Mr. Saturn sprite RPCG-Earthbound CCG

Cannot Think!

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I decided to take a shot at making some sort of EB based CCG. So, after much thought, I started throwing together a variety of ideas for RPCG as a system to base the game off of. This is all I have so far thanks to school now using up my time. If anything makes no sense or an idea for what is needed, feel free to tell me.
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What it is: A token and dice heavy game to simulate a typical consol RPG, but with cards. This is mostly for fun on my part, and whoever plays it in the offshoot chance that it gets finished. And yes, I do plan on using Mother (and EB counterparts) 1,2, and likely 3 (I’m not going to spoiler myself any more than I have.) as the first possible set of cards since it is the RPG I am most familiar with.

Victory: Control all eight arbitrary points of power.

Card types:
Character-A member of your party. These cards are a major, if not an essential, part of the game. Each one has various stats, effects, and basic actions that can be used as well are able to use items, perform an action card, level up, partake in an event, as well as battle against opposing parties. The stats and recruitment of characters will be explained later.

Event-These are things that happen. Any party may be involved in and compete to fulfill the requirements for an event. If requirements are met, the party that met them is rewarded (or perhaps hindered) with an effect such as a new item, experience points, status changes, card management for the player him/herself or the obtainment of power points.

Action-What a character can do. Each character will generally have a couple actions that can be performed without an action card, but these allow for different, often more specialized, actions can be done. Actions can vary greatly from attacks to information gathering to card manipulation to nearly anything the imagination can think up.

Level up-permanent stat boosts for a character. Each one gives an advantage to various stats in order for a character to have greater success with events, actions, items, etc.

Item-A tangible object held by a character. Some are of one time use, others stay around a bit longer.

*unnamed*-These add a bit more substance to the points of power. These give the points awesome effects that can turn the tide to who ever controls that point. But that is for who controls them.

Status-Reminders of what status changes are affecting a character. Unlike any other card, these are not used in a deck. They exist for quick reference so the players don’t have to worry about remembering exactly what effect is applied to which character.

Game Structure/rules/mechanics:
At the beginning of a game each player selects a character from their deck, all are revealed and put into play. Every character receives a number of experience points equal to the difference between the printed value on that character and the character with the highest EXP value. Play order starts with the player with the character with the lowest printed EXP value and ends with the highest, the entire game follows this order until disrupted.
When it is their turn to play, a player may play up to one card from their hand. Once a card is played successfully, the owner draws a card. If a card is unable to be played, it is returned to the owner’s hand.
During a battle, the opposing parties take turns playing a single action for each character in their party. Once they all are played, the fastest character has its action applied first then the rest of characters in descending order of their speed value. Then any party not in battle may play a card.
Each player have only one party. Each party has two rows (one in front and one in back) consisting of 4 spots in each row for a single character. Each spot includes a space for the character and a space for the character’s item inventory. Level up, status cards and equipped items are placed beneath the character with the name of the card and right edge showing (status modifiers are on the right side of the card, just like the stats of the characters will be)
Active events are set in some area that does not interfere with the deck, discard pile, power points, or other in play cards. Events stay in play until their requirements are fulfilled or an effect states it ends. Events generally will require them to be in play a little while before the reward is given (as to give other players a chance to fulfill the requirements. There probably will be a rule stating exactly when this happens, eventually.)
*unnamed* cards are placed beneath a counter representing a power point. You may only play these on points you control. Power points begin the game set aside with no owner. At the beginning of a battle, each party involved selects a point either owned by a party involved in the battle or owned by no player. If a player chooses an unowned point and the other chooses one owned by a player, that unowned point goes to the victor, otherwise the victor gains control of the one that he/she has selected.
Any experience points earned are placed directly on the character that owned them (represented by dice or tokens). A Level Up can only be played if the character has at least as many experience points as its EXP, remove as many experience points as its EXP then attach the Level Up to that character. After a battle, a party gains a number of experience points as the number of Level Ups attached to, as well as, the characters knocked unconscious during that battle in the defeated party. Points are distributed among the any conscious party members as evenly as possible.
A character is recruited by removing a number of experience points form the party as the EXP of the character being recruited.
Once a character becomes unconscious, it is turned sideways to signify that and cannot perform any actions or be affected by any action.
At any point during the game, a player may shuffle the entire contents of his/her discard pile and place them at the bottom of his/her deck.


Speed-Who does their actions first, how fast you can run and dodge.
Power-The ability to deal damage.
Defense-The ability to avoid taking damage when hit.

HP-How much damage can be taken before becoming unconscious.
M/PP-Metaphysical energies used to do awesome stuff.
EXP-The number of experience points necessary to reach the next level and can also be treated as the universal currency for other cards.
Slowly working on this, still. The rules are mostly done, I think, though I will probably be adding in some examples in the form of pictures and diagrams to make a few things more clear. Any questions, comments, concerns, 'it's just rip off of ________!'s are welcome. I plan on responding and keeping this atleast somewhat alive as much as possible, even after school eats up my days (one more day 'till...)

Right now, I'm thinking of totally scrapping the Action cards in favor of allowing the Level Ups to give characters new actions. Items, too will likely have an action attached to them. Status's may have the same if they become that complex, but is unlikely. Thoughts?

Also, I need to think up a name for the *unnamed* type of card.

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And for some cards.


Wait Three Minutes | Event
The next time your party is in a battle, all characters in your do nothing for three turns and survive at the end of that third turn: End the battle, choose an unowned power point and gain control of it, then select a *unnamed* from your deck and attach it to that power point.

Remove this card when the requirement is fulfilled or you perform an action.
Cold | Status
Whenever the afflicted character performs an action, flip a coin. If tails deal one damage to afflicted character.

Poison | Status
Whenever the afflicted character performs an action, roll a six sided dice. Deal that much damage to afflicted character.

PSI Shield β | Status
Whenever the afflicted character is affected by an action that requires PP, you may have any effect that would affect this character allocated to the character that used the action instead.
All of these will gain necessary tweeks.

I should have some of the other types of cards created soon after I can translate them into something meaningful to this game.
Hello, welcome to the end of my post. You will soon be entering a newer, more relevant one.

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