maker games I could actually sit down and enjoy

    its a pretty funny game in a few ways...

    Nice Job on this!!

    Etc, etc.

    In Conclusion
    I would like to challenge anybody to play the game from the very beginning until you reach the fourth village, in which you'll get some congratulatory messages from me letting you know that there's no more plot to uncover. During the course of these final messages, I will tell yu your completion playtime. If anybody plays the demo from start to finish and gets their final playtime, I'd like to know what it is!


    I'm always working on it and making it better. I'd appreciate some playage! Surprised